Huna Vistas Bulletin #87

HV78-headerJanuary-February, 1969

Predictions for 1969


PREDICTIONS FOR 1969 are again in order, even if a month beyond the New Year.

(The year lasts 11 more months, so we still have time to get in some good predicts.) The Tarot Cards used in this work are the Pamela Smith set, republished a few years ago here in U.S.A. by University Books, Inc., New Hyde Park, N.Y. Price was $5 the pack or $10 with the book telling about them. Best inquire at this late date to be sure they are available and at what price.)

More plain and fancy foolishness has been written about the supposed meaning of the Tarot symbology than the originators of the cards could possibly have imagined. However, if used with some caution and until the operator is somewhat skilled at such activities, the cards serve as a substitute for dreams, visions, crystal balls, and everything except the crossing of the palm with silver – a time honored part of fortune telling which, in our case, we have to perform ourselves. All of the following predictions, as given by the fall of the cards in answer to a mental question and a shuffling of the deck, are My (sic) guaranteed to come true. If they do not, a new prediction will be happily made at any time upon request. Now you can insert the “grain of salt” into your mouth as a very necessary precaution, and go ahead at your own risk.

THE DELAYED VIETNAM PEACE which the cards predicted last year: The first question, “Will there be a peace signed as a result of the present negotiations?” The cut was Page of Wands, indicating a small success and new beginnings. Then the Wheel of Fortune, a high trump of final success. I judge that both sides will save much face, but that not too much will be settled except, possibly, that the great oil interests of the West in that part of the world will be protected and business can go on “as usual”.

“Will Uncle Sam’s fighting forces be removed from Vietnam?” The cut gave the Four of Swords, the card of delay and waiting with the promise of eventual reward. Next Eight of Pentacles, a man leaning on his hoe while he looks at his money tree which is filled with fruit and about ready for harvest. From this I take it that we will leave rich plunder behind, but will profit ourselves by the cutting back of war.costs. I’d say the return of our fighting forces will be slow to come, but that money considerations will hasten our eagerness to get clear. With other cuts, I suspect that we may try to withdraw and be forced to take up a war stand again to prevent the Reds from taking over the moment we stop backing the South Vietnam leaders. We may see some swift action and changes with the cut bringing up both cards of change, the Eight of Wands and the Six of Swords. The situation there is by no means cut and dried in so far as the future is concerned.

WILL PEACE COME TO THE MIDDLE EAST? I asked, and the run of several cards show pressure being brought to bear by money and business interests, then someone steals the other fellow’s weapons, and soon after that a peace is happily established. There will be small bickering between Arab commando units and the Israel side, but on a larger scale, business and money pressure will join to get a peace sufficient to open the Suez Canal, but not without a hard push.

MONEY CONDITIONS FOR THE WORLD AND U.S.A. came up for questions. It will be recalled that the cards last year predicted “business as usual” and it came out that way despite close shaves. The reading that Russia might do something to help the American dollar has not materialized, nor the need of such help. Now for the run: Well, the first break brought up the Eight of Swords, and shows a woman bound and helpless to move while surrounded by eight swords stuck into watery sands beside the sea. Here we have what I read as the wars bound and staked out – stopped. With this card comes the Ten of Pentacles, a card of fine domestic prosperity. In it the family is seated amidst comfort and plenty. I predict that the wars will be stopped and the money diverted to domestic and peace purposes thus allowing Western nations a relief from present war drains. Following: cuts for the stock market turns up cards indicating good dividends and rising prices for shares. “Business as usual” again despite slowly rising inflation such as is being reported from month to month the world over. France will give up war preparations and the atom bomb expense and will get loans to see her through. England will do better with all her war expenses cut to the bone. Oddly enough, I cut the same pair of cards for her as in the first cut for world money. Watch England’s money situation to judge how the world situation will shape up. Also watch to see whether war spending can be cut down, for this is where money can be released to mend domestic fences. The cut for the retaining of the Gold Standard shows a dual currency backing, bankers’ credit replacing gold more and more to provide the needed money to use to carry on trade. Gold speculators will not be happy.

THE RACE TO THE MOON is next to be questioned. Let me see what is offered by the Tarots. Strange: the Eight of Cups, which shows a night scene with a moon at the full and at first quarter combined in the sky. In the foreground stand 8 cups, lined up and perfect, but a lone figure in a red cloak and with a walking staff, sets off into the night for some unknown destination, always said to be the search for two more cups to make a quota of ten. From this card and the Ace of Pentacles with it, I predict about enough money given by our Congress in U.S.A. to send up one more exploratory flight, and then that the project will be allowed to slow down or even stop entirely, other interests being more pressing, and the public beginning to demand that the billions be used for needs on the home front. (I am impressed by the turning up of the one card in the deck which would tell the story of “giving up” so clearly. I wish they would not try to land men on the moon with the hope of getting them into orbit and home again. But if such a final try is made and it is a failure, the doom of the moon probes would certainly be inevitable for this generation at least.) Cuts for probes of other planets, such as Mars and Venus, cut indifferent cards. Too expensive.

THE COLORED REVOLT around the world, and especially in U.S.A. is very important and in America is demanding a solution to head off riots and the burning of property, college campus struggles, and the danger of open race war. I shuffle and cut for the situation as a whole, and get: THE DEATH card, a major trump, together with the 9 of Wands, the latter being a card of struggle and of defense of position. Cutting more cards and getting no violence, but cards which show much money spending and many efforts to bring justice and help. I judge that the keynote was struck with the killing of Dr. Martin Luther King, and that the majority conscience has been moved, (with a good prodding of fear of riots and burnings and reprisals). Efforts seem to be in the making for mutual understanding and help all around. Cuts for the college strife show concessions, but not enough to suit the striking students and teachers and minority students. But the Magician turns up as a major trump and shows a new beginning and much change in the present educational system. The practical needs of education may break into the cultural niceties and certainly the old cut and dried ways of doing things will be gradually changed. Schools will be fitted to the needs of those who come for an education, not so much to the classical standards of the Colleges where there is a Royalty of PhDs before whom all must bow low. (I do hope the cutting of the Death card does not warn of violence and more death.)

THE NEW REPUBLICAN PRESIDENCY in U.S.A. looks well enough with the president to be, Richard Nixon, giving a P.A. reading of good and constructive qualities and 363 degrees, the same as outgoing President Johnson. (In a recent tinned letter from my desk I mentioned this reading and made the guess that things would go on about as before in our government.) Now to see what the Tarot says: My cut brought up the Seven of Cups, where a man stands gazing up at cups which overflow with threats and promises, hopes and fears, ideals and bright plans. This is a card of “great expectations”. With it comes up the Nine of Wands , the suggestion in this card being that business interests will be foremost for the new groundwork of plans – “what is good for General Motors, must be good for the U.S.A.” Success after a hard struggle to get on top and stay on top is indicated, but the card is not quite up to the full cycle card, the Ten of Wands which is completion of the successful effort in business. We have here the “new broom” using old methods to sweep up the littered social floor. The next cut gives the Ace of Swords, which is encouraging for the Viet Nam or other war difficulties and gives success. With it comes the prime card of “isolationism” in which the lady stays in her isolated garden where she has plenty of pentacles, or money, and sends out her falcon when she wants something from the world outside. I judge that home interests will occupy major attention and that we will see the big efforts being made to adjust our home affairs while doing as inexpensively little as possible to help or humanly hinder other nations – or explore the moon. Added cut brings up the Six of Wands: “Small business successes”, and the Eight of Wands, “rapid progress or change in money or business matters.” We are not going to stand still, but whether planned changes are to the fore or whether we are forced by circumstances into rapid changes, it is hard to decide. Not a bad outlook for the governmental year, all considered. A final cut is now made for President Nixon and his personal success. I get the highest trump in the deck, the SUN, and the Six of Cups, which latter reads, “Newly arrived play in a strange garden”, and he is newly arrived to fit. His marked success as indicated is very greatly to be desired, so cheers for the Tarots! One final cut for him: The Ace of Wands and the Magician::: expect innovations and some fine progressive ideas.

It must be remembered, however, that this was a cut for him, personally, not the Presidency. In winning the highest office of the United States, he has fulfilled his long time ambition, and the SUN trump fits that event, BUT it does not say that the land, under his guidance will necessarily hit the highest pinnacle of good.

FOR THE BRITISH ISLES the King of Wands, a good card for business, cuts out, and with it the Eight of Pentacles, showing a man busily engaged producing things to make money. It looks like a steadying influence at work and more prosperity. May see a Royal Romance with the LOVERS ALSO CUTTING.

FOR AUSTRALIA, where we also have some good HRAs, the cut is a bit mixed and contradictory. The lack of rains seems to be represented by a low card, Two of Wands, but other Wand and Pentacle cards point to recovery and also an effort to get more manufacturing and industry going. Oil discoveries with fuel to work with should begin to help.

FOR NEW ZEALAND, where we have a few active HRAs of value, the cut is Ten of Cups, with the meaning of home fires kept burning happily and brightly. With it the Ace of Pentacles, a probable windfall in prices of things which are marketed. A good year ahead.

FOR SOUTH AFRICA, where we also have a few fine HRAs, the cut is, the Ace of Cups, meaning good and friendly relations all around, and with it the Six of Pentacles, showing the rich man with his scales weighing out portions to give to two poor people who depend upon him. I look to see better racial conditions and a more equitable distribution of the good things of the land this year.

FOR EUROPE, where the HRA also has some valued members, the cut is mixed, some good cards and some contradicting the good. In general the year will be good, but there are cards which make me think there will be more social unrest, perhaps in France end even trouble in the German regions, East and West.

FOR RUSSIA, where our one faithful HRA in Czechoslovakia has recently passed on, the cut is for a contradictory several cards, oddly enough, the same one we cut for our U.S.A. prospects of cutting back the expenditures for moon exploration. Two other cards show a backing away from former plans, possibly the big plan to make the world Red. Money for domestic needs is stressed by the Queen of Pentacles. Not so warlike and a bit less prosperous.

RED CHINA cuts the DEATH trump, and the death of some high personage may cause drastic changes in the political ambitions to paint the world Red. Or, falling with the Five of Cups, in which the man cloaked for a journey sadly looks at three upset cups out of five, we may see a giving up of the Red ambitions. A further cut brings up the Knight of Pentacles, showing the change from war plans to commerce. The justice trump comes with the knight, and I would not be surprised to see China allowed into the United Nations as a respectable member at last. The Death card might also point to famine and plague. (I hope they do not develop a worse Hong Kong flu than this time, as this variety was plenty bad enough.) The JUDGMENT trump cuts out, making me expect a reverting to some of the old ways of the past as the country changes after its bad year.

FOR CALIFORNIA AND THE PREDICTIONS GIVEN YEAR BY YEAR that  a great quake will come and the state slip off into the ocean. I cut: three cards came up together, all major trumps and all good. First, the SUN, then the Empress, and then, Strength. Nothing in this run to indicate a disaster. I’ll cut again for an ordinary quake such as we have periodically and one of which the scientists here in California think will come in the first ten days of April. The Five of Wands is the only one of several cards cut which might have to do with a quake. If one comes, it will be of no major proportions as the card shows boys with staffs playing a mimic game of war. The other cards which came up show “business as usual.” Now a cut for the rest of the world and the quake and disaster possibilities. The trump of Strength cuts for the rest of the world also, and I judge that our shell will hold together as well as usual this year.

Now for the progress of OUR HUNA RESEARCH AND LECTURE TAPE WORK. DEATH and the Ace of Swords come up together on the first cut. The first reading death or change or new beginnings to affect the course of our work. The second, a Sword card, gives authority and power to command, lead and carry on. We may run into a severe change or obstacle, I judge, but as an organization, will manage to pull through. Following cuts give the King of Swords, more authority, and power to overcome obstacles. With it the Knight of Swords, the knight galloping on a white horse to rescue someone, perhaps preserve Huna in our case. There follow the SUN and the Ace of Wands, the first a card of success, the second the card of new ventures and undertakings. I judge that we will have some obstacles this year, but will overcome them and even make new plans and begin to carry them out successfully. It promises to be an interesting year for us, if the cards run true, and especially for the new venture with the tapes and classes aimed at starting healing circles. Hold on to your hats.

Our Dr. Martin A. Larson’s brilliant work (and writings) are so important to the U.S.A. that I must include A READING FOR IT. His Essene Heritage book has been circulating well for some months, and is the most compelling study yet made of the origins of Christian beliefs and dogmas in the Essene schools from which came the Dead Sea Scrolls. The impact of this set of findings is slow to be felt on the frozen mass of dogmatic Christianity, but like my book, The Huna Code in Religions, it keeps chipping steadily away and leaving lasting impressions. Mainly, for this series of readings, I am anxious to know the way his latest book, The Great Tax Scandal, will be accepted and acted upon. In it we have the great scandal of the tax dodgers hiding behind church immunity to property and income taxes. It would be all well enough to let the church buildings and land go free of taxes, but NOT the vast accumulations of profit making properties and businesses which are protected by the fraud. The same holds for the abuse of the tax free “foundations”, many of which are disguised as religious organizations or under the protection of some church. If these dodgers were to be forced to pay taxes like the ordinary small business men, the income would be an amazing help in easing the rather desperate tax situation. As I write, Larson is about to go to San Francisco to engage in a series of meetings aimed at starting the ball rolling to get remedial measures going on a national scale. The cities, states and the federal government are all in almost desperate straits for tax money, and any new source of taxes cannot help being welcomed with great, if silent, enthusiasm. The necessity and the awakening of the public by Dr. Larson’s penetrating studies and revelations, should begin to pay off soon.

The cut brought up the Knight of Swords, the knight galloping on his white horse, sword in hand, to right some wrong. This certainly applies better than any other card in the deck could do. With it THE TOWER, trump No. XVI, in which the tower is struck by lightening and three people are being thrown out of three high windows in the tower. This is a lovely symbol of the ousting of the “inside track” boys who have found such fine ways to evade paying their just shares of the expenses of running the country. AND, if the lightening strikes here in the U.S.A., how can it help striking all over the Western World where the same abuses are found. A second shuffle and cut brings up, (would you believe it!) the same TOWER, but with it the major trump, WHEEL OF FORTUNE. The “wheel” is good fortune through the turning of the wheels of progress. I feel that we stand on the verge this year of making a reform which has been very badly needed for a long time, and which will shake some little known institutions to the core. Lend a hand if you can. Spread the good word. Buy the book and circulate it, or, at the very least, insist that your library put the book on its shelves if it is not well represented there already. Your own taxes could be cut perhaps in half if the dodgers were made to do their shares.

If you do not have Dr. Larson’s invaluable RELIGION OF THE OCCIDENT, which is the most enlightening thing yet on the materials of the Christian religion, and shows how it was pieced together by slow steps, you can get the soft cover edition direct from Dr. Larson for $2.50. (His address is 4108 East Stanford Dr., Phoenix, Ariz., 85018) Or, his cloth cover ESSENE HERITAGE may be had for $3 – 2 copies for $5. His monumental GREAT TAX SCANDAL is only to be had as yet in hard covers, and is priced at $4.95 if you send to the author for it. Please do not send your order to me, but to him.

By the way, do not expect the daily papers or other periodicals to dare to mention this war on the entrenched Church and Foundation interests, for they depend on subscriptions and if the churches passed the word to the faithful to boycott or cancel subscriptions, the pocketbook behind the presses would be hit. A letter to your representatives in Congress is in order, and as the pot gets to boiling, a series of letters urging action despite powerful lobby work to try to protect the loopholes.


While we are speaking of books, there are two in for review which are of interest to those of us in the Huna part of the field.

THE LADDER OF LIGHTS, by William G. Gray, published and sold by Helios Book Service, Ltd., 8, The Square, Toddington, Nr. Cheltenham, Glos., ENGLAND. Price $6.20 including postage. 230 pages and the book is slightly larger than most to allow for diagrams of the famous Kabalistic “Tree”.

As I pointed out some time ago when we examined the Kabalistic  lore in the Huna Vistas (almost 3 years ago) there were Jews in Spain some centuries ago who had a fair knowledge of Huna, and, apparently, they decided to write about it in language so veiled that only a Huna initiate would know what was actually being discussed. The original manuscript contained about 22 pages, and therein was contained all the Huna. But men who had access to that portion of the writing, down the years, busied themselves writing commentaries on the original – the inner meaning of which seems to have been lost almost at once and almost entirely. I have on my shelves the entire set of writings, 20 volumes in all, and have been surprised and made to wonder by the things that developed in the commentaries  and are still developing in modern hands. The original few pages gave us, in veiled language, the three selves, three aka bodies and three manas of Huna as well as the physical body as the vehicle used during earth life. That makes up the famous TEN ELEMENTS of the man as the kahunas knew them, and the diagram of the Kabalistic “Tree” still carefully keeps the “10” units to the fore, even while assigning them to all sorts of things other than the originals.

What surprises me always is that, having lost the meaning of the aka and mana six units, the guessing and meditating commentators of the years managed to construct a mystically delightful NEW scheme of LIFE and its parts. They managed to keep the three selves but added to them many characteristics of a novel sort. The tradition developed that the Tarot Cards came from the same original initiates who gave us the invaluable evidence of the first 22 pages, but no one had been able to prove this, or even that the men who gave the many volumes of comments were Tarot originators.

In this well written and handled book, the secondary or speculative system as we now know it under the guise of the Kabala, is beautifully presented and set in excellent marching order. For the many who have found in the Secondary writings and speculations a mystical way of life, this will be a fine addition to books already on hand. For one new to the subject, this is a fine text and an exceptionally lucid introduction to a veiled and meditative lore which is still being enlarged from year to year.

ESP Your Sixth Sense, by Brad Steiger, is a 190 page paperback book of 1966, but new to me. Mr. Steiger writes exceptionally well and is outstanding in his successful search for a variety of modern incidents in which everything from telepathy to precognition is illustrated and covered. He is especially good at laying before his readers the problems which arise when the old Psychology and Science try to explain the psychic and other events which are laid before them. His point of view is that of a clear thinking student and investigator. He gives you the explanations that can be offered and the speculations that may have some value, but modestly refrains from insisting on a personal preference.

For lack of modern instances, apparently, those of the past are often dusted off and used. Undoubtedly he was well acquainted with Fodor’s Encyclopedia of Psychic Science which has recently been reprinted and which contains mention of most of the cases in the last century in which mediumistic talents were involved.

I found no mention of the kahunas and the theories which they offer to explain most of the phenomena of ESP which are covered, but that is not to be brought up as a criticism for, had Mr. Steiger attempted to include the theories which we know so well, he would have found himself badly limited in space. He would also have found himself in a part of the field which deserves treatment by itself rather than to be compressed into pill form and given to be taken with a sip of water and several grains of salt – as are all the other theories which he mentions. An example of the possible explanations is to be found when he takes up the problem of HOW the future can be foreseen in dreams, visions, hunches and the like. HOW can things which have not happened as yet be seen ahead of the event? Walking weidershins around the question with delightful care, he asks whether our idea of time is perhaps wrong, and tells us of the suggestion that past and future are both here at the same time. One wonders just how he might have handled the Huna idea that one of the three selves, the Aumakua, has the ability to see that part of the future which has crystallized or become real enough in the aka pattern material to be identified. He points out the fact that events which are foreseen can often be changed, as in many cases in which a hunch has prevented people from embarking on train or plane which is doomed to disaster. This points up the still fluid nature of the unmaterialized events, and adds weight to the Huna idea that the Aumakua can so act as to break up a future event or even a series of them, and replace the unwanted by the wanted. (That is the explanation given by the lore of the kahunas for all changes brought about by our prayer actions in which we work with the Aumakuas to tear down a bad piece of future and remake sickness into health, poverty into affluence, etc.

Mr. Steiger has a book on the beliefs and demonstrations and theories of Paul Twitchel about to be published in paperback. Perhaps one day we might get him to apply his investigative talents to Huna and produce a popular account of what the kahunas believed. He might even hint at what we of the HRA and FHF have been trying to do about it. (One of our good HRAs met him recently at a convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, and told him of our research work, also offering the suggestion that he might find in it good “copy” for a book. The offer of a set of my six books was made, but at this writing nothing has come of it.)

BARON EUGENE FERSON (a recent letter reminded me) discovered that he could collect mana, but didn’t know what it was. He taught his pupils to take the “Star Position” which was with feet wide apart and arms fully extended at the sides level with the shoulders, then to affirm, “The universal life force is flowing through me now – I feel it.” He did not know that deeper breathing helped one to accumulate the force which he found to accumulate, but accumulation was not hard to learn, as I have related in my book, SSBM. Ferson made great claims for the power of this accumulated force, saying that it could be projected through the hands for healing or changing substances like fuel oil so that they were much better. (He claimed to have so treated tanks of fuel oil and to have made them give much more heat.) One might say that he almost rediscovered what the old kahunas named “mana”. A part of his theory was that the body was surrounded by a “double” or astral body which insulated it from the universal life force which saturated the air all around us, and that by extending the feet and hands far enough they would protrude from the astral case and touch and so absorb (at command of the mind) the outside force – and store it. There is little question but that he and many of his pupils accumulated good extra changes of mana. Some, including myself and a friend, were able to command the accumulated mana to exert a pull like a magnet on the bodies of other people (or a dog in our experiments). The strange Russian is gone now, but his teaching is not yet entirely forgotten, and his lectures, printed and bound in snake skin at $25 per copy are still to be found now and then in used book stores. If a tenth of what Ferson claimed he could do with the accumulated force is true, we are overlooking something very powerful and good. Perhaps we should attempt greater things and expect more.

In passing, it might be said that, in time, we probably would have rediscovered the whole of Huna, but the process would have been a slow one, with here a bit found and there a bit, but with little to tie the discoveries together, and with no criterion by which to judge them or pull them together. Modern Psychology had discovered the Auhane and Aunihipili early in this century, but it still does not do more than guess occasionally at an Aumakua. Mana and aka are still lacking.

SPEAKING OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS, one of the most difficult to explain, in terms of Huna or anything else, is that of the well authenticated cases in which whole battles have been reenacted as if material happenings before the eyes of a number of people, as in two cases in England. In Hawaii the processions of long dead chiefs, with torches blazing at night and chants and drumming were reported by natives who hid in fright until the procession was past. Huna tells us that thoughts are impressed on aka substance to make memories. This is easy to accept and understand, and we see spirits returning with their memories intact, so decide that the memories-in-aka were taken along with the shadowy body of the Aunihipili at the time of death.

But HOW can the memories of great battles and other group activities get from the minds of the participants   long dead  into a form which can be seen as “materializations” by the living? In seances we have the materialization of bodies for the dead, and one wonders whether or not the battle or other dead might be involved in some way in this psychic reproduction. A famous case is one in which two English ladies visited the old French Summer Home of the French Royalty and found themselves in the midst of surroundings and moving people of a century earlier. They saw buildings that no longer were there, but were found to have been many years earlier. The Theosophical idea of the “akasha” as a substance (the idea may well have been the Huna aka originally) on which all events were imprinted as a nature memory, has been the only real explanation offered in modern times, and this explanation seems to be uncertain as to what intelligence unit and what element of force (mana) is used in making the imprints of the memories on the akashic substance. Also, we have no effort, so far as I remember, to explain how the akashic memories can at times begin to be materialized so that they can be seen as moving and noisy battles or marches or gardeners attending their duties in a long past royal garden. We still need to know so much, and the answers are so hard to come by, even with the help of the Huna theories in which we have the three units, consciousness, mana and the substances, aka, or denser, to work with in trying to construct our answers to puzzling questions.

THE FILIPINO HEALERS are less often in the news of late, interesting as they are with their psychic surgery, spiritualism and all the reports of miracle and bloodless surgery. Riley Crabb, of the BSRA journal travels about and often hears strange things. One which he related to me is too good not to pass on. He met a lady who had the suspicion that she had developed a tumor inside her body. Going to Manila, she did not try to go up the mountain to the summer city where the famous “Tony” and others hold out, but began the rounds of the several healers in Manila. Six different ones treated her, and each took out and displayed a removed tumor. After this had happened six times, she relates with a sober face, she decided that she must be cured, and came home. Tony, by the way, was recently reported in U.S.A. where some Canadians whose trip to be healed by him proved costly and the healing service either not lasting or no good, was sued by the group. He was arrested here in the U.S.A., but bailed out by a wealthy friend who came to the rescue. The story continues that arrangements have been made for a protected spot where he can work his miracles in the islands south of Florida. I have been expecting more grapevine news of the matter, but none has come in. The tendency is to belittle all the spirit healing, but so long as there are many cases of lasting healing, the hopes of those in need of non-medical attention remain high.

THE TAPED LECTURES are still being welcomed by those who can get together classes to hear them, or who can play the tapes to established groups. Tape No. 6 was sent out after Christmas to 75 classes or individual HRAs who are buying them to add to their collection of literature on Huna. Many tapes which have been out on loan have been copied and returned so that they could go out again to a newly formed class. Some groups have been kind enough to send in donations for the new Tape Fund which helps me with the expense of the project. A number of free books have been furnished by our Library Fund, and money from outright sales is farmed back into the Tape Fund where it is needed to buy raw tapes and pay for postage and packing. All seems to be very much under Guidance. Several good and understanding HRAs have donated liberally to the Fund to help me get tapes and recorders. Copies of the lectures on the little cassettes are not too satisfactory as the little tapes are too short when the lectures on the 5 inch reels run slightly long – the end sentences often being lost off the cassettes. It is urged that the effort be made to get recorders to play the regular reels.

As might be expected, the surprising interest in the lectures and the added time taken by the project, has been almost more than I could handle, what with my regular book business and usual HRA correspondence, the Huna Vistas and my other duties. Letters to me should be made brief and if an answer is expected, a short one may be all that time allows. Visiting and callers are out.

THE SHIPPING STRIKE ON THE EAST COAST of the U.S.A. has tied up the surface mail for some time, but I hope soon that it will end and that tapes and bulletins and books intended for Europe and Africa can once more be mailed. (When I get to be King, I am going to make a law that all unions must strike at the same time, also all employers, then all wages will be raised the same per cent, all products be boosted in price by a like percentage to even up. This will make no strike or price boost pay off, and all such foolishness will stop and I can mail a letter any day in the year. Or if YOU get to be king first, you tend to it, what?)

One more tape reel with two more lectures is planned at this writing. This should round out the brief survey of Huna and its uses for those listeners who know little of the ancient system and who either will or will not be starting to dig into the books and go ahead on their own steam, either in groups or alone. Already the hope of spreading the knowledge of Huna is being realized in a very encouraging way, and further hope of permanent groups, firm organization and healing circles seems more and more possible.

A call for prospective group members has been made by HRA Mrs. Jean West of Fremont, Calif. She has asked that her name be placed in the Huna Vistas and her residence phone be given. She and her friends are planning big things for Huna, with a healing circle and perhaps a center.

A new HRA in Lexington, Kentucky reported as of January 15th, “Everyone is wildly enthusiastic over the tapes. Don’t know if we can wait a week in between each lecture or not.”

HRA Bill Glover, of Glendale, Calif, who is, by the way, doing a delightful job or rewriting my Stories for Children to get them down to the level of his little daughter, who is five, also reports on the lectures. He writes, “I am using the tapes now in an adult discussion group at church. The Huna concept has created quite a stir!” The first chapter of the Stories, which he sent me, has been neatly typed and spaced to allow the insertion of drawings done by two of his youngster friends, and I must say that the drawings are surprisingly good. Bill has introduced the “Mother” of the Stories as “Mother Nature” who helps Father God with the job of creation. I think that is a fine expansion of my short statement that we cannot have a Father without a Mother to match. He writes, “Kendra, our daughter, likes the ‘GOD Story’ better than any other bedtime story she has. By now she fills in most of the words   after I read part of a sentence and pause.” (My version of the Stories is, really, aimed at the parents, with little things to chuckle over to reward them while they digest the incidents and get ready to retell the yarns to their younger children, or even those from the 7 to 10 age group. The illustrations being done for these by artist, HRA Tony Mapes, could also be used with Bill’s version. Perhaps we should at some time get HRA Glover’s version on tapes with assorted illustrations to go along, to be looked at as the tape is played. All children should have an introduction to Huna in a simple form while still in the process of forming their ideas of how the earth was made. The Huna version is so much more complete and modern.)

PLAYING TAPE S IN THEOSOPHICAL LODGES was a lovely idea, but too good to be true. First the Blavatsky Lodge in Sydney, Australia, refused to let the tapes be sounded, and now the largest lodge in Canada, at Vancouver, has also put thumbs down on the tapes. HRA, FHF Mrs. Eva Scott, who tried to get the Vancouver Lodge to listen or to allow the tapes to be played for the public in the Lodge quarters, reports that most of the members are elderly and quite set in their T.S. views, especially when it comes to upsetting Karma by healing people who should, by accepted beliefs, be made to suffer and so get rid of old karma, and perhaps make a little that is good. That and other objections. Anyway, Huna is not something that Blavatsky rediscovered, or even Mrs. Besant, shame on it. (Not to say all T.S. members accept both of these “authorities”. Years ago in Honolulu I was invited to stop attending the Lodge there when I ventured to champion some of the controversial Blavatsky ideas as better than Mrs. Besant’s. No mind is so imprisoned as that of the person who makes and closes his own iron doors against anything new or different.)

A PLANT WAS HEALED BY HUNA METHODS, reports our HRA artist, Mrs. Dan Mapes, whose illustrations are signed, “Tony Howard”. She writes of her experience, “It was with your Huna method that I first got results. One in particular, I can share with you and other HRAs. It was the complete rejuvenation of a plant. While we were away for a weekend trip out of town, my sister- in-law was going to water the plant I had there, but she forgot, and when we got back its leaves were completely crunchy, brittle and dry – dead to all appearances. I used the Huna method of accumulating mana, sending it to my Aumakua and picturing it being returned – stepped up and vibrant with life thru my body and out of my hands and into the plant. I also pictured the plant full of life, green and beautiful again. I did this twice for three times the same day. I did not water it as it was past the normal stage for normal help so far as I knew. When I would notice that the plant was still in its dead stage I repeated the whole process of transfer of the life force so that I would not be hindered by holding the mental picture of it dry and withered. I did not get immediate results, but the next day when I noticed the plant, it was healthier than ever and all but part of one leaf had been completely restored. So I KNOW HUNA WORKS.” Klamath Falls, Oregon, HRAs contact Tony at 975 Alameda if you will. Perhaps a group can be formed and a healing circle. Or study and discuss.


HRA, FHF, Mrs. Patricia Brawand, of the Garden Home Group near Portland, wrote: I took my recorder over and played the introductory lecture for a group of friends of Nina Van A. We started at 7:30 P.M. and didn’t get home until 3:00 A.M. I know how all these people can go for hours and never feel tired when they are involved in such stimulating circumstances with people who are interested and eager for more.

They can hardly wait for the next lecture this coming Friday. Nina’s sister, Eva, attended the Friday night meeting and on Sunday, lost her wallet with $90 in it. She and Nina treated for it Sunday night and Monday morning, and Monday night a man returned it with every penny in it. This really surprised her that things could work so fast and well, and of course all of these things help to convince people that this is a working system. Our parish priest came on Sunday and listened to 3 of the lectures. He didn’t commit himself at all and thought you were a little hard on St. Paul. This was the first he had ever heard of Huna.”

More “Games” to train the imagination were enclosed, this time one called “The Father Game”. It is like the others but deals with the father. HRA Phillip Warren, of Collegeville, Minn., wrote to send more such games and to say that they were a variation on the techniques taught in L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology courses. Phillip plans to run the tapes before some members of the Psychology classes at the local University. Similar plans are reported by HRA Dr. Wingo who teaches in a large college at Cape Girardeau, Mo., and I am much pleased if only students are exposed to Huna and allowed to consider it as one of the variations of modern psycho-religion. These are new and most valued members, the first dubbed off a set of the tapes and sent them with the return of the set he had on loan. The second is making an index for my book, The Huna Code in Religions, which I hope some day to incorporate in the book when a reprint is needed. The book badly needs an index short enough to be put into the book. One made up for me by a professional at the behest of HRA Clinton Roberts at a considerable cost, is too long to be practical for inclusion. The book covers too much ground. Dr. Wingo also is making up an index of the Huna Vistas up to the present point of publication. I hope that this index may be right for mimeographing for those who have the bulletins and want to have the help in finding particular things in them. I am trying to find a set of the older HRA Bulletins for him, but so far have not succeeded. If you have a set which you would let go, please write to me. Another rather new HRA, Mrs. Melothe, who, with her husband, is in the printing and publishing business in Los Angeles, may have the lectures typed from the tapes, edited, and printed in booklet form eventually. It would be a great help as the lectures could be read as well as heard.

HRA Rev. Blanche Butler, of Phoenix, Ariz., writes to enter a friend as a new member, saying, “Please mail the latest Huna Vistas to Mrs. Virginia Blanck, 3107 North 26th St., Phoenix, Ariz. She is a wonderful healer and uses the Huna methods. My copy of the Huna Vistas goes on quite a circle as I loan it to many.” (She also has the tapes and shares them.)

Most interesting experimental work with eating companions is being done by HRA Wm. Boone, of La Mesa, Calif. He writes, “I have been using the pendulum and find plenty of people with obsessions. ” He has treated several with success, using Huna methods. (He is also a good hypnotist.) “I have treated some with the ‘absent treatment’ method with success.” He checks with his pendulum over their signatures to learn whether those treated remain clear of spirit influence.

This seems a very important step in the right Huna direction. MFL

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