Huna Vistas Bulletin #25

HV08-headerSeptember, 1961

Psychometric Analysis, Religion & Psychology


A VERY SPECIAL OFFER on the “must” book, RELIGION OF THE OCCIDENT, (reviewed in HV23) has been made through the kindness of the author, Dr. Martin A. Larson, who has taken an interest in our effort to make a survey of religions in the light of Huna, and who is eager to help us all get a copy of his 733-page paperback. He values what he found in a long study of the sources of the Christian religion, as well as the steps taken as it slowly took on its present form, and is willing to let a few students who have scant means, have each a book at less than the cost to him.

Most HRAs can afford the reduced price of $2, postpaid in U.S.A. or $2.30 postpaid to overseas HRAs, (the regular price is $2. 95), but for those able to  send only $1 or $1. 50, Dr. Larson will make up the balance from his own pocket. (If you are unable to send a dollar, and still want the book very much, please write to me and I will see what Cigbo, can do to help out.) In any event, those of you who have not already ordered the book from the address given in HV23, are URGED to take advantage of this offer and get a copy. With such a splendid account before us, we will have only to refer to pages and paragraphs in our HV discussions of the wide field of earlier religions from which Christianity was derived. The story of the Egyptian beginnings of ideas and of the later additions from the cults represented by the famous “Dead Sea Scrolls” make most informative reading. In this great work we  have the facts spread before us without the usual coloring or holding back so common when writers are fearful of offending the Church of today. I, for one, have looked for years for such information as is to be found here – all gathered in one volume and presented with no evasions or slanting. The account of the development of the religions of India is most enlightening.

Please use the order blank on the enclosed ad sheet which Dr. Larson has sent so that each of you could have one. Fill out the blank, and also write your name and address on the shipping label which I have printed and am enclosing. Then send your order blank, the label and your $2 to Dr. Larson. (His address is on the label. (Or send to me if you cannot find the full $2 and I will take it from there.)

By writing your address on the label, you will save much work and much time for Dr. Larson, who is a very busy man and upon whom we must impose as little as possible. (Overseas HRAs all too often write to say they cannot send money out of the country for Cigbo or a book. They forget that Postal Reply Coupons can always be bought and sent. These bring 11¢ each here, or for the book you can send 21 coupons to make the needed $2. 30.) (Postal rates were raised recently.)

ONE OF THE REASONS why we have so many cults and religions is that it is almost impossible for a person to get the materials with which to think when deciding on a personal religion. The literature of each cult is such that it tells only what it finds will tend to convince the reader that THIS one cult has the correct facts and so the ultimate truth. It is as though one starts out to build a house when allowed to see only one set of plans and when being denied both the cement for a foundation and the doors and windows.

HOW DID YOU FIND THE MATERIALS YOU USED TO THINK WITH when deciding what religion you would accept or when deciding to reject them all? In my case I set out at the age of seventeen to try to get the facts about various religions. I visited the ministers in my town and asked them why they believed what they did; also I visited a Catholic priest – the latter being the only one who seemed to know anything about the history and development of Christianity. I went through the pages of the encyclopedia and got a bit of the history of religions, but found no article touching on the basic things which I needed in order to decide what dogmas were rational and what were not. The slanted, colored and timid articles at first made me suspicious, then disgusted and angry. I decided that religions had been concocted by fools and idiots. I rejected Mormanism and Christian Science, then ran into a man who introduced me to Yoga of sorts and the complicated and confusing Theosophical Society digest of world religions and, especially, of the six major religions of India. I poured over the poorly organized masses of material assembled by Mme. Blavatsky and over the writings of other Theosophists who tried to condense and simplify the information which had been gathered concerning the traditions and GUESSES of the ancient sages who had worked to explain man and the universe in terms of a kind which fitted their day and time. I read some of the literature of India as translated from ancient original writings. I joined the Theosophical Society and became more and more convinced that the dogmas were man-made and dangerous to accept without careful comparison with all similar dogmas from other religious systems. Like so many men in modern times, the scantiness of basic information tripped me up at every turn. If one accepted a few dogmas one risked falling into the trap of blind belief. If one applied reason to the dogmas in an effort to test their validity, one was tempted to toss aside everything and go over to Materialism. I went over to Materialism. But I was not satisfied. I still had the uneasy feeling that mixed in with all the guesses of the past, there must be certain elements of truth. I plunged into the study of the thin and contradictory subject of PSYCHOLOGY and found at the same time that it was entirely incapable of explaining the gathering evidence of the “supernatural” in Psychical Research. I was unable  to think things through for lack of basic information and because the literature of each religious cult threw mud in my eyes.

When I chanced to go to Hawaii and blundered into the odd and tangled materials of the dying kahuna religions, I was for years unable to make head or tail of the provocative system because I could not find the needed information to use to think through the problems that confronted me. In other words, I was unable to provide for myself a proper background of information or experience against which to try to take the measure of the beliefs and practices of a kahuna. The Materialists had already plowed this field lightly, but in their learned writings, not one had ventured an opinion as to the nature of fire-walking. What does not fit into the preconceived set of beliefs of the Materialist is always explained away by saying “It is impossible and therefore cannot be.” This applies to everything from fire-walking to ghosts.

It might be said that in my youth I was a typical “angry young man” and now might be called “an angrier old man.” The more I have searched for bits of basic information with which to try to think, the more angry I have become because of the willful withholding of information or the distorting of facts by crafty men who make a living by promulgating old and new lies and misinformation. Politics and Science are also contaminated in much the same way as Religion, Psychology and Psychic Science. In the universities, the professors who have won through to a little light dare not pass it on for fear of being fired and read out of the sacred order of “Blind Leaders of the Blind.” But I rant and become too tiresome.

WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS THAT we of the HRA will soon be ready in our project of surveying religions by the dim light of Huna, to take a long, hard look at Christianity. I am trying to get across to those of you who may be interested the fact that not until I came across the assembled materials in Dr. Larson’s book have I been able to find enough basic facts to allow me to do a satisfactory job of considering Christianity and coming to a tentative conclusion concerning its values. I am trying to convince YOU that here is something we have all needed to give us the facts behind the mountains of fiction built up by priests and preachers and the authors of “revelations.” I make only one reservation in my excited and delighted recommendation of Dr. Larson’s findings. This is in the matter of the coded Huna which we seem to have found in early Christian writings, and which present such things as the Crucifixion as nothing more than a part of the several Huna symbols of man’s need of getting rid of fixations and spirit influences in order to win through to free communication with his own Aumakua. I have sent Dr. Larson a set of my books and have asked him to consider the possible validity of the code – also, from his great store of information, to watch for some pointer of an historical nature which might lead us to more information concerning the source in Christian writings of both secret and open Huna beliefs. He wrote recently, “As to the ideas you discuss, I will have to examine the whole before I can analyze them intelligently. To delve back into history for the origin of ideas is most fascinating.”

Naturally, I am greatly pleased, no matter what the outcome, for I have never yet been able – that is, up to now – to get a single man of any standing whatsoever in the ranks of the learned to pay the slightest attention to my findings concerning the lore of kahunas. From the head of the Roman Catholic Church down to the changing heads of the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, I have had my request for an examination of my findings met with vast and haughty silence. (Not that I have really expected anything more at any time.) Spend the price of a tank of gasoline and buy yourself an education such as you cannot buy, so far as I know, in any university in the world today. If only in terms of amusement, the book will beautifully reward you by explaining the incredible feat of a recent Pope of the Church of Rome, by which he produced proof sufficient to the needs of the faithful, that the woman, Mary, was actually the mother of Supreme God. Read the steps by which such a conclusion was reached and the dogma promulgated (with damnation for all who refuse to accept it as the final and most absolute truth). If you do not agree with me that religion is still being concocted by fools and idiots, I will agree to attend one Mass – with a straight face – and go through the motions of assisting to “eat the god” according to the dictates of Catholic soterology [sic] current in this Year of Grace, 1961. Or, as a Protestant compromise, I will return to the Baptist Church of my childhood and solemnly drink the blood of the sacrificed Jesus from a small glass filled with unfermented grape juice. If you have ever asked yourself, “How silly can we get?” read this book and learn at least part of the answer.


Even as I cut the stencils for this HV, a letter has arrived from London, telling me that International Postal Reply Coupons cost twice as much to buy as they bring over here, and with postal rates jumped 50% on letters over here, that would make a coupon cost 22¢ at overseas points. On second thought, I believe it will be better to ask a book dealer to order the book for one, giving the dealer the publisher’s address from HV23, and paying the higher price, plus the dealer’s addition for sending the money across and for his profit margin. (Fortunately, the HV costs only a cent more to send now.)


RATHER STARTLING THINGS HAVE DEVELOPED in the matter of the new method of making PSYCHOMETRIC ANALYSIS READINGS of the spirit “eating companions” of individuals. I am keeping at hand a good supply of salt so that I can take all the strange new findings with several large grains. (We had all better take this precaution as we go forward in this part of the field.) The strangest of several difficult-to-believe things which I seem to have gotten from my Aunihipili via the pendulum and the P.A. code of meanings has been the indication that a gentleman (stranger to me) who wrote and sent his picture, was NOT the rightful owner of the body, but was the obsessing spirit, using the body and in control of it almost all of the time. The gentleman sent me literature on a project aimed at making important E.S.P. tests and invited me to close up shop here and come to be his guest and take part in his planned efforts. He has authored some books “from the other side”, so to speak, and his signature was of the kind one can never make out unless it is reproduced in print below. The picture showed him bearded and with rather commanding blue eyes. All-in-all a most intriguing subject and one inviting me to make a test and learn from it about him.

THE RESULTANT READING puzzled me greatly, as it was unlike any I had made before. I called for the combined man-plus-spirit reading after getting a “yes” from my Aunihipili on the question as to whether there was an “eating companion.” This reading showed the will pattern swings at 12 and at 2 o’clock, with the personality circle shifting axis and assuming a flattened shape (a type of reading I have come to take to indicate the influence of one or more spirits on a living person). (This is the combined reading which I got: [image] 349 degrees.) I next read for the man alone, and got: [image] 330 degrees. The thing that puzzled me here was that the living man registered almost no Aunihipili circle at all. I argued that as he was alive, he must show a Aunihipili circle, but the reading remained the same on rechecking. I went on next to read for the spirit, and got: [image] 354 degrees. This seemed very odd because it reproduced all three of the “Will” pattern swings, not dropping out the one at 2 o’clock that registered for the living man. As a rule I find the “eating companion” spirits show no Aunihipili circle, apparently all using the Aunihipili and body of the host. But here a Aunihipili circle registered, and it was round and steady but counterclockwise, giving the typical reading for a destructive tendency. After considering all the evidence of the reading and after asking my Aunihipili whether or not I had made a correct guess, I was forced to conclude that I was actually reading a letter from a spirit who had taken the body of a living man and was using it, and the resident Aunihipili in a most brazen manner.

In answering the gentleman’s letter and his invitation to make a P.A. of himself, I, quite naturally, did not stick out my neck by telling him what I seem to have learned about him. However, I did say that the reading I had made of him was so hard to accept on its face value that I did not wish to say what it was. Of course, what I would have liked to do  would have been to tell him my readings and ask him point blank whether he was aware of being an obsessing entity, and whether he felt that he was guilty of a very grave offense or not.

THIS BRINGS UP OTHER QUESTIONS. One wishes to know whether the several spirits involved in dual and multiple “personality” cases were aware (except when made to surface and talk through the use of hypnosis) of the fact that they were obsessing the body of a living person. This is a complicated problem because we must consider whether or not one self or both a Aunihipili and Auhane is involved in the shifting control of the living body. In my book, SSBM, I belabored all these changes  and the various combinations as Huna reveals them, and pointed to the memory of the Aunihipili as the probable clue to who was dominant and who was not. If the resident Aunihipili is pushed out and replaced by a ghostly one, there would be reciprocal amnesia in which memories would change with the change of entities. If the gentleman with the strange reading replies in a friendly manner, I may eventually dare to tell him what I suspect, and question him as to where his memories fit into the picture. As a spirit, his degree reading places him in the top of the level where we find the natural mediums – at 354. The resident (if he can get back his body at times) reads 330 degrees, and he would be hardly psychic. Also, in his level, people seldom are interested in psychic matters.

TO ADD TO THE PUZZLEMENT, a few of the HRAs have plunged with shouts of glee into the trying out of the new method. To one it was not so new, as he had already been hard at work asking for readings on the “Guardian Angel” as well as the Aumakua of persons being read. He even went beyond that to ask for the “highest reading” possible, considering what still higher entities might be overshadowing the one read. Another HRA has about decided that all of us are entertaining as “eating companions” one or more spirits. He thinks that for the most part these are good spirits who refrain from grabbing the body and who wish only to help when they can. He read for me, and while I cannot yet say that “I feel like a new man or like two or three new men”, I must admit that the possibility of having a kahuna of high degree standing (as he thinks I have) to help me from the other side, is most provocative. Then there is also the reading passed on to me for my Guardian Angel, and for my Aumakua and for Something even higher. One suggestion has been made that the Great Company of Aumakuas, of which one is a charge, may give a very high blanket reading. The several readings sent in for Aumakuas vary from 500 to 800 degrees, and it has been further suggested that one’s Aumakua might not need to be as evolved and high in degree as we may have supposed. Still another HRA writes to urge that his idea and that of our famous dowser, Verne Cameron, be accepted and that we say that the Aunihipili does not make the P.A. reading but that the work is done by our Guardian Angel or by some spirit guide of good ability and which never fails to be on hand to respond instantly when we pick up the pendulum and wish to make a reading. This possibility must certainly be listed as such, and while the arguments in favor of this are such that they demand close study, I still prefer, personally, to believe that the Aunihipili is the one who can follow the aka thread and find the writer of a signature, then examine him and make a report via the P.A. code. I admit that this demands rather more intelligence than Huna seems to assign to the Aunihipili, but, on the other hand, I, as a Auhane, find that I have no ability at all to project myself, find the subject and learn things about him or about the spirits who may be acting as “eating companions.” We need more information and more definite proof on both sides – but how can we get it?

ALL JOKING ASIDE, as absurd as this new method and its results may seem, we must not discount its great promise. If we are not all obsessed or are not obsessing some other poor person and his body, the insight we may gain through the use of the new method may be the “saving grace” of psychology and of psychic science (to say nothing of some facet of religion) in days to come.

A number of the HRAs who have in the past asked me to make P.A. readings of themselves or of loved ones, wrote at once after reading of the new breakthrough, and asked that the readings be repeated, using the new method, to see what additional information might be obtained. One thing which may be of importance is the indication that migraine headaches may be caused by a spirit in the aka body, perhaps just an isolated Aunihipili spirit which has been in some way separated from its own Auhane. Also, it may be found that such an isolated Aunihipili spirit may be responsible for “emotional instability” in some persons. In one sad case, the reading for a girl of 20 who had been emotionally unstable from early childhood, showed her to be afflicted by such a Aunihipili as well as two other spirits, each of which appears to be “normal,” that is, possessing their own Auhane and Aunihipili. One of these was read as having attached itself to the girl only in the last year or two, and as it was that of a female Negress, it caused the Caucasian victim to fall deeply in love with a Negro, and to prefer the company of Negroes to that of her former friends. As this gang of young colored people was very evil, much trouble resulted.

ANOTHER IMPORTANT ITEM is that we seem to be getting spirit guides or Guardian Angels of various sexes. I am said to have a female guardian with a reading of 330 degrees. Some Aumakuas were reported of “mixed” sex, others as female or male. This may tie in eventually to an investigation of the many people who have bodies of one sex but the characteristics of the opposite sex. If we have understood Huna correctly, the Aumakua should register both sexes in every case.

Work is being done by one of the HRAs to see if we can get the degree reading for everything from insects up through birds and beasts to man. His readings begin with 2 degrees for the lower forms and have risen to 6 degrees for pet lizards. This is a most promising project and I hope in time to be able to run some tests myself. I have been concentrating on trying to find out the degree reading of the Aunihipili when separated from its own Auhane and found (through a P.A. reading) to have fastened itself as an “eating companion” to a living person. In two cases I have obtained readings, these being 154 for one and 160 for the other. As a moron has, supposedly, a Auhane, even if it is almost unable to use inductive reason, and as morons were found by Dr. Brunler to have readings as low as 218 degrees, I am wondering whether we may learn that the Aunihipili runs naturally from 100 to 200 degrees, according to its stage of growth, and, perhaps, the Auhane from 200 on up, with the Auhane (and perhaps an ingredient from the reading of the Aumakua) having its degree reading lowered when a combination reading is taken of the Aunihipili and Auhane as a pair. Our HRA who is working on readings for the lower forms of life made a strange reading for me which makes me wonder if it was my Auhane alone that he measured when he got many degrees higher for me than the 382 reading made for me by Dr. Brunler. I would appreciate any work any of you may do along these testing lines and report to me the results. I have no dog or cat (except the imaginary “Cigbo”) and find nothing at hand to test at the moment unless it be the many June bugs which are gobbling our figs, and whom, if I read them, my distaste would be certain to lower any true degree indication.


Free will, prophesies and theories, as touched upon in the last HV, brought several comments from HRAs. One objected to what I had written in trying to add the item to the survey of religions now in work, and asked me to read again what I had said and decide whether I had not made a mistake or had not said what I meant. I have gone over the material, and for the life of me cannot see what the objection was caused by. To my eye it seems that I said what I wanted to say. But as it was not specified just where the trouble lay, I cannot argue or make a correction. Another HRA asked a friend to send me literature on the books by Stewart Robb, Prophesies on World Events by Nostradamus, and Nostradamus on Napoleon. (Paperbacks with fine large print and about 137 pages, at $1 each to be had from Oracle Press, P.O. Box 142, Kew Gardens 15, N.Y.) These books are the most impressive of any I have seen on the thousand odd quatrains containing cryptic predictions of things to come, and covering world events from the middle years of 1540 through to the year 2000. Stewart Robb has done a remarkable job of finding the secreted meanings in the prophesies and presenting them against the background of what later happened. The results argue loudly that events are foreordained because they can be foreseen well ahead of their coming. However, the question is not directly taken up, otherwise there would have much theorizing, without a doubt. What we seem to need is a set of predictions, half of which are allowed to fall out as predicted, while the other half are tested by seeing what man can do to change or to prevent the events.

If we accept predestination, we may be unable to qualify our acceptance and to say that we have free will even in the smallest things. But to reject predestination entirely would be to challenge the evidence accumulated to prove that at least part of the future can be seen under certain circumstances. In Christianity the problem has been fought over down the centuries, but in India, where the belief is strong in karma, man is thought to make his own decisions and act for good or bad. The problem is very like that of trying with our limited human intellects to understand how Ultimate God must be and must do things.

The Nostradamus predictions, by the way, became few and far apart where our time is concerned, but Stewart Robb feels that we have about 12 years ahead of us before the present uneasy peace is broken with a war in which cities will be wiped out in a single night. Finally, in the seventh month of the year 1999, the prediction tells of “a great king of terror (who) will descend from the skies” and that “Mars will reign for the good cause.” Mr. Robb suggests that we may have in this an intimation that men from Mars may arrive and play the deciding part. Before that time a “bloody war” will last twenty-seven years ………. but get the book and have a look at the prophesies and commentary yourself. A person now 25 years old may live long enough to see this “end of the age” arrive. Nostradamus seems to have seen nothing after the year 2,000 A.D.

SPEAKING OF PREDICTIONS, the saucer man from Venus reported by one of the HRAs, (as mentioned in a recent HV,) has obliged through more automatic writing when asked if he could see ahead and make some predictions for us. He signs himself “Warren Antonne” He writes, “I do not blame Mr. Long for being concerned over earth conditions. It seems that the entire planet is going through a phase of growing pains. There is much to do before the turbulence comes to some sensible conclusion. From our Venus point of view we do not see any big conflict. It is because America holds the key to the events, with our help. The Russian big top men are talking because they must do so to keep rattling the swords or else their own heads are in danger. That is the way they keep control of their people, keeping them in constant fear of invasion. They still remember the German invasion and quickly fall into line. That talk is mostly for home consumption. You want to know how the cold war will come out. From our point of view it will fizzle out gradually and everyone will be just where they started. There will be brushes here and there including a few changes, as there always are. The earth planet’s map has gone through many changes each generation or two going through an upheaval. That also means progress, often painful, but growing slowly towards the higher development of the earth people.

“The Divine One has many schools, so that His children can learn their lessons in each phase of life. We on Venus are graduates. Also, we teach through spiritual contact. We have had a hand in many things bringing higher development, and will be back again to lead the way when the time is ripe.” (The P.A. reading taken from the writing gives the same result as from the writing of the HRA through whom the spirit communicates: 337 degrees. No matter what else we may conclude after examining the readings, we can be happily sure that the intentions are good.)

CHANGING THE FUTURE, once it has been set more or less in the aka substance of the level on which Aumakuas work, is a basic belief of Huna (if we have reconstructed it correctly). In the old days kahunas were kept busy looking into the future and trying to “change the luck”, as it was put in the beginning of modern times. For the individual this was usually possible. I had it done for me years ago in Hawaii, as I have told in my book SSBM. (The exact instructions were given which enabled me to sell my business, when all efforts had failed.) Healing of a disease or illness instead of letting it run its course is changing the future. Experience has taught me that when one sets out to get a change in the individual future with the help of Huna type prayer to the Aumakua, the old future which had been made and was on the way to eventualizing, breaks up, and parts of the bad things seem to happen with a rush, but the storm is tempered to the lamb and if one sits tight, the bad is lived through and the good which has been pictured steadily and asked for, begins to arrive. Prayer is a part of most great religions, and the fact that the faithful ask a higher something to help bring about desired events, argues well for a general belief in at least a fair amount of free will. Let me say again what I have said in books and Bulletins: I believe that kahunas thought that the hopes and fears as well as the things one expects to happen, furnish the thought-form “seeds” from which Aumakuas seem almost automatically to shape the future.

The old argument for predestination is that as God is all knowing, He must know everything that will ever happen, therefore, even if one sees trouble ahead and does something to avoid it, still, God would have known that one would foresee the predestined trouble and avoid It. In this way the avoidance is part of the predestined course of events. The flaw in the argument is the assumption that we know what God is and that He thinks just as men do, only on a large scale, and that He is able to predestine everything because of the overwhelming POWER to prevent his plans from going wrong. This argument falls flat, if for no other reason than that we see all about us the working of “chance”. What looks like a predestined perfect wheat harvest on Tuesday, may be hit by rain and wind on Wednesday and the entire picture changed. Also, we do well to see accidents happening on the physical level of the Aunihipili at least. I like this Huna line far better than that of karma.


WE HAVE BEEN DISCUSSING the old and new guesses as to the nature of a FIRST CAUSE, and have seen that the latest guess is that the Universe and the Intelligence we suppose responsible for it are without beginning or end – just an endless boiling of the great pot of existence. Now let us go back to the more ancient concepts. They are important to our survey if for no other reason than that mankind clings to ancient and outgrown ideas with such stubbornness that even when men become spirits, and come back to give a “revealed” religion through some living medium, they – the spirits – insist on repeating the same old dogmas that they believed in when in the flesh. We have spoken briefly of the very ancient belief in God as a Trinity: a Father, Mother and their Son. The Mother, at a later period, in some religions where women were looked down upon, became the “Holy Spirit” or “Holy Ghost.” Men of the early ages made God in the image of man. God created men, so he was looked upon as a Father. He could not be a father unless he had a wife, so the Mother was postulated. To get creation started, there was need of offspring, and a Son was added to the picture. As each was of the divine stock, each had to be a god in his own right, so they were assigned equal power, and as this was rather confusing, it was taught as an afterthought that they were really not three, but in some mysterious way just one. Now let us have a quick look at the way this childish dogma of the dawn ages has been kept and injected into the very modern “revealed” religions given by spirits considered by some to be mouthpieces for Ultimate God.

THE URANTIA BOOK is the latest of the revealed and spirit written books, so far as I know. It was given through a medium, supposedly by various spirits belonging to a team, and these spirits have claimed that this is the first special revelation to man “since the coming of Christ to our planet.” A letter which came to me with the 2097-page book (published in 1955), explains: “These papers differ from all previous revelations, for they are the composite presentation of many beings. But no revelation short of the attainment of the Universal Father can ever be complete. ALL other celestial ministrations are no more than partial, transient, and practically adopted (adapted?) to local conditions of time and space.” At the end of the first paper, page 32, the communicating spirit of the moment introduces himself as one of the several beings who will give the revealed material. He says that he has acted as a “Divine Counselor” in all of the seven “super-universes” and has long lived at the very center of these, the “Paradise Center.” He goes on to say that he has, many times, enjoyed the great pleasure of living in the “immediate personal presence of the Universal Father.” He assures the reader that he shows with “unchallengeable authority” the correct nature and attributes of the Universal Father. He ends by saying that he knows what he is talking about.

Farther on in the big book, pages 110 and 111, the “First Source” is explained as a trinity of Father, Infinite Spirit and Eternal Son. It will be noted that the spirit giving this writing through the medium has had his ideas colored by the later dogmas in which Mother Isis of the Egyptians has become the vague and Impersonal Holy Ghost as the “Infinite Spirit”. The spirit explains that the Father could not be a father unless he had a son, (or why not a daughter?) so the Son was there, but not created by the Father   no indeed, as that would have upset the standard dogma that claims the three parts of the Trinity are equal, of the same age (coeternal) and, of equal power. A queer twist added by the dictated material on page 111 is to be found in the statement that Father and Son are the “eternal progenitor” of that part of the Trinity named the “Infinite Spirit”. To complicate this very complicated set of beliefs which the spirit attempts to present, there are two sons, the “Original Son” and one designated as just the “Son.” This pair make up the “Word”, and, if I understand rightly what is being set forth, the two Sons are the “Word” because God the Father speaks through them. They are also said to be “The Act of God”, but they act through the Infinite Spirit. However, this Foursome remains what we might call a “threesome”. The sons of the sons are listed soon, these called, the “Creator Sons”. The many grandsons of the Father must also have had mothers, but this place is not filled by the grandchildren of Infinite Spirit. (It is very hard to work out a family expansion like this after doing away with all the mothers, I should judge.) These grandchildren appear to act as lesser gods and to be scattered throughout the universe to direct life on various planets. The Father has something very handy called “his personality circuit”, and the many lesser gods finally are thinned down until they appear to be His direct agents in ruling men. In this office they are called “Thought Adjusters” Of course, it is explained, the Universal Father purposefully assumes these limitations of universal authority”, and it seems that, no matter how he is fragmented and his power and authority divided, all parts remain one whole. (As in most revealed religions, one finds old things given new names for no particular reason, and many new names invented and presented. For example, on page 113 one meets the “Paradise Trinity”, “the Trinity of Supremacy”, the “Trinity of Ultimacy” and “the seven triunities.” It gets more and more complicated as special names and terms multiply, and by the time one arrives at page 207, one finds a whole section captioned, “The Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy.” By page 289 one must learn about “The Secondary Supernaphim” in order to go on getting happily enlightened and converted. The spirits do not live in Heaven, but in “Havona”. The name “Earth” is not right. It is “Urantia”. (Before I got even started on the Complicated new vocabulary, for which there is no glossary supplied, I was lost in the Woods and strongly wondering who had been trying to kid whom. But no difference about my reaction. What I wish to point out is that the spirits cling to the dogmas with which they were probably familiar in life.

OAHSPE is a 900-page book given through a medium nearly a century ago, and is an example of what may be expected as “revelation” from spirits who claim divine authority to tell the straight of religion and history. In this older book, the communicating spirit (or spirits) elected to present Ultimate God under the name used by the writers of the Old Testament, in the form of “Jehovah”. As  in the Old Testament, this was a Unit Being, not a Trinity. My friend, Wing Anderson, however, in a most interesting article in the current issue of the ABERREE, elects to give a slight Trinitarian aspect to the ONE. He writes, “Jehovah, the CREATOR-SUSTAINER-DESTROYER, ONE in Essence, THREE in aspect.” This takes us at once in thought to the ancient Vedic Brahma, who had a wife and then a son, the first creating things, the second (or was it the third?) sustaining, and the third destroying. But the Hindus have always loved metaphysical speculation, and have made many changes in the early religion. The trinity of three aspects of Brahma is given as being made up of three male gods. Shiva, the third person of the Trinity in some sects, is male and the destroyer. Kali, the rather terrible “mother” god is both worshiped and feared. Vishnu, is the Savior God who incarnated in the flesh to teach and save men from time to time. He was Krishna or Rama. See our book, Great Religions, pages 26, 41 and 44. It will seem a far cry from there to Oahspe.

One Comment

  1. I have studied the Torah and Talmud my entire life. Cosmology attempts to analyze
    this connection between what we know to be true and what we believe in. Those
    facing North bear the Abhaya (fearlessness) mudra, while those in the East show the
    Bhumisparsha (earth-touching) gesture.

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