Huna Vistas Bulletin #67

HV64-headerAugust-September, 1965

The Subject of the Unexpected & Faith


MANY THANKS for sending in your zip code number (and if you didn’t, Cigbo, says, “Terrible BIG scolds to you!”) The day of refusing bulletin mail by the post office unless the zip is in the address has been postponed, fortunately, until the end of the coming December, so there is still time. (But Cigbo wishes to remind you that, “Even if that earth cake did forget to come to shake California into the ocean as pedicted, that is no esquse for slopokers to forget to send in zips!”)

AGAIN MY TAROT CARD PREDICTIONS WERE VINDICATED. I ran the cards to check on the widely heralded disaster and at no time drew a disaster card. The readings were always “Business as usual”, as I like to put it. And while we are at the disgraceful business of telling fortunes with the cards, let me add that the cards still keep to their early answer that the war in Viet Nam will not grow to major proportions and result in a world war of atom bombs. The Five of Swords keeps coming up, this showing one man triumphantly gathering up discarded swords on a beach while his sad opponents walk disconsolately away. The standard reading for this card is that, “The enemy, by trickery, robs us of our weapons so that we cannot fight.” However, aside from these matters, the cards DO show something of major importance coming up. In an atmosphere marked by prosperity and justice, speaking in terms of the Tarot, I repeatedly draw the “Strength” card, No. VIII of the majors, and “Temperance”, which is numbered XIV in the pack we use, but whose number should be XII, (and has been changed to this in my pack). Strength shows a female figure, over whom is an inverted 8, the sign of evolution and progression, forcing closed the jaws of a lion. The reading is “A great effort, successfully made”. Temperance shows a figure dressed in a white robe and appearing to be male-female, and so an Aumakua, pouring water (mana) from one golden cup to another. This figure has wings and stands with one foot in water and the other on the land. Behind it we see the “path” leading back to the twin mountain peaks behind which the symbol sun of the Aumakua state rises. The figure has a golden triangle set on a white square on its breast, indicating the three selves, three aka bodies and three manas of the triune man, and the square of the physical background of living. Without going into detail about the things I read into the symbols in the card illustrations, my reading, predictively speaking, is that we are coming into a cycle when the things revealed by the Huna Code will be understood by the top level of people, as measured by their P.A. standing in terms of degree. I see the “12” element of this card indicating the top twelfth of those now in incarnation, and these making the great effort to “graduate” at the end of the present life. Let me mention some of the thoughts that are passing through my mind in this connection these days. (Remember that I am not asking you to agree with me at all.)

THE NUMBER 12 AS REPRESENTED by the Twelve Disciples in the Gospels may well indicate the fact that 12 incarnations are necessary – give and take a few – in order to pass through the three grades of the School of Life: 12 for the Aunihipili as a first grader, 12 for the Auhane as a second grader, and 12 for the Aumakua stage to lead to the “Akua Aumakua” level which is one step higher. From “life readings” which are made psychically these days to examine the past lives of individuals, it would seem that each incarnation has about a hundred years between it and the next. If we count the average span of life as 50 years, this would demand about 150 years to the incarnation, and twelve of these for one when starting out as an Aunihipili, would come to 1800 years. Follow that by a similar 12 spaced lives in which one is an Auhane, and we go back to about 1300 B.C. As Auhanes, starting at about 200 A.D., we could say that many of us passed through the cycle when Christianity burst upon the world.

OR, LOOK AT IT ANOTHER WAY, and speculate that some great renovation of mind and spirit is at last due, as before the “Flood” of legendary history, and that the Powers That Be have seen fit to cause the majority of people who have lived in the past to reincarnate in this cycle in the good conditions which have made the “Population Explosion” possible. I am wondering whether or not we are all “resurrected” in terms of the Code meaning, and are about to undergo a winnowing process before a new shuffle is made and a fresh start is dictated – a fresh start in which man, who has made such a startlingly swift and sudden advance in Science, will be helped to make a similar advance in perfecting the mechanics of his social structure. In the past we have seen strange religious drives animate masses of people. Look at the Crusades as one example, and recall the extent of that mass movement and religious fervor. Remember the great Buddhist “awakening” some centuries earlier, and the way the people of all castes gave up all possessions, took up the beggar’s bowl, and began to bend every effort to reach something which we know only as “Nirvana” – but which the Code explains as a heavenly state more fabulous than fabulous. Coming up to our own times, remember the strange upsurge of the Spiritualist Movement a century ago. In this the spirits of the departed seem mainly to have been involved. They began to come into manifestation through more and more naturally mediumistic people. They performed amazingly and magnificently, convincing  ever so many that Science was wrong and that “SURVIVAL” was a fact. Societies for Psychical Research grew up over night, and a wonderful amount of information was gained concerning spirits and what they could do. The reactionaries of the Scientific World could not disprove the findings. They took refuge in blanket denial, and the marching spirits of the Cycle triumphantly walked on their necks in passing. But, pass they did. Before the century was out, they had ceased to manifest as they had been doing on such an incredible scale. As long as two decades ago it became all but impossible to find spirits working through mediums sufficiently well to allow careful investigation. The Societies for Psychical Research fell apart for lack of research material.

Overlapping the sudden appearance of spirit manifestation, came the sudden arrival of the Scientific Outburst. The spirits had hardly finished giving Nicola Tesla direction for making his great electrical inventions before the world of thought in Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy and elsewhere exploded into the beginning of another New Cycle. As I write, there has been a new detonation which is shaking the world of Science. It has been found that everything – in terms of composing electronic pieces – has a negative particle to match those we know which are positive in terms of the new negatives. The implications are Fourth  dimensional, to say the least. In this new negative world that duplicates the one we know, it is said that time must necessarily run backward.

PSYCHOLOGY, as a semi-science, has lagged far behind. We know little more about the composition of the human mind than we did in the days of William James, who worked mightily before the turn of the century and left his imprint on Psychology and Psychical Research and related subjects. True , we have had the greatly perfected Huna system of Psychology in our hands for the past dozen years, but its Cycle of Explosion has yet to come. RELIGION has been static for many years. The new religions which have been invented in the present century have not had world wide impact and have not caused an Explosive Cycle in terms of mass change and revision. The old standard religions plod along at the same slow pace as they did when Protestantism had finished a borning, but on all sides pressures build up demanding change. Science has almost entirely escaped from the restrictive bonds of Religion, as has Spiritism, Psychology and Geology. One may safely say that the earth was NOT created some 5,800 years ago and affirm that the bones of the human family show conclusively that man has been on earth for the past 40,000 years, while the world has been in existence for perhaps a billion years or even more. The restrictive hold of Religion was long made stronger by an unholy alliance with the element of Dictatorship in Sociology. The Church supported the Divine Right of Kings theory and in turn, the frequently evil rulers supported the position and special privileges of the Church, not only in Christian circles, but in ancient Egypt and around the world. Only at this late date have men been throwing off the restraints laid on them by the religionists, both priests and preachers.

Religion, like war, are seen to be too expensive in their present forms. We all know that the billions spent in the Western World on wars, war bonds which draw interest, and on war preparations, would be sufficient to build endless schools and hospitals as well as to rebuild roads and slums. Not too long ago a good beginning was made in certain parts of the world to ease the financial burden imposed by the various religious organizations. In South America and Mexico, the holdings of the Catholic Church had become so great that in their untaxed state they made life a burden for those outside the charmed circle. Revolts came and the Jesuit Fathers who had engineered the grabs were kicked out and the Church properties confiscated. In Communist countries this has been going on with all churches under attack. In Cuba, only a decade ago, the same thing happened.

A PAUSE FOR A BOOK REVIEW comes  in well at this point: CHURCH WEALTH AND BUSINESS INCOME, by our Dr. Martin A. Larson (who gave us the invaluable Religion of the Occident and its data), has been published this summer by the Philosophical Library, New York, at $3.95 (your book dealer will be able to supply you with a copy). In his expert way, Dr. Larson has gone into this absurd situation and brought all the hush hush abuses out into the light, laying them before the public where all can see just what has been happening and how the churches have joined hands (not with the kings as of old) but with the powerful top dogs in the business world,   with the result that under the present laws they can come under the tax exempt shelter of some religious organization, share a small part of their gains with it, and avoid paying the heavy taxes that are collected from their competitors. In this way they can undercut prices when they bid on jobs, and even make use frequently of non-union labor. One of our own HRAs was caught in a squeeze between the unions which demanded ever increasing wages, and an Adventist School where the students were “taught” book binding and where bids were made for such book binding business as was to be had locally. He was forced to turn over his business to a son and to make it a family project to get out from under the unions, then cut personal wages to the bone to compete with the school.

IN THE MATTER OF PROPERTY held by the Churches and by the crafty business men who work under religious protection, the tax burdens increase steadily as the tax exempt church properties, real and pretended, increase. Of late, a charming practice has been coming into greater and greater use. It is to avoid buying an annuity from an insurance company which has to pay taxes, and to get a much better deal by turning over money or business or property to some church, which in turn will agree to pay back certain amounts from its coffers – all with the Government not being able to collect the usual types of taxes. Any heathen can take advantage of this arrangement, or, if one likes, one can pretend to belong to the selected religious organization. Up in the Monument Valley region, the Navaho Indians, whose property as wards of the Government is tax exempt, have been doing a good job of investing their oil and uranium gains. They have built some very fine and modern motels, manned them with Indians who are beyond the reach of the unions, and furnished keen competition for nearby motel owners who do business just on the edge of the reservations with their motels – paying taxes and hiring union help. One such motel owner solved his problem by turning over his plant to a tax exempt organization which will pay him roundly out of the profits while he lives, and keep the property when he is gone. Everyone is happy except the Internal Revenue Department and the many tax payers who have found no such “out”.

SAUCEROLOGY, to get back to our list of explosions, has done much to break the bonds of materialism in past years. People who, normally, would obediently obey the injunction of Mother Grundy and refuse steadfastly to believe in ghosts or human survival, or telepathy even, were shaken out of the nest by the blast of publicity caused by the advent of UFOs. Officially, there “ain’t no sech animules”, but for the man in the street, “seeing is still believing”, and too many have seen saucers and fire balls and have reported what they have seen. From the “saucers” to the rest of the Fortean materials is but a short step, and by then one is right into the phenomena of Spiritism. One man out of two will admit that there “must be something behind it all, even if we still do not know what.” For my money, this can also be called an “explosion” of sorts, and a rather important one because it has softened up the hard shell of automatic rejection of the NEW and made the public rather ready to accept anything that crops up suddenly and which sounds like an answer to the various mysterious problems. (The increased openness to anything which even smells like a correct answer may carry its own dangers as well. It is to be hoped that someone does not go off half cocked and cause a stampede with an announcement based on nothing at all but a too vivid imagination. We all remember how the radio broadcast of a certain play made people think the men f om Mars had actually landed. And that was in the days when Saucerology was not yet with us.) It has been said that the Communists have one plan worked out in which radio stations would be seized at some time of major quake activity when the people were off their guard, and false broadcasts of invasion or internal threats used to stampede the city dwellers and cause them to try to get out into the open country, thus giving a small but well organized Red minority group the opportunity to get control and keep it. Having seized armories and weapon supplies and having blown up similar things in army posts, a small number of Reds could control a large number of civilians. Such dangers as this have been the motivation of the “Minute Men”and other “extremist groups” who fear the Government is not well enough aware of what may happen. Aside from this group which is arming and holding drills, there are many who fear that some disaster may disrupt the regular flow of supplies and services, and cause roving bands to move from the cities taking food wherever it might be found, and killing all unarmed people who might stand in their way. The trade in arms and amunition is brisk. It is not beyond possibilty by any means, that something should unexpectedly occur which would jar at least a part of humanity out of its normal way of life and thought, allowing an opening for a sudden religious explosion to take place.

THE SUBJECT OF THE UNEXPECTED makes for fascinating speculation, and Science Fiction literature is filled with it. More orthodox speculation is also to be found burgeoning. The new discovery of “negative matter” has already been fallen upon with delighted shrieks. One writer points out that we have for some time been seeing scenes appear vividly from the past so that they may be seen by a number of people at once, such as the reactment of the Battle of Hastings in England on the old battle field. Here time seems to be running backward, quite as expected, and still, despite the increasing difference between the event in the first place, and reinactment of it in modern times, the two time units coincide in the reappearance.

Vincent Gaddis, in his new book, INVISIBLE HORIZONS (Chilton Books, $4.25 from your book dealer) gives instance after instance of verified “seeings” of the kind under discussion. One of the most famous of these is mentioned by Mr. Gaddis on page 94. I quote: “If you have time and money, and patience, you should be able to see a spectral ship sail to her fiery doom. The place to go is Merigomish, a small fishing community in Nova Scotia. It is situated on the north shore, south of Prince Edward Island where the eastern end of Northumberland Strait joins the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Each year, if the weather permits, either before or directly after the autumnal equinox, the weird vessel appears. Its coming is a big event in the quiet lives of the costal residents. After the harvest the folks living nearest the water maintain a nightly vigil at dusk. As the vessel is sighted, they phone their inland friends and the news quickly spreads, ‘Here she comes! Hurry!’

“By horse and auto, carrying blankets, lanterns and telescopes, the Nova Scotians rush to the shore. They crowd the higher observation points along the bank to watch the re-enactment of an ancient tragedy. It is like seeing once again an old motion picture of that recorded event of long ago.

“The ship now in view is sailing northeast at about twenty knots, a full rigged three master of around a hundred tons. If there is moonlight, the spectators can see the shining copper on her keel. If there is a slight fog over the waters, she is outlined in phosphorescence. Eerie lights blink along her decks and in the rigging.

“Now, quite suddenly, the vessel lurches, as if striking treacherous shoals. A moment later flames appear and dim figures can be seen jumping overboard. The fire explosively bursts from bow to stern as great red tongues leap skyward from the sails. Rigging – then the masts – collapse, and, finally, a blackened hulk, the specter plunges beneath the waves. For three generations the mystery vessel has appeared and died.”

This instance takes some doing to make it fit the negative matter theory and the possibility that time runs backward on the opposite side of our material level.

If we look for the material from which these materializing and dematerializing pictures-in-motion-and-color are made, we have only the aka substance of Huna or the aka-shic of ancient Indian beliefs. For the producers of the pictures we have only the ghosts of people long dead to suspect, and for the energy used in the mat and demat phases, we have no source even slightly suspected. Like Fire-walking, we have before us the material for fresh investigation under the classification of “still unsolved mysteries”. By the way, HRA Max North, of Durban, South Africa, recently sent clippings and pictures of a local fire-walking ceremony done by Hindu worshipers of Draupadi, Goddess of Fire, who appears very similar in many respects to the Goddess Pele of the Hawaiians, who presides over the volcanoes.

IN THEIR BOOK, THE DAWN OF MAGIC, Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, a French writing team, have done a delightful job of rounding up the latest in the field which we have been discussing. They introduce all the modern material and speculate in terms of the latest theories concerning the many unsolved mysteries. I had hoped that with their fine fund of the very latest occult and scientific information they might produce a new theory to give a pointer to a probable solution, but all they have succeeded in doing is to outline in a very general way the possible course humanity may be taking to produce “muntant” humans   most of whom would be monsters, but a few of whom might be “supermen” and might lead the course of evolutionary progress and civilization to a sudden high plateau of mental excellence. They tell of the strange men of genius who have lived in the past and decide that there must be some dormant part of the brain which can awaken to give the amazingly superior mathematical and other abilities. The increase in radiation since the atom has been smashed will produce mutations, unquestionably, and there could be a sudden leap brought about by a mutant acting as a world leader. (My copy of this excellent book is a paperback of the “Panther” imprint published in England at 5 shillings. A hardcover edition, which is much easier on tired eyes, has been published in U.S.A. and your book dealer should be able to get you one if he does not have it in stock.) Let me take the reviewer’s privilege to quote what the thoughtful authors say on page 236 about the failure of the semi-science of Psychology to keep up with Physics in the swift advance of the past few years.

“The only progress in psychology has been the attempt to explore the deep-lying zones of the subconscious. We believe there are also summits to be explored, a super conscious zone. Or, rather, our researches and investigations incline us to admit as a hypothesis the existence of a superior equipment in the brain that has scarcely as yet been investigated. In the ordinary waking state of consciousness, only a tenth of the brain is actively functioning. Psychology, like any other science, had to break away from theology; all we are saying is that the breakaway is not yet complete, and that it can be liberated from above, by the methodical study of phenomena that are above consciousness, and of an intelligence vibrating at a higher rate of frequency.” (Unfortunately, these writers had not come to know of our work in the field of the ancient Huna System.)

ALSO, IN PASSING, can any of you supply information about a book whose probable title is, THE LOST VALLEY AND ITS PEOPLE, LONG, LONG FORGOTTEN. Author’s name not known. If you know of it, please write to me and I will pass on the information to HRA George Stone, of Wales, who has helped our long research effort forward by the gift of many rare and valuable books which deal with the “occult” and its related fields.

IT IS JUST A MONTH NOW, as I write this, since the new book was released and sent to many of you. At the risk of being less than clear to those who do not yet have a copy, (but who have heard most of the things expanded in it mentioned in the Huna Vistas) may I offer a few explanations of things which have been questioned. Let me quote part of a letter which has come in from one of our most experienced “Old China hands” in the field of “the occult”.

Dear Max:

The two books came, and I have devoured the copy that I’ve opened.

There’s a minor item of arithmetic, stubborn stuff that it is, which bothers me. One Aumakua to each person, yes. Two Auhanes that have graduated making up a new Aumakua? There’s a serious discrepancy there even without the present population explosion. On that score I feel that it is a question of reserving acquiescence to the theory of reincarnations followed by graduation …….. S.K.

To understand the matter of the union of two Auhanes to become a new Aumakua at the end of a dozen or so incarnations, we have to go back to the Huna belief which was placed expertly in the Bible story of the Creation by the use of symbols which are a part of the Huna language code. Adam was created, and was a complete man, then he was made into two by having a very part of him taken away and used to create Eve. As Adam, in the Hawaiian version of the story, was made of red and white clay, and so of an Aunihipili and Auhane, we see that the Aunihipili was also subject to the symbolic division into two parts, one male, the other female. This is a great simplification of the story of the process, and we do not know whether a similar division into sexes starts early in the evolutionary process with the mullygrubs. But it is sufficient for our need of understanding of Huna to be informed that a single human is composed of a male and female part, and is presided over by a single god, or creative Aumakua, NOT by TWO different Aumakuas.

Once we get this well in mind, we can picture Adam and Eve as a pair of Aunihipilis, each with a body and each with an Auhane, and over all, ONE Aumakua. Incarnations pass and the Aunihipili Adam and Eve graduate to become Auhanes, living in their turns with Aunihipilis who provide a physical body for mutual use. ONE Aumakua – in this case perhaps the old Auhane pair united and graduated to the level just above, watches over the man and woman – these incarnating and learning the lessons of life far apart, or perhaps as husband and wife in some incarnations. Together they have a fine store of learning in the end. They have learned in many places and times and the man from the male angle while the woman has learned from the angle of the female. In the end they are “perfected” through the “grace” of the Aumakua and brought together after the end of the final incarnation. Union follows as the “graduation” to the Aumakua level is made.

Dear Max: (Writes another HRA) My understanding has been that we incarnate sometimes in a male and sometimes in a female body, and I think you once wrote in a bulletin that you thought it quite possible that we might at times live with a male Aunihipili and a female Auhane, or in the reverse. I have read several accounts of past incarnations made for people by psychics, and in these the sex is very often the opposite of what the person now is tabbed with. You seem to have changed your mind recently on these ideas and have decided that we keep to one sex from the start of our upward growth to the graduation point. How about it? D.H.J.

Dear D (I replied.) Yes, I have changed my mind. It seems now to me that the things which make a person either male or female are so much an indelible part of the “self” that there could be no switching back and forth from one sex to another, from one incarnation to another.

I agree that the psychics and the people who read under hypnosis, or the subject himself when hypnotized and caused to go back to a former incarnation, often report a life as one of the opposite sex, but I have come to suspect that the readings are the product of imagination or suggestion instead of reality. The three most publicized books dealing with past incarnations, ending with that by Bridey Murphy, show in each case the sex remaining the same. (I have wondered why we have not had males coming back or remembering, so that they would give us books of a similar nature, but that is beside the point.)

I am not forgetting the unfortunate people who are born in the wrongly sexed bodies, and suffer because they are female at heart while having to live in a male body. I am also willing to agree that a male Aunihipili might accidentally have to pass an incarnation with a strange female Auhane on board. And, I am not overlooking the unhappy situation of a person who has fallen into the hypnotic grip of an “eating companion” spirit of the opposite sex, with the result that it forces upon the victim things quite contrary to the natural sex traits and leanings. There can be, and apparently is, a painful shuffling of selves, bodies and sexes when the normal conditions are disturbed. On the other hand, I can well imagine what a strange lot of experience and information might be picked up in a single incarnation by one thrown into these mixed and obsessed conditions. As all learning is carried on in essence from life to life and shows in natural talents, leanings and cautions, I would judge that at graduation, even the painful lessons of such tangled incarnations might be of value.

In my correspondence I have yet to hear from either a man or a woman who would tolerate the thought of changing over to be of the opposite sex. True, some would like to enjoy the advantages preempted by the opposite sex, but without having to change their sex in the process.

If I have understood the final revelations of Huna correctly, Adam never ceases to be Adam, and Eve remains always the “Eternal Eve”. This could not well be otherwise unless the kahunas were quite wrong – which seems improbable when we see how far advanced they were in psychological knowledge all down the line. At the risk of having someone slap me down, I say “PHOOEY” to those who believe that we alternate sexes in incarnating, and also to those who for some reason or other insist that the Aunihipili is always of the opposite sex from that of the resident Auhane. I have pontificated. (Signed) Max.

Dear Max: (Writes W.H.B., who knows his way around in our labyrinthine occult field better than most.) Thanks for the March H.V. It amazes me to see how closely your understanding of Huna and the Egyptian Coptic fit together: The Aumakua half male and half female,  the Union, etc. etc. You are a ‘very’ profound man”, and God bless you. It was a splendid issue – and amazing. W.H.B.

Dear Max: (Writes an HRA who has a background of A.M.O.R.C. and long personal experience in psychic matters, to say nothing of being very widely read.) I have read your latest book, agreeing with most of your findings, but would never have had the patience to work them out. I don’t like riddles.

There are a few things I would like to have you consider. I have been taught that the stepping up of the more advanced of the animal kingdom to the human family has been a part of evolution in the past, but that one of the characteristics of the New Aquarian Age – that started approximately a hundred years ago – is the closing of the gates from the animal to the human kingdom for the present life wave of our solar system – not abruptly with no exceptions, but at the present time substantially so for the mass. This would mean that from now on, since there are no new ones entering the kindergarten of humanity, future ages should see an improvement in the ethics and spirituality of the human race, as all will eventually be in college and show the development of the super senses. Your Bible Code was, therefore, correct, but the future will be different. Please do some investigating on this.

I have mentioned Spencer Lewis and his “Mystical Christ” – his access to old Rosecrusion records and the concensus of opinion in Oriental monasteries showing that Jesus did not die on the cross, but was revived by Nicodemus and other disciples, and that he taught them in seclusion for an indefinite time. He makes out quite a convincing case. What do you think?

I have also been taught that there is a distinction between Jesus and Christ. The high Christ spirit came to him at the time of the baptism by John the Baptist who had been Elijah and used him until his departure at the time when, on the cross, he said, “Why hast thou forsaken me?”

Your Code findings that his crucifixion was due to failure in the supreme humility tests or to obsession by evil spirits is new to me. He may have graduated to a higher, Christ level in his last incarnation – but he is now a master of masters and working for the redemption of humanity on the lower planes, and a few in mortal bodies have been able to see him. I have been especially privileged, and whoever painted the Sallman “Head of Christ” has also seen him.

I hope you will mention the Patman Bill in the H.V. and urge members to write their congressmen to vote for the bill which would reform the Federal Reserve money system. This is most important. (Signed) W.O.E.

MY REPLY: While I like very much the hope that there is such a thing as an Aquarian Age, and that it is arriving, this is not Huna and so is outside my tight little research corner. It could be that periodically the course of evolution is stopped by the Powers That Be and humanity given a chance to come to scratch or, as we see in many religions, be judged and the good sent on to a heaven of sorts while the useless are popped into some kind of hell, there to be kept forever out of the way while the orderly evolutionary process is resumed. Unfortunately, I have no “teaching” on this point via the kahunas and the Code. All I can say is that so long as the many “teachings” (whether from men who appoint themselves to teach, or spirits who do the same) do not agree on what is taught, I am forced to weigh possibilities rather than to accept any one dictum. This applies to all “traditions” and personal guesses and conclusions – samples of which I supply from my own cogitations all the time to bore my HRA friends.  Rudolph Steiner, the famous Theosophist who broke away from the original society and created his own dogmas, was very sure that Jesus and the Christ were two different beings, and in Coded Huna we have the Jesus of the great initiatory drama of the Gospels switching back and forth from one point or level of being to the other: speaking as the Aumakua, and then as an Auhane. In any case, the growing opinion has been that Jesus was not just a one soul man who was, at the same time, a god. Looking back from the vantage point of our present knowledge of Jesus, as gained through the Code, it is easy to see how the rumors of the Drama story became changed and garbled as they passed from hand to hand. The surprising part is that in modern times we came so close to reconstructing the original story through our speculations and  guesses – which circulate as “teachings” even today.

IN THE MATTER OF “MASTERS”, Huna has nothing to say. But in the Theosophical journal so ably edited by T.H. Redfern, “EIRENICON”, (which has just now been cut free of the “Peace Lodge”, whose voice it has been for so long) I read: “In our last issue we opened the (question) of the validity of Mme. Blavatsky’s teachings. Central to this is her claim to be amanuensis for some highly evolved men, freed by their knowledge from compulsory reincarnation, who have made an endeavor to carry the enlightenment of mankind a little further. She claimed she was their main agent for transmitting their thought impact to the late nineteenth century for its influence on the twentieth.”

As the Theosophists are largely responsible for promulgating the”Maister” belief which was one of the mainstay points in her claim to authority as presented by Mme. Blavatsky, I feel justified in my own questioning of the reality of these great and silent members of the mythical White Brotherhood. My suspicions were aroused when, as a young man first plunging happily into Theosophy, I became disillusioned because the vaunted Masters proved themselves to be badly lacking in superior insight. The bad advice they gave the poor Madam seemed to me evidence that either there were no masters, or that, if spirits were pretending to be so advanced, they were not able to live up to their reputation for superior wisdom and power. And now, in the troubled year of 1965, 1 still can see not a single sign that Masters are at work behind the scenes guiding Theosophists or HRAs or even the Democrats. I WILL, however, agree to believing that there are good spirits of very high learning who at times work through men like Nicola Tesla to give the world new and valuable information. I will also go for Aumakuas and for the “Great Company of Aumakuas, as a possible source of help and guidance for individuals as well as groups or nations. Sad to say, the n Aumakua and the “Po`e Aumakua” do not always see fit to give those in power the right hunches, prods or commands to cause them to do the things which I see are so very proper and necessary. Sometimes I wonder whether or not they may think that I am not as smart as I – but we won’t go into that just now.

THE NEWS OF ALPHIA HART, who with wife, Alice, published the brilliant little journal, THE ABERREE, is that he is slowly becoming able to walk, but that his damaged arm is still not good enough to allow him to write with it. After his stroke and suspension of the publication of “Aberree”, his good friend, Tom O’Neil, who publishes PSYCHIC OBSERVER, offered to include the “Aberree” in his journal, and printed one complete issue. But now comes the news that Mr. O’Neil has developed a heart condition that has forced him to suspend publication under doctor’s orders and take it easy for a time, perhaps for four to six months. It is recalled that the former owner and Publisher-Editor of the “Psychic Observer”, Ralph Pressing, was stopped by a stroke. These sixteen  hour-a-day jobs of getting out small magazines are killers. Our sympathy and TMHG prayers go out for both these staunch and generous friends.

IN THE MATTER OF THE HISTORICAL JESUS, letters have been coming in expressing all shades of opinion. The ones who are convinced that they have seen Jesus and none other, are in the minority, while a number of HRAs feel that there probably has always been a “Christ Consciousness”, being in its nature a god-like conscious being overlooking the world and standing ready to help all who look to it for Help. In the Huna lore, the seeing of a white light, cold and very intense, has been common, and the symbol for the Aumakua has long been “LIGHT”. United into a “Great Company of Aumakua”, these higher entities fit rather well into the idea of “Universal Consciousness” and the like.

IN THE MATTER OF POSSIBLE “GRADUATION” as given us in the Gospels via the Huna Code (and as explained at some length in my new book, The Huna Code in Religious , I have taken the old, old step which so many have taken before me and which so many will, undoubtedly, take long after I am gone. I have moved from conclusion to faith. In doing this I have been forced to give up my position as a research amateur and to accept the classification of religionist.

FAITH seems to be an Aunihipili activity for the most part. But here we see that the Aunihipili (aside from a tendency to accept illogical ideas under pressure and make them into fixations) needs first to be convinced by the Auhane that a given conclusion is correct. In my case, I have been weighing all the evidence that the kahunas, who seem to have been so right in their knowledge cf psychology, are right in the matter of evolution and its passage through the “graduation” stage. I have myself been convinced as an Auhane, and now I find that my Aunihipili has accepted the same set of conclusions as facts, and that I have become “A True Believer” made firm by that evasive thing we call “FAITH”.

In taking this position I know that I am laying myself open to question and that there will always remain many open points which must be argued. There is always the chance that the kahunas who put the Code into the Gospel passages to tell us of “graduation” were mistaken and that there is no such thing. It is difficult to decide which side is weighted the heavier, that side for the correctness of the new belief which they have preserved for us, or the side against its verity. If we can arrive at no decision and can make no judgment, we get no place. We may lose nothing, but we give up all chance of gaining a blessedness greater than any other which man has yet envisioned – the “union” and perfect love which leads to the great multiplication of all the powers belonging to Auhane consciouness – the final wonders of insight and understanding coming with the change into an Aumakua.

To me the gamble has become one entirely worth taking. Time alone will tell whether I have or have not made a mistake. I am staking my standing as a judge who must always remain unconvinced or open of mind on every subject. What I may win, on the other hand, surpasses anything or any state which seems to me at this time to be even faintly possible – any state worth striving to attain.

If I lose in the gamble, it seems to me that the loss cannot be very great and that I simply would have wasted a little time and energy   a waste that would not put me back much, if any, in a following incarnation. But if, by any long chance I WIN, ah then!

One can imagine what fears of having to continue painful reincarnations must have moved the masses to whom Gautama, the “Buddha” preached his outer doctrine. Their fear must have been as great or even greater than the fear of hell fire held by the masses to whom Jesus preached the outer doctrine in the Mystery Drama. But those of the inner circles, who came to know the marvelous REWARD to be enjoyed in “the kingdom of Heaven”, which was also “Nirvana”, what a difference it must have made in their fervor. In the Christian story we have little given up by the followers of Jesus, but in Buddhism we have men and women giving up everything to take the beggar’s robe and bowl and set out for the shining goal. The key word here is “SELFLESSNESS”. The Auhane must reach it, not the Aunihipili. MFL

One Comment

  1. Just took a class Sunday on Max Freedom Long’s book The Secret Science Behind Miracles at JR Schroder’s church here in Columbus, Ohio. These concepts are very unique and I can not wait to put them into practice.

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