Huna Bulletin 68

The Ikon from Ethiopia

December 15, 1951

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA
and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.A.

The Ikon

The ikon has been completed and has arrived from HRA George Sandwith who mailed it from Australia before leaving for England, where he will remain for a time before returning to Australia to head a scientific expedition into the hinterlands to make further studies of the magic of the Australian Aboriginals. (I am greatly pleased to be invited to go along, even if I cannot accept for various reasons.)

THE IKON is the outcome of a project which was discussed at some length over a year ago in the Bulletins – the investigation of the nature of ikons and the rediscovery of the art of making them. HRA Sandwith, then in Tonga, was fortunate enough to own an ikon over four centuries old and still potent. It is in the form of a 10×13 inch carved and painted wooden plaque – a carved figure of Jesus on the cross with Mary and John standing at either side below. It was presented to him by an artist in Ethiopia, and through it as a contact center, he has been able to converse psychically with a spirit which seems to preside over the ikon – the spirit of an Ethiopian woman.

Because of the influence of this ikon and the spirit, Mr. Sandwith has been greatly aided in many aspects of his life and activities. Having expressed his desire to look into the “occult” field, he was projected into a series of adventures which read like a novel when related bit by bit as his letters come through. (See back Bulletins.)

MAKING A NEW IKON became a project last February. The spirit was consulted and various substances and objects were tested to find a proper radiation index for the work. A Tongan mat was indicated as part of the tools of the making, stone images were tested and were carefully considered, as was also a native ikon in the form of a petrified cuttle fish of peculiar form. Ivory was found to be the best material from which to construct the radiating center or ikon, and a search was made for the right piece. It was finally located in the form of a 52 inch carved figurine of a Japanese lady, hair parted and tied smoothly back, and her robes the simple ones of her time – over a hundred years ago. Crouching at her side, one paw in a fold of her robe is a cat, its eyes picked out in black paint, as are the eyes and eyebrows of the red lipped mistress. (Cigbo is, of course, vastly intrigued by this ikon kitty and expects from it a series of miracles in his department.) The carving and workmanship are of the finest, making it a thing of beauty aside from the forces which have, under the direction of the Ethiopian spirit, been brought to center in the ivory. (My very warm thanks to HRA Sandwith and his friends for the effort and the completed ikon for our TMHG prayer table.)

TESTS OF THE RADIATION OF THE IKON have been made with the pendulum and with the new “Aurameter.” The first gives a strong clockwise swing indicating mana according to my code. The latter shows a 12-inch aura extending on all sides and a rod formation extending from the back. Over the head seems to stand a cone, point down. As I am just a beginner in the use of the Aurameter, however, I anxiously await the next visit of HRA Verne Cameron to check my findings and add to them.

Mr. Sandwith has left it largely to me to learn for myself about the spirit which he assures me is standing ready to Serve through the ikon, or about the power resident in the little figurine as an ikon or center of radiation – whatever the radiations may be or may accomplish. He did say in his letter, however, that the spirit was of very high radiation rate and that she might be found to be very subtle as an influence – might take patient care and application to become acquainted and learn to work with the ikon as a contact center. In the three days since I became the happy custodian of the little ivory ikon, nothing has as yet come about that I can say definitely is more than a part of my imagination or a part of circumstances already on the way. I will do my best to cultivate this new acquaintance and to bring into play the guiding and healing powers for us all through the TMHG or otherwise. I will report as I have things to report. Meantime, a happy and exciting Christmas season is assured by the arrival of so fascinating and beautiful an object.

MIRROR GODDESS? One hand of the ikon lies across her breast with the handle of something grasped in it. Whatever it was she carried has been broken off by some accident of her many years. It could have been a fan, or, as I like to think, it may have been a mirror. The Japanese had a Goddess of the Mirror very similar to the one of the Aumakua class known to the Polynesians. She was supposed to hold her perfect mirror up to her devotees, reflecting back into reality in their lives the exact things they presented before it with their hearts and minds. In standing before her, the greatest care had to be exerted to see that no shadow or trace of the undesired emotions of the heart or images of the mind showed itself in the presentation before the mirror – in the formation of the thought-form picture with its contained emotions, as part of the prayer-action. In very fact, the goddess always is holding the mirror over her earthlings, so no dark, unkind or sad thought must ever be allowed to come into heart or mind.

I first learned of this in Hawaii after a young Japanese mother said to me, “Yes, my little son died last week” and smiled. In the West we have need of a Mirror Goddess to allow us to see this facet of the Diamond of Truth more clearly. Some of us approach the truth however, when we deny the reality of evil, sin, want and unhappiness by classing it as “error” and reciting, “Good denies error …”

I, personally, prefer the simpler method of denying nothing that my senses and reason report as relatively real as the plane on which it is found, but of trying to keep it out of heart and mind. I also love the code of the Navajo Indians – they strive to see only beauty about them. “The rain – the wind – the sun – they walk in beauty.” There is much reason to believe that the Aumakua level is one of eternal verities – one in which exists the perfect patterns upon which our imperfect realities are built by the imperfect thoughts and understanding on our lower level. In my battered copy of the Bhagavad-Gita is a passage which reads, “The man who is happy within himself, who is illuminated within, is a devotee, and partaking of the nature of the Supreme Spirit, he is merged in it.” A bit similar?


Act 1.

Scene: The seance room of the Church of Spirit and Truth. The pastor, a materializing medium, sits silently with closed eyes and folded hands on the low rostrum. She is waiting to be entranced by her spirit guide, Big Sky. At her left is the materialization cabinet, two frayed velvet curtains of faded green stretched before a corner of the room. Seated on folding chairs facing the rostrum are the congregation, fifteen men and women and one child. They sing softly, “Shall we gather at the river?” The medium becomes entranced and rises slowly. The singing dies away.

Big Sky (speaking through the medium) How! Greetings to white friends. You all know what we come to do tonight. This is Christmas Eve. All year we plan. All year the Great Spirit tell me to promise you Second Coming of Jesus. Second Coming to stay. Jesus going to materialize and walk out from cabinet, alive and just like before. He going to stay materialized… because one of you is going to give up your body so he can use material in it – what you call ectoplasm and vital force. One of you going to give up body for always and come over here with us. You going to do it so Jesus can have a body again, come second time to save the world… Which one of you want give up everything to help world this way? All you got to do is come up and go into the cabinet. Soon Jesus come out. Come!

There is an uneasy stir. Faces are downcast. There are muttered sentences. One woman sobs softly and wrings her hands. Big Sky (Pointing an accusing finger at one after another. Sternly.) You all promised! Now is the time. What’s the matter?

Members of the congregation, one by one as singled out:

1. I know I promised, but I’m not pure enough. I’m a sinner, and I’ve got a poor sick old body that’s not good enough!

Big Sky: No difference. We got promise all sin forgiven. All flesh made clean.

1. But I can’t. I know I promised, but I can’t. I got to stay and take care of my children…

2. (When the finger is leveled at him.) I thought I was going to do it when the time came, but now it’s here I can’t either. I’ve got to stay and help my wife take care of our children. They’ve got no one else in the world to support them.

3. I’ve got a husband and four children. My husband is too sick to work.

Big Sky: Don’t we have promise Jesus will take care of your families if you give up body? That’s not good excuse. You all got black, selfish hearts. Maybe some of you like to sell out Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, what? And maybe you be like Judas Iscariot… and have Jesus say to you, ‘Tarry here until I come again.’ Maybe you all want to live two thousand years more? (Voice rises to a high pitch and fists are clenched and lifted upward.) No more good people left in world! Only people like you! Great Spirit got to let you all blow up your world before year 1952 is gone! We can’t find even just one person who will give life like Jesus did to save the world – and now everyone going to lose life anyway… Shame!

With hung heads, some sobbing, the members of the audience rise and begin to slink away. Then [they] stop and look curiously as the door at right opens slowly and with creaking hinges. A bent and grizzled man takes a step into the room and removes his hat. He has a heavy Semitic face and moves as if very tired. He is poorly dressed and carries a much worn brief case bulging with papers. Big Sky notices him and demands…

Big Sky: Who this stranger? What you want?

Stranger: I learned what you planned to do here tonight. I learn of everything that goes on… (He looks at the huddled members of the audience as they edge toward the door.) And I knew that none of you could stand the temptation to break your promise when the time came. Yes, I know… I broke almost such a promise years ago in Jerusalem. (He turns to Big Sky) May I offer myself?

Big Sky: Why you offer yourself, Stranger? You want help to help save world? Why? How come even one person in world willing to make sacrifice?

Stranger: I have an old debt to pay. Besides, I know human beings better than most. Given enough time, almost all of them could learn to be unselfish. Time… All they need is another two thousand years. (He walks slowly toward the cabinet and places his brief case on a folding chair standing outside the curtains.) May I go inside now? Is everything ready?

Big Sky: Yes. Everything ready.

Stranger: I wish to leave just a few instructions before I pay my debt. In this brief case will be found papers – all legally executed – turning over my property to the Master when he comes. Please tell him to open the case at once. It is very important. When he first came to save the world he was poor and had no worldly power to establish the Heavenly Kingdom on earth. He was even unable to defend himself against such as I. We crucified him. (He looks down at the startled faces in which realization begins to show.) Yes, I am the one. I tarried. Now he comes again – but this time in glory and with the world at his feet… In two thousand years of investing those accursed thirty pieces of silver, I have come to own everything in the world that makes for power. Through my agents and holding companies I own the greater part of every great banking system, every great corporation. I hold the bonds of indebetedness of every government. My agents have been instructed. They know what to do. And they will do whatever Jesus tells them to do.

Big Sky: How you know those agents not turn to crooks when you not here on this side? Look what these did. (He indicates the members of the congregation – who hang their heads.)

Stranger: I know my agents. There are honest men – at least eleven of them – now on earth again. My eleven agents are tested and true. They have ruled the world for me from behind the scenes for over twenty years while we made it ready for Jesus to return – to return, when men at last were brought to see that selfishness and greed and hate bring only ruin… My eleven agents are waiting outside even now. I will call in four of them to act as witnesses to what is about to happen. (He turns toward the door and calls,) Peter! James! Matthew! John! (Four men enter quietly, nod and stand watching intently.) You have your instructions? Everything in mind? (There are answering nods.)

Big Sky: You ready now?

Stranger: (Wearily) Yes, at last… It has taken a long time. What do I do?

Big Sky: Just go through curtains into cabinet and stand there. We do the rest. We take care of you good.

The stranger lifts a hand slightly in farewell, parts the curtain and enters. The curtains fall together and the outline of his body can be seen pressing them out slightly. As all watch in tense silence, the bulge of the curtains goes and they hang straight.

Act 2.

A white light begins to build behind the curtains and illuminate the ceiling and come through the curtain rents. The curtains ripple with movement, the light slowly fades. The curtains part and a young man with sensitive Semitic face steps quietly out. He seems to be dressed in the same shabby clothes worn by the Stranger, but stands tall and straight. Big Sky leaves the medium and her body sinks into the chair, her eyes remaining closed. One of the women goes to attend her. The awed members of the congregation fall back. The four agents come forward.

Peter: You are Jesus of Nazareth?

Jesus: I am.

Peter: I suppose you know of all our plans? Are they satisfactory? Everything is arranged to begin the broadcasts and to televise your arrival when you are ready? Perhaps you would like to go first to your hotel and change into other garments?

Jesus: I have come in from a very different level. I have very little idea of the plans or of conditions – I had very little time to talk with Judas while we were making the change. I will leave everything to you to arrange, as before. (He smiles slightly.) Could we go to some upper chamber first? I want to break bread again – with all eleven of you. (Curtain as they go.)

Act 3.

The curtain rises on the same scene, but the cabinet in the corner has been blocked off with posts and red ropes. It has become a show place and there is a large brass plaque on an easel. The medium, dressed for the task, is finishing the job of sweeping her church. She looks at her wrist watch and hurries to pick up a small portable radio, set it on the speaker’s stand, and turn it on. She sinks into a chair and listens expectantly. A voice speaks through the radio.

Voice: This is a resume of the news of the week ending Saturday, January 28th, 1952. On Monday, following the announcement that those who still refused to accept the invitation of the Master to reform would be forced to conform, the heavens opened as a veritable scroll over Moscow, over the Red headquarters in China and over the Vatican. The secret weapons, long in preparation by Judas and The Eleven, poured from the skies in the form of flying saucers of all shapes and sizes. The red air forces surrendered without a shot being fired. Red leaders were taken aboard a saucer and transported to U.N. headquarters for re-education. The Holy Father at Rome was at last satisfied that the Master was a veritable return of Lord Jesus. He had held out that such a return could not have been possible outside the fold of Mother Church and had demanded a miracle as proof of validity. After the miracle of the saucers, he became fully convinced and issued a papal edict covering the situation – after which he gave back to Peter the position of supreme head of the Church to make any and all changes which were seen fit.

On Tuesday Dr. Oscar Brunler and a picked crew of trained users of the Biometer, began work at U.N. headquarters to process and classify politicians and others in high governmental positions from all over the world – all according to their brain or soul radiation patterns and readings. The majority of our own congressmen were found to be unfit for the positions which they held, and were replaced, Congress being reduced to a tenth of its former size. Similar changes were made for other lands according to the suggestions of specialists among the Eleven.

On Wednesday, Master Jesus and the Eleven, acting as the Directive Council of the United Nations, announced the formation of a unified code of laws for the entire world, a unified court system, and a new method of selecting governing heads, based on tests by the Biometer to determine natural qualifications and balanced by experience and training. The new school for such officials opened and offered an intensive training course.

On Thursday, all currencies were made uniform and based on the average man-machine production per hour unit. All gold found to be owned by the Master, and was held for temporary use in aiding the change from old currencies to the new. All trade barriers were removed.

On Friday, orders were given to begin converting war goods for civil uses. “Production for Use” was begun under the direction of Luke, using a plan long studied in advance for an “Economy of Abundance.” As all great corporations are owned or controlled by the Master or the Eleven, mass machine production was placed on a non-profit basis. As small industries, not so owned or controlled, could not compete, they were ordered to exchange their plants for the new credits. A strike at the plant of General Motors was called, but all union members but two showed up for work on time. The leaders were removed and sent in to be tested for B.R. patterns. All were found to be counter-clockwise and were assigned to one of the new Public Service units formed to contain and police all such anti-social individuals as the processing turns them up in high places.

On Saturday the new universal healing and medical care plan was inaugurated under the guidance of Mark. The A.M.A. was dissolved, doctors of all schools admitted to practice in all hospitals and services, and a special board appointed to process with the Biometer and from healing records, all healers classified as “mental-spiritual” healers. As soon as time will allow, it was announced, the Master will take personal charge of this work and it will be used as a basis on which uniform psycho-religious instructions will be taught the world around by healing missionaries who will be trained after the general methods and holdings of the ancient Huna system, of which the Master was an initiate.

On Sunday, the Master addressed the world over a universal hookup. (Translations were made into all possible languages and dialects. The churches of all denominations were crowded as the Master was televised while delivering his address.) The Master spoke very simply but with great earnestness and his face was lighted by his love for the Father and humanity. He restated the ancient law of non-hurt and stressed again his own addition to it – the need for love and loving service over and above the call of non-hurt duty. He spoke happily of the great progress now being made in all departments of life, of the use to be made of all scientific knowledge and of the great blessing of the use of the new form of power developed for use with the flying saucers, and of the economic benefits of such almost free power. The medium through whose powers of materialization the Master had been given a permanently materialized body to use was introduced to the world audience and lovingly praised and embraced by the Master. She is revealed to the world (and to herself) as the Mother Mary, again in incarnation. She will join the Master in his later healing ministrations, but for the present will, by her own choice, continue to serve her own little church and its rapidly growing congregation. She said she wished to serve in this way until Judas could be brought through and could stand materialized before the Master long enough to be assured of his complete forgiviveness and his restoration with honor to his place with the others, making the Eleven again the Twelve. It is good to note that by this time, the vast wave of religious hysteria aroused by the news of the Second Coming in glory, has begun to die down. Men and women have more or less finished their repentance, and are turning to the task of living the new life in which none are to be hurt unless their anti-social acts demand police action against them. And that is the news up to this moment. This is station HRA. Max F. Long, Your reporter. (The medium rises to turn off the radio. She smiles happily and begins to dust as the curtain falls)

One Comment

  1. “Those who still refused to accept the invitation of the Master to reform would be forced to conform.”

    Tyranny of any kind is still tyranny; terrorism by government is still terrorism.

    As with any other belief system, one has to extract what works (whether practically, psychologically, or otherwise, depending on the individual’s wants and needs), and leave the rest.

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