Huna Vistas Bulletin #86

HV78-headerNovember-December, 1968

Games to Play with the Aunihipili


AN EARLY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all! And a HAPPY NEW YEAR when it arrives. For some, Christmas will be the celebration of the birthday of God when he incarnated in the flesh and came to live on earth and allow himself to be crucified as a bloody sacrifice to save the people of the earth from the utter damnation of “original sin”. To others, who refuse to accept the Pauline doctrines when they find little or nothing of them in the Four Gospels, the celebration will be for the appearance on the stage of initiation of a man who had nothing at all to do with original sin and offered Salvation only in the form of moral teachings. But, we will celebrate, each according to his bit of Light, and there will be a few hours or days of happiness to offset the rather hopeless world conditions with which we are surrounded and with which we must live and have our being, except for those priceless moments each day when we can turn our minds and hearts to the wondrously loving and confident Aumakuas and rest in them as we commune and send our gift of love and mana.

For those of us who have been blessed with the knowledge of the inner teachings of the Four Gospel Drama, I suggest that we make Easter only a day in which we recall the failure of Jesus (in the drama) and the penalty he paid for that failure. I would reserve the second half of the year at mid-summer to celebrate the passing of the tests by Jesus and the resultant glory of Transfiguration in the Light. For the Autumnal quarter I would set aside a day to observe the Resurrection as the final act of “Graduation” when we have finished our course of instruction through a sufficient number of incarnations and have learned at last to become “utterly trustworthy”, as one must be in order to become an Aumakua. Instead of the sign of the cross as all that is holy and as the very symbol of Salvation, I would return to the far more ancient symbol of the LIGHT. The sun has been the prime symbol down the centuries, and the crossed lines to make a plus on the circle need not remind us of the cross  of  dismal  failure, but of the Father-Mother polarity of the Aumakua as “the Light that cometh into the world” to light the life of each man. The halo of light symbolizes the Transfiguration which each of us experiences when we learn that the Light is there, and one day find ourselves surrounded by its white light. For the Resurrection and Graduation we have no symbol in the West, but could well borrow the Yin-Yang circle of Union of the Chinese.

IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE that I am able to report to you of the HRA and FHF, that the missionary effort via the tape lectures continues to be most promising. At this writing, late in October, I have managed to keep up with a greatly increased load of letters and still find time to produce tapes No. 4 and 5, containing lectures 4, 5, 6 and 7, each 45 minutes in length (allowing part of the evening for discussion or practice at forming a healing circle, using the pendulum, etc.).

About 40 classes, groups or individuals are now on the list to get each new tape as I can make it ready and send it. I am sending the five tapes to the Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society at 25 Bligh St., Sydney, Australia, and when they arrive by surface mail in a few weeks, I think a playing of the lectures will begin, perhaps for just the few who may be interested in Huna. I suggest that any of you who live near there and who might wish to hear the lectures, get into touch. I understand that strangers are welcomed. This gives me much satisfaction for I owe so much to Theosophy for my early introduction to the lore of India, which has in it so much of Huna and which helped me greatly in later years to begin to make sense out of what I began to uncover when digging up the fragments of coded Huna. I have not belonged to the T.S. for many years, but it has always had a warm place in my heart. Another T.S. Lodge in Vancouver, Canada will also begin soon (if not already started) to play the tapes.

RESEARCH HAS BEEN STIMULATED by the organization of classes, I am happy to report. New ideas have come to the ones taking part in the class work where there is practice done to learn to make full contact with the Aumakua and present the properly readied prayer picture, along with the gift of mana. The new research findings center on two methods, the first aimed at learning to make a better mental picture of the thing desired, and the second having to do with the use of the pendulum to measure Aunihipili conditions in relation to faith and love of God. Let me take up this last item first.


HRA and FHF Myrtle Odin, of the San Fernando Valley, California group, has been trying to work out a method which can be used to tell one why prayers are not getting through, or are not answered. With her own Huna type prayers not being answered, she asked for Guidance and was led to question her faith. (Which is largely a thing which we have or do not have through the convictions of the Aunihipili.) Let me quote from her recent letter.

“……. Since listening to your fifth (reel) of taped lectures, I have made what is to me an astounding discovery. I learned that I can measure the exact degree of my faith in God to answer my prayers, and not only the degree of MY faith but also that of those for whom I have signatures or pictures for P.A. readings. I was also able to measure the degree of love of God for myself and others. Naturally, it is my Aunihipili who does all this measuring and reporting.” (The method is very simple. One asks the Aunihipili to find out about the faith or love element of the one to be tested, and to report it with the pendulum in terms of degrees running from 1 to 100. Thus, faith reported at 42 units makes a handy 42% in use. I was asked to try the method on a signature of the writer’s mother – this signature giving her no reading for some reason. I told my Aunihipili what was wanted and explained that it would test, then give me the answer in the number of pendulum swings, just as it does for me in giving the degrees Biometric of the P.A. readings. The count was to be ten degrees per swing of the pendulum until the right point had just been passed, then stop and go back to start at an even multiple of ten, as 40%, 50% or 60%, where I would again count pendulum swings, but this time giving one number to the swing. If the pendulum stopped after the by-ten count had reached 40%, then the count by units would be resumed from 40, as 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 etc. If the pendulum stopped at 46, that was the answer: 46% perfect faith or love of God or the Aumakua or whatever Deity was asked to hear and answer the prayer. My Aunihipili caught the idea immediately, and on first try we were off, making the readings with ease. I was delighted. The Aunihipili seems to be right at home in this field where its emotions are so much involved, to say nothing of its fixations and mistaken beliefs which are hidden usually from the Auhane. The mother’s signature, by the way, gave me readings at once for both faith and love of God. Not too high, but solidly there.)

“I checked myself, with the scale in which perfect faith was 100%. 1 also checked, with their permission, the other members of our group. I learned that I have 49% love, but only 81% faith! My mother checked no love and no faith. (I later found her to have both. mfl) Doris Gray also checked NO love, No faith. Ann George has 19% love, NO faith. Now I realize fully that my findings should be checked by several other readers, but so far I am the only one of the four of us who has ‘broken the ice’ and done any P.A. work. But if my Aunihipili is doing even a fairly accurate job of the reading of these qualities, this indicates a famine of faith among us.

“I questioned my Aunihipili further on this matter and learned the following: My Aunihipili feels that 60% faith is the minimum for answered prayer; below that, forget it! She assured me that love of God is also an essential ingredient, but couldn’t give me a minimum figure for it. My Aunihipili also asserted emphatically that it is one’s FAITH that ‘unlocks’ the mana so that it can speed upward with the prayer, and told me that no matter how much mana I generated prior to praying, NONE of it had been sent up to my Aumakua because of my lack of faith. And I have achieved as high as seven times the normal amount of mana by practicing the HA rite breathing, all to no avail. Now I see plainly why I’ve been getting nowhere with my prayers. …….. It has also occurred to me that there might be a danger of attracting evil spirits if the Huna Group joined in generating a surcharge of mana with which to pray, if all or even a majority of the members lack sufficient faith to allow the mana to fly upward. Certainly our small group should not try this, if my reading of no faith to speak of among us is valid. If you agree with me that there is this possibility that the group’s pooled surcharge of mana might be prevented from rising by the group’s lack of faith, I think a warning should be given in the next Huna Vistas.

“If it is possible to identify so easily who has ‘prayer power’ and who has not, this should greatly simplify the identification of those who, theoretically at least, should have, or easily be able to cultivate, healing power. And each interested HRA should be able to know if he is growing in faith and love, and how close he is getting to the perfect state. I am working now to increase my faith and love instead of just wasting my time praying because I know now that I don’t have the requisite prayer power. If only I had known this earlier I could have been working to remedy my lacks instead of fatuously assuming my prayers were rising.”

I comment that if this method of testing works out as well as it has done so far and can be perfected, it will be of the greatest importance to our work. I have been so tangled in tapes and snowed under by letters that I have not yet had time to run further tests myself, but certainly will do so. I also urge others of you to see what you can get by the way of readings. In the matter of a group accumulating extra mana and the danger of a stray and evil spirit stealing it, I think this is a very remote danger, especially if the individuals hold in mind the fact that they are accumulating the surcharge for the purpose of sending it to the Aumakuas of the group or to give to someone who is to be healed after the first gift of mana is given to the Aumakuas.

The Aunihipilis are automatically in touch with the Aumakuas, according to the kahunas, often touch the lower man to take a little mana as they need it. Undoubtedly the group call to the Aumakuas will attract them, and even if the Aunihipilis lack enough faith and love to unblock their individual paths and let the prayer pictures ascend on the mana, the mana flow will go on just the same.

The Aumakuas are superior to us in intelligence as well as power, otherwise they would not have reached their evolved position, and I think we can depend on them to draw near, see what is being attempted, and give their Help even if the making of the prayer is inept. The gift of mana is the main point, and no evil spirit can stand between one and his Aumakua when there is worshipful love and the offering of a gift. It is the evil and idle person who would attract bad spirits by accumulating mana for evil purposes or for no purpose at all, as in some mistakenly advocated Yoga exercises. It might be a good idea to do as the Spiritualists do before a seance: pray for protection and guidance. I do not know of a case in which this has been done that more than a temporary obesssional effort has been made by some evil spirit, and this has usually involved only the medium. Of course, no accumulating is done before a seance but enough of the mana which the sitters normally have is taken and used in such things as materialization and the bringing of apports. It is standard practice for the one who presides over the seance to ask the visiting spirits to return the vital force they have taken so that when the medium comes out of the trance, he or she will not be left exhausted. This seems usually to be done, although some mediums are still left so weakened that they have to limit the number of seances which they hold. Hypnotists may also feel weak and exhausted after working with a patient or, especially, with the audience if a show is given. The remedy is to take time to accumulate more mana to bring the force level back to normal. (The pendulum test over the palm to see when the normal size of circle swing returns, is good to use in such replenishment work.) (The same test can be made by anyone in a prayer circle who may suspect the theft of mana – but it must be remembered that the surcharge will show as a large circular swing, and that when the mana has been sent to the Aumakua, the circle will come back rapidly to its normal size – a size which can be determined at any time by testing when no accumulation is being done.)

THE OTHER RESEARCH PRQJECT is not original with us, but is a carrying on started by the Portland, Oregon Huna Fellows who were given their start and are being helped by Dr. Binkley, of whom I still know but little except that he seems to be a learned man in this field and to have evolved a system of his own, perhaps with some borrowings – the object of his work being to clear the Aunihipili blocks that keep one from normal and proper use of the said Aunihipili. We would say, prevent it from making full contact with the Aumakua and sending the mana and the prayer picture upward along the aka cord.

Mrs. F.M. Brawand, HRA and FHF, of the closed Garden Grove Study Group, is responsible for most of our information about Dr. Binkley’s guidance and the good results that have been obtained through it. She has organized a new group outside the closed group, in which she also works, and may even start still another class for those who missed the first and still wish to take part. (If you are near and wish to join in, her address is 7706 S.W. Florence Lane, Portland, Ore. 97223.)

In the closed and older group, Dr. Binkley’s “Games” are played as a part of the program for each evening. They have speakers, play my tapes when a new one arrives, discuss various things, have a meditation period and give time to direct or distant healing – a very fine program often lasting quite a time.

I would like to have other classes or groups take time to play the “Games” and see what results, and report back to me so I can average results for all to know through the bulletins. As you know, the Huna method of making the proper prayer includes creating a mental picture of conditions AFTER the prayer has been answered or the mental picture materialized in the physical level. Mrs. Brawand wrote concerning this:

“The meeting went well last night. The big thing they seem to be having difficulty with right now is the visualization of the entire picture when forming their prayer. We have some very excellent exercises to help in this, given us by Dr. Binkley during our classes with him, so I am going to use one each week with this group and by the time we get through the set, the imagination of the members will be sharper, their awareness will be keen and they will be able to ‘mock up’ anything their hearts desire with no effort at all. It is amazing just what these exercises in game form do and how many mental blocks they will uncover. They may seem silly, but they serve several purposes nicely. (Ten days later, after the new group had played the first game called “Boys and Girls”, she wrote:

“It is amazing what these games do for a person. I taped part of it so I could study results later and consider the comments. The object of the games is to help people cast off their limitations, realize that they are mental blocks that have to be cleared up, separate imagination from reality, and realize just what a powerful thing the mind is.

“One man could not get his children down off the roof without a slide or means for them to get down. Another could not get her children off the ceiling. She got them all in one corner and then had trouble going any further. Another could not change the color of the dress from purple to green without going thru brown, and this bothered him. Only one could project the children from one place to another in a flash with no trouble. Each week we will use a game. As the series progresses, they become more difficult and are presented (by the leader) faster and faster and in this way people learn to visualize quickly and also learn to change their minds – which is what we must learn to do if we are going to clear out any mental blocks. Members all want copies of the Games so they can practice them at home, and also with their children. (A later letter gives still more information along this line. Again I quote:)

“You ask to know more about the games and what they do for a person. When the game sheets are read off, I tape the comments of various members and then go back to study them. I can’t tell you how many mental blocks and limitations these bring up.

“I checked with Dr. Binkley this morning on a few things that came up in the third game called ‘Mother’, and will pass this information along to you so you can get a better idea of what I mean.

“One woman could not see her mother in any kind of water, because her mother had always had a great fear of the water. In reality, the mother had passed on this fear to the daughter and this woman had a subconscious fear of water herself without realizing it and also a sympathy with her mother because of it. Such sympathy is not always a good thing.

“One woman became upset because she could not see her mother doing anything but sit at the kitchen table and smoke and drink coffee with every curtain in the house closed. She also keeps her curtains closed.

“Another could only see her mother doing practical things and not any of the ‘way out’ actions.

“One woman had trouble looking at her mother in the water. She did not know how to do this, from the top looking down or from the side or from the bottom looking up. This is a limitation.

“Another point to bring out about these games is to have the people NOT remember what the different colors are and the different positions, but to LOOK BACK AND SEE”

Now for the games themselves:


Let us imagine that there is a boy standing in the comer of this room. Let us give him a hat. What color would you like the hat to be? Let us give him a jacket. What color would you like it to be? Let us give him some trousers. What color Would you like his trousers to be? Let us give him some shoes. What color are they?

Now change the color of his hat. What color did you change it to?  Change it again. What color is it this time? Change it again. What color? Look at the jacket. What color is it? Change it to another color. Change it again. Change it again. What color is it now? Change the color of his trousers. Change them again. Change them again. What color are his shoes now? Change them to another color. Change them again. Change them again. What color are they now?

Have him standing on one foot and holding his other straight out in front of him. Have him stand on the other foot. Have him walk over to another corner of the room. Have him go to another corner.  Have him sing, “Yankee Doodle”. Have him go to another corner. Have him lie down and roll across the floor.  Have him run around on his hands and knees.  Have him stand on his hands. Have him sing, “Yankee Doodle” while he is standing on his hands.  Have him run around the room on his hands.

Have him stand on his feet.  Have him jump up into the air. Have him Jump higher. Have him jump up and touch the ceiling.  Have him sit in a chair. Have the chair float up to the ceiling.  Have him sing something while he sits up there. Have the chair come down.  Have the boy float up to the ceiling without the chair. Have him float to another corner. Have him float to another corner. Have him come down to the floor.

Have him say “Good by” and go to the door to visit a friend.  Look into one corner of the room and see that he is not there. Look into all other corners, above and below and find he is not in any of them.

Put a girl in one corner of the room.  Give her a red hat.  Give her a blue sweater.  Give her a green skirt.  Give her brown shoes.

Now make her hat blue.  Make her sweater yellow.  Make her skirt purple.  Make her shoes black. Change them to green. Change them to yellow. Change all her clothes to white. Change them to black. Change them to purple. Change them to green.

Have her be in another corner of the room. Have her in another corner. Have her sing “London Bridge is Falling Down”.  Have her in another corner. Have her float to the ceiling. Have her turn upside down and stand on the, ceiling.

Have her walk around the ceiling, looking for the boy who was there before. Have her look in all the corners up there and find that he is not in any of them. Bring the boy back and put him on the ceiling beside the girl.

Have them standing on the ceiling playing ball with one another. Put another boy and another girl on the ceiling with them and have all four play ball.  Put some more boys and girls on the ceiling, and have them all play ball. Turn them all right side up, and put them on the roof of the house.  Put them in the play yard at school

Make a new crowd of boys and girls on the ceiling.  Put them on the roof. Put them out in the school yard. Have all the children shouting and running around.

Look at the ceiling and see that there are no children there. Put one boy there. Put him in the school yard. Put one girl on the ceiling. Put her in the school yard.


We are going to start with one little mouse and see what we can do. Let us imagine that there is a little blue mouse somewhere in the room. Where would you like to put him? All right, have him sit up and wave to you. Have him turn to green. Change his color again. Change it again. Have him stand on his hands. Have him run over to the wall. Have him run up the wall. Have him sit upside down on the ceiling. Have him right side up and put him in a corner up there.

Put another mouse in another corner up there. Put a mouse in each of the other two corners. up there. Put other mice in the four corners down below. Are they all there? Turn them all yellow. Have them all say “Hello” at the same time. Have them all say, “How are you?” Have them all promise to stay in their corners and watch the rest of the game.

Put a little dog right over there, (pointing). Have him bark. Have him sit up and laugh. Give him the name “George”. Ask him his name and have him answer “George”. Have him grow bigger. Have him grow smaller. Have him grow much smaller. Have him grow so much smaller that he is no bigger than a pea.

Have him turn into a cat no bigger than a pea. Have the cat grow as big as a potato. Have it grow as big as your head. Have the cat grow into a big fat blue cat. Have it turn into a horse, but stay the same size.

Are the yellow mice all in their places? Have them clap their hands because the cat has turned into a little horse.

Have the horse grow bigger. Have him grow bigger still. Have him become very big. Have him become little again. Have him as big as your head. Have him as big as your hand. Have him as big as your thumb.

Ask him his name and have him tell you “George”. Change his name to Rudolph. Ask him his name and have him tell you Rudolph. Change his name to Harry. Ask him, his name and have him tell you Harry. Take away his name. Ask him his name and have him shake his head. Pick a good name for him and give it to him. Ask his name and have him give you that name.

Is he as big as your thumb? Change him to an elephant and keep him the same size. Have him grow as big as a pumpkin. Have him grow as big as you want him to be. Have him shrink until he is as small as your thumb. Have him shrink until he is no bigger than a pin head. Have him shrink until there is nothing left of him at all….

Look at the place where he was and see that he is not there. Have the yellow mice clap their hands in admiration. Put a new elephant there. Make him as big as a police dog. Make him as big as a cat. Make him as big as a mouse. Make him as big as a pea. Have him shrink away into nothing ….. Look where he was and see that there is nothing there. Have the yellow mice cheer and wave their arms and legs. Put the new elephant where the other one was. Make him as big as you want him to be. Make him as small as you want him to be. Have him shrink away to nothing.

Put a new elephant there. Change him to a dog. Change the dog into a cat. Change the cat into a mouse. Change the mouse into a pea. Change the pea into nothing. Look and see that there is no pea there.

Put a new pea there. Have it not there. Have a dog there. Have a cat there. Have an elephant there. Have the yellow mice clap their hands. Have them come to the place where the elephant was. Have them grow smaller. Have them grow still smaller. Have no mice there. Have some new mice there. Make them blue. Have no mice there. Have one mouse there. What color do you want him to be? What do you want to do with it? All right, do it. . What was the name of the game we just played? Note: The object is to get people NOT to remember what the changes are, but to look back and see.


Let us imagine that Mother is standing right there. (Pointing.) Let’s give Mother a hat. What color hat will you give her? What color dress will you give her? What color shoes will you give her? All right, change the color of her hat. Change the color of her shoes. Change the color of her dress. Change the color of her hat again. Change the color of her dress again. Change the color of her shoes.

Have her go to a different part of the room. Have her go into another room. Have her go outside the house. Have her coming in the front door. Have her cooking in the kitchen. Have her washing dishes. Have her setting the table. Have her asleep in bed. Have her making the bed. Have her singing. Have her talking on the phone. Have her standing on the roof. Have her sitting on top of a box. Have her taking a bath in the bathroom. Have her cooking dinner outdoors. Have her sitting on a ladder. Have her sitting in a tree. Have her cooking dinner up in a tree. Have her taking a bath up in a tree. Have her asleep in her bed up in a tree.

Have Mother at the store buying things. Have her buy something nice for you. Have her come home and give it to you. Have her walking through a forest. Have her standing on a mountain. Have her in a boat. Have her swimming in a swimming pool. Have her swim in a lake. Have her swim in the ocean.

Have her riding a horse. Have her riding a camel. Have her riding an elephant. Have her riding a tiger. Have her riding a donkey. Have her riding a hobby horse. Have her riding in a car. Have her riding a bicycle. Have her riding a motorcycle. Have her flying a jet plane. Have her riding a space ship to the moon. Have her cooking dinner on the moon. Have her making beds on the moon.

Have Mother walk through a jungle. Have her riding across a desert. Have her driving a dog sled through the snow. Have her rounding up a herd of cattle. Have her walking on the bottom of a lake, looking at the fish. Have her walking on the bottom of the ocean. Have her cooking dinner on the bottom of the ocean. Have her making beds on the bottom of the ocean. Have her doing the ironing on the bottom of the ocean. Have her reading you a story on the bottom of the ocean.

Have mother sitting on a chair at home. Have her combing her hair. Have her sweeping the floor. Have her looking into her mirror. Have her washing her face. Have her sitting at dinner.

What would you like to have mother do now? All right, have her do that. Have her do something else. Have her do something else. Have her do something else.

How does Mother feel now? Have her feel happy. Have her thank you for putting her in all those interesting places. Is there anything else you would like to do with Mother? All right, do it.

What is the name of the game you have just played?

COMMENT: I have not played the game as yet myself, and would like to hear from any of you who have, and know what the games brought up from your Aunihipili by way of old associations or fixations, etc. I will be sending copies of these sheets to leaders of the various tape classes so that they can try them.


A 326-page atomic bomb in the shape of a book has resulted from the continuing research of HRA Dr. Martin Larson, whose matchless research books on the Christian Religion (origins and growth and history) and his Essene Heritage (showing just how the Essene doctrines served as a source for teachings supposed to have originated with Jesus), has been so helpful to the world and especially to those of us who strive to understand Huna and where and how it originated.

In his 1965 book, Church Wealth and Business Income, Dr. Larson made public the beginning of an investigation of tax evasions which he now follows up with a much larger book covering the whole field of tax evasion by the rich and crafty, churches, corporations and individuals. The new bomb shell is tided, THE GREAT TAX FRAUD. And how the federal government favors the rich and exploits the masses. (The Devin Adair Company, Publishers, 23 East 26th St., New York , N.Y. 40010 at $5.95. A paperback edition will soon be available.)

Dr. Larson has been using his fine talents to get behind the scenes and see how the rich and powerful of America have managed to get laws passed quietly which allow loopholes which allow them to escape taxes, but not the people of modest incomes.

It is practically impossible to get rich and still pay the sliding scale of income taxes which all are supposed to pay. So, the trick is to get a good lawyer and set up a corporation, then foundations and to get oneself paid a fine tax free salary via one loophole or another. To read the dozens of ways in which this gigantic tax fraud is practiced, makes the little tax payer’s hair curl.

If this Atom Book gets to exploding, it can, happily, blow the grafting inside track boys sky high. Buy your own copy, circulate it. Demand it at libraries.

THE CHIROPRACTIC STORY is a book for which the public has waited all too long. In it Marcus Bach traces the history of the healing arts for the past 5,000 years and brings us up to chiropractic and its origins. From childhood he knew chiropractors at first hand, and eventually married the daughter of one. He knows whereof he speaks, and he speaks well and brilliantly for this branch of the healing arts. Published by DeVorss & Co., 4900 Eagle Rock Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90041. 250 larger- than-usual pages. $5.95. My copy was the gift of Wm. Brown, D.C, HRA, FHF, of Muncie, Ind. who has a tape lecture group at work under his supervision and will welcome a contact with those interested in his neighborhood. The Medical Trust has been trying for years to stop chiropractic without success. It is too valuable and too many people know when only an adjustment can help.


THE LECTURE TAPES have been made up as fast as possible, and at this time, (October 31st), there are five reels. These include the introductory lecture telling the nature of Huna and how the code was broken to recover it. This is an hour-long lecture on two sides of one reel.

Reel #2. Two lectures of 45 minutes each. The first (No. 2) tells in the simplest and most direct manner how to make the Huna type prayer and the reasons for what is done. Lecture No. 3. follows up and, like the Huna lectures to follow, addS more and more information about Huna. These additions are largely aimed at informing class members who have not read my books as yet.

Reel #3. THis is a 70-minute lectures on both sides of a tape, duplicated from a 1966 lecture given by Isabel Hickey of Boston. It tells a remarkable story of what happened after she dedicated herself to Service and asked for Guidance.

Reel #4. Has two 45-minute lectures carrying on the class instruction.

Reel #5 Has two 45-minute lectures carrying on class instruction.

This makes 7 lectures so far, contained on 5 reels. The reels may be had on loan to those who can get a few together to form a class, or just to hear the lectures. Some of the HRAs have wished to buy the tapes outright, and a price of $4 per reel, post paid in U.S.A. and $4.50 for other countries, has been decided on as the charge. This money goes into the Tape Fund which I have started with my own donation and which HRAs have been helping me to keep going. I have also had most welcome help in getting together the recorders to use in this missionary effort. A few who would like the tapes have only cassette recorders, and I am hoping to be able to get equipment to use to dub off the regular reels on the small cassettes which run 45 minutes to the reel side, and use the slow speed for playing as well as recording. The purchase price for cassette tapes will be a dollar higher, as the tapes are surprisingly more expensive to buy in the raw. All direct sales in California need to have the sales tax added. They will be handled for us by Huna Research Publications.

The delighted listeners of the past few months to the Isabel Hickey lecture tape have asked various questions, one of which will be of interest to you all. It is, just what was said by Isabel when she, with her medium friend and the other friend who stood by and probably supplied added faith, confidence and mana when evil spirits were being exorcises from the living. Here is what she does: First she draws in the air before her the protective Sign of the Cross. Then she says in her most forceful and commanding voice and intention, “In the name of Jesus Christ I cross out from your magnetic field all intruding forces and bring down the healing power of God! Go back to your source and be lifted up for Light.”

This is white magic, if ever there was any, and a formula which carries positive power. It calls for the Aumakuas, as “Jesus”, to do the work, and the majority of evil spirits know of Jesus and fear all good powers. I would say that this formula, delivered as she delivers it so effectively, can be used by all good persons and that the evil they sense can be driven away.

Mrs. Hickey, in her lecture, covers almost the entire spectrum of Huna, and in addition she includes her specialty, Astrology, of which the kahunas seem to have known little, although they navigated by the stars and had a surprising knowledge of them, of their rising and setting and seasonal changes. Chants still tell of just where in the Islands starts were to be made, at just what time and just what season and, over thousands of miles of empty oceans, they sailed.

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