Huna Bulletin 35

More About Faith

July 1, 1950

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.A.


Word comes that Dr. Brunler’s work with the pendulum in locating oil has passed with flying colors its first major test here in California.

A well was drilled at his direction in the Edison, California district and oil found at almost the exact depth predicted after the pendulum tests had been made. More oil is predicted for a still deeper level.

Work on the several promising locations to uncover gold has been held up but may get under way in due time. Cigbo has offered to help scratch wherever there is a good prospect of digging up more stamp money.

Close neighbors of Dr. Brunler and his gracious associate, Dr. Calver, are a young couple – the Flynns. Jim has understudied Dr. Brunler and acted as field helper, with the result that he now has developed an excellent ability with the pendulum. Mrs. Flynn, who is a very clever artist, has promised to draw up some thank-you notes on stencils for Cigbo’s use.


BSRA family at San Diego report all very busy. Meade Lane, F.H.F., Editor in Chief, has been able to see his way clear ahead to get out future issues of the ROBIN, and promises that all new subscribers will get a full quota of numbers. Assistant Editor, Harriet Foster, HRA, writes that she is very busy taking down much new and exciting material from the communicators at the Mark Probert seances. She transcribes her notes and cuts the stencils for the booklets – a labor indeed, but one of love. The communicators sent a special message to me a short time ago advising that I burn the candle here at the Study only at one end, so I try to get to bed a bit earlier and hope to take a little more time away from my desk and mimeographs this summer.

The Seance Reports are offered in series under a subscription plan. If you are not a member of the BSRA or a subscriber to the RR, but are interested in reports of very exceptional quality from the “communicators,” drop a line to BSRA, Round Robin, 3524 Adams Ave., San Diego 16, Calif., and you will undoubtedly be sent the announcement sheet which most of us have recently received.

Speaking of seances and similar matters, HRA D.F. writes, “Before I left England in 1936 I heard of cases of friends on the other side speaking when the radio had been turned on but was not playing. In San Diego, in 1938, a Dr. C., an old man, had frequent and almost regular seances in this way through his radio. Soon we’ll be getting voices from these inquisitive Etherians!”

Another copy of Dr. Fodor’s Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science has arrived at the Study in case you did not get yours. Still $7.65 to us but a dealer in the East is jumping the price to double on the few copies he managed to corner. Dr. Fodor is now visiting in England.

Charles W. Kenn, F.H.F., who writes to me frequently and who always has new and valuable things to tell of his wide reading on Huna background studies and translation of old writings in Hawaiian, writes that a kahuna has been found by HRA Theodore Kelsey and his learned field companion-worker, Mr. Kekahuna.

The work of hunting up and photographing the ruins of the old Hawaiian “temples” has been going on for some time. Also, the older Hawaiians have been visited and Mr, Kelsey has recorded many fine old chants and legends to keep them for posterity.

In the search, the kahuna has been found. He is very old and is highly respected by other Hawaiians in the district – which is that through which the recent flows of lava have cut paths to the sea. Mr. Kenn, in his last letter, said he was leaving by air for the district at once to look into the matter and, if the ancient cult of secrecy does not prevent it, to set about learning, if possible, the exact theories and methods used by this gentleman.

Meantime, the officials of the Bishop Museum in Honolulu seem rather upset to have amateurs running so far ahead of them in their work and in a field which they stuffily consider their own.


Broadcasts on the radio in Honolulu are now planned by HRA Riley Crabb and his players. They have given a very fine series of presentations using the LETTERS FROM A LIVING DEAD MAN by our own HRA, Elsa Darker, as material.

The broadcast will be dramatizations of cases from my book for the most part. As Honolulu is divided on its opinion as to the kahunas, I look for at least a small storm of protest from those who still believe with the missionaries of other days that everything connected with the kahunas was “heathenish” and should be banished at all costs. I would love to hear it if the story of the early missionary, John Paris, is put on. He had the experience of having a kahuna of the ana ana grade try to convert him to Huna. To show the superiority of his beliefs, the kahuna prayed to death several of the converts. Rev. Paris, so the story was told to me by his daughter, learned to use the death prayer, caught the kahuna off guard and killed him with his own death-dealing forces. Later, when Paris was ousted from the missionary circle, he was given a fine grant of land by Hawaiian royalty and enabled to carry on his work of helping and teaching the Hawaiians. This is one of the great stories that still awaits the proper writing. I once made a play of it but, sad to tell, it never was produced. (John Paris lived for many years in the district where the lava flows are pouring down the mountain. I lived in the same district for a year and saw a similar flow in 1917, which also covered up a number of houses.)

DIANETICS publishers returned a letter written care of them to the author of the book, L. Ron Hubbard. No reason given for not forwarding to him first class mail. However, judging from my own experience, I take it that Mr. Hubbard has been swamped with letters beyond his ability to try to answer and has probably departed for parts unknown and without leaving a forwarding address. Perhaps he has promised a science fiction yarn for a deadline and has to get it out. It takes an average of a half hour to read the letter and reply to it. Fifty letters a day would mean little short of disaster.


HERE AT THE STUDY I am constantly sharing the lives of my HRA friends through letters. Often the problems are great – sometimes too great to be met in the time allotted. But often I share the rejoicing over the good that comes in response to mutual work with Huna methods – usually including the great help of our combined efforts in the Telepathic Mutual Healing Group.

We cannot, of course, tell when a certain thing will come about as of its own accord, or when it is the result of the help we are able to call down from the Aumakuas. The best we can do is to average the results carefully. However, I feel very strongly that when the outcome of something is in doubt, our best Huna prayer-actions are the sane thing to use. We have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

I am happily surprised at the number of times that I am told by strangers, in their letters, that they have figured out the best way to use Huna after reading SSBM and have already been highly successful in bringing about healing for themselves or loved friends, or betterment of social or financial conditions.

Other times, I have letters from those who have not joined in the work directly as HRAs, but who have shared the bulletins with one who is a regular member.

(Always remember that we do not form a secret order and that you are urged to share your bulletins and your knowledge of Huna in all ways with your friends. The bright lads who pledge their customers to secrecy when selling “courses” do so, in most cases, to force all and sundry to buy the course – also to prevent those who have bought it from telling of it and showing that it is “just one more of those courses.” Daily, I have letters in which HRAs express their pleasure in our work because it is experimental, and because no one is pretending to vast and superior knowledge which must never be questioned under penalty of their lordly displeasure.)

A delightful letter came in today, together with two fine photos of mother and daughter, the latter being the official HRA. Here is part of it. “Since starting our prayer-actions, my daughter’s business has quadrupled and my health is better. How grateful we are for your years of research.”

The work we are doing in the TELEPATHIC MUTUAL HEALING GROUP, with our telepathic meetings at 3 and 7 California daylight savings time, and also at noon for those unable to work at the other times, is more important and more effective than many realize. HRA C.T.H. writes from Connecticut, “Don’t forget to include more in the bulletins re the TMHG HEALING SERVICE. We all need inspiration and uplift to continue to add our help to this most worthy work.”

He also adds a note that was of interest to me about space ship matters. “There is a series of broadcasts on NBC Saturday nights at 8 o’clock (Eastern daylight savings time) called “Dimension X.” They deal with space ships, Mars, etc. While fiction, it is beautifully done in design, plot, sound effects and PHILOSOPHY. Last week (June 17th) was tops. No sponsor.”

“My wife’s sister is continuing to improve and will leave the hospital in a week. My mother stays the same, having now been out of the hospital for months. I continue to work for her eyesight again.” (Both cases have been on the TMHG as well as receiving the full attention of the writer, who is an advanced student and a man who Serves greatly.)

HRA Otis Vaniman, who deals in books in Florida, told in a recent letter the very interesting news that Dr. N. McC., who, with her husband, belongs to our membership, was using a surprising number of copies of SSBM. He writes, “She uses it a great deal in her mental therapy, especially with the alcoholics, and often with amazing results.” That is indeed good news. Huna makes sense for logical men.

I am so often struck by the apparent fact that there is a large truth behind the saying, “When the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear.” I do not know about the teacher, in the flesh, but time after time when we are able to realize that we need some new information, it comes by way of an inner “flash” or through a book that comes accidentally or otherwise. Or, there is the friend or even the chance acquaintance who drops the word that guides us to what is needed in the next step. I have had at least a dozen letters telling me of the very strange ways in which SSBM came to the notice of those who were ready for what the kahunas had to offer. In one case, the father, some time dead, appeared and told his daughter of the book and where to look for it. I have saved her letter to give you that part of it, but seem now to have misplaced it. Another HRA tells of walking past a barrel filled with things to go to the Good Will Industries and how his eye fell on a discarded copy of SSBM. He opened it, saw at once that it was just what he needed and asked permission to take it. (To the owner it was of no interest.)

In my own experience I have so often come across a book which was just what I needed at the time. Or there were chance friendships.

At times I have had the startled realization that there was some wise Something which frequently took a hand in my affairs and in my progress. Not always has the Guidance been easy to take. Once, some ten years ago, I was about to go into a line of business which would probably have been the worst thing I could have done, what with the breaking of War II almost on us. I was stopped in a drastic way by falling on wet cement stairs and breaking an arm, being unable to go ahead with it in a sling. Later I saw what I had escaped.

I was reminded of all this by a letter from HRA Nell B., of California in which she was giving me her very wise and matured conclusion concerning a type of individual who cannot remain satisfied with any one set of psycho-religious systems but must hop about taking up each new “teacher” as he or she appears. She writes, in part, “I knew a woman in Detroit who had a broken neck, and was in a horrible brace [with a] leather cup under her chin to hold it rigid. Did not walk for twelve years. Could not go to bed, so lived in a wheel chair. One day she saw a leaflet which a maid had left on her buffet, and all at once, so she told me, the words blurred and she saw letters like fire, across the paper, saying, ‘Take off that brace.’ She said she trembled from head to foot, but crawled out of her chair … and up stairs on her hands and knees – somehow, then when at the top, [she] lay there and unfastened the straps of the brace, one by one.

“Then she stood up and took a step, finding that she was still alive and able to walk. (Completely cured,) she served as a teacher and healer for years.

“But in 1936, as I recall, she became enraptured with some writings of a Hindu teacher. In about 1940, on a trip with another lady to a type of national gathering of this teacher’s followers, she was badly injured in a car accident. I visited her in 1943. She had then been bedridden for over two years. The magic of that first dynamic visualization would not return. I feel that she had held that pearl-beyond-price in her own hinds, but had let it go by her leaning toward THEORIES. Instead of learning to make use of what we know – and Huna is filled with values – we so often make ourselves spiritually futile by peering over the wall in search of greener grass.”

HRA Howard D. Clark of Yucca Valley, Calif., also comments in a letter on the Bulletin 34 discussion of faith.

“I find Bulletin 34 very solid with thought. I find it among the most helpful and illuminating of any so far … And ‘back to the Bible’ or ‘back to faith,’ conveys – at least to me – an effort to escape the ordeal of serious thinking. To me, it puts more strain on Faith if I ask my Aunihipili to accept anything on blind faith without some reason, and then to communicate my wish to a higher power, expecting it to be granted. As for Huna being complicated, the fire-walking priest wasn’t afraid his prayers had not been answered when he stepped into the pit.”


Dianetics comes in for more news as I cut the stencils for this bulletin. HRA Russell Schofield, who lectured recently on Dianetics before a psychologists’ club, flew to New York to study the method at first hand. He hopes to be back in six weeks to two months and to open an office for teaching or practice – I could not learn which.

Meantime, John F. Anderson, whose psychological group played host to Huna for so many months, is busily engaged in testing the Dianetics theories and methods. With four friends, he has already made sufficient progress to convince him that the system is basically sound. Two of those for whom he has acted as auditor have already been able to get back into prenatal memories. HRA “Johnnie” has an excellent background of study and training in psychology, psychic science and hypnosis. He hopes to become a “clear” himself in due time, and might possibly give his time to Dianetic auditing as a professional. His wife, HRA Nadine, has recently flown to Mexico to investigate the discovery there of a fluid which, when sprinkled on dead plants, brings them back to life. Her great interest is in the possible finding of a perfect rejuvenating method for humans. (The discovery of the Mexican chemist is reported to bring back to life dead orchards. The trees are then found to need almost no watering!!)

My own experiments with Dianetics, in which I have been acting as my own auditor as explained in Bulletin 33, have brought no prenatal memories to the surface as yet. In going back and back to pick up possible fixations related to prayer or religion, I have managed to puzzle or upset my “George” (our pet term for an HRA’s Aunihipili) rather often with the result that, in me is produced vague uneasiness and often fringes of worry. Dreams become, at times, troubled and old nightmares bob up in slightly changed versions. Most pronounced of these stirrings is a sudden awakening with the strong conviction that (1) there is a spirit in the room – sometimes even one which has jolted my bed to awaken me, and (2) that there is some world catastrophe hovering over us all and ready to strike at any moment. (I earnestly hope that this is not a genuine hunch which has no relation to my experiments with Dianetics!)

(Special note: Exactly here I stopped typing this stencil to listen to the “Dimension X” radio program, and in the middle of it the program was broken into for the news flash that the Reds had declared war on the non-Red half of Korea and that the President had announced that we would hold Russia responsible. Having just finished telling of my premonition of world catastrophe, the strange coincidence made my scalp prickle for all it was worth. I instantly remembered the pendulum prediction earlier in the year that Russia and the Reds would dominate all Asia except Japan. I also recalled the careful work with the pendulum done earlier by HRA J.C. giving July 6th as the next great danger spot. Of course, experience teaches us to discount most of our premonitions however, I still hope my hunch etc., etc.)

(I was stamping bulletin envelopes while I listened to the radio with its dramatic story of a trip to the moon.)

(NEXT DAY) This bulletin begins to take on the aspects of a diary as the writing of it on the stencils progresses. In the mail box this bright Sunday morning I found a letter from HRA Josephine Dyer of San Fernando Valley, which lies across the hills from Hollywood. With her wide knowledge of the materials of the field in which we are all working she was, very naturally, much interested when she heard of DIANETICS and promptly purchased a book. She read it and out of curiosity to know to what it might be leading [to], wrote to the author. She has forwarded me the reply. It is a note from Dr. J.A. Winter (P.O. Box 502, Elizabeth, N.J.) who has been associated with Mr. L. Ron Hubbard in his work.

He says that they hope to establish a “Dianetics Institute” in California to train auditors. A form letter is enclosed from Mr. Hubbard which says that “THE HUBBARD DIANETICS RESEARCH FOUNDATION” has been established (same address) for the purpose of carrying on the experimental study of Dianetics and to train teachers and auditors, also to send out information as to new methods which are discovered. It is announced that already new things have been found “such as a recently discovered way to turn on most sonic shut-offs” (those who cannot feel that they actually hear things being said near the mother before their birth, or around them after birth). For $10 a year, one may become an associate member of the organization and for $50 a year, a full member to whom a quarterly magazine will be sent. Through the organization, cross-indexed possible partners may be placed together for mutual auditing after the Dianetics method. (The morning paper says the book is now on all the “Best Seller” lists of the nation, so we are seeing another fad in the making in which the callow will plunge in and – in a week or two – ooze out.) Mrs. Dyer was taken by enthusiastic young neighbors to attend meeting of these enthusiasts. She writes a most amusing account of the meeting and the plans, saying, “They are ‘teaming up’ for auditing at a feverish pace – eager Deep-Enders on their way to their prenatal engrams. I suppose it is inevitable that Mr. Hubbard’s dynamics should bring to the fore and into vociferous expression the unstable fringes of the literate circles – the ‘Hot-eyed Searchers’ for a short cut out of a difficult world. When the extremists lose interest on their end and the angry psychiatrists cool down at their end, I imagine it will be possible to begin measuring the real values.”

At the meeting, W. Bradford Shank distributed a mimeo sheet giving three items which may show which way the Dianetic wind is beginning to blow.

  1. Mr. Hubbard writes that his book is “already partly obsolete” in that new methods are constantly being discovered to shorten the therapy.
  2. A limited number of people will be accepted by the Foundation for a “professional course covering thirty days. The tuition is $500. Mr. Shank proposes to go to take the course, but to cover the expenses, wishes to sign up others at a “fifty-dollar in advance fee” who will attend one or two informal seminars to transmit the content of the course to interested people here.” Mr. Shank also distributed a mimeo sheet giving four of the lately discovered improvements in technique. He says he had them via long distance telephone from Editor Campbell and Mr. Hubbard. I will give a condensation in our Huna terms of the four points for those who may be interested – if not skip to the next page. For the person who cannot return and get the old memories to revive and be relived, it is advised that he be directed to go back and live over some period of great pleasure or success. From these happy periods the method is learned and later more painful periods may be entered. Repeat until “sonic” is properly developed. If some engram or fixation seems to prevent backward travel on the time track, direct the subject to go back to that fixation itself. This is called a “holder.” Repeat the effort until the “holder” is found and drained off.
  3. The work done in 2, above, will usually re-stimulate a “deep fear or panic.” As soon as the fixation that prevents the backward travel in time is found and drained off – and the fear allowed to show itself in reactions it may cause, a search is made for the original cause of the fear and the fixation which the incident produced. Repeated efforts to send the subject back to the incident should be made until it is uncovered, lived over and over, and drained off. After that, the way will be opened for the backward travel along the “time strip.”
  4. As an approach to the earliest fixations, usually formed by prenatal causes, the subject or “pre-clear” may be directed to “return” to some pleasant sexual experience and relive it. If there is reluctance to recount (to tell of it to the auditor), the pre-clear may report indirectly only enough data to permit the auditor to follow and check the fact that the pre-clear is returned and reliving the episode. Take him over this experience several times and then direct the file clerk (our Aunihipili) and the somatic strip (our Aunihipili holds all memories of this “strip”) to return to conception and recount. (Why the two incidents should be related this closely is not explained.) Watch for skips or blank spots in the conception story; induce the pre-clear to fill in the earliest such skip, using the repeater technique on phrases and words picked up from the pre-clear’s reporting, recounting and rationalizations about not entering (reliving) the skips.”

A SAFE CONCLUSION at this point is: A Dianetics class limited to 100, each paying $500 for a month’s course, gives $50,000. Not bad!


Several letters have come in pointing to the very great significance of the literal translation of the New Testament passage which (from the Fenton and other modern translations) gives us the following. (Hebrews 11:1. Especially Fenton.) “But we shall not recoil with loss, but keep our lives by Faith; for Faith is the standing-ground (foundation is a word also used) of the hopeful, the conviction of unseen facts (11:2) so that from the unseen the visible appeared.”

In Bulletin 34 I spoke of the word ku which was so important in the Huna type prayers. It means “to rise half way, then all the way, and then stand firmly or in some special way, as in line with others”.

The opening of Hewahewa’s prayer before the first missionaries as they landed, begins with (I will break it up with translation made very literally behind each phrase):

Ku: Rise, ku la: rise (completely up,) ku la: stand.
Piha: fill up, as a jar with water, ku lalani: stand in line (Root la is “light” and lani is “heaven,” symbol of [the] Aumakua level), ku la: stand (or remain in this standing position).

The prayers and chants had often three meanings: the literal, the secret, and the very secret or symbolic which could only be understood by the kahuna of advanced knowledge. Above we have the literal meaning of “stand up, stand in lines. Fill the lines. Stand in the lines.” This is army language, as is that in Hebrews in which armed attack is being discussed.

I believe that we have here another instance in which the hidden or Huna meanings are preserved in the New Testament writings. We see in the esoteric or Huna meaning of the above prayer the symbolic directions to:

Cause the Aunihipili to rise in consciousness to touch the Auhane and stand united with it. Then “fill with water” or take on a complete surcharge of low mana. That done, rise into the light of the heavenly or Aumakua level and contact the Aumakua. Hold the contact.

The New Testament line, “so that from the unseen the visible appeared,” as given above, is a perfect restatement of the Huna belief that all things and events and conditions are first built up on the level of the Aumakuas and are made of the invisible but very substantial etheric stuff (mea). This, in the course of time, appears on our lower levels of life as visible and physically real.

The faith or belief or trust we have in this scheme of things and in the fact that the Aumakua will respond to a prayer rightly made by Huna methods and will build what we desire (from the thought-form seeds or molds of our prayers, and water for their maturity with the water of mana which we provide), first as invisible realities on its plane, then as realities on our lower plain – this FAITH on our part has no physical part in the process. Faith alone moves no mountain and heals nothing. We see that its great function is to make it possible for us to GO AHEAD IN FULL CONFIDENCE and do our part in the building. Our part is to decide what we want, create the “seeds” and send them in the right way to the Aumakua – there to have them “grown.”

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