Huna Bulletin 62

A Bulletin of Letters

September 1, 1951

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA
and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.


Cigbo starts it off. He writes “Dear Aunties and Uncles: Terrible BIG, BEST thanks for remembering ME and send in those extra stamps and dimes for my compo sink stick type fund! I sell the stamps to my cigar box for dimes, and you should see the types ME and boss got marked to buy in the type CAT-a-log! Wunnerful!

“I’ll let you all in on a sekrut. I got the idea from watching boss these days. He is righting a brook – you know, ‘babble, babble, babble’ – that kind. And IF he can get away with it, just think what I could do, what with being so espert a purrrrrrer. Besides I am a great hand as a scratcher, and I could scratch out lines and pair-o-graffs and even whole pages lots faster and better as boss. \

“Anyway, the sekrut is that maybe I’ll right a brook, too, and maybe by then have enough dines to buy enough types to sprint it. I’ve been thinking of naming MY brook, CAT TAILS, or something romantic sounding, like, WEAVER OF KITTENISH DREAMS. I already got some little type to sprint the title in, and some nice BIG type to sprint, BY CIGBO underneath.

“As a spessul inducement to you if you ain’t sent in stamps or dimes yet, I extend my original offer ten more days: All who do, will be sent a very spessul SIR-TUFFY-CAT sprinted by ME and with your name engrossed by typewriter and signed by sprint and paw, to sirtuffy that the holder is hereby appointed to be a SPRINTER FEIST CLASS, just like ME! No advertising will appear on the front of it if I can help it, and it will be suitable for framing – maybe to use to frame your worst eminy, if you got one. (Boss just said, ‘Tut-tut!’ so I guess I must made a fore paw of some sort.) Anyway, I DID love those dimes and my new second hand types, and I am kind of hoping I might purrrrr up a very small brook or something – what with all of you having a HRA birthday coming up in a few months, and ME needing terrible bad to find something to send you for presents.
BIG love and THANKS, Cigbo, hra kittysprinter.

“P.S. ME and my sirtuffycated fellow sprinters got a terrible BIG joke on boss. He won’t know about it until he submerges out of that brook and sees what is going on. HE’S been appointed OUR sprinter’s devil! And he’ll have the job of washing the I-N-K off of OUR toy sprinting press! When you see those IN Key thumb sprints on the paper, don’t ‘Blame Cigbo’ like boss does, that time. US master sprinters all got CLEAN paws, so it’s bound to be boss.

“P.P.S. I kinda suspect all this is being allowed to run free on the front page because boss has submerged from his brook and is kind of dazed or something and can’t think of anything to say to make a bullington. Maybe we might give him a vacration and let him off of getting out a bullington around September 15th. So, if you don’t get another bullington on regular time, you’ll know he’s vacationing, (and ME too, I hope – don’t you kinda think maybe, huh?) C.”


A Hawwaiian Ti plant arrived in the mail from HRA R.C., who lives up San Francisco way. In my excitement, I seem to have lost her note, but she said she had come across the little plant in a nursery and knew I’d love having it. I certainly do. It has three long narrow leaves with another coming out rolled up like a pencil. If you’ve forgotten the use (carrying the hot stones) kahunas made of the ti (or ki) leaves in their magic, see several mentions in SSBM, or look into your copy of HRA Charlie Kenn’s little book reporting on the fire-walking tests in Honolulu.

The fire-walker, Tu-nui Arii-peu, used them lavishly. In illustration No. 4, a large plant is to be seen placed at the end of the bed of hot stones, right in the foreground. Illustration No. 8 shows the Chief leading the way across [with] a large bundle of ti leaves on his shoulder. He had just used them to make a ritual beating and brushing of the stones before crossing. A large ti plant was placed at all four corners of the “walk” for the purpose of warding off unwanted spirits or influences which might have interfered with the magical protection which had been called down.

Just what use I will make of the leaves, I do not know as yet, but I have plans in mind for the time when there are leaves to harvest and use. One leaf got broken off, and I now have it in the study laid across the little Papa Kii image into which HRA Cameron and I seemed to successfully pour our hates and sins to make him our scape goat. The leaf is placed over him as a precaution against a possible backfire. (Shame to have done that to him. He’s such an appealing little old fellow – but perhaps all “sin” is that way, so what.)


Promised by HRA Kenn, it has been in work for some time and will give all available information to be found, with all the theories and beliefs connected with fire-walking or related magic. He writes, “It will cover the subject fully and be well illustrated. I feel that such a book has long been needed.” It may be considerable time before the book is ready, but it will be announced and reviewed the minute it is.


Two charter members of HRA, Nesta Kerin Crain and Doris Hertzog, who head the PHILOSOPHICAL RESEARCH center at 211 West 57th Street, New York 23, N.Y. (Phone EN 2-8964), and who are friends of long standing, write, “We think it is now time, Max, to bring forward the Huna work here in New York in a very active way. We think that we should feature all your writings on our book table and see if we can arrange for some sort of a group meeting at least once a month, to function along lines which you may be able to suggest. On Saturday, October 7th, we begin our tenth lecture season, and we would like to make your Huna materials a special feature this coming season. We also plan to have some Hawaiian evenings this year, and think perhaps Doris will lead off with a lecture devoted entirely to kahunas and the work you are doing. Any suggestions?”

I am sending plenty of suggestions, of course. It would be encouraging if you New York HRAs would get in touch and say what you would like to see done. At least call up and exchange an aloha or two. Much other good work goes on at this center, as you will find.

A NEW BOOK is out by HRA Dorothy Thomas

It is titled, NO MORE HEADACHES, and sells for $1, plus 80 postage and sales tax in California. Write her for your copy at: New Age Press, 1542 Glendale Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

This little book of 46 pages is the result of a search on the part of HRA Dorothy Thomas for a cure for herself. She attended all the health lecture courses, was doctored by all schools of doctors, had recourse to all available types of mental healers, and finally shuffled the deck and came up with a composite-system of her own which included all the good things she had learned, avoided all the bad practices, and which worked. Her swift-digest of the systems advocated by one lecturer after another is most informative. Whether you have headaches or not, this will be a book of interest because it tells what you learn by taking all the courses – and ending by working out a sane method of your own. (Her husband, HRA Franklin Thomas, is her publisher. She’s in luck to have a publisher right in the family and one able to print so neatly.)

Winged Pharaoh is another book to be read. It is by Joan Grant, and your book dealer can get it if your library fails you. I have not yet had the pleasure of reading it, but have been told of it twice. Last week HRA P.G. wrote me air mail from England of finding it and gave me two pages of excerpts that made my mouth water. It would seem that the writer of this book did a great job of searching the Egyptian past for strange information about religious beliefs, and then set them down in fiction form for easy reading. She didn’t quite come up with a full knowledge of Etna, but she came very close to it in many places. Her fictional characters include a father who instructs a son in the healing lore. The Egyptian glyph for the ka which we recently spotted as our Huna aka, is described and we learn from her of the belief that the life force was absorbed through the aka body during sleep and that lack of sleep killed much quicker than lack of food. The quote reads:

“This part of ourselves is called the Ka, which means “gatherer of life.” It cannot be seen by earth eyes, yet so important is it, that if these channels are injured and cannot carry life, then the, body will die. Only when we sleep can the Ka restore itself with life – and that is why we can live longer without food than without sleep. A soldier had seen his wife seized and killed by a crocodile. The shock was so terrible that he became dumb and he was sent here to see if we could cure him. Now this is what happened to him, so great was his fear and horror, that the force of his emotions ordering his body had injured his Ka-ibis. And just as a man whose shoulder muscles are torn cannot throw a spear, the KA-ibis could not translate the orders of this man’s spirit to the speaking muscles of his throat, and he became dumb. But when Ptah-Refer saw what was wrong, the Ka-ibis was strengthened with healing, until it was once more able to obey its orders.”

I gather that the aka was supposed to gather mana outside the body and give it to the body through a lesser entity living in the physical brain, who in turn gave it, with commands to move, to the various muscles. Sounds like good reading for HRAs and a possible source of important information on Huna as known and used in Egypt.

A Strange Pendulum Experiment

Reported by HRA Richard White of San Diego (who has three good “dry wash” machines if any of you have placer ground to work on shares). Accustomed to the use of pendulums of various kinds, he took a great interest in the ZNO which has its tip coated with a layer of many metals in combination and which is useful for finding ore deposits or assaying samples of ore. Mr. White writes:

“I made a wand of spring steel wire with a wooden handle, (like George Wallace’s ZNO) but drilled a hole at one end of the handle to take a small glass vial as a “sample” receptacle. In the vial I place the sample of the element I wish to test or locate. After much practice I became able to find gold or silver no matter where another person hid it. Then the thought came to me that I should be able to find a lost person the same way, so many children recently having been reported lost in the hills. I first tried it with the hair of a dog in the vial, and could trace him. I then used a snip of hair from my niece, and was able to trace her where ever she went. (He goes on to tell of tracing the movements about the city of different ones, giving a most impressive account of the length of time spent in various places, such as a 20-minute wait on a corner by his niece when transferring from bus to bus.)

“The next experiment is one I would like to have Mr. Cameron try and see if he could explain. The oldest girl was somewhat interested, so I placed one of her hairs in the wand. Her mother, my niece, was across the room. I stood a few feet from the girl and showed how the wand pulled toward her. Still holding the wand as it was, I moved slowly toward the mother. To our surprise, when I was more than half way to her, the wand stopped pulling toward the girl and pulled toward her mother. I repeated the experiment several times, then changed to a hair from my niece. The results were just the same, about half way between them, the wand would turn from one to the other. Now comes the part I want explained.

“When the girl’s father came home, I demonstrated, and got the same results between him and the girl as with her mother. BUT, when I placed the father’s hair in the wand, it would pull only to him or to the girl, whichever was closest. It would NOT pull toward his wife, nor would it pull toward him when I placed her hair in the vial.

“The only explanation I can think of is that the father and mother were NOT blood relations. Now I am wondering if the wand would work between more distantly related persons such as cousins.”

Comment: It looks very much as if HRA White had given us excellent pendulum proof of the ancient Polynesian theory which we have discussed in the Bulletin from time to time since the first mention of the Easter Island statues and the belief that through the umbilical cord – as the symbol of the aka cord which is enduring after death – the children remain connected with the parents down through many generations.

Mr. White has done a very fine piece of research work which applies directly to this theory. It strengthens the old lore of Polynesia, probably Huna in origin, and gives importance to the possibility that through this aka-umbilical mechanism, the dead parents may draw sufficient mana from the living blood relatives to fill their small but unavoidable needs.

We, the here-living, do not sense the aka body or the aka cords. If these actually exist, as growing evidence indicates that they do, and if we do not sense them, it is probable that the there-living do not. Invisible and intangible as they are, and as mana likewise is, it is a small wonder that in our seances, the fact of the connecting threads is not mentioned.

The veil lifts slightly, however, and we now can see why the ancient custom of ancestor worship came into being and remained so long. The basic idea in all ancestor worship rites has been that the living must feed their ancestral dead. In the Orient, the old meanings are lost to a large extent and the actual food placed on the graves is not purely symbolic. It is said that the spirits of the dead eat the spirit of the food.

The kahunas left us a very definite bit of information in their word, Aumakua. One of its meanings is, “time-parent,” or the ancestor old in time and now become utterly trustworthy and elevated to be a lesser god. The life they handed down through long and deep layers of generations, is our debt. Along the ever-connecting aka threads anchored in our bodies, we send payment in terms of flows of living force. This makes us the saviors of such physical or aka-spirit bodies as the there-living must have to survive. On their parts, the ancestors, headed by the Aumakua, become our spiritual saviors. The living electric energy of mana makes in this way a complete circuit. This is the normal life, the good life, the fortunate life. The salvations are not from sin or from the just retributions on this level, it is a saving of the most precious of all things, life itself. We, who are at this point in time in the physical, are the low man in the symbolic totem pole. Above us are the ancestors bound by the ties of blood, with the eldest, the Aumakua at the very top. Not one of us stands alone in the midst of eternity. Not one of us but stands in the midst of his clan and group and family. Seen from this Huna angle, our horizons widen and the loneliness that haunts the human soul dissipates – is transformed in love and service.

Science is rapidly finding it impossible to explain life and growth and form without the mana and the aka body which is a mold of every smallest part of each living thing, which is the mold of every microscopic entity of matter, the matter that kahunas called mea and which indicated the visible and invisible forms. Science calls the aka mold the “emergent field” and it is pictured as an inter-meshing mold of lines of stress built of basic energy lines making the mold to guide the multiplying cells in the growing organism. One day scientists will find the invisible aka substance as well as of waves, or so it seems to me from where I peer out from my very low hilltop.

HRA White’s Experiment Blew Up

Later, he reported, writing, “Now comes the sad part. A few weeks later the whole thing blew up. I couldn’t trace anyone or find anything with my gadget. It took a long time to discover why. The answer turned out to be that I was controlling the action of the wand with my conscious mind. I proved that by having another person place a piece of rich gold ore under one of three newspapers laid out in a row. I found the ore every time until I noticed that one paper was bulged up a little. I said to myself, “That’s easy to find without a wand. He forgot to smooth out the paper.” The wand indicated that the ore was under the paper, but it wasn’t.

Then to make sure, I held the wand upright and commanded it to move in various directions, and it obeyed perfectly. So, I learned that in order to use the wand successfully one must make one’s mind a blank, which is pretty hard to do. I remembered that some noted writer had said, “A ruffled surface cannot reflect a clear image.”

Huna Helped Heal Reports a Doctor

HRA E.D.K., O.D., reports: “Mrs. K. received a call from her brother-in-law to rush to her sister, who had been seriously ill for a long time, if she wished to see her alive. She found her in a precarious condition, down from a former one ninety to one hundred six pounds. Hypertension, enlarged heart, arterial sclerosis and homesick. Mrs. K had always been able to help her sister mentally, and, lo and behold, this, together with what she now knows about Huna and used in daily treatments, produced astonishing results, so much so that everybody talked about it. My own condition is definitely improved. I feel that I am able to accumulate more mana in my efforts and yet, I kick myself for not remembering to do it more often. I am still keenly interested in Huna and look forward to the Bulletins.”

How Jade, Copper Money and Elephant Statues Reached Central America

This was recently told on the radio by Marvin Miller. He related how, in 400 A.D., a Chinese Buddhist missionary named Wi Chan, was provided by the Emperor with a fine fleet and was enabled to sail to discover lands to the east. The imperial records record the fact that he touched North America well to the north, turned south and eventually found people of high culture in Central America. Trade was established and continued for some time. Jade and copper currency, together with Chinese pottery and figures of elephants and Buddha were among the things introduced, and so their presence in the archeological diggings is explained. Now if someone will find out for us where the pottery images of dinosaurs came from, as found by the dozens northwest of Mexico City, another mystery will have been solved. There is mounting evidence that people of Polynesian blood came in from Peru to Easter Island. Perhaps the migration of the kahunas and their people from the lands around the Nile took some east and some west to reach the fabled “Hawiki” – modern Hawaii – and other islands of the South Seas.

TMHG Healing Reports

HRA Mrs. E.W. of Denver, writes, “You would be greatly pleased if you could see the change in my health. I am really getting back to my old self. Hardly know how to act. I surely give much credit to your personal help and the TMHG, and I sure thank you all more than words can tell. The only way I can repay is to help others. Jerry is also improving in health and appetite. The Bulletins are very interesting and helpful.”

“Greg,” reports his mother, HRA N.L.B. concerning our special, TMHG test case in work for some months (mentally ill), “was practical the best in years today. (August 23rd, 1951) After nice replies to questions, a good dinner, and a ride out in the car, I asked how he would like some ice cream from the Canteen. ‘Yes sir!’ he answered, so I told him to sit still while I got it. He was fine, and loved the strawberry sundae like all get-out! I know this news will give you a lift, too, so send it along. (In other reports I have been repeatedly asked to thank all TMHG participants for their continued help. I am adding my personal thanks and most sincere praise for the help given for this lad by the Aumakuas and possibly spirit friends on the other side. MFL)

HRA Mrs. Jessie Long, my mother, wrote delightedly this week to report a sudden and almost complete healing after over three months of illness and suffering. She had been caused much pain by “burning feet” which the doctors could not cure. She writes, “The miserable burning in my feet suddenly stopped short and I slept all night, a thing I have not been able to do for months. This morning I awoke well! I hope now to be able to help others in your prayer service. I am very proud and happy to be a TMHG member.”

* * * * No person in the armed services, for whom we have been working in the “Wall of Protection” project has yet been reported hurt in any way. * * * *
Let’s keep up the good work. I still hold doggedly to the faith that the truce will stick in Korea.

HRA M.H., of Pennsylvania, who is a nurse and who uses Huna in direct contact and also in absent treatment and via the TMHG Power Pool, reports (1) An army nurse not expected to recover in the Veteran’s Hospital in the South, but who picked up rapidly and is now in another hospital for rehabilitation. (2) A gentleman suffering from a series of strokes, now appears completely recovered. (3) She tells of a long struggle to call down help for a cancer patient and the encouraging results to date, despite the conviction of the patient that he was in a dying state and the expectation on the part of the doctors that he was on his way out.

Mrs. J.W.H. an HRA of Chicago, wrote as of August 23rd. “A few days ago, on my way to the grocery store, I stopped in to see a friend of a neighbor of mine, not knowing that she was deathly sick and that the doctors had been there working with her all night trying to revive her. They had about given her up when I came walking in. A neighbor was there phoning to her brother to come that he might see her before she passed on. She could not speak, could not get her breath, and was in great pain. I laid my hands on her and began to pray. In about five minutes she could talk. She said the pain was all gone and then that she felt fine. She sat up in bed. Then she dressed herself and started to go about her house work. I told the doctors ‘God is able.’ They seemed so surprised. She has been doing fine ever since.”

HRA J.A.D. has been trying to train his Aunihipili. He reports: “My George has been working quite well but there seems to be an abrupt line at which he stops or which he is unable to cross. Some week ago I got into some poison ivy and broke out on my arms and back. I used chemicals on my back, but let George take care of the arms, which he did without delay. But I still need help in two personal matters. Perhaps George, with the aid of the TMHG, will be able to give me this help.” (His letter is in the TMHG stack and help for his George in this endeavor is being steadily pictured and called for from the Great Company of Aumakuas.) “I can’t say,” he continues, “that I agree 100% with all you write, but that isn’t to be expected. The main thing is the valuable food for thought contained in the Bulletins.” (That is the proper research attitude!)

Search for Kahunas in Fiji by HRA Sandwith

HRA George Sandwith, who has made a very fine survey of the possibilities of finding traces of Huna lore still alive in Tonga, and who reported on the stone “gods” and their retained and radiated energy (mana?), also the energy measured from his Ethiopian icon, has written a number of long letters from Fiji. These read like a continued story of high adventure and are especially interesting to us because he has been doing what most earnest HRAs dream of doing; he has gone into the far places to hunt for kahunas or traces of native magic. Someday, when Cigbo gets rich, we may have a small book to give all his letters in full, meantime, here is a short outline.

In Tonga, this English engineer, who has a splendid study background and an exceptional psychic gift, studied the native stone images which seem to be made into icons of the kahuna kind. These retain their mana power for years and seem to have an aka cord running between them and invisible entities, possibly of the Aumakua level. Some of these stones are of small size and represent what may be called family totem creatures. Through the friendship of some of the Tongans, he was presented with such a stone. It represented the octopus and registered surprisingly strong radiations when tested by the pendulum or by a standard electrical testing instrument made to pick up the smallest radiations.

The spirit of the Ethiopian icon suggested that when he left Tonga he should go to Fiji and into the back country to visit a certain secluded village, which was named. He acted on the instructions which were given, and arrived there in due time, meeting on the last leg of the journey a friendly Fijian whose father was head of the police in the village, and a Hindu who was the teacher of a small school, there being a number of East Indians in that part of the back country.

He had hardly gotten settled in to the government rest house at the edge of the village and had made a call on the police chief and some of the leading Hindu citizens, before his possession of the icon and the octopus stone seemed to have been sensed by a native woman who appeared to be a magician of sorts.

The friendliness of the natives turned to antagonism and they frowned or turned away when he walked through the village. The native witch woman was found at the rest house talking to the keeper, and that night when he went to bed he felt very evil and powerful forces around him pressing down like a black cloud. At about that time he discovered that the house was surrounded by natives, and from time to time a flash light beam was thrown through the chinks of the window covers as if they were trying to see what he might be doing. What he did was to consult the Ethiopian icon spirit. She instructed him to place her icon under his pillow and the octopus stone at the bottoms of his feet and lie still. He did this and the cloud was kept off, later, near dawn, to leave entirely, and as it left, the chattering native departed, and he was able to get some sleep. Next day all was friendship and courtesy in the village, and thereafter he made friends, sat in on feasts and met a strange chief of strange ways seemingly connected with magic. He was able to observe and study closely the fire-walking of the East Indians and the purification ritual observed by those who were to fire-walk, also their use of the rite in healing and weather control. A fascinating account. Magic still lives in the Pacific islands.

One Comment

  1. I’m looking for people here in the north of Germany who have some experiences with HUNA for the exchange of ideas. If someone is reading, please report to

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