Huna Vistas Bulletin #88

HV78-headerMarch-April, 1969

New Groups & The Taped Lectures


THE NEWS IS GOOD on all the Huna fronts. The seventh reel of taped lectures was sent out to some 80 classes, groups and individuals, here and abroad, in February, and covered the use of self-suggestion, also closed the initial series of lectures as a unit. (One of our long time HRAs writes that this tape is one he wishes to play to himself, a side every day, to help him catch the swing of the use of self-suggestion and the Coué version, of “Every day in every way, I am growing better and better.”) What further tapes will be made up and sent out, remains to be seen as I have called for suggestions and need now to have reports from the new groups to let me know what they are doing and what might be of help. Of one thing we are already certain, and this is that Huna has been introduced to many people who are more prone to listen to a lecture than to getting and reading books. What we still do not know is whether from the listeners we can form the desired permanent groups with a HEALING CIRCLE which puts to use all that we know of the Huna methods – and this includes practically everything that has been worked out in recent years in Psychology and Religion.

CITIES ARE HARD TO ORGANIZE from the point of view of tape classes, and the best bet seems to be to interest groups which are already organized but which may be open to giving Huna a hearing. Smaller centers seem best, perhaps because prospective members are not scattered and so very far apart. However, there is the prospect of a warm reception of Huna from a NEW YORK group.

Mrs. Jack Becker, HRA, FHF , (323 W. Pine, Long Beach, N.Y. 11561, if you live in New York and want to get in on the work), has me on my toes here waiting for the next and next installment of a series of contacts and efforts to get a group started on Huna in New York City. She is making new friends and getting help from them in the work of interesting groups such as the American Society for Psychical Research and the Society of Hypnotists. (About 150 licensed professionals) Another group which she does not name is being worked over, and as I begin work on this bulletin, she writes that she is sure she is going to be able to establish a center there for the kind of Huna work which we envision. She even asked me to run the Tarot cards to see what they might say of the prospects. I ran the cards and the first draw turned up the Magician – card of a brand new beginning. With it came the Knight of Cups, bearing a friendly offer; the Nine of Cups, which shows the teacher at work instructing in something; then TEMPERANCE, the card of very high guidance and of “graduation”  which may be a matter which will call for much attention in a future study of Huna. From the fall of the cards I predict success for the venture. I have suggested that the American Society for Psychical Research group might be interested in research work in the field of Psychometric Analysis readings and its use as a very practical form of psychometry. Through another of the energetic HRAs we have a contact already established with the president of this Society. With the scarcity of physical mediums who can produce apports and get materializations for the Society to observe and study, it is very possible that we may get an interest awakened in P.A. ESP rightfully belongs in the list of things into which probes should be projected, but the cards and dice have been worked so long and the results so well certified, that they are rather lacking in prime interest. In passing, let me call attention to the long list of paperback books which grows day by day as publishers and the public open to books on psychic matters. Hard cover books also come right along, and it is no longer a disgrace to admit an interest in reincarnation, ghosts, UFOs and even Huna. Two of my friends of the HRA have written to suggest that my books be brought out in paperback, but I have had to report that they are not “popular” in treatment, and deal too openly with accepted Religion to go into the news stands. To get them into the paperback form would require a new version of each book, or a completely different approach to the subject. If this is an Intention, on the part of the Aumakuas of the Great Company, from whence our Guidance seems to be coming, we shall have paperbacks in due time. Meanwhile, we are not doing too badly with what we have in hand in the way of not-too-expensive books and the taped lectures. (I may be doing a lecture on Huna on tape to be played before the Hypnotists group in New York. before long.)

A ROUND ROBIN TYPE OF TAPE LETTER is being planned by HRA Marge Wein, of 20 Erskin Dr., Venice, Fla., U.S.A. 33595. Those of you who are new to Huna are especially invited. Huna will be the topic of discussion. I do not know just how such a project is handled, but suppose the tape is sent around with questions asked and comments and answers added. Mrs. Wein has good recorder equipment and has dubbed off all my lecture reels in 5 inch running at 3-3/4 speed and in cassettes, if I understand correctly, and there may be tape letters in each style of tape. The ideal letter would be one on a 7 inch reel playing and recording at the slow speed of 1-7/8 IPS. Such a reel would carry three hours of talk and, when filled, would be quite a document. I wish I had time to join in this fun, but I am everlastingly pressed for spare minutes these days… which reminds me to thank those of you who are tempted to write me long letters or send me taped letters, the latter taking even more time to play and hear than letters do to read and answer with a few lines. I have several long letters on my desk still read only as far as the first few paragraphs. Some of my friends do not realize how busy I am, and a few, despite my telling them, have no mercy. If you are tempted to write a very long letter, be sure to put anything important right at the start, for I may never get farther than that in the reading. Having started the tape lectures going, I have really gotten myself into a corner in so far as time is concerned. Another item, while I think of tapes: If you get a reel of taped lectures from me which is defective in some way, please be sure to mark it and tell me when you send it back, for otherwise it may go out at once to some waiting friend and the defect endured in repeat. I dub three copies at once on my recorders, and do not play the dubs to check. That would take too long. I have to work fast and take the chance of imperfections.

I STAND CORRECTED. William F. Boone, FHF and HRA, was mentioned in the last H.V. as a hypnotist. He is anxious to correct me on this, and writes, “I noted my name in the Huna Vistas and had people tell me about it before I received my copy. One Parapsychology devotee was disturbed at the mention of my being a hypnotist. In the true sense of the word I am not a hypnotist as I do not use trance states on anyone at any time to dispossess them of obsessing entities or rid them of blocks. I only enter into a very light trance state myself for removing the obsessing entities and to get the circumstances surrounding the blocks. I think it is also possible to do this work by mail as well. It would be accomplished in this way: you could tell those of the HRA who desire to have their blocks removed or their ‘eating companions’, to send me their signatures written in ink. This is all I need to enable me to reach them and work through their Aumakuas and their ‘George’ (Aunihipili) for more effective prayer. The signature can also be used by me to run a P.A. reading of the person’s Aunihipili and ascertain the years in which the situations occurred which produced the outlaw memory. From the data I send back, the person can clear himself by contacting his Aunihipili and establishing communication. If the situation and the year named are not correct, the Aunihipili will say so. However, if right, a ‘yes’ answer will be given (by the pendulum?), and then the outlaw memory with the experience giving rise to it can be rationalized until the Aunihipili agrees to reclassify it and to place it in the proper relationship with other memories. Sometimes it is necessary to persist in the rationalization until a ‘yes’ answer is obtained.

“Perhaps there are persons in the various groups with the proper psychometric ability and Aunihipili training to do this work also. If so, I will be glad to give them my methods or do what I can to work with them …….

“We are gradually getting a group started. (HRA Boone even ran ads in the papers in his effort to contact likely class members.) There were 10 people at the last meeting. With four cleared of their eating companions and blocks, we will take up the practice of using the Huna breathing method and accumulating of mana, also forming thought clusters. One man had nine obsessions and twelve Aunihipili blocks. I am now in the process of removing them. The Isabel Hickey tape was played last night to the group and was enthusiastically received. It is a great help in interesting those who are really desirous of serving as sincere Huna Fellows. Your latest tape was also well received when played. (Reel No. 6.)”

I COMMENT: I am delighted with the work which is reported, but most surprised to hear that one man had so many obsessing spirits bothering him. How I do wish time allowed me to get down to visit HRA Boone and his group. His method may be the answer to one of the most difficult problems in our work – that of getting rid of eating companions and fixations. Praise and congratulations. (Address: Wm. F. Boone, 8413 1/2, Lemon Ave., La Mesa, CA, 92041)

THE NEW GROUP AT SAN JOSE, CALIF., is getting organized and on the way rapidly. I had a letter with a message inviting those of you living in that district to join in, but, (shame on poor Cigbo, who takes the blame for things for me) I can’t for the life of me find the letter. However, if you are interested, drop a line to Mrs. William W. West, 4419 Gertrude Dr., Freemont, Calif., 94536, and she will get in touch with you . This promises to be one of the largest groups soon, and in it I look to see the whole bag of kahuna tricks brought into play as the serious work of healing gets started. The ideal healing circle would be one in which prayer was used, mana accumulated and used in the mesmeric and hypnotic or suggestion form, and perhaps a medium be at hand to see and talk to eating companion spirits who were to be exorcised.

THE TAPE CLASS AT LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, U.S.A. is reported going through the usual “shake down” stage which I find experienced by all groups. The introductory tape arouses high expectations, and then, as was reported in one case, the people stopped attending “when they found out that they had to DO something.” Elmer George Martin, HRA, FHF, who heads the group and reports to me its progress, writes, “We have dwindled to 7 or 8 members, but may be able to build up again. Will you please send us your books, Growing Into Light and Self-Suggestion from the Book Fund. I will lend them around and see if that will help. The healing tapes are very good and we enjoyed them.”

A class leader who visited me briefly a few days ago said we should have a tape to set the new classes right in the matter of expecting (after hearing the introductory lecture) some of the things that may be called “popularized” occultism. They have read some of the many paperback books on things psychic, seen ads in the magazines, and are all expectant – hoping for fortune telling, Spiritualistic seances with table tipping, Ouija Board fun and perhaps some neat little “spells” or magic to help get something for nothing. They need to be warned off of the temptation to use the pendulum to get the poor and irrational Aunihipili to predict the future, which it is no more able to do than we of the Auhane. The problem of making up such a warning tape involves first explaining what these activities are before saying that they should be let alone, and the tape space would be gone before a start had been made on the warning.

WHAT TO DO ABOUT HOSTILE PARENTS is a problem still to be solved. One group ran into trouble when some young people were invited to join the class and their parents, who, apparently, were set in their ideas on religion and such things, objected strenuously to having their sons and daughters exposed to whatever it was that threatened. If one could get the parents to listen to the tapes and learn what was intended, that would help, but they will have none of the tapes. They are “sot in their ways” and that seems to be that. Scientology has been “disconnecting” its advanced students from all attachments to things and people – including parents, relatives and even the spouse. The results have been such that a storm of protest has risen and the authorities have refused to let them carry on in England and a few other places. We certainly do not want to be accused of driving a wedge between parents and their children. Perhaps it will be better to wait until the children are out of high school and college and can make up their own minds more freely about what they wish to investigate in the part of the field where Huna resides.


May we ask a question concerning our much loved pet cat, who, after 16 years with us, died last year. We saw and heard him in the home and garden until about two months ago, and then no more. Can you explain this? Could spirit forms be injured? Or could he be detained by the guardian angel who takes care of animals? We have been very much concerned about this change. The little fellow found his way to us the first night after his death, although he was in a hospital seven miles from here. It gave us great pleasure to see him young and happy again.” (Signed by two dear friends of the HRA who have been with us a long time.)

I replied that it seemed quite probable that the animals reincarnate with shorter rest periods than humans, and that their kitty may have found a new body by now. I doubt very much that a kind Providence would let the pet suffer in spirit.

A NEW IDEA FOR THE TAPES has come along as part of the mail in the day since the last page of this H.V. was written. I begin to realize that, in addition to the tapes as they now are intended to get a healing group of new Huna Fellows to work, are not fitted to use in already established groups such as Theosophical Lodges, Metaphysical Groups which have their own teacher or leader and their own set of beliefs, or even groups such as the Hypnotist Society in New York. There are also Parapsychology and Psychical Research groups already with their own programs and pet ideas, and to step into  these with tapes, inviting their members to join us as Huna Fellows, and start work in a healing circle well, I realize that I have asked too much.

WHAT NOW APPEARS TO BE NEEDED is a less brash approach and no open and acknowledged attempt to take away members and perhaps remove them from the groups in which they were found. We need taped lectures of an impersonal nature, educational lectures, which will not go against the grain with the group sitting down to listen. If we ask the listeners to do nothing and accept nothing that is said in the lecture, then there should. be a chance to get a hearing for Huna.

IT SHOULD BE FAIRLY EASY to make a sympathetic approach, say to the beliefs of the Theosophists, and get on with simple comparisons of beliefs and materials upon which they are based. Comparative Religion would be a good name for the deal, and by being careful to keep from stepping on toes or blundering in “where angels fear to tread”, we may be able to spread the knowledge of Huna, AND that is the main thing next to the fond hope of making actual converts and setting up our healing circles or study and discussion groups under our own Huna Fellowship banner.

Such an impersonal approach would relieve the leaders of going groups from the embarrassing necessity of themselves becoming converts or openly rejecting the proposals I have made in the tapes when inviting listeners to join us. If, of course, a number of the listeners in organized groups became interested enough to wish to inquire into Huna and even ask what we are doing, that would not be so objectionable to the group leaders.

Groups are frequently hunting for speakers or projects to keep members interested and attending meetings, and if we were not too blatant in our tape efforts to introduce Huna and show how much better it is than anything else, all might go well and the tapes be even popular.

In addition to the more modest approach to established groups, the tapes might become far more tolerable in college psychology classes, even some of the more liberal churches, (although by the farthest stretch of my imagination, I cannot see the Jehovah’s Witnesses sitting down to listen to a tape).

Of course, the field is wide open when it comes to fishing for individuals with the envisioned type of tape. I get letters constantly from people who have no one of like mind near them with whom they can discuss Huna, and we might be able to find these by a little good advertising, renting the tapes and exchanging them as some of the popular lecturers already do.

In the HRA we have members who may be considered experts in various other systems while well informed on Huna. Perhaps these could help get the material together for such comparative lectures, even write the lectures and talk them onto master tapes against the dubbing. I am well aware of my own none to good lecturing, and realize that a tape is harder to listen to (and remain awake) than the same lecture if given “live”. With the tapes there is also the technical difficulty of not being able to raise or lower the voice very much for emphasis. I tried to vary my lecturing and found at once that the loud parts “clacked” or produced a squeal, while a low voice got lost. Incidentally, the inspiration that comes to a speaker when facing an enthusiastic audience is quite a help, but I have yet to get a recorder to clap for me at appropriate times. “Voice” fidelity in reproduction is also sometimes a problem, but I do fairly well, as proven by the remark of a little girl of the Portland Garden Home Group, Oregon, who had heard my tapes and who also listened on the telephone when I was called long distance for a chat on a meeting night. She said wonderingly, “Why he sounds on the telephone just like he does on the tape lectures!”

“DEAR MAX:” writes HRA W.G. from Alabama, “I see in the papers that you have had the worst rains in California in years. Shouldn’t your Tarot Cards have made a prediction of that to warn you?”

I reply: I am sure I would have had a “bad” card turn up if I had anticipated such a danger in the weather and has ask a yes/no type of question as to rain disasters. In the deck there are no particular cards for rains, floods, quakes, fires and all the multitude of things which might happen, so much depends on the forethought of the reader – perhaps on his or her intuition which might prompt the asking of a question to cover a certain possibility.

We must not forget that predicting the future with the cards is still a very uncertain matter, and must be looked upon as more or less of a game. In the game of running the cards we do well to view with interest what the cards seem to predict, then watch interestedly to see how close they come to what does or does not happen.

Far and beyond any parlor game value, the Tarot Cards really come into their own when it comes to their symbology and the hidden meanings when viewed singly or one following another in some sequence. The symbols make an ideal tool to be used in MEDITATION. They will start a train of thought going and as from the inner parts of oneself will well up thoughts and images to push the train forward. Old memories are often fished out of the deep of memory and can be considered in the quiet rationality of the period and given their verity and correct values.

Long use of the Tarots in this manner will often build a surprising new set of concepts built on the levels of all three selves. Old concepts may be called to mind and held while a Tarot Major is selected at random and then used as a starting point for meditation. In this way the old concepts are subjected to a very healthy working over and cleaning up. Most of us have old ideas from earlier days which need to be brought up, aired out and modernized. Often the old recollections have an emotional quality when brought up for airing, and when this is noted, the Aunihipili (being the maker of emotions) is sure to be involved and, just as surely, there is the danger of the old concept being slightly fixed or unreasoned. There we soap and scrub hard, and wash and wring and hang out clean to dry. Usually one is not aware of these half baked concepts until they crop up as if by themselves with the meditation on some card happening to touch the aka thread connected with them in the memory store. You might say, “One thing leads to another”, and have the idea in a nut shell.

The history and origin of the Tarots remains obscure. Every bright boy or girl who gets the brilliant idea of assembling borrowings from various beliefs and making them into a “course” to peddle to the unsuspecting, will, at some time or other, drag in the Tarot by the ears, and make a big claim of having the one and only set of true secrets hidden in them. Mixing bogus ideas supposedly hidden in the Tarots with supposed Hermetic and Rosecross traditions, the “course” grows.

WHAT I PREFER TO CALL LEGITIMATE TAROT, however, is to be found outside the “course” circles. Serious students continue to be fascinated by the old symbols and to find uses for the cards on which they are drawn in a variety of ways. In FATE magazine for April, 1969, Brad Steiger has an excellent article on the work of a young psychic by the name of Ron Warmoth. He lays out the cards for readings of the past, present and future of his clients, all in the accepted manner but gets from them things which the symbols alone would not indicate. He seems to use the cards as sparking points in some way for his native intuitions or what the French call “clear seeing”. The predictions which he makes would call for a stack of different meanings for each card, if the psychic element were discounted. Mr. Warmoth says that he has worked out many meanings for the cards, and that, as they are not to be found in books, he plans to do a book of his own. The importance of his work to us is mainly in that it shows what good work the cards and their symbols, sequences, etc. can do in sparking off the intuitional power of the reader. It is almost too much to assert that the Aunihipili makes the cards fall in an exact way to tell what it has already learned about the client of the reader. And, unless the Aunihipili of the psychic is getting some help from the Aumakua to be able to tell the Auhane what is to happen in the future, we have just run “fresh out” of explanatory theories.

NOR HAS THE TAROT CEASED TO EVOLVE. In these days there are more and more students of the Tarots who are using them for leaping off  points for inspiration as well as meditation. Even the spirit friends on the other side have come to join in the studies and to discuss with the living the speculative side of meanings. Two such living students are our own HRA John Cooke and his friend and fellow worker, Rosalind Sharpe. I do not know just how it came about, but the impressions came through for a revision of the Major symbols as we have known them in this century, and when revised, a slightly different and augmented series of meanings were developed. John took brush in hand and painted in most pleasing color the new version of the Tarot majors. These were done in about 8×11 inch size, and were later reproduced as a set in full size and color –  a very beautiful and rather amazing set, and of a fine large size for use by the student who wishes to stand one up before him for meditation purposes. (I hope later to be able to find out where this set can be obtained and at what price. John made me a present of a set, and it is one of my treasures.)

A FINE PAPERBACK BOOK was next on the program, and I have before me a review copy. It is titled THE NEW TAROT and has been written by John and Rosalind as a team. Fine reproductions in reduced size and in black and white, show all of the Trumps Major. (No minors have as yet been worked out, so far as I am able to learn.) With the repros of the new Tarot major designs is given a fine description of what is seen in the picture and the symbolic meaning attached to the various parts or items. For example, in the NEW TAROT, the old card of THE HERMIT, which showed an old man holding a light and searching for something or someone, is replaced by a slightly similar old man who is blindfolded and stripped of everything, even his clothing, but who seeks. This is THE SEEKER, and a wealth of picture material has been added to carry the symbology into a wider, deeper and higher significance. In the background, a mountain spouts smoke and fire, and from the foreground winds the “old, old PATH” familiar as a prime symbol of progression to all occult students. The description of the new design begins, “The Seeker is that in every man which causes him to seek  – and sense –  the light. Blazing on the mountain top, the Shiva fire of the One light shines like a mighty jewel. This is the crown chakra of the Citadel; the mountain is the Tree, the former tower or pyramid. The mountain is the Self upon which the One jewel blazes. The fire on the mountain top is also the Way Shower whose eyes irradiate the earth with beams that are like searchlights. For the jewel blazes and can be seen by everyone. And it is day.

“But the Seeker is blind folded.

“He has purposefully bandaged his eyes from the light. This is because it is so bright that it is blinding. But it is also because if he relied on his vision and thinking alone he might be diverted from the true goal by the golden clouds that encircle the mountain top which might be compared to the false light …………

“For another meaning of this Book is that the Seeker is not diverted by externals, not even by the light itself. His ten fingers need not touch the light. He is feeling, knowing, acting intuitively from within. He knows the light is there. He is going toward it. It is not an external as it would be if he were looking at it with his eyes.

“The Seeker is far from the mountain top, yet, having found himself in the unassailable stronghold of the Citadel, Completed Man, he is, in a sense, already there.

“The meaning of the Book of the Seeker is Right Direction.

“The Seeker is related to the past, the Hermit, in that he is balding and white-bearded. The weight of the ages and of man’s entire past history is contained in him. Yet does he stand nakedly before the light, not shrinking from the path he must climb nor the water he must enter before he can actually climb the winding path up the mountain.

“The water is baptism, and it is that which dissolves form and structures. That is why he must go through it in order to penetrate the final veil.

“Symbolically he is to be born again of water and of fire.

“And perhaps he already senses the cup of fire he must drink at the mountaintop, and the Renewer, Death, which lies beyond – for through these gates he will be re-born, and step forth as a baby.

“On another path leading away from the Seeker, is a comely woman bearing riches. Beyond her are flowers and a book; before her is the city at a distance. The objects symbolize the things she craves of life which she hopes to fulfill in the city. The city is her goal. It is the fulfillment of tangible goals, or the desire to attain happiness through earthly things and conditions. This represents the wrong direction. The Seeker, the old man who, as the Hermit, spent centuries wandering alone in the darkness, guided only by his lantern, knows that this direction leads to naught since it leads not to the light or the One which is on the mountain top, and which alone is real and enduring. There alone is found the immortal elixir ………”

This brief excerpt will give the flavor of the work. It is Mysticism at its best for it offers points for the leaping off of mind and emotions. It will appeal to the student who loves his Kabala and its “Tree” as well as to the one versed in Theosophy and the lore of ancient India. The presentation does not start from a basic beginning and build and offer a completed system. It relies on the background knowledge and beliefs of the reader and strives to make of them material from which to kindle an inner glow AND, it does this very nicely and satisfactorily.

PLEASE NOTE that I have found by now where the large Tarot paintings in full color may be obtained, but the price is not given. Write to East Totem West, 159 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley, California, U.S.A. 94941 for price information. The book, THE NEW TAROT, is priced at $1.95, to which should be added 15¢ for postage and 5% sales tax if you live in California. Include a readied envelope with your book order so that information on the large color prints can be sent easily.

THE GREAT TAX SCANDAL, by our Dr. Martin Larson has been printed in condensed form by READERS DIGEST magazine, which has a very large circulation. (This most needed book was reviewed in the last issue of Huna Vistas.) The press, careful not to step on exposed tax toes, is carrying the news of the impact of the book by telling what this or that legislator had to say about “tax reforms”. A delightful smell has been raised by the big tax free Foundations which were called on the carpet recently by a Congressional investigation committee. Washington would sweep the scandal under its rug as usual, were it not that Dr. Larsen’s findings are getting so well known that voters are beginning to demand that something be done. Now is a good time for U.S. citizens to write to their representatives in Congress, mentioning the book, and demanding that action be taken to correct what has become a most disgraceful and dangerous situation.

TO RETURN TO THE TAROTS before we get too far past them, I want to pass on some information concerning the traditional origin of the cards. I have before me Volume III of the fine translation of a mass of early Hermetic literature. The three books are from the pen of G.R.S. Mead, and the publisher is John M. Watkins, the title being THRICE GREATEST HERMES. (The subtitle reads, “Studies in Hellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis, being a Translation of the Extant Sermons and Fragments of the Trismegistic Literature, with Prolegomena, Commentaries and Notes.) (The published price was 3 pounds, 3 shillings a few years ago.) (Ask Stewart & Watkins, 17 Cecil Ct., Charing Cross Rd. London.)

In the section chaptered “The Virgin of the World”, page 152, (Vol. III), Mr. Mead writes:

“In this connection it is instructive to refer to the account which Syncellus tells us he took from the statement of Manetho.

“‘Manetho, says Syncellus, states in his Books that he based his replies concerning the dynasties of Egypt to King Ptolemy on the monuments.

“These monuments, he (Manetho) tells us, were engraved in a sacred language, and in the characters of the sacred writing, by Thoth the First Hermes; after the Flood they were translated from the sacred language into the common tongue, but (still written) in hieroglyphic characters, and stored away in books by the Good Daimon’s son, the Second Hermes, the father of Tat, in the inner shrines of the temples of Egypt.

WE MUST REMEMBER that Manetho was a High Priest of ancient Egypt, and that he must have been aware of what had been written in the sacred language (which seems now to have been that used by the original kahunas as well as those of far later Polynesia). The point I am trying to make is that this sacred writing is said to have embodied the material which came down to us in the universal language of the symbol, via the Tarot. In the book THE NEW TAROT, John Cooke and Rosalind Sharpe have decided that the Tarot dates back to the legendary ThothTehuti, the “scribe of the gods”. It is this gentleman’s glyph name that has been used with a vary large “T” on the cover of the book, and the subtitle has been added , “The Tarot for the Aquarian Age.” The introduction was written by Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., and contains items new even to me, an old Tarot fan, as well as a very excellent short survey of the part of the “occult” field in which the Tarots are found. I say, Praise and Congratulations to all concerned with the book.

THE NEW INDEX FOR THE HUNA VISTAS which was mentioned in the last issue is very fine and complete in 18 mimeographed pages. HRA Ortha Wingo, Ph.D., one of our energetic new and younger members, made up the Index and even cut the stencils for it to send to me to run. If you have the back issues and want a copy of the Index, Cigbo will send you one, and will add (he promises) three of his best meows if a donation for his box is sent with the request. Looking through the Index I am surprised at the scope of the material we have touched upon since the H.V. was started as a continuation of the earlier HRA Bulletins,  (now out of print). It is a satisfaction to me to be able to look up things lost to me in the back issues. For instance, I had been trying to find the issue in which I gave for the second time a short prayer adapted to our needs as HRAs. Now I could locate it. It is on page 5 of H.V. No. 28, and, as many of you will never have seen it, and as it is good to memorize and use daily, here it is again.


If I have hurt someone today,
With thought or word or deed,
Or failed another in his need,
I now repent.
And if a hurt has struck me deep,
And no amends are made,
I ask the LIGHT to balance all,
I count the debt as paid.

If I can take those steps again,
Tomorrow will I make amends,
And heal with love those hurts,
I do this pledge.

Parental Spirits whom I love,
And whom I know love me,
Reach through the door I open wide,
Make clear my Path to Thee.

CLEANSING OUR MINDS AND HEARTS of certain things is as good and right each day as washing hands and face. We meet people who rub us the wrong way with what they do or are or say, and we read in the papers of things that we may strongly disapprove. The Aunihipili is a suggestible fellow and may have had a bad habit over the years of making an inner note of condemnation against various people. In cases where anger is aroused but no retaliatory action is taken, there may be left a small knot of fixation. It is wise to watch all these emotional reactions and to have a general cleaning up daily, or immediately, if we have had an encounter that has upset us. By laying the problem and the retaliation in the lap of the Aumakua and taking our hands off for good, we make the best possible retort. If we have hurt another in a way not richly deserved, we may have a sense of guilt to take to bed with us. This is not good, and we should promise to make amends if that is needed, or even up the score mentally before going to sleep.

HAIRS MAY BE SPLIT over the question of striking back when we are put upon unjustly. The classical teaching is “to turn the other cheek”, but the more practical one is to put up a defense without harboring a grudge or getting a hate fixation that will rebound on one harmfully. In Hawaii, if a person were so hurt, he could go to a kahuna and ask that the culprit be forced with kahuna magic to make amends, or, failing this, one could “grumble to the Aumakuas” … in other words lay the case before one’s Aumakua and ask it to balance the score. Here, indeed, “vengeance is mine, saith the Lord”, and it is often a bit harsh from our lower level way of counting justice, to see how the Aumakua handles a naturally evil person when called upon to take over. The ancients must have observed this form of justice, for they wrote, “The mills of the gods grind slow, but exceeding fine.”

NEWS CONCERNING TONY, the spirit healer of the Philippines (right or wrong) is that he was sent home by the ones who had posted bail and the bail money sacrificed. Garcia, one of the best of the healers, couldn’t stand the pressure of constant calls on his time and psychic energies, became ill, and retired to his farm, where he accepts no patients. It looks as though the tall flurry caused by these healers has about died away.

“PSYCHOLOGY TODAY”, a new magazine published a few miles from Vista, at Del Mar, Calif., claims over 350,000 circulation and it has hardly more than started. Editors, contributors and perhaps the office girl, all seem to have Doctor of Philosophy degrees. $6.00 a year. Ultra slick paper type. Its use of “two bit words” is an education to the layman and makes him suddenly aware that in the Psychology of today, there has grown up a new vocabulary. The primary appeal is to the graduate psychologist who is familiar with the expensive words and is accustomed to threading a way through and around them to get at the gist of the things in the articles which, it seems to me, might have been said in a simple fashion so that the rest of us could understand. However, there is a fine and learned effort, often in five colors and with sheets that unfold from the center of the magazine – a fine effort to cater to us, the unlearned, and give us a taste of what seems to be considered “popular psychology”. Dr. Rhine was given a great spread with his ESP work, cards, dice and what have we. And there is a fold-out game having to do with testing the IQ , so far as I can see from a quick glance, and intended for those of us who sit below the salt in the field of Psychology. The advertising is most satisfactory, most. Books and book clubs, records and all the accepted things, and not a single come-on ad to sell me a “course” or a genuine crystal ball made of the finest bubble free plastic. Highbrow is the word. It would be the ideal place to air the Huna version of the psychology of man, alive and also as a spirit, or even the popularized version of Psychometric Analysis reading, but I fear it will be a very long time before I could scare up enough of the new words to be able to explain even to their office girl what we have found that we think would make thanwhicher (sic) copy. Of course, there may be no hope of ever getting a magazine to admit that there ever was such a thing as a kahuna. My favorite lowbrow magazine, FATE, which popularizes everything and happily brings ghosts and flying saucers down to the two cent word level for us, will not touch any part of Huna with a ten foot pole. However, I get even. I refuse to buy a single one of the “courses” it advertises, or send in five dollars to psychics to have “three questions answered”. Seriously, it is odd how such a complete and logical system as that of Huna can be described in my books for so many years and never get a nod of recognition from a School of Religion or a magazine. Can it be that the ladies and gentlemen who might be interested can’t avoid the thought that by mentioning Huna they might be giving free advertising to some slicker who invented it all and was getting rich peddling the “dimes worth of God – which he doesn’t have.” Also, I sometimes wonder whatever became of the books and letters which, in my more hopeful days, I tried to get into the hands of the Pope at Rome, or perhaps some secretary or librarian. Never once was a letter or book acknowledged, nor did they come back. Some day I must hunt up a Catholic blacklist of books forbidden to the faithful and see if mine are there. I must admit, in all fairness, that if I were Pope, and that if I wished to keep my position safe, I would avoid Huna and the Code which changes all Christian dogmas, at all costs. It would make no slightest difference to me that there WAS a freshly discovered body of knowledge which would throw great doubt upon the historicity of Jesus.

A HUNA TYPE HEALING CIRCLE was formed after the Sunday morning session of the Religious Research group seminar (HRA Franklin Loehr’s organization) in Missouri recently. HRA. Dr. Otha Wingo attended and writes, “The epilogue to the Sunday morning session in which a Huna healing circle was formed to channel the mana gathered by the group as a healing agent for Carolyn’s throat difficulties, was to me the highlight of the entire meeting. It would have been worth the entire weekend to have that moment. It was something new to me, a fairful (sic) full experience of what I have felt something of only to a very small degree. As the group was taking deep breaths, my own breathing became heavy and measured and as the words were spoken, wave after wave of rippling magnetic or electrical type current coursed through my body from about the base of my spine to the top of my head. It wasn’t exactly a traveling up the spine, but wave tides throughout the entire body and extending a foot or so on each side of the body. Soon after one wave would start upward, another began at the base of the spine, so that there were some half  dozen or so in motion at one time. I COULD ALSO SEE THESE WAVES, as waves of light, although it was taking place behind me – or rather beginning behind and extending all the way through. Even as the healing words were spoken, I realized instantly that a severe crick in the neck, causing a painful stiffness (from craning my neck to watch the speakers during the preceding sessions), immediately disappeared completely. It was evident that the healing was also successful to Carolyn’s voice.

THIS IS A MOST EXCITING AND HELPFUL REPORT as it shows us that our tape class healing circles could accomplish much the same thing. It is too bad that we do not have a healing center with a group such as is described in this letter, and that the tape classes cannot go there and see for themselves – see and experience, that is just what happens when mana is accumulated and the Aumakuas are invited to use it for healing.

The “Carolyn” whose voice was healed is one of the two entities which come in turn to take over Franklin Loehr’s body. I am not well informed on what has been done to Franklin’s body, but take it some operation to correct a dual sex organ birth defect. He has been officially declared a woman recently, and feels that he has accomplished a good and beneficial thing in forming such a male/female union in one body. This is a far cry from a complete integration or blending of the two personalities, and still a farther cry from the “graduation” of two Auhanes to form a single Aumakua, as we find taught in the coded part of the Four Gospels, and which we count the goal of experience in the present life cycle. At any rate, the successful trading back and forth of the two personalities, regardless of the outcome, appeals to Carolyn-Franklin as a fine piece of religious research rather than a form of split personality or semi-obsession. Another activity of the group which is supposed to be of religious research significance, is the trance reading of the past lives of people. Over 3,000 such readings have been made, and are set down as proofs of reincarnation. In other groups, of course, similar works with no religious implications depend on hypnotic regression. MFL

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