Huna Bulletin 65

“Vitic” and the Invisible Bodies

November 1, 1951

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA
and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.

A SIMPLER ADDRESS has been adopted for your use in addressing your letters, cards or packages to me. However, in using it, be very sure you put in the 28, e.g. Hollywood 28, or the letter might go the rounds of the Hollywood postal substations. Hollywood is part of Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles 28, is still o.k. to use, but needs the notation “Hollywood Station” to make sure.


The book I am writing for my present living is getting on slowly. As you will have observed, my correspondence is very Quaker – “Yea and nay” variety. More extended correspondence comes when there are things important to our Huna studies and experiments that must be discussed. Some very interesting foreign mail of late bearing on the subjects of radionics, dowsing and general work with the pendulum.

THE “FUTURE OF AMERICA” article BY HRA Irys Vorel mentioned in the last Bulletin, may be obtained by writing directly to HARLE PUBLICATIONS, Suite 1904, 215 Fourth Ave., New York City, N.Y. and enclosing 24¢ in stamps, asking for a copy of CURRENT ASTROLOGY, Vol. 10 – No. 5. The issue was sold out on the news stands very early, HRA I.V. informs us.

MAGNET NAME CORRECTION was given the wrong name. Owing to my mistaken reading of a hand written sheet, I put it down as “Arnica.” It should be, “Alnico,” taken from the ingredients of the alloy, aluminum, nickel, cobalt, and iron. This remarkable alloy, in magnet form, holds 40 times its own weight of iron when fully energized. Good hardware stores carry them in two or more sizes.


[As] reported by HRA Sherman Peticolas, following up his report on experiments in the last Bulletin: It will be recalled that he found that by holding a stick of carbon in his right hand and a small, but powerful magnet in his left, he was able to get a very beneficial result. In answer to his letter, I described my own experiments in which I used an 8″ stick of 3/4″ diameter carbon and about a half pound of fragments from an Alnico magnet which had been a part of the magneto of a motor scooter. (Left with me for experimentation by HRA Verne Cameron.) On taking these up, I at once experienced a strange sensation of fullness in the chest and a difficulty in breathing – not at all comfortable or pleasant.

It developed that I was using far more of both magnet and carbon than Mr. Peticolas. He had been using one small magnet and a small carbon stick removed from a flashlight battery. He gave me the size of the magnet, approximately, and calculated for me the fact that a 2-1/4 inch piece of the carbon I was using would be almost exactly the size of that which he used. (He used four rods, each 2-1/4″ by 1/4″ which equals 2-1/4 inches cut from the 3/4 inch rod here at the Study.) After two weeks daily use of rods and magnets, HRA Peticolas is more certain than ever of the beneficial effect. I have had less time to experiment, but find the smaller magnet and carbon gives me a pleasing and stimulating effect.

Bulletin065-42871-1 Bulletin065-42871-2

1. The size of HRA Peticolas’ Alnico magnet as traced by him.
2. The size of the piece of same used by me.
3. Tracing of the cut-down stick of carbon used by me. (Note that it has a core of softer carbon.)

NOTE: Left-handed HRAs should hold magnet in the right hand and the carbon stick in the left. If the results seem unpleasant, reverse carbon and magnet and see if that causes a change.


I am not able to say who coined the word. It has also been called “Carbon Force,” and, like the “od” of Reichenbach, the “odic” of Sergeant Cox, and the mana of kahunas, it is NOT electrical or magnetic energy as we know it. The chances seem small that the “Vitic” energy is closely akin to mana.

For the past few months I have been continuing to look into the matter of the forces which seem to be mana in one form or another, and which seem to move through the aka substance and also, under direction of the will, through cords of non-conductive materials such as silk or cotton (Eeman’s experiments, electronics instruments, map dowsing, etc.). Dr. Oscar Brunler, HRA, has given us the most detailed and complete theory to cover the facts as we find them in his concept of the “Di-electric form of energy.” All efforts to prove the existence of this force have been tripped up by insisting that it be made to react as does electricity or magnetism. It does act like either of these. The more I study, the more I am convinced that we are confronted by the aka-mana combination which is subject to a degree of control by the Aunihipili, or indirectly by the Auhane because it gives willed orders to the Aunihipili. The evidence of the facts which have been observed indicates that this strange form of energy moves through an almost perfect conducting medium which is supplied in our Huna postulate by the aka body or a cord or thread of aka substance.

To get back to the “Vitic,” which I’m inclined to think is a horse of a different color, but probably a very valuable one, once we come to understand it. I have had several letters asking for more details. As I have said in Bulletin 64, the best, and perhaps the only available collection of informative articles on the subject is to be found in HRA. Meade Layne’s 16 page mimeo booklet, VITIC (Send 50¢ to him, 3524 Adams Ave., San, Diego 16, Calif., for your copy. Let me give you a taste of the material from the first page:


“Brian Brown, in his book, DYNAMIC POWER THE INNER MIND, writes, ‘A great English scientist (A.E. Baines, who in 1921 wrote THE ORIGIN AND PROBLEM OF LIFE) said, ‘There are at least three things that mitigate against a continuance of vigorous life for prolonged periods. One is physical deterioration, as evidenced by, among other things, arteriosclerosis; another is the gradual failure of generation of nerve force, and a third a falling off in the production of the secretions of certain glands which vitalize the body and brain.

” ‘We have, then, to deal with the deficiencies, deficient nerve force and it may be deficient insulation – the latter with especial regard to the effective functioning of certain glands which may receive a normal supply of energy, but by reason of defective insulation, fail to retain or fully utilize it. Nor is that all. The impulses which stimulate and activate our glands pass from the brain through the secretory, and if they are not retained or utilized, fresh demands are made on the brain to replace the wastage.

” ‘First of all, we require a means of generating nerve force in order to be able to supply it. For years we have heard of a new force called Odic. It has been associated in the minds of most people with the occult, probably because no one has yet been able to demonstrate satisfactorily its nature, its value to humanity, or even to evolve it. The ancient Egyptians could do so, there is reason to believe, and but for the burning of the library of Alexandria, might have been disclosed before the Christian era. In the bygone days of Egypt’s greatness, scientific attainment was confined, or almost confined, to the priestly communities and they kept it from the outer and unlearned world under a veil of elaborate symbolism.

” ‘The most prominent statue, a painted limestone portrait, dates from about 3700 B.C. and is of a royal personage named An-Kheft-Ka, who is shown holding a rod in each hand, much in the manner that a runner holds corks. In my belief, as I have said, these rods were symbolic. The authorities at the British Museum had no information whatever in regard to them. Finally, it was found by accident in carbon, which will give out a certain amount of force which, experience has taught us, is not to be distinguished from nerve force…’ “

Comment: The description of the energy fits what we know of mana almost exactly. It is explained later, by the same writer, that the use of the magnet and carbon rod caused a recharging by this force which lasted up to twelve hours. We have recharged with mana in the same way, but the charges dwindle to normal according to the use made of the surcharge. The prayer-action causes the largest surcharge to be used up in a few minutes, and we suppose that the gift of mana to Aumakuas has been the cause. Mental action takes much longer to use up the surcharge and physical action uses the force rapidly.

The cult of priestly secrecy in ancient Egypt reminds us strongly of that of kahunas, but there seems to be no specific word for magnet or magnetism or carbon in the language of kahunas. This, however, does not indicate that they might not have known of some force symbolized by the two small rods held by the ruler (who would also be of the priestly class in all probability). Loadstone could have been the early magnet and carbon in a natural state may have been used, as for instance, graphite.

The aura (or combined aka bodies of the Aunihipili and Auhane of Huna, together with a possible element of something resembling magnetic fields surrounding mana charges, to use Huna terms), was seen by Dr. Kilner and his friends, viewing human auras through his viewing screens, to be distorted by the approach of a magnet, to be attracted by a positive electrical charge and driven away by a negative charge.

In holding the small magnet and carbon rod in my hands while endeavoring to take on a mana surcharge in the usual way, I found that the usual pendulum test for the surcharge showed less than the normal charge. A surcharge accumulated in the regular way was at once almost neutralized upon taking up the carbon and magnet, or either one by itself.

It is evident that the holding of the magnet and carbon produces some change in the body or aura or both, but the indications seem to be that this does not create surplus mana as we know and use it. More work needs to be done along this line and reports are invited from HRAs who can and will run tests. I could have made mistakes in my tests and conclusions, it must be remembered.


HRA Verne Cameron repeats test for invisible overhead forms and reports that on this second test with his special instrument, he obtained different results as compared to those described in the Bulletin earlier. In the first tests, I was the one measured. He located a halo like a doughnut with a hole in the center, directly over my head, whether I stood or lay flat on my back. Above this stood an invisible, man-sized figure. He got to the roof of the Study, which is low and flat, and found the feet and legs of a second figure still higher. When I lay down on the walk, it was lowered by six feet and he could reach to the top of the head of the second figure. Like the first, it seemed to have a thick head of hair and a Dutch cut.

He repeated the tests at his home in Elsinore, Calif., where he stood on the roof of his house and was able to check for still more figures, using his son and daughter for the tests. This time he was surprised and intrigued to find only one figure above each young person, but above the boy’s figure there was found a short rod on the top of which was a ball shape a foot or so in diameter. Above the daughter’s one invisible figure he found not a ball, but a shape like an inverted cone.

Comment: This finding on the part of HRA Cameron is most exciting to the seasoned student of the facts and fantasies which we have come to call “The Occult.” I have the greatest confidence in the integrity of Mr. Cameron, knowing, as I do, that his curiosity is even greater than my own when it comes to the things he discovers with his instrument (plus his own trained dowsing ability and the skill which it has taken over 26 years to acquire). When he told me, at our first meeting last summer, that he had discovered the halo above the head, a cord running upward through the hole in its center, and an invisible form above that, I sat up and took notice. I was of the opinion that the Auhane and Aunihipili lived together in the physical body, their aka bodies interblended more or less. The figure could not, I argued, be that of the aka of the Auhane, but, if it were not, could it be that of the dual Aumakua? This (see page 4, Bulletin 64 for the account of the tests we made together) I considered even less possible in the light of what we learn from Huna and many other sources. But, when two of the invisibles were located one above the other over my head, I was faced with the necessity of setting aside all I had come to believe and starting anew, or guessing that the figure immediately over my head must be the aka body of the Auhane, and that it remained there, keeping contact with the body and Aunihipili through the head region. That left me but one answer for the second figure. If it were not the aka of the Aumakua, then I had nothing in my files of information to match it.

I remembered, when Mr. Cameron reported his failure to find a second invisible above the heads of his son and daughter, that, at the time he had climbed to the top of my Study to explore high above my head (rested on the sidewalk), that I had made a short prayer to the Aumakua to assist in the exploration. So, belatedly, I am wondering whether I called down the Aumakua of myself so that it filled its aka and stood above the first figure. I still do not know whether or not the second figure can always be located above my head, prayer or no prayer.

The alternative is to accept tentatively, the very old belief that can be traced back to the Greeks and Hindus, that a “spiritual body” or vehicle for the “spiritual self” must be developed by each man and woman through a period of regular recognition of its existence, and regular efforts to help build for it an invisible body.

Is it possible that I have, after these many years, unknowingly done the things that have caused such a vehicle for the Aumakua to take form? Is it possible that the lad and his sister have as yet made but the beginning of building such a vehicle, resulting in the ball and inverted cone structures where, in my case, a full figure was traced? That great student of the New Testament and Greek mythology, James Morgan Pryse, in his monumental book THE RESTORED NEW TESTAMENT, saw as the greatest mystery in the Apocalypse, the fact that such a vehicle – the “Solar Body” – had to be created by the actions of the man. Let me quote from page six of the general introduction.

“For the esotericist understands that true self-knowledge can be obtained only through self-development in the highest possible sense of the term, a development which begins with introspection and the awakening of creative and regenerative forces which now slumber in man’s inner protoplasmic nature, like the vivific potency of the ovum, and which, when roused into activity, transforms him ultimately into a divine being bodied in a deathless ethereal form of ineffable beauty. The process of transcendental self-conquest, the giving birth to oneself as a spiritual being, evolving from the concealed essence of one’s own embryonic nature a self-luminous immortal body, is the sole subject-matter of the Apocalypse, as it is also the great theme of the Iesous-mythos.”

In the religions of India, the idea of building a “Solar Body” was stressed in a few cults. In borrowing it, we have often added to the general idea, so that it became one in which the individual had to “rouse the serpent fires” (but was sternly warned of the danger of trying to do so) in order to obtain “enlightenment,” and, in some cults, create the vehicle in which the Aumakua could begin at last to function as a part of the enlightened man. A period of eighteen months for the gestation of this spiritual body was even mentioned, which shows how literally the dogma came to be accepted in a physical sense. It would seem that a simpler concept would be one in which the man comes (1) to recognize the existence of the Aumakua, and (2) sets about making a regular daily effort to learn to work with it in all matters of good living. The Huna addition to the doctrine changes the “serpent fires” to a simple and not-at-all dangerous or difficult matter of generating a surcharge of mana, contacting the Aumakua, offering the mana as a sacrifice which is the just due of the Aumakua, and empowering the Aumakua in that way to play a part in shaping our lives, in healing, and in giving guidance and protection. The extravagance of the idea of Aunihipilis giving birth to a vehicle for the Aumakua, is something long outgrown. The other great extravagance which ran beside the first was the belief in regeneration – a regeneration to be obtained by living a very difficult and abnormal life of sex repression. Kahunas believed in normal living in all things, if I understand their lore correctly.

I would say, in the same way that we learn to do almost everything else. By deciding on a plan of training, then by following through with it faithfully. Daily prayer-actions, daily or hourly presentation of offerings of mana to empower the Aumakua, and daily practice at making the mental pictures of what conditions we wish the Aumakua to help us materialize, in health, wealth or circumstances. The twice a day TMHG work seems ideal for this work of learning and developing. The mental and spiritual muscles grow steadily stronger. Faith increases. Contact becomes more and more complete and automatic.

In the New Testament we come upon a parable which uses a symbol idea straight from kahunas. They pictured the mana rising like water in the body and overflowing as it was sent to naAumakua. The symbol of overflowing was often that of the rising of yeast in fermentation. It would seem that there were Huna origins for the parable of the woman who took a certain amount of yeast (the offering of the mana surcharge) and mixed it with THREE measures of meal. We may well ask whether or not the secret in this parable was the fact that the thing that “rose” had to be sufficient to provide for the third or Aumakua? The traces of Huna in other ancient religions are good proof of their similarity of origin.

THE SPIRIT COMMUNICATORS of HRA H. Wagner agree with HRA Charles W. Kenn. A letter dated October 15th from my good friend and learned critic, HRA H.M. Wagner, of Florida, says in part, “Charles Kenn has my full support. He states, in part at least, what our communicators have told us. I will pass on some of it, but not all at this time as I must try the effect of the milder remarks first.

“In the first place, the theory of Huna is important only historically. Interesting as an example of minds in the childhood stages of dealing with the abstract things, but of no value at all for the present. Divorce the practice of Huna from the very fantastic – even if interesting – notions the old boys developed to explain to their largely untutored minds what they did. Max carries his philosophical hair-splitting far beyond its validity. Huna cannot now be restored as it was because of the vital factors which made success of kahunas possible – factors now lacking which cannot, as far as we can discover, be restored. The way of life of the Polynesians gave them far more spiritual ability than can be found among groups of any size now, and their force, power or whatever you want to call it – none of the words are good, but using the word ‘mana’ does not do it any better – added to kahunas and their directing spirits (ability to?) allow them to do more than can, as a rule, be demonstrated (now?). In short, kahunas were highly developed spirit mediums acting under circumstances that probably cannot be again manifested.

“All the miracles of the kahunas can be duplicated and have been by many in the past, even in remote antiquity, who had no connection with Huna in any of its works. But the ‘powerhouse’ is no longer here.”

Comment: The answers given in defense of my personal position in Bulletin 64 still hold in the matter of the above objections. In addition, we are faced here with the matter of whether the spirit communicators’ opinions are of any more weight than those of our good friend ,HRA Wagner, who has spent many years in the study of psychism and spirit communications. In my thirty years of Huna investigation, I have conversed with many spirits through different mediums, also had distant friends ask questions, as in the case of Mark Probert and some gifted English friends. The strange thing about it is that not one of the many spirits considered a single one of the ten elements in Huna of the slightest importance. More than that, not one of them seemed either willing or able to grasp the meaning of the ten elements. This, unavoidably, applies to those several of the Huna elements accepted by modern psychology, these being the conscious and subconscious, the complex and the part it plays, and some form of nervous energy. For some reason – far be it from me to understand – the spirits will have almost none of the subconscious or the fixation or the need of finding and draining off the fixations. None of them that I have conversed with know anything about the Aumakua beyond fuzzy speculative information that holds no water and is impractical in the seance or out of it.

Kahunas were of 52 classes, so Charles Kenn decides, and so far as I know, only two in this large group were mediums. Most of them had a scornful distrust of spirits and refused to let them take over their bodies to work through. They preferred to stand on their own feet, use the intelligence they possessed, and do their work – a large part of which was to find fixations and drain them off – a step which I have never heard of being taken by any spirit trying to heal through a medium.

We have seen many centuries of communication with the spirits, supposedly of various degrees of evolution, from the ones who spoke out of a burning bush to the most modern ones using direct voice out of thin air. If the teachings thus received are compared, it will soon become evident – as it became evident to me long ago – that spirits have no more agreement as to what may be basic facts than the living, if as much. The reincarnationists will have none of those who preach one life and after that the Judgment. Heaven knows that I would be as pleased as the next one to come upon a spirit or even a living “Master” who had all the answers, or even a part of them, and who could show that the answers were correct and workable in so far as they could be applied to why we are ill, and how we are to be cured.

Like the spirit communicators, the living often grow impatient with opinions which conflict with their own. I freely admit that I am well-tarred with the same brush. If a thing looks to my longing eyes as if it might contain a tiny bit of new, valid and perhaps workable information, I desire greatly that my friends should share with me the “pearl of great price” that I feel I just MAY have come upon. Nor does it help, when my friends cry “Fie!” to mutter in my beard about casting pearls before swine. My friends may know pearls far better than I ever will. In any event, there is one thing I dare NOT do, and that is to close my mind to new material or to the opinions of others. Blessed be the “Mature Mind,” and if we are to grow toward one, we must keep opening instead of closing. We must avoid letting our ideas become set and fixed if we are to have a part in world progress of thought. In a later Bulletin – or in several of them, I will take up with you the findings of “Betty,” the wife of Stewart Edward White, who reversed the process of letting the spirits use her, but left her body and ranged far and wide in the realms of spirits, learning all she could and bringing back what she learned. She came close to discovering the whole of Huna, and for my money, gave us the most practical approach to a clear understanding of the unseen that has been given in modern times. Perhaps this was possible because she did not die and carry fixed beliefs across with her to freeze her opinions fast. She talked with many “invisibles” and questioned them, but she accepted nothing as the final truth.

She listened, considered, and decided for herself what seemed to make sense and what did not. Of course, some of us in HRA do not believe in spirits. They will be bored, but most of them will try to be tolerant while we sort and search in the hope of learning something useful and practical in the life we are very sure about.


It is titled NEW APPROACHES TO DREAM INTERPRETATION, is published by Citadel Press, costs $5, and may be had autographed from HRA Dr. Nandor Fodor, Park Central Hotel, 7th Ave. at 56th St., New York City, N.Y. It is filled with discussions of dreams met in his practice through his patients, and the dream symbols and significance in finding fixations or psychic injuries and correcting them. I have found it most entertaining reading as well as most instructive. Dr. Fodor continues steadily to break ground in his chosen field, and his gift of writing makes for ease in reading and understanding. I am always amazed at the ground he covers in a single chapter.


Dear Aunties and Uncles and Fellow Sprinters:
Thanks to your generosity in encrosing estra stamps, dimes and even sometimes millyons of dollases, I have been able to buy us sprinters (First, second and third class), some very estra fine new second paw types. All of you who helped got from ME a Sir-tuffy-cut to show that you are sprinters same as me. And all of you will get a sprinted brithday presink, come about Febby Frist, if that atem bum doesn’t blow up me and my type and my toy sprintink press – and IF I can get boss to find time someplace to help me a little (and wash the sprinting press ink off of it.) ALSO: I got to announce sadly that I gota eut out the dead wood from our list again. If you haven’t been heard from for six months, and if you don’t happen to get the next Bullington, you’ll know why. Also, I got to announce that IF any of you go away and do not sighn a card for Mr. Post Office on the line that says “Also forward third class post” (for which you gota pay estra postage), the Bullington just comes back to me and you are LOST! This month I lost two Uncles and three Aunties already this way. And maybe they’ll never know why – and maybe will think to their dying day that Cigbo stopped loving them.
Love and purrrrs,

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