Huna Bulletin 40

Work at the Study, Hawaiian Pronunciation,
and a New Project: Prophetic Dreams

September 15, 1950

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.A.

MANY GRAND LETTERS have come in during the time since the last bulletin was mailed. Herewith my very best thanks for those not marked “urgent” and “no answer required,” also for unmarked letters and notes which were enjoyed even more because they were not answered and more time was allowed for work here at the study.


Cigbo sends his thanks and most musical “MEOW!” to all of his “Aunts and Uncles” who have remembered him. Someone sent him two “perfectly wonderful dollars” but didn’t say who they were or have a return address on the envelope. The postmark could not be made out. Cigbo has credited the gift to the Po`e Aumakua and has spent it for stamps. He wishes to tell you all that he has never lost a bill, check or stamp that came folded loose in any sealed envelope. But he has lost his best Sunday temper several times because some Auntie or Uncle has stuck a stamp to a letter or has used a stapler to staple check or bill to a letter. Cigbo breaks all his claws trying to get the staples pried up. Worst of all is the bill that is stuck to the letter with Scotch tape and which gets peeled in taking off the tape. Cigbo wishes to ask, “How would YOU like to break all the claws off of your front and hind paws opening your bulletin if I borrowed boss’s stapler and clinched all the pages together right in the middle, or stuck the sheets together with some of that glue [or] did something else that was terrible inconsiderate?” Last but not least, Cigbo sadly announces that next month is time again for the quarterly sorting of his list to see who hasn’t been heard from for so long that he must be placed on the “inactive list.” As stamps and envelopes are in short supply now, “Cigbo warns that this time no letter will be sent – the bulletin will just fail to come. (About ten bulletins come back each month from HRAs who have lost interest or have moved away and have not had the grace to send a postal to say “Please stop bulletin and count me out.”)


A question has been asked by HRA R.L.A. concerning the pronunciation of the several most used words in Huna. In Hawaiian, the vowel sounds are approximately: pronounce a as in arm, e as in obey, i as long e in machine, o as in old, u as in moon. Accent all syllables about the same. Aumakua as aum-mah-kooah. Huna as who-nah. Auhane as oo-ha-nay. Aunihipili as oo-knee-he-pea-lee. Mana as mah-nah, water, symbol of mana is wai pronounced as if the w were half v and the a and i were both short and run together something like saying “y” or “vy.” Kahuna as kah-who-nah. Aka as ah-kah. Honolulu has a long o each time and an oo for each u, as Hoe-no-loo-loo. Hawaii as Hah-vah-ee. Most usual mistakes are hue-na instead of who-nah, Ha-way-yuh for Haw-vah-ee, Hony-lulu for Hoe-no-loo-loo, Y-ki-ki for Vy-kee-kee. These pronunciations are not perfect, but will get any good HRA past unless he visits Hawaii and runs into HRAs, Charlie Kenn or Theodore Kelsey, our two Hawaiian language experts.

SPEAKING OF HRA CHARLES W. KENN reminds me of a letter received from him not long ago concerning the elements in Dianetics which were known and used by the kahunas and the Hawaiian people in general to a surprising extent. But let the letter tell the details:

Dear Max:

Just a brief note to say that I have purchased and read the Hubbard book, DIANETICS. It took me some time to get the material soaked in. It was, as you said, rather slow reading.

Then your bulletin reporting on the book came and I read it through carefully. I soon became convinced that the old kahunas were proficient in the use of “auditing and Dianetic reverie” – also in handling the “engrams” etc.

I reviewed my notes, made when I was the secretary of a Hawaiian study group organized at the instigation of Dr. Buck in 1937, with such people as the late Prof. Beckley and other old timers as members. There were eleven members. All have passed on now but me. At that time we spent much time on the herbal medicines and lore of the ancients. One woman member, who had practiced healing with Hawaiian herbs for forty years or more and who has given me much important information, spoke at length on pregnancy, prenatal conditions etc.

She would say, in effect, that the unborn child in its mother’s womb was able to hear and absorb whatever conversation went on near the expectant mother. For that reason, in former days, everyone tried to hoo`hauoli (make happy) the mother. Only pleasant things were said in her presence and everything was done to make her condition more pleasant. She was taken to the sea beach and there her stomach was carefully worked on, so that the child inside would be hoo`huli (be turned around) from time to time. This was like a mother hen turning the eggs around or as is done in a modern incubator for chicks.

Lullabies were chanted to the expectant mother as her body was slowly rubbed, to quiet the child inside. Before delivery the child was spoken to and told to make its entrance into this world quietly and safely for the mother’s sake.

There is a kahuna term for Dianetics, dianetic reverie, engrams and every comparative step. The kahunas tried to do all that was possible to bring the child into the world without engrams, or with the minimum number of them. He also did “dianetic auditing.”

The woman above mentioned always talked to the unborn children of her own children, telling them such things as to be kindly and obedient, to have sweet tempers, and always to have respect for their elders. She (being versed in herb lore) was careful what food should be taken by the expectant mothers – nothing that would develop what the Hawaiians called ea (white thrush or Aphtha, a vesicular disease which affects the mouth, genitals, brain, spinal cord, and other parts and organs of the child).

In this art our present kahuna friend in Kona is a master. It prevents bodily debility because all possible parental weaknesses are gotten rid of through feeding the child herb juices as soon as it is safe to do so. I might add here that the kahuna in Kona is of the laoaau (herbal) class, also of haha paacao (diagnostician) and of the kahea (instantaneous healing) order. In addition, he is a kaula (prophet), his special kind of prophet being of the order of Papa Kaula Kuialua (the class skilled in foretelling the success or failure of battle, also versed in the lua or Hawaiian counterpart of jiujutsu. It is the highest manifestation and its success is based on gerontology, which is the maintenance of physical and mental well-being and which, in its esoteric sense, depends upon the development of psychic ability to foresee disaster and ward it off).

As I told you in a previous letter, our kahuna friend demonstrated on Mr. Kekahuna for me the method of diagnosis, using the index and middle fingers of the right hand like a stethoscope.

The lomi`lomi art is also a part of the skill of the kahuna haha`paaoao, as here the diagnosis and lomi`lomi arts are combined. He could also be termed a kahuna lapaau because he is able to prescribe the proper remedy after his diagnosis. He’ll tell what is wrong with you, then what remedy to apply or to take. He is known from Hawaii to Kauai and highly respected for his knowledge, being referred to as he na kanaka kaulana – a famous man.

Best wishes, Charlie

I anticipate letters from a number of HRAs asking where to find this kahuna and whether he will give healing treatments from a distance, so will try to answer the questions in advance. This very old Hawaiian remembers all of the old lore as he learned it in his youth, but seems no longer to be practicing. In his letters to me, Charlie has said nothing of any healing work being undertaken at this late date. As to the additions to our knowledge of Huna which are being supplied, nothing has come through from Mr. Kenn or from Mr. Kelsey to help us as yet. It is one thing to have learned to use fine natural psychic powers and to have been able to get results with the various simple rituals, but another to teach others what took many years to master, even when naturally psychic. If Cigbo had $10,000 for use in his box, it might be possible to bring this kahuna to California for a time, together with Charlie to translate. It is not against the law to be a kahuna and to use the old methods of healing over here, so something might be accomplished. However, as things are, Mr. Kenn will eventually put all he has been able to learn into book form.


For the past year we have been trying out, as HRAs, two types of healing, (1) treatment of those who can work with us and in that way co-operate in the healing effort, and (2) those who can do little or nothing to help themselves.

Both methods have been successful beyond question when the prayers “hit the mark” as the kahunas would say. In the past few weeks I have had much reason to rejoice and give thanks to the Aumakuas for the improvement in our insane young man, Gregg, whom a number of us have continued to treat regularly despite the outward appearance of alternate gains and failures. A letter came from Gregg’s mother four days ago, and one this morning as I work on this bulletin. She visits him frequently, taking him special foods and doing all she can to keep him physically fit. I know that you will all be greatly pleased to have this good news, so reproduce parts of both letters.

“Just a short note to tell you Gregg continues to come thru the astral fogs. Yesterday, Sunday, he was ahead of his all-time gain to date. He was on the patio when we arrived and we walked him a little. He talked logically, although he had a hard time finding sufficient words to express himself at times. I had his own camera with me and he recognized it and asked me to be careful of it and “take it home.” When we were going into his room, he saw me pick up a rather heavy grip-container in which I carry his food. He reached out and said, ‘Let me help with that.’ He took it and carried it to his room, but there the thought persisted and he still wanted to help – not to put it down. You see what I mean. THOUGHT is coming back to him, but needs regulating – that sort of thing.”

A few days later : “I know that you will be happy to know that Gregg was finer than ever yesterday again. He really was. Ate his own meal – – talked with us. We heard a patient at a distance yelling loudly and he said to me, “Don’t mind him, let him yell, his mind is on that plane. All minds have their own plane, that’s his, so let him alone.” It was a bit of a jolt to me. Frankly, I’ll never encourage depths of thought in him, ever again. He saw so clearly – TOO early. He got LOST to earth completely – couldn’t get back. Not good. He again insisted on carrying my grip in, saying, ‘It must be heavy.’ For the moment, it is enough that he is finding balance again. Wonderful. I am almost stunned. No words for it. GLAD and thankful. Beyond a step at a time now I cannot think or go.”

HRA H. J. Schnedler, of Detroit, wrote on August 15th: “At the TMHG hour I am, and have been for some time, concentrating on the case of Mr. Gregg. Quite a flow of mana is leaving my body at these times, so I will continue it in the future. I am very happy in taking my part in this work and look forward to greater things. I also want to report more success in healing since I last wrote. I have long been afflicted with hay fever. Last season I noticed a marked improvement, and this season not a trace of it. I am at last, also, completely rid of a very annoying form of itching eczema above my right knee – which spread constantly for over ten years and no doctor could cure it. It all left recently. You will recall that I asked THMG [for] treatment for it some time ago.”

HRA B. K. of Alabama writes: “I am still praying for Gregg B. and know that he will be OK in time.”

HRA R.H. writes concerning the training of her little son who is nine and has had same experiences already in psychic lines. She hopes that he may grow to be a great kahuna, but is uncertain what to teach him. Considering the above letter from Gregg’s mother in which she expresses the fear that her son was allowed to go too deeply into occultism too young, this is of interest to us all. “I am fascinated watching Johnny and I have talked a lot about our guardian angels as I always did, but I am shy about introducing him to the more abstract concepts of Huna. He would be puzzled about the guilt fixations, etc. I think the reason he is so protected is that he has none. I have worked ever since he was born to prevent that, even when I went through a fundamentalist stage, for I know how handicapped I was in that respect. If anything occurs to you that I should include in my training, would you let me know? I mean, my training of him.” (I think it very wise to go slowly with the youngsters. Give them the simpler and less confusing ideas of Huna as a matter of course, however. They can understand the idea of the Auhane and Aunihipili and the Aumakua at an early ago, also the doctrine of non-hurt as the guiding principle of life.)


We seem to have become bogged down in our efforts to find just the right thing to do to “raise the vibrations.” I have been reading with great care the letters that have come in on the subject and also have been checking back and forth in books, but the best I can do as yet, using the Bovis biometer for testing, is 900. I will continue to work on this problem, and request that those of you who are working forward on these lines of thought and experimentation will continue to do so. I feel that it is important.

What may be of even greater urgency in the near future is to combine our efforts to use our psychic powers and get glimpses of events in the near future. Several HRAs have written to ask me what I thought was going to happen in the next few years, and how the coming events may best be met.

I have just been looking over HRA Wing Anderson’s book in which he gives a collection of prophecies taken from sources other than the Bible. I have also seen several books written to give the conclusions as to “cycles” which effect business and prices, cause booms and depressions. The four cycles which are most generally recognized have their “lows” all arriving at the same time within a matter of a few weeks in 1952.

The spirit communicators of the Mark Probert circle (known to most of you through HRA Meade Layne’s ROUND ROBIN magazine and the BSRA releases) are most pessimistic in their predictions, as are the majority of communicators whose messages come to my desk via various HRAs.

In my years of observation, I have seen that the great majority of predictions made by spirits had, as a common fault, the fact that they were colored and influenced very strongly by the thoughts held by the sitters in the circle or what the medium may have been thinking. As the subconscious and the body of the medium must be used by the communicating spirits, it seems that they cannot prevent their own ideas and those of the medium from getting tangled and worked into the body of the prediction.

I have been warned twice of small dangers which lay ahead for me and which were later passed successfully when they came. On the other hand, I have sat in circles where dire “end of the world” types of prediction were very earnestly urged upon us. In Honolulu, around the year 1923 as I recall it, there was a gentleman who used the pendulum and his psychic powers with great enthusiasm. He lectured, gathered around him a circle of interested people, and climaxed his activities by presenting what seemed to be an almost letter-perfect case for a series of vast tidal waves to strike on a certain date. I remained skeptical, having seen too many such predictions fail, and on the “Great Night” did not join the group, which took refuge with food stores and other things on the top of a high hill back of Honolulu. Nothing happened, but still it might have been a genuine event and it might have been correctly foreseen. I could have been overwhelmed by a great wave as a reward for my skepticism – but that time I was not. I am not so sure about the predictions of this present day. All I am sure of is that there is a long chance that most predictions are no better than your guess or mine.

If you have a copy of HRA Dr. Nandor Fodor’s ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF PSYCHIC SCIENCE, you will find, beginning with page 297, five pages of fascinating and illuminating information covering prophecy and prevision or premonition. On page 73 begins a splendid article on crystal gazing. On pages 44 and 45, clairaudience and clairvoyance are discussed. In my book on Huna, SSBM, Chapters VII through X review the subject from the Huna point of view as well as that of psychic science.

I suggest that you take time to go over this and any similar material you may have in hand to get your mind turned into this channel of thought before you begin to work on this new project by which I hope that we may collect a good amount of prediction, then see what parts of it agree. If we find certain events foreseen by several HRAs in much the same way, we will have something rather important to go on.

A thing that HRA O.F. Stone of Knoxville, pointed out some time ago for us, seems to me at this time to be a most promising key to successful prediction. I intend to keep it well in mind as I get into the experiment.

This is the key to the subconscious and its strange method of presenting in symbols the things it gets, at our request, from the Aumakua – things relating to the future.

Mr. Stone found that, in his dreams or during his relaxed moments, the symbols would be given to him – not the actual visual picture of the future event or condition. After some study of the matter, he learned that if, as soon as he awakened or otherwise became aware of the symbol, he would at once ask aloud that his “George” give him the meaning of the dream or symbol, the meaning would very quickly flash into his mind.

We do not know why the Aunihipili works so much in symbols, but we know that it does. In psychoanalysis we find constantly that past events and fixations are all bundled up to make a symbolic picture. Dr. Fodor, in his many recent books and articles on this method of probing the contents of mind, has repeatedly told of his own experiences in running into symbols of this kind when working on his patients.

It is now known that many of our dreams contain parts which cover up prevision in symbols. In using the method invented by Mr. Dunne, as described in SSBM, there was not enough stress laid on the fact that one must watch for symbols which may embody things to come. If you try that very excellent method of taking paper and pencil and writing down dreams as you awaken at night, be sure to ask your Aunihipili the first thing in the morning to give you the meaning of all the symbolic things it has presented.

One of the stumbling blocks over which I have already tripped, is that I may remember a dream in the morning or when awakening in the night – the dream being of some seemingly non-symbolic happening or condition – only to discover that there was definite symbolic prediction behind the simple and ordinary-seeming thing seen or done or found happening in the dream.

If, after you have worked a time every day for a few days to saturate your George with the needed understanding of what you are desirous of doing, you make your request that he contact the Aumakua and get prevision, and give it to you in a dream or clear foreseeing of some sort, George responds – and gives you a dream of Great Aunt Clara smoking a large black cigar … well, then you will get the idea. You will ask George at the moment of awakening what he was trying to pass on to you. You might just have it flash into your mind that you were going to have to do something that you greatly disliked doing – and then you might remember that the thing Great Aunt Clara loathed above all else was tobacco and that, if she had to smoke a cigar, it would be symbolic of something most heartily disliked.

If the symbol is not explained quickly, it may be that the dream event was just ordinary and not symbolic or concerned with the future. However, it will do no harm to tell George (or Georgette, if more appropriate) to repeat the dream or be ready to give you the flashing solution the following morning, at which time ask him again.

Prayer to the Aumakua for guidance for yourself and your HRA fellows in the project should be a regular part of the work. This will help get George into the swing. Also, speak to him directly and tell him what he is to do. If you can develop some lasting interest and enthusiasm in the effort, and can hold your expectant attitude at the proper times – before going to sleep, for instance – it should not be long before you will begin to get results.

I plan to get a calendar for 1951 if I can find one and start in January, circling a date in each week and telling my George to try to get information as to happenings and conditions for that time. I have been visualizing the front page of my daily newspaper and seeing in my mind’s eye some future date. After a pause to allow George to try to get information as to what the news will be, I try to get a reading of the headlines. If nothing is obtained, I tell George to sleep over it and show me the headlines the next day. It is most interesting to see what comes through. Phrases, single words, pictures, symbols, sounds, and even smells, colors and tunes are arriving. Old headings of former “Extras” may also come back and, as they may contain a symbolic meaning, I keep careful track of them.

For those HRAs who are accustomed to using suggestion, it may be possible to get us some prevision material through some gifted subject. Two years ago, when we were having regular group meetings in Los Angeles, one of the group told us of a series of experiments in which he had used suggestion to progress a young married woman into the future by years. I have forgotten how far ahead she was when they came to a period so filled with sorrow, trouble and terror that the young woman refused to go on farther.

I was very much interested in the method as it was described. The subject was given the suggestion that she would progress to the desired year. Time was allowed for the progression to take place. “Are you able to hear me? And can you tell me the date?” would be asked. Eventually the date would be given. Following that there would be questions such as, “Where are you? Where is your husband and what is he doing? Are you happy and well?”

The young woman was a resident of Los Angeles. As she went ahead into the future, she described her surroundings and told where she was and what she and her husband and friends were doing. In the end, she was someplace in Arizona and the bottom had dropped out of her little world. She was so stunned by events that she was hardly coherent, in a dazed way she tried to tell what had happened, but could not make the conditions clear. She had lost all track of her husband and of her friends, she no longer knew what was going on in the world – seemed to be isolated in some small settlement.

I suggest that you make a few notes each day as to your work and, when the results become certain, set them down. In a longer or shorter time you will have material enough to use in making a report.

In making your report, give the method used briefly, as “dreams” “crystal gazing,” etc. Be sure to record the dates of all the readings you get in the newspaper type of experiment. Also watch for the place, if you find you are getting an AP dispatch. If you ask for letters from loved ones as they may arrive in certain weeks in the future as, say Christmas 1951, you may bring through things of importance to relatives and friends as well as to the project.

One thing I wish to ask, and that is that you do not write me accounts of your dreams if they are filled with symbols that you cannot get your George to explain. If you cannot explain them, I will not be able to do so. (I have already run into this situation and speak from experience.)

One more thing – a very important thing – please do not expect me to write acknowledging your letter or commenting on your dreams or symbols or report unless it is of urgent importance that I do so. Also, if you will remember to tell me on your report whether or not I can put the material in a future bulletin, I will be greatly helped. And please say whether or not I can credit it to you or not, and whether to your initials only or full name, and if your address or just your city may be given.

HRA Wing Anderson, in his collection of prophecies already mentioned (PROPHETIC YEARS 1947-1953) page 99, has a prophecy made by a Wisconsin minister. It was received from him in 1945 and seems to have been based on fore visions covering some years.

This prophecy is of particular interest to me and will be to all HRAs because of parts of it in which Huna principles seem to be described as part of the predicted “new world religion modeled upon a basic formula. People will respond to it willingly, for it will be a soul religion as well as an intellectual one.”

Here are other parts: “There shall none hurt any more his neighbor.” (Check the non-HURT basic doctrine of Huna.) “Within the next decade (by 1955) all the changes predicted will take place, such as the downfall of the greedy and wicked and the setting up of a new economic system.” (Note the mother-father Aumakua hint in the following.) “Now they will learn that breaking the laws of Mother Nature and Father Creator has made disease-ridden bodies.”

I will report progress of the project in the bulletins as we go along. It may take us a short time to get results or a long time. In any event, I will keep you posted. MFL

One Comment

  1. I have been on a journey of self discovery. I have been praying and meditating alot and the strong urge to move to Hawaii will not leave me. I have never been and know very little about Hawaii so you can understand my confusion of why this urge won’t go away. I feel like I belong in Hawaii and I can’t shake the thought. I obsess over it I even have dreams of being there. I don’t know what is calling me but I know it is deeper than anything I can understand right now. I guess the reason I am writing is to see if anyone can help me understand why. Have you or anyone you know have visions of me or a prophetic dream of me or have any answers or advice for me? Please help.

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