Huna Vistas Bulletin #53

HV52-headerJanuary, 1964

New Year Predictions – Yoga Breathing


A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!! May more of your dreams and those of the HRA be realized in a world blessed with growing peace and understanding between men and nations. The prospects appear at this time to be increasingly bright. With hope for the best. I will now turn prophet and run the Tarot Cards to see what they predict.

LAST YEAR’S PREDICTIONS were given on page 9 of the H.V. for December, ’63, No. 40., in case you wish to see how well the predictions hit the mark last year. I predicted that the big trouble about Cuba would quiet down and that we would even promise not to try to overthrow Castro, which was correct. I predicted the turning away from Russia and China to accept U.S.A. aid and the resumption of trade and of tourist business and in these items I failed. For Russia I predicted crop failure and money pressures making for the desire of more peaceful world relations. All this has come about and military funds are being diverted to build chemical fertilizer plants. The card runs showed Red China under hard general conditions and starting a new set of changes, with the “Death” card calling for epidemics or deadly disasters, and help being offered by ourselves and others. This prediction seems to have failed unless we read the “Death” card [as] one of the changing position in which Russia has withdrawn help and China’s Great Leap Forward has fiddled out badly. The war with India stopped as per the cards, but what bribe might have been offered and accepted to stop China, we do not know – if any. The general “Business as usual” prediction came out well.


Let me run the Tarot Cards and see what portends.

RED CHINA: The “Falling Tower” with four of the lesser Sword cards indicate grave trouble caused by keeping on with small aggressions. Next is indicated a strong party trying to make a start at resuming a place in the world of trade, with efforts to sell enough to get dollars for necessary outside purchases. More friendly approaches are made and business interests help promote better world relationship. The old ideals of World Revolution appear to be given up for something more possible and profitable. For LAOS, more peaceful conditions appear to be in the making, with our money still being poured in to fight the Reds and get the country on its feet. For White China (if we can use that term) there will be little change but some disappointments for the leaders. JAPAN also comes under the “Fool” card with China, and seems to be making radical changes in plans – changes quickly planned and acted upon to right existing or old wrongs and demand justice in some form. Business plans and efforts initiated in the recent past begin to pay off, but much more is needed. Trade with China and mutual plans for the benefit of the Orient seem on the way this year. No great quake or other disasters are indicated for Japan in 1964.

INDIA makes peace and can divert war funds to helping business and internal plans. England befriends her. Russian help is delayed or stopped, and China is no longer a threat. Peace with Pakistan will be negotiated. Money aid will be given, new enterprizes started, but on the whole the progress is delayed and very slow.

AFRICA: Things are looking up in the parts dominated by Whites, but while business is good and things more peaceful on the surface, the “Devil” card turns up to indicate very strong and evil forces at work behind the scenes. Greed and prejudice build for an eventual explosion. The freed African nations get help and muddle along. Egypt is very poor this coming year and internal affairs are such that there is much unrest. Long term plans for the big dam project are slow to make the grade, and outside help is sought for and new markets needed for Egyptian products. Keeping the Near East and Israel stirred up and men under arms is too great a burden when there is hunger along the Nile. ISRAEL has some troubles early in the year, but gets on well after that. SOUTH AMERICA shows the usual revolutions and conflict of interests between parties and the rich and poor, also the Big Foreign Interests. U.S.A. pours out money with scant results. Brazil comes in for a drastic revision of governmental policies. MEXICO does fairly well.

ENGLAND gives a most interesting card run, indicating that dark business conditions are not as bad as feared and improve during the year. Most significant are the cards showing a return to high standing in world leadership, this time wise elder statesmen taking the lead in working for peace and the beating of swords into plowshares. The period of breaking up of the old British Empire seems to be in reverse now with old ties revived and the new little nations turning with more and more confidence to the British for understanding and wise guidance. Even if kept out of the Common Market, England will manage and the Commonwealth trade prosper.

FRANCE and EUROPE prosper, with France more and more in command of affairs. Less and less money will be spent for war preparations and more and more on putting the Common Market countries into a tight little group where mutual help is to the fore. France seems to be in the process of having its conflicting parties slapped down by a dictator so that things can progress in the nation. WEST GERMANY prospers and continues to expand its world markets, with no indication of trouble in Berlin.

RUSSIA appears to be starting to benefit greatly through the increasing number of well educated people in the nation. The Ten of Swords card come up indicating the end of the wish to conquer the world by the use of arms, and also the end of the fear that the world outside the Red sphere will jump the Reds. Changes of old beliefs and plans related to world revolution are indicated by the V and VIII of Cups, both showing the giving up of old hopes and plans while searching for something new and better. New business enterprises are indicated, help continues to be given some other nations, and there is a decided turn from war to business. Friendly moves are increasing this year, and the Berlin Wall which was opened briefly for Christmas, may become lower as the year progresses. Bonds with Red China will be strengthened as both countries make new starts and begin to give up the idea that war as the way to promote world Communism. Some more radical change in ideas may appear in China and surprise Red Russia, while Japan throws its commercial shadow more strongly over the Orient.

THE UNITED STATES takes more and more a world view of things in 1964, and the Isolationists lose more ground. We will work more and more closely with other nations and in the United Nations, while Great Britain and the other English speaking countries will draw closer to us. Colored people will be given a much better deal. The women will have more to say this year about things in government. The effort to promote world disarmament may be set back by double dealing on the part of some other country, and the hopes for a swift transition from the cold war to a full peace appear to dim and come in for delay, but the hopes will be realized in a few more years – as is indicated by the cards of high Guidance. Medicine will be in the news this year with a renovation of bad practices and some better laws to control manufacturers. Better medical care for the aged may be given, but not as much as many had hoped. Finances improve during the year, with some minor drops in the stock and bond market. Unemployment continues to be a growing and difficult problem as the population explosion continues. The unions will be under pressure and may be faced with forced arbitration of disputes involving public interest. President Johnson has good cards and will probably push ahead with the plans made by former president Kennedy, but he will offer at least two new plans of his own and will do well under high Guidance. During the year something may be done to try to curb increasing drunkenness. His P.A. reading shows him fully clockwise and constructive. 374 degrees: good and high, indicating the “expertly practical”.

THE WORLD AT LARGE for the year cuts fair financial conditions under the King of Pentacles. Fair business is predicted by the Queen of Wands, stressing the filling of the needs of women and the homes and schools. The Queen of Cups tells of the “heart’s desires” and hopes. Again stressing the importance of women and the home in world needs and plans. In the suit of wars and strife two cards come up: The X of Swords, showing the end of wars, and pointing to the end of the threat of atom bombs in major wars. The Ace of Swords comes up beside the other card, indicating new authority to prevent wars, and the indications point to a step in the direction of a World Military Police Force to keep the peace. Five minor cards as described, were accompanied by four fine Major Tarots: The Magician shows the new turn in world affairs, perhaps the “New Age” is upon us. The Empress shows arts and science and the increasing power of women and things dear to them, also prosperity in this part of our affairs. The Chariot: a card of cooperation between opposites, as between man and woman, or in this case the opposed Communist and Capitalistic powers. Then comes The Hermit, giving us high spiritual guidance from the Upper Levels of Beings – higher ideals, brighter plans, and learning at last from the bitter experience of the past. (No cards to indicate a major difficulty or any disaster such as the earth tipping over or an invasion of evil Flying Saucerites.)

FOR THE HUNA RESEARCH ASSOCIATES WORK, I have made a most interesting draw. There are three minor and four Major Tarots. The VIII of Cups shows the man with several cups obtained and stacked up, but he takes staff in hand to leave them to go to search for more. It is night, indicating the occult nature of the search. We will continue our search for the inner secrets of Huna. The VII of Cups shows the vision of wonderful things which may be found, and I can think of nothing more wonderful than the further and deeper secrets such as instant healing. A third Cup is that of the Page of Cups, in which a youth sees a fish rising from a cup he holds in his hand. The fish is the symbol of the present age, and many consider it the age of Christianity, in which the fish was symbolically used. In our work we have been, and will continue to be, busy uncovering the coded Huna lore in the Gospels.

If we can give the world the inner meaning of the teachings of Jesus, as a great and initiate kahuna, and can show the folly of the great accretion of misleading dogmas, we will have done much to help the world out of the Piscean Age and into the next, the Aquarian or age symbolized by the man pouring water from a jar – Aumakuas pouring mana down upon the lower selves being a possible interpretation.

OUR HRA DRAW gave first (in the majors which came up) the JUSTICE card. It is a most significant card, showing as it does a figure with girlish features which is the combined male-female making up a Aumakua – a meaning reinforced by the fact that behind the figure are the two pillars of the opposites. On the head of the figure rests a crown with three points, indicating the three selves, of which the Aumakua is one. On the crown is a square, sign of the physical body used by the three-self being. The cape is fastened also with a clasp which is square. In the left hand the figure holds the scales, balancing all things, as we of the HRA try to do in searching for knowledge. This is also the sign of Libra trine of the sign Aquarius, I believe, and so a pointer to the new age we envision. The HIGH PRIESTESS comes next, this repeating the symbol of the Aumakua, but stressing the Mother side. The scroll held in the Mother’s lap is partly hidden. It is the Huna Lore for us, and our work is to read the scroll. The combined sun and moon and two pillars in the card symbol tell us that the Mother includes the Father as a Aumakua. The third Major is that of THE EMPEROR, and this shows the old ruler, fully armed and in authority. In one hand he holds the sphere symbolizing Venus and the Mother, in the other, the staff or scepter topped by the symbol of the union of male and female – the sign of the Aumakua and of the ruler’s level of authority, although he rules in the physical. On his throne appear four ram’s heads, symbol of the Piscean “Lamb” of the passing age of sacrifice and faith. The fourth Major is DEATH, and in this a figure of death rides a white horse over helpless people. He has on his banner the symbol of three selves and the three are hidden behind the five pointed design indicating a pentacle – in which figure three triangles are overlaid for the three blending selves of man. The figure is related to the card JUDGEMENT, showing the dead rising from the grave and representing the secret of reincarnation. It looks very much that our task will be one of restoring the knowledge of reincarnation to basic Huna-Christianity. (No card of disaster comes with the DEATH card, so it is not read as death of the HRA.)

THE CONTINUATION OF THE HUNA VISTAS came in for a special run, and these cards showed a variety of difficulties and small successes. I take it that with some backing and filling, the H.V. can continue as usual.

FOR GROUP ORGANIZATION the run is discouraging. I fear that what I took to be Guidance in the matter of trying to form groups in 1963 was a flashback on the part of my Aunihipili to the original hopes and plans when the HRA was first started.

FOR THE HUNA IN BIBLE Guidance to get out a word list and expand in a book of sorts the material of the Huna code: the draw seems to indicate that this was real Guidance. The are four Pentacle cards, showing that funds to see the venture through will be available, and over these four stands the Major Trump, The Empress, which promises well for the entire venture. If only I can find time to work on the book this year, it could be ready to go to the offset printers in about 12 months, and in two or three more months, be ready to send out. I will continue to ask for Guidance and Help in this matter and, having gotten real Guidance in one thing, may go hopefully forward to try on other lines as the need arises. (I will announce it the very first moment that the proposed book begins to be ready, but, in the meantime, please do not jump the gun on me and place an order for a copy. If you wish to hasten the time of publication, keep your letters and visits as short as you possibly can.)

I almost forgot CUBA. The cards run showing STRENGTH as the key here. All of the nations involved seem to stand pat on their positions, but no war cards show. The millions in ransom we gave in return for the Bay of Pigs prisoners seems to have ended for the present the material help we might offer, and the card which I read as resumption of tourist visiting, may have been the return of prisoners and arrival of refugees in U.S.A. It looks from the cards to be a waiting game for 1964.

THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY has again emphasized the great need to teach the Huna doctrine of non-hurt, and the Huna-in-Christianity doctrine of love. All too many of those who transferred their hatred of the Democratic Party to the President helped build the atmosphere of hate which we saw motivate a very evil “eating companion” spirit who forced the living man, Oswald, to make his crafty plans and then kill without mercy. The P.A. reading of Oswald tells the story all too plainly. By himself, he was good and kindly, but with a Aunihipili filled with the commands of the obsessing spirit, he was weak and low in intelligence, his degree being only 266. The spirit exerting his hypnotic control over the man was of 392 degrees standing very clever and able to plan. The spirit has no Aunihipili of its own, and so preyed on the Aunihipili of the man. Had the time come for the authorities to make use of the P.A. reading system, this killer would certainly have been kept under watch at critical times.

JACK RUBY, who killed the assassin, Oswald, is not obsessed, according to the P.A. reading made on him. He is a man who is constructive on the general level, and especially in the Aunihipili. But his Aunihipili circle shows that it is out of hand and subject to insane emotional storms, as his history from his past indicates. His circle started to swing large and round, but became smaller and smaller, the pendulum stopping at a central dot, then resuming the swing slowly to go back in a spiral fashion to normal size. This man should also have been under guard. A good intention, such as he may still think his was when he killed the killer, is no less dangerous than the spirit’s evil intent. I have never run into the “spiral” circle before, and the Aunihipili must have invented the movement to try to tell me the peculiar nature of Ruby’s mental defect. It will he interesting to watch what is brought out at the trial to cover the question of his sanity. My guess is that he will be sent to a mental hospital, perhaps for life, but not hanged.

THE MOST TERRIBLE CHRISTMAS CARD I EVER RECEIVED came from a former HRA almost on the day of the assassination. It was a printed card in a big No. 10 envelope which she must have purchased from some of the evil people who fan the hate flames and profit by selling hate literature. The card was one bearing a Christmas message of the blackest kind of hate. It accused President Kennedy of being the Anti-Christ of the Book of Revelations, and the tool of the Catholic Church, described as the instrument of the world’s dark forces. This example of hate at a time when we commemorate the birth of the great Initiate who taught gentleness and love, still stuns me. One other HRA told me that he was glad to see President Kennedy out of the way because he was trying to do bad things, but sorry that he was killed. I begin to think I know who crucified Jesus – if he actually was crucified in the flesh – but it certainly was NOT the good and faithful run-of-the-mill Jews. The haters, on the other hand, deserve some understanding and sympathy. Buddha described their suffering and their desperate plight in his time when he included in the list of statements covering life and its problems and necessities the one, “THERE IS NO PAIN LIKE HATE”. He classed the unhappiness caused by greed, envy and fear far below that caused by HATE. Jesus gave the antidote for the pain of hate when he commanded us to replace hate with love.

HRA ANN OBER MADE AN INTERESTING DISCOVERY when running a check for me on the P.A. readings of the assassin, Oswald. Her reading matched mine very closely, but in asking for the reading of the obsessing spirit, several days after his death, she found by questioning her Aunihipili that the spirit had left Oswald after his death. This is the first time anyone of us, so far as I know, has thought to inquire whether or not the eating companions leave the living at death. It is most encouraging to learn that there is good reason to believe that death, at least, brings release from their influence. On the other hand, the possibility that Oswald’s evil spirit may now hunt up another living victim and prompt him to murder is a little frightening. Ann reported in last H.V. the success of the sending of waking suggestion, telepathically, to a friend with a weight control problem. She reports now, a month later, that the good results are continuing. You will recall that her friend, in return, sent Ann suggestions of more strength and general vitality, and that they both worked on an ailing dog. All three have progressed nicely. How about some of the rest of you finding a partner and trying out the suggestion experiment, then reporting to give the results? The Hudson system of sending suggestion during sleep has worked well, and it may be that it is even more effective if the suggestion is sent while both parties to the arrangement are awake. One is made to wonder how much the element of suggestion enters into the “absent treatment” work which is popularly supposed to be based entirely on calling down Divine assistance. In our own TMHG treatment work in which I sit as center of the activity at 3 and 7 daily, I have been trying to add suggestion to the sending of the picture of the desired results to Aumakuas. In adding the suggestion element, the time taken is doubled, and it is impossible to tell whether or not the suggestion addition is getting better results. If the number of “answers” to our mutual prayers increases, we can try to decide on the value of the mixture. It is too early as yet to be sure, but the results are very satisfactory in many cases. (Suggestion is sent to the person, not mixed with the picture.)


ACCUMULATING A MANA SURCHARGE to send to the Aumakua or to help make the suggestion stronger to send telepathically, is important. Only Huna and Yoga recognize the importance, and both rely on breathing to help in the accumulation. So far, in our effort to use the Huna methods, we have done little more than increase the breathing as a help in accumulation, the theory being that more oxygen is taken in and more blood sugar burned to create more vital force. Yoga, on the other hand, has used the practice of breathing in special ways while holding in mind the getting of special effects to correspond. The theory of the positive and negative “prana” currents running in opposing spirals up along the chakra centers of the spine, has been widely accepted in modem Yoga, but is hard to find in the very early Yoga writings. Huna names no “Ida” and “Pinggala” currents, and the possibility of mana having positive and negative sides is not indicated so far as I have been able to learn. Huna knows no “serpent fires”.

OUR EXPERT IN YOGA MATTERS, HRA R.H., once gave us his gleanings taken from years of reading books on Yoga – most of which he found worthless – and from his personal tests and later successful use of certain selected parts of the ancient “art of UNION”. His article was titled something like, “Yoga, the Besmer Process”, but I have been unable to locate it in the back Huna Vistas after a search of half an hour, not having an index of them made up. I did find, in H.V. 29, on page 4, however, his condensed instructions for the Yogic rhythmic breathing: Breathe in for 4 counts, hold for two counts then exhale …. then repeat. Not too deep at first or too long continued, but with practice deeper breaths can be taken and the rhythm kept up longer. When the article appeared, HRAs were invited to try the methods given and to write to HRA R.H. care of myself. Oddly enough, little interest was aroused at that time and only a few letters came touching on the matter. As I write, a new letter has arrived from HRA R.H., once more calling our attention to the Yoga system and its value as an adjunct to Huna, or even a lost out part. What he has to say deserves our attention. I quote parts of his letter:

“There has come into the Huna Vistas an almost interminable ‘rundown’ on Yoga. For myself, I don’t see how you can possibly get over to the HRAs the value of Yoga, because you, yourself, are not a practicing yogin, never have been, and are, in fact, only a book reading expert. Let me hasten to add that I feel that you are doing the best you can in a tough situation, to try to make Huna stick with a lot of footloose neo-intellectuals.

“I have, in the past, pointed out that I took off after the Ida-Pingala breath to see if the ancient Huna deep breathing could possibly be systematic. Not since you tried to explore the possibilities of the Yoga breathing rhythms have you made mention of anything but some of the homemade rhythms used by different HRAs. I say to you, Max bar Long, that until one has tried this I-P rhythm, one hasn’t even LIVED! I have been back through the veil; I have been permitted to see the ‘solidified future’ four months in advance; I have become so sensitive that when a couple tried to give me ‘triangle trouble’ over the phone, I was able to detect, and, after almost two years, recognize the persons, and fathom their reasons …

“If you don’t turn the HRA to a systematic ‘deep breathing’, you might as well forget any development of ‘instantaneous healing’, or, if you like, advanced development. Remember: ‘He who does not breathe does not live. The more breath, the more life. Breathe more copiously, live more abundantly.’ I suggest that instead of running down Yoga as being a catchpot for decadent theories and a snare and general delusion, why not get after the part which the practitioners say is the key to all their miracles?… You are ruining your best work by neglecting it, Huna; and by running away from what is good cross breed practice, if you will – YOGA.”

HRA R.H. tells in his letter of the wonderful things which have come to him in the past eighteen months, and offers to write for us in the Huna Vistas an account of his experiences with a Preface of about 700 words, and three sections to follow, titled: 1) The Messenger Visits, 1600 words. 2) Regression, 650 words. And 3) The Determined Future, 1,000 words. Of this material he says, “I believe this would be a good illustration of what one might expect to get in terms of sensitivity or experience – either plus or minus. I never expected to get ANY of this. All I did was to exercise, pray Huna style, and the experiences followed. One thing I never had to do: try to determine whether MFL was right or wrong. All followed the exercises, and in this term is understood to be included the prayer action. In other words, I accept your attitude that prayer action is an exercise.” I, MFL, am wondering whether enough interest might be generated this time in material listed above to justify giving over about two issues of the Huna Vistas to it. Of course, as I have not seen the material in note form, and so cannot know how it would go when written out for us, I am at loss to know what to decide. We certainly do not wish to overlook a bet and a few of us with more time and determination than my “book expert” self might settle down to give the proper time to testing any system which might be suggested. Perhaps even I might manage some way to make time for steady daily testing, and I know that most of you are as pressed for time as I am so, What to do? Any ideas on the matter?

THAT THERE MIGHT BE SOMETHING OF YOGA IN HUNA BREATHING, or Huna in Yoga, I would be the last to deny. For some time I have wondered whether or not kahunas had a rhythm of breathing based on FOUR in some way. The word, ha, in the Hawaiian is the Huna symbol for the entire process of accumulating mana and sending it to the Aumakua while making a request for some change in present conditions. Ha has several meanings, foremost that of heavy breathing. It is also the number four. The Ida and Pingala prana forces of some schools of Yoga are but two in number, and one would hardly expect them to be indicated by the ha or four. One of the favorite Yoga breathing exercises is that of breathing in through one nostril and out through the other, alternating the process. This does not seem to add up to four steps, nor does breathing in to the count of four seconds, holding the breath for two seconds or counts, and then breathing out. True, the holding for four counts would fit, but not the rest of the things done with or without the count just where the I-P elements come into the theory of practice worked out by HRA R. H. I do not know, but he must have something in his mind.

In the language of the Hawaiian kahunas, ma ha means “to rest”. Ma has the meaning mainly of continuing an action, so one might guess that one continued a series of four actions, then rested. The additional meaning for the full word is “to be satisfied”, and it has also the meaning of being healed, rested from pain and the like. I have at times wondered about this word as it occurs in Sanskrit, and has there the meaning of “great” or inclusive. It is used as a root to describe many items in Kundalini Yoga, but so far I can find no indication that the Hawaiian and the Sanskrit roots hold anything in common when it comes to open or even secret meanings. Perhaps some of you who have delved in this part of the field might be able to see for us a connection between the Huna “four” and the breathing done to help along the work of the Aunihipili in accumulating mana. From experience I can say that about four good, long, deep breaths taken one after another seems to do very well for me when I set about accumulating mana. More than that seems to result in a degree of oxygen intoxication unless more time is allowed between the breaths. Moderation is a key preachment of Huna, and I fail to see how one can live more fully by overdoing the deep breathing than by following the normal in which Nature keeps us in balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide, the latter acting as the valve to turn on more or less breathing speed and power. My thought is that while it is important to breathe right to accumulate mana, it is even more important to know what to do with the surcharge, once it is available. Sending it by mental command and picturing to spiral as a positive and a negative force upward along the spine to strike and open the “Door of Brahm” in the top of the head, (as advocated in Kundalini Yoga), seems to me not quite according to kahunas, at least not those who have left their code words in the New Testament and in the dialects of Polynesia. This is “arm chair” or “book experting”, to be sure, but if one cannot find what seems to be a reasonable and solidly mechanical theory to explain what is advocated in the way of practices, it is a return to the dangers of false dogmas to take the dictum of any school of thought on faith. Fortunately, much that we do, even when we lack a good theory, gets results, so we might profit by following the practice of certain African tribes where wet arrows are shot in the direction of any heavy, dark clouds which blow up. I understand that this practice is excellent for getting rain. To come closer to home, I imagine nearly everyone will admit that certain people appear to have a very special “power in prayer” and can often get answers to their prayers. I can recall some of the prayers which I heard made in my childhood and later youth   prayers marked with the great amount of love and desire – emotions generated by the Aunihipili – which entered into the act of praying – generating mana?


BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS AND EATING COMPANION tests have caused considerable anxious interest, as a number of the HRAs have had transfusions. A good assortment of signatures taken before and after the transfusions have been sent in an answer to last month’s request, and have been run with care. I am happy to report that I find evidence that those who did not show an eating companion before the transfusion do not show one after the event. My conclusion is that the strange symptoms which have been reported as coming after a major operation and one or more blood transfusions are largely the result of the recognized physical conditions. There may be psychological items as well, but the whole blood or plasma appears not to cause a donor to share his eating companions, if he or she has some. My guess is that the spirits stay with the person, as a living host and that, as the donors may be healthier and live longer than those who have needed operations, the chance that at the death of a donor his spirit would follow the old aka thread of connection and come to try to take over is very slight. In addition to this we must remember that only a few of us seem to have Aunihipilis who respond to the hypnotic influence of the spirits. If we refuse to be influenced by them before an operation, it is not probable that we will afterward, even if much weakened physically. My thanks to all of you who sent in signatures to test.

WEAKNESS AND MENTAL SHOCK, have been supposed to open one to the formation of fixations, and L. Ron Hubbard, of Dianetics Scientology fame, bases much of his work on these psychological accidents, denying in toto the possibility of spirit influence adding to the troubles of a patient. He believes that prenatal events and often conversations of the parents cause these fixations or “engrams”, and has worked out elaborate techniques to find them by regressing a “preclear” to his time of conception or even into past incarnations to discover the origin of engrams so that they may be rationalized and “run” or lived over and over as events to be drained of the power tied up in the memory of them. I was recently told that not long ago a series of tests were made in England of those regressed to former incarnations, and that in some cases the preclear was able to recall his name and the time and place in which he had lived, several such names being found on tombstones in old cemetaries. The evidence indicated that the time between lives may not be as long as popularly supposed. A hundred years between lives would make a fair average.

One of our Denver, Colorado, HRAs has been trying to get information in this matter of obsession. Here are bits from her report: “I have been working for three years with a man here in Denver, Mr. Phil Austin, who uses a simplified pendulum chart and does healing mainly through the removal of obsessions and possessions. I have seen some remarkable results through his work. He is not a Spiritualist in the full sense of the word nor can I say that he is truly a follower of Huna although more of this than the former. He has given me permission to use his name and to refer to his observations which, in this case, coincide with my own.

“We have found that anyone who is physically ill is pretty much open to obsessing and/or possessing entities and of course depending on the spiritual level of the sick person depends the level of the entities attracted. However, in cases where unconsciousness ensues, whether from illness or from anesthetic, almost any type of entity can take over. Hospitals, especially those where mental cases are handled, seem to be teeming with undeveloped and often harmful lost entities who are more than glad to fasten onto a mortally alive body.” (HRA J.H. is a Spiritualist minister, lately ordained, and is psychic. She gives her congregation as much of Huna as they are able to accept, and accepts it rather fully herself.)

ON THE “RADIONICS” FRONT I have no news of the case of Dr. Ruth Drown and her friends charged with fraud in connection with the diagnosis and treatment by means of “radionics” instruments. Riley Crabb, in the BSRA journal has had a long article on the situation, and in recent numbers of his journal has given diagrams and instructions to enable anyone with a knowledge of such things to build a “Multiple Wave Oscillator” after the plans of Laskovsky. HRA J.G. in Florida writes:

“Very good result s are claimed from the use of the Multiple Wave Oscillator, and it might be a good idea to suggest that any HRA interested in it should give it a try. There is a great difference between the MWO and other radionics instruments that I have checked. In other instruments the procedure is to diagnose, with the aid of the ‘rubbing plate’ and I think we agree that the operator must be somewhat sensitive to ‘feel’ the correct setting, the frequency of the particular part of the body that is out of order. When this is done a current of the same frequency is fed back into the body to regenerate the diseased part. This is done through circuits, the body being connected directly to the instrument. The MWO works on a different principal, through radiation, no direct connection. The radiation is not a single frequency, but many frequencies over a wide spectrum. When a patient sits between the antennas his body is subjected to all of the frequencies being discharged from the antenna, any and all parts of the body needing repair or healing can therefore pick the particular frequency it needs and proceed with the healing. A beautiful theory. I have built one, but there are still some bugs to get out of it. I hope it works. I will let you know the results later.”

“I was surprised to hear that some “radionics” instruments which depend on ‘rubbing plate’ diagnosis to determine the nature of the ills of the patient, have an actual current of electricity then put through them and tuned to the wave length indicated by the diagnosis and the turning of dials. I had heard of some instruments in which the patient was in actual contact with a plate or wire running from the instrument, but most of them, like the Drown one, worked at any distance and without a direct physical contact. The dream is that man can learn to make vital force mechanically and cause it to enter devitalized people or defective parts of them and correct the trouble which may be present.”

Mana seems not to be of the known type of electrical energy. It will flow along an aka thread, or along a string, as the Eeman circuit demonstrated some time ago when well and sick people were connected by means of strings (after wires were found no better) and, supposedly, the force from the well corrected something or acted directly to heal or revitalize the sick. Very tired people connected with fresh and strong ones recovered with great rapidity. This type of “circuit” was also used to lead supposed force from one side of the body to the other – a matter of polarization differences, it was explained – to bring “relaxation”. Some 12 years ago we of the early HRA ran a few tests of the “relaxation” circuit and while something seemed to happen, we were not able to say just what. The inventor, Eeman, built a large healing practice in England, but went insane soon after starting to build an elaborate new treatment center. I have not heard of anyone continuing his work or the use of his methods. If we keep experimenting, we may someday discover more about the nature of mana and of the tiny electrical charges and currents found in the body and brain. Mana has the peculiarity that it can be stored like static electricity in the body or in cloth or water. It also appears to act upon command of the Aunihipili and move over invisible aka threads or through the hands of the healer to accomplish definite results: healing, telepathy.

One Comment

  1. The Sacral chakra is strongly linked with relationships,
    guilt and blame.

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