Huna Bulletin 39

HRA News & Letters

September 1, 1950

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.A.


I always plan to share a large number of HRA letters with you, but usually get off on some preachment or other and come to page 8 with letters hardly used at all.

SUCH INTEREST has been shown in the healing work being done by HRAs and by Spiritualists the world around. A surprisingly scant number of the HRAs have more than a small and secondhand amount of information on the very broad subject of spirit communication, mediumship and spiritistic phenomena.

Spirit intercourse on the part of the uninformed can be very dangerous. I have had several letters in the past two years from people who have discovered that they could contact spirits and who have happily cultivated this association, only to find later that they could not rid themselves of the spirits. Some were unable to shutout the “voices” speaking to them psychically and often urging them to do strange things. Some were awakened at night with all the horrors of being choked or otherwise attacked by spirits. Not a few went beyond the reach of good sense and took the lies and bad advice of spirits as true and perfect, finding later how badly they had been served.

Not only Aunihipili spirits – separated from their Auhanes at death – but normal two-self spirits of evil nature are dangerous to the beginner. These are “the horrid things of darkness” which kahunas fought with surcharges of mana backed by hypnotic suggestion and by prayer to the Aumakua – or with the help of good spirit friends who could be given a heavy surcharge of mana and thus made able to drive away the spirits which were attacking the living patient.

From my personal experience and my studies, I pass on to all of you the conclusion that the beginner should “sit” with an experienced medium who has a set of reliable and tested spirit friends – “guides.” These guides will almost always find reliable friends to watch over the beginner and tell what dangers may be encountered. Even after such an association has been established by the beginner and after he has developed his ability to let the spirits work through him as a “medium” or after learning to hold converse through automatic writing, ability to hear psychically when they speak, or by some other method, there remains a slight danger. Now and then an uninvited spirit entity will break through the guard of the guides and make itself known.

However, once guides of a high order have been found, there can often be accomplished, through their help, healing which ranges from slight to the instant and miraculous. My long study of the instant healing through spirit aid has made me conclude that advanced spirits probably have, more often than we, learned to contact the Aumakuas and call down their aid. (This applies to all of the production of what we call “physical phenomena”.) The kahunas were able – the best of them – to make the Aumakua contact directly for instant healing, but thus far none of us has learned to be a good kahuna.


Not all patients can be healed by spirits working through and with the living. (Huna tells us that guilt or other fixations which stand in the way of Huna healing do the same in the case of spirit healers.) As a rule, spirit healing is more or less a progressive matter which takes a series of treatments. Often there is considerable need for instruction which will make the patient change his attitude of mind and give up hates and fears so that the healing can be undertaken. In one of my favorite Spiritualistic magazines, HARBINGER CF LIGHT, (Box 64 A, G.P.O., Adelaide, South Australia. Subscription $1.75 per year, post free. Edited by the good friend of Huna, Rev. J.T. Huston, N.D. You can get an international money order at the post office.) the July issue of which has just arrived, there is a very excellent account of the history and work of the top-grade healers in England. Let me give a few highlights from the article as taken from THE TWO WORLDS magazine of England.

W. T. PARISH, in about 1927, was instructed to lay on hands and give absent treatment, with spirit aid, the patient being his wife. She had been operated on for cancer and had been told that her case was hopeless. She was cured in nine months. The news of the case was spread swiftly. The churches refused to be interested. The doctors caused a law to be passed making it a crime to state that cancer was or could be cured. Soon, however, Parish was getting 15,000 letters a year asking for treatment. He was instrumental in healing many whom he had never seen. He died after seventeen years and after his death his work was carried on by others, especially by Harry Edwards. Mr. Edwards not only demonstrates the healing powers, but travels extensively in England, healing at public meetings and spreading the knowledge of Spiritualism energetically. (He does absent healing also. His address is Healing Sanctuary, “Burrows Lea,” Shere, Surrey, England. Contributions are expected with all requests for healing aid, about $10 being the lowest, with more to be given when cured.)

C.A. SIMPSON is another well-established healing medium. His guide is “Dr. Lascelles” and his work includes healing by a combination of spiritual teaching and spirit healing. Dr. Lascelles lectures through the entranced medium and attaches great importance to prayer. On file with this “Harmony Prayer Circle” are over 20,000 letters telling of healing and protection obtained through this center.

W.H. LILLEY has for a guide a Hindu, Dr. Lejan Tari Singh, who passed over in 1914 and who diagnoses disease and decides on the cure, often herbs. With herbs and other items to help, the healing is often spectacular. The cures made while the medium toured Africa were reported to be as good as in England. The movement is reported to be growing rapidly.

A LETTER FROM HRA D.G.H. of Chicago gives us an excellent report on this branch of healing as used in conjunction with the basic understanding of Huna elements. I quote: “As I told you in a previous letter, I am honored by being used as an instrument for healing by such Spirit Forces as Prof. Samuel Springer, Sir Cecil Rathbourne, Dr, Heinrich Himmler and many others. In the healing process or ritual I also use some of the Huna ritual or methods which I have learned through my association with you. Every case has been successful when the patient has been co-operative, but as you know, it is impossible to push over the Bank of America with your little finger.

“I have been told not to slight the other Forces that have helped me in other capacities, so here goes. There is one (spirit) that travels constantly with my wife and me when we are driving. We have escaped several mishaps that could have been serious. He told us that he is called ‘Nehod.’ Believe it or not, we never have to worry over finding parking space. There is always ONE space wherever we go whether it is in Chicago or another city. We are just back from a Texas vacation and we always found a space in every city that we visited, regardless of the time, day or evening. This may seem pretty far-fetched but, on my honor, it is true.

“The first named Forces have told me that they have a mission for me and are now grooming me to that end. I am grateful for this opportunity to help those in need. I have wanted to write to you many times, but like you, I am trying to burn the candle at both ends. But I do want to tell you that I appreciate receiving the bulletins at all times.”

From ETHEL M. ROBINSON, HRA, of Route 1, Box 187, Leavenworth, Wash., comes this letter of interest to our TMHG circle and to any in her part of the land who may be interested in a place away from war conditions in the coast cities.

“Dear Max:

I received your card and many healing vibrations are coming my [way] from TMHG. The x-ray picture showed bones overlapped in the cast. (Broken wrist being treated. MFL) The day I wrote you I felt a desire to pull the fingers protruding from the cast, it resulted in a warm sensation in the wrist and ease of pain. I feel certain the broken bones are now knitting end-to-end. Tell Cigbo it wasn’t his kind of scratching that I was doing. I was scratching a horse and he took off and landed me on my wrist.

“P.S. Most inland bomb shelters and retreats are filled up. I am offering my home as ‘Sunshine Retreat,’ east of the Cascades, for HRAs and BSRAs or Spiritualists who wish to store food and clothing here and have a place to come to in event of coastal bombing or geological upheaval. There are three vacant rooms; perhaps you might mention it in the bulletins.”

COMMENT: A rough drawing of the Sunshine Shelter shows also a 30×30 roam in which a dozen bunks are along the walls and tables and shelves at the end where there is a 10×10 room indicated. (Cigbo wishes to send this message. “Please, Auntie Ethel Mary, preserve ME a little spot near any mouse hole you might have, and close to the stove – mebby on top of the wood box, if it has a lid – if you have a stove and a wood box.”)

HRA LEWIS C. CORNELL, RR 1, Poland, Indiana, who might welcome a few letters from other HRAs who are earnestly experimenting, has been an ardent worker in making all the tests suggested in the bulletins. He writes: “I had a little experience in raising the vibrations last Sunday evening. I went down to work (with the pendulum), with that question uppermost in my mind. I put George to work (the Aunihipili) and kept him on the job. I had to call him back a few times as he wanted to daydream and build air castles. The last time I called him back, I told him I wanted to know how to raise the vibrations and he came up with the answer. ‘The subconscious,’ and the answer satisfied me that if you want to raise the vibrations you must put George to work to do it and keep him on the job until he does.”

COMMENT: That is true, in all probability. What we have still to learn is just what the Auhane can best do as its part of guiding the Aunihipili and getting it to do what is expected of it. In the last bulletin I said that the Auhane needed a good surcharge-supply of mana to enable it to keep the Aunihipili under full control – to make it pay attention closely to the work in hand, otherwise there would be a quick loss of attention and failure of concentration. One of my friends read the bulletin and objected that the Auhane was the one who had the logic and who should certainly be the one to do the concentrating on the thing selected to think about.

As I see it, concentration is a state in which the Aunihipili and Auhane BOTH must focus their entire power of mentation on a single item. For example, I wish to solve a problem in mathematics. I have to look over the problem with great care to see whether it can be solved by arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or what. It is easy to see what happens if, in the middle of the fine-pointed effort, the Aunihipili pulls us away from the task and we find clipped, into the focus of the mind, thoughts of the war news from Korea, so that we have to stop and bring the Aunihipili back to the problem.


Recently I experimented with what I thought might be contemplation, meditation and concentration. I tried to hold before my mind’s eye the concept of the Aumakuas. In order to think contemplatively or meditatively on this concept, I had to depend upon the Aunihipili to recall for me all the associated memories which I possessed in relation to it. With a surcharge of mana taken on beforehand, it was no less than amazing how much better George did his part of passing along the flow of memories and staying right with the job instead of going bug hunting, or is the word, “wool gathering.”

HRA A.M.H., who joined us rather recently, is already well into the work. After being slightly mixed up by the materials at first contact, she now writes:

“Thanks very much for your letter and for the back bulletins. I see from them that I am not the only one who did not come to a clear understanding of mana and what it is. I study and find the material more and more stimulating and helpful. I feel that I have contacted the Aumakua – something infinitely real, comforting and unforgettable. To me, it became a presence to which I turn daily.”

ERA Howard D. Clark, Box 208, Yucca Valley, Calif., deep student, provides a book review in a paragraph for us.

“I have been reading Overstreet’s THE MATURE MIND. Many striking passages such as ‘… patterns of society are planned to create dependence and can succeed only by doing so.’ No doubt it’s why many need to be soothed like children by some religious pablum, so terribly dependent on it that if the dose doesn’t taste good they dash frantically to another. Overstreet says, ‘One mark of growth is the lengthening of the attention span, the immature mind hops from one thing to another, the mature mind follows through.’ He finds society full of immature patterns.

“Bulletin 38 – yes – (he continues later in his letter) Huna gives me the grand feeling of vast horizons, limitless fields, the thrill of possible discovery and the feeling that no matter what we learn, it will not be the end. Most of the ‘isms’ I have encountered seem to have finished all growth, nothing more to learn, and had closed the openings for more to come in. I want to give my emphatic approval of your use of time and energy for work instead of writing too many letters. There is no loss of contact when we feel and know you are there, keeping the fine work going.”

From HRA H.M. Wagner, now regional director of BSRA and resident in Florida at DeFuniak Springs, comes valuable confirmation of the beliefs of the kahunas. It was their belief that only parts of the future were set and fixed well in advance, and only these parts can be foreseen (through the aid of the Aumakua). Reporting on his protracted research – this time in the field of spirit communication, he tells us:

“At another time (séance), I had remarked that we had found the communicators to be dependable in their predictions. He (the spirit) replied, ‘As far as we can see, but in many things the future is not formed perfectly yet because there is an element of free will. At least seeming free will. From where you are, paths go in every direction and we cannot tell what you will do – which path you will take from any given point. If you take the left hand we can tell you what you will meet on that road; if you take the right we can tell what you will encounter on it. But these radiate like a spider’s web and your choice of paths seems to be a matter of free will. The affairs of nations are formed somewhat farther ahead, naturally, as the machinery is more cumbersome, this seems to be a restatement of the ‘fan-shaped destiny’ expounded in Africa by Wamba to William Seabrook.” (The communicating spirit was a former African chief.)

Concerning the Korean situation, this communicator had a very interesting thing to say. ” … this is a contest between two groups, each seeking control of the world and its resources. One group is entirely conscious of its aims while the other is only partly conscious. Those in the background know what they are doing, but in the front they have innocent actors who imagine they are strictly humanitarian.”


From HRA Ernest S. Bateman of Seattle, known by letter to many of you because of his offer some time ago to use his pendulum to get answers to problems from what he believes to be his Aumakua, took up the matter of raising the vibrations with his pendulum method and reported. Here are parts of the report.

“After a lengthy conference with my Aumakua via pendulum, we make the following report on findings:

“Our Aumakuas make all necessary adjustments in our rate of vibrations to accomplish results for which we pray, if a surcharge of mana accompanies the beginning of the prayer rituals. On page 8 of Bulletin 37 you suggest that there may be ‘vibrating clusters of thought-forms which are out of tune.’ WE claim that proof of this is evident when fixations are drained off and one is cured, and concerning your ‘aim at restoring the vibratory harmony,’ WE believe that a surcharge of mana furnishes the power while direct healing thoughts applied when requested, under the direction of the Aumakua, restores the harmony of vibration and completes the cure.

“When I succeed in hooking up the loose ends of my research in the technique of the kahunas when securing complete domination of the heat vibrations in fire-walking, I will report. But, I have yet to fail to heal on any case accepted, and several remarkable successes will be reported in the near future.”

ERA Howard Weber, 7238 Senator Ave., Detroit 9, Michigan, writes:

“Dear Friend Max:

“When, by error, you mixed my letters with those of Herman Weber, you began what looks like a start of a grand friendship; I am going to stop to see Herman on my way east next month. If there are any HRAs in the Detroit area who would like to get into a good sincere discussion occasionally and perform some experiments once in a while, please let me know; I would like very much to meet a few. Really, Max, there is no one of my acquaintance with whom I may discuss Huna or any subject closely related without having them give me the look that says, ‘Why isn’t this guy in a straight jacket instead of being allowed to go free to threaten our women and children?’

“The bulletins are great!!! I mean it. I feel that sometimes you may wander away from Huna, but they are interesting and enjoyable. A few have really kept the gears in this skull of mine moving, and believe me, Max, we Huna Associates are on the path to something this old earth is yearning for.”

HRA Bessie Neeper, of San Diego, tells of a method of raising the vibration.

“I think my first conscious sensing of a method was back around 1918 or 1919, when I was reading Max Heindel. On the last page of one of his books – don’t ask me which one – he had full length drawings of a man, and demonstrated with swirls the aura, the auric egg, the lines or stresses in that aura. His point was that this aura would move in one direction or the other, as the individual was either positive in his approach to life, or negative.

“In experimenting with that swirl in the aura – I’m probably using unauthentic terms – I tried moving it left to right, then right to left. I finally settled on a movement up-right-to-top and top down-left-to-bottom and up-right and around again, same direction of movement as a watch hand. For me, the force and thought are centered in the solar plexus, with the breath a slow in drawing, to as full as I can hold it, and then as long as I can hold it. With my feelings and consciousness centered in this swirl, I wind it, as one would wind a watch spring if without a key, round and round and round – the heart center being the key – to the rhythm of the heartbeat and the blood pulse. As you do it you can feel the heart beat responding, and as the heart beat responds to this winding around and around, the tension in the auric spring becomes tighter and tighter and the swirls (also the vibrations) rise. I have never pursued the winding beyond what I have felt was sufficient for the time. It would perhaps blow off the lid at some point if I continued too long at a stretch. It clears the mind, the sight, and the understanding. It strengthens the protective wall through which adverse forces cannot go. I have used it when I felt low physically to tide me over until I could get out of the office and stretch out on the grass. I have used it when I am around too many people of too conglomerate vibrations. I have used it when I have to contact those with colds, flu, or minor contagions. And, I have also forgotten to use it when I needed it most.”

HRA John Hilliard, of St. Paul, and familiar to most of you through his Round Robin articles and booklet, sent in an eight page letter on raising the vibrations. Here are a few bits for us to consider. (I wish I had space for all.)

” … so here are my two bits worth of experience and theory. To ‘raise the vibrations’ so to speak, the physical condition to be reached is simply one of complete but wide awake relaxation. The Aunihipili is definitely involved. He’s what gets his vibrations raised. After we have accumulated a surcharge of mana, the next step is to arouse the mental-emotional state.” (He goes on to explain his belief that the Auhane must make the mental picture of the desired condition in any such undertaking, and that emotion – the element furnished by the Aunihipili – must be aroused. The result is a mixed feeling-reaction, in which the Aunihipili and Auhane function more or less as a unit and in which condition the thing visualized by the Auhane appears real enough to cause the combined selves to react in accord with the visualization.

He writes: “I found that sympathy, affection, reverence, etc, do not ‘feel’ in the pure state as they do in the mixed state when they are focused on a physical object. Sympathy is green, affection red or pink, and reverence [is] blue (as seen psychically in the aka body or human aura).

“How to contact the Aumakua is the next and harder step. The Aunihipili and the Ahune must be refined and concentrated (as to their vibrations). The highest vibration is white with the faintest tinge of purple. The Auhane visualizes it and keeps the aura blue (by visualizing), while the Aunihipili relaxes and reflects in feeling the coming together of the two visualized colors. The Auhane tries to build up a perception of the presence of the Aumakua. That is, one tries to become identified with the Highest.” The contact, once made, may be for some like a climax, a rising to the Samhadi State (one of ‘union?’). For others, it may be a slow unfolding of the understanding and the ability to accomplish things through the use of the manas.

“The world of the Aumakua is that of abstract thought, hence the practice of color-feeling. What we are trying to do is link up the awareness of the three selves. When this linking is complete, we are spiritually lifted up, as you put it. Until we have taught our Auhane and Aunihipili to act with the Aumakua as a team, in harmony, we get few percepts, and no good results from our prayer efforts. I believe that our first goal is to awaken to the wholeness of our being – hence the need of practice to become well acquainted with ‘George’ (Aunihipili), and to make him work with the Auhane, ‘Mary’, to seek reunion with the Aumakua. But we have to become clearly aware of each as a living sentient entity, and learn what each can do. Each has his peculiarities, his specialties. Altogether they make the Superman. Separated and uncooperative we have the usual knitted wit called homo sap!”

HRA Mrs. G.H., of Palo Alto, who has been ill for some time and who has been working hard to learn to use Huna, won through soon after reading Bulletin 38. She found, as I have done, that phrases from the religion of early years come back and bring with them trains of thought-reaction related to moments of highest vibration or what we vaguely call “spiritual uplifting.” Or I started to accumulate mana at about twenty to twelve (night), and between that time and twelve I went through the Thomas a Kempis prayer and then I got some more mana and really got to work on George. (Suddenly) the words came to me. ‘For my yoke is easy and my burden is light,’ and with the words came the blue of the Virgin’s robe and lovely coral pinks and everything that was beautiful in the way of colors – great patches of them. And I said all the prayers I could, quickly, because I felt that the glory and the power had touched me and that I could pass some of it on. And when I said my own prayer, one thing I did which I shall always do after this: between each request I said, ‘THE DOOR IS OPEN.’ And between times I went on saying or singing softly, ‘For my yoke is easy etc.,’ knowing that it was indeed a magic text, both high and low, because, you see, it is a constant suggestion, like ‘every day in every way,’ and it also tells us that if we would let our beloved Aumakuas help us as they would like to do, the yoke they had eased would be easy indeed, and any burden we had to bear would be light.

“Then I said to myself, ‘I must have raised my vibrations.’ So I got up and brought my pendulum. (To test and compare with her normal reading.) I stopped counting at around five hundred – great powerful swings. I knew that the pendulum would go on, but I felt that I was keeping my Aumakua waiting. I knew that my Aumakua was again in the room.

(later) “My eye is much better: another miracle … the lamps are lit, but I keep glancing aside (with the sensation that) the sun is shining on the white paper beside me … This was worth waiting for.”

HRA Dr. M.E. McFall, of the Dakotas, with HRA from its first month, writes:

“I am using Huna on nearly all my patients. (He makes adjustments so has a fine opportunity.) Occasionally I get very good results. Some time ago I was giving my daughter a treatment, when all at once she was startled by seeing three old time Indians in moccasins etc., standing in front of her. I had the strangest feeling I have ever had in all my life. The treatment did her a lot of good. I still sit at midnight and send you nightly power.”


HRA Cigbo, resident in his cigar box, third shelf over desk of boss, writes:
“Estra terrible wonderful BIG THANKS to all you Aunties and Uncles who have been sending me catnip even if ME and boss don’t write to say MY thanks to you. About this thing of rising the vibrating, I admit it must be terrible important, whatever it is. BUT did you ever stop to think how much more important the work is that YOU and ME do together? – the kind of work that keeps us HRAs going – scratching for three selves, or all if us, to beat the band, and always RAISING THE ANTE in MY box.’ Love, Cigbo


  1. Hello Joan …

    The boxes are for developing the work done with the aka threads that emanate from the fingers. Inside the boxes, all of which are alike, are placed small objects of different natures. The Aunihipili is then trained to use the aka thread to determine what’s inside each box, from a distance, without looking. Once one’s Aunihipili is able to do this, one can use this method for many, many things, including healing work. The boxes are used for training purposes. Once you’re trained, you can “guess” what’s inside just about anything, or what’s around the corner, or what needs to be adjusted to bring relief from pain and/or suffering.

    Bottom line is, it works! Anyone can do it if they put their mind (oh, excuse me … I mean their Aunihipili) to it. This is not something that’s exclusive to only a limited few; it’s part of our heritage and all we have to do is choose it.

  2. please explain about the boxes???

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