Huna Bulletin 23

Measuring Biometric Level
and What That Means for Huna

December 15, 1949

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.A.

THE NEWS FROM THE STUDY, covering the fortnight since the last Bulletin issued,
covers things of more than ordinary interest.


From E. Dudley Haskell, who is head of the American Society of Radiesthesia (791 Park Avenue. New York 21, N.Y.) comes the following, which will be of interest to all of us, so I pass it on here.

When Dr. Brunler spoke before our Society in New York, we mimeographed his talks and offered them to the members. We have copies of his ‘Radiations of the Brain’ and his ‘Radiations of the Earth and of the Human Body.’ We charge one dollar each for these.

(Make the check to E. Dudley Haskell and send it in yourself. If you send it to me, I have to write out a new letter, a new check, and all that – which takes my time and delays delivery. The same is to be said for all of the Meade Layne publications, such as Round Robin subscriptions, orders for Seance Reports and so on. DO NOT send them to me. MFL)

“In Bulletin 22 (the letter continues), page 1, you recommended a crystal pendulum. I am sorry that I cannot back you up on that. Dr. Brunler, being so high on the Biometer (meaning his reading of brain waves etc.) and having one of the highest sensitivities, can use anything and get results. He does not even have to use a pendulum normally. HE KNOWS THE ANSWERS. A crystal pendulum acts as a prism and breaks up light into the spectrum, but giving off certain colors – whether visible or not – at certain angles. These light rays might neutralize certain radiations you are seeking, or they might alter others. We recommend a neutral pendulum.

“If you look up our Elementary Instructions (Note: To be had for $1.00 from Mr. Haskell – NOT from me) you will see that the fingers holding the pendulum must be of opposite polarity. For years I thought I could not use my left hand until I discovered that my thumb and first finger were both negative. Now I use my thumb and positive middle finger of my left hand.”

Comment: HRA Haskell has been performing a true labor of love in the work he has done in America where there is no other society covering this field and helping interested persons to obtain needed instructions and information concerning the use of the pendulum for such things as finding water, oil, metal deposits, or treasure, making contact with other people or things from a distance, diagnosing physical ills, and so on and so forth. He has also tried to put out a bulletin to give the latest findings in England and France where the “dowsers” are numerous and are doing excellent work in exploring the field.

I received recently Bulletin No. 2. of Vol. 11 (13 pages, mimeographed, price $1 to non-members) in order to give an idea of the value and variety of topics covered. I list the headings:

(1) DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PRY INTO THE LIVES OF OTHERS (by use of the pendulum)
(2) Various TYPES OF RADIESTHETIC SENSITIVITY (Giving a digest of the older theories and of latest findings offering explanations of the many things made possible through the pendulum.)
(5) THE HUNA PHILOSOPHY (in its relation to the pendulum work)
(6) A WAY TO AVOID AUTO-SUGGESTION (when using the pendulum)
(7) THE CURIOUS MENTAL LIMITATIONS AMONG RADIESTHESISTS (showing the power of suggestion on the pendulum actions)
(8) TRAINING FOR DISTANCE WORK – TELERADIESTHESIA (as in chess games played in which the pendulum is used to learn what the distant move has been)
(9) A LESSON IN WATER-DIVINING (Part 1 – Leading article, four pages)
(10) A CHILD OF SEVEN SUCCEEDS WITH RADIESTHESIA (locating objects on a map with her pendulum after being shown a picture of the object or thing)

Mr. Haskell is in the same boat with most others who strive to help along knowledge which is not found in the welter of colleges where so much is to be studied and so little of value learned. What he has to offer us could not be dug out of books without the expenditure of much money and time. But he is forced to write:

“The reason for no bulletins (only two this year): In 1949 we had about 160 members of this Society. We had hoped that by the end of that year we would have 500. The dues were not sufficient to cover the cost of the 8 bulletins issued and the normal office expenses. At the beginning of 1949, we were but 40 members left – the other 120 members had evidently joined out of curiosity… we could not continue issuing monthly bulletins, since each issue cost between $50 and $60 and there were the office expenses to be considered. Thanks to some of the members and to Max Freedom Long, we are now nearly 60 strong and plan to issue three or four more bulletins before the end of the fiscal year.”

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

While on the painful subject of the ROOT OF ALL EVIL, which is so needed if GOOD IS TO BE DONE, I must mention the recent letter which most of the HRAs have received to tell them the plight of HRA Meade Layne who has given us invaluable digests of news in the general field of ILLUMINISM and has published the BSRA Releases, Seance Reports, and other things of great value and interest, in addition to his splendid mimeo magazine, ROUND ROBIN. Never once in the five years of this particular labor of love has there been enough income to meet actual expenses – not counting, of course, the priceless amount of time and thought and physical effort which has been so generously given.

Nothing like ROUND ROBIN has ever been produced. It is unique in having no ax to grind and in being open to everything from Flying Saucers and Huna to Spirit Communication and all the newest and most hard-to-understand in the realm of psycho-religious exploration.

Meade Layne has given us the only honest and brilliantly written and conceived appraisals of the constantly shifting theories and findings in our small and highly specialized field. Only from him have we been able to get highly important information stripped clean of the misleading and blinding slants of dogmatic Science and Religion, not to mention propaganda. His vision has remained clear; his conclusions blessedly fluid for change and his pen, a flame.

It is unthinkable that we should fail to send in or to pledge for sending soon, what each of us can to keep open the channel of BSRA and Round Robin. I know how few of us have escaped learning and using constantly the fine art of getting blood out of a turnip, but I urge all HRAs who are able, to help. Meade Layne has humbled a great pride to bring himself to ask for financial aid. Black shame on those of us who have basked in his Light if we fail now to come forward with our measure of oil for his lamp.

MY LETTERS IN ANSWER TO YOURS will be delayed a little more than usual this month. Please excuse me or place the blame on Cigbo’s willing shoulders. (He still does not know better than to accept the blame for everything.) You will recall that I recently said that I would eventually get around to sending some kind of an answer to all letters, especially if aided by the sending of a self-addressed envelope (a stamp is most welcome but the saving in addressing time is the important thing). I also said that my mimeo “tinned letters” used for my replies would be made, in so far as possible, to contain something interesting and of possible value to the work.

Well, the first of the new monthly “tinned letters” inadvertently opened up a corner of our field that was dear to the hearts of almost every one of us. I asked what who knew about what in respect to the hieroglyphic symbols and their original meanings as of the earliest dynasties of ancient Egypt.

I didn’t get just replies; I got a landslide of letters, and so many of them so long that my time has been filled trying to get them all read – leaving no time to make an answer except in sending at once copies of SSBM that might have been ordered.

We should change our name from Huna Research Associates to something with the words “Egypt” and “symbols” in it. It appears that 992 of us must have cut our teeth on a toy sphinx and learned to read from inscriptions taken from some ancient temple. I am amazed and utterly delighted at the amount of information and misinformation which we possess as an organization and as individual HRAs. Yes, our misinformation is also of value. It has been gathered by the gob from the magnificent collection of “teachings” put out in the past century by the blind leaders of the blind who have found in Egypt a handy hook upon which to hang endless guesses – guesses which they solemnly have presented as “great discoveries.” In noting how these guesses fail to match other and similar efforts, we have a way of enabling us to sort and discard the worthless, retaining in some cases the basic material for our own uses.

If you wish, I will establish a swap center where we can trade a pharaoh for a sphinx. All joking aside, I am beginning to see that I have, personally, overlooked a very important corner of the field in which to dig for lost Huna information. I am not yet able to say that we have more than scratched the surface, but already I am convinced that this is pay dirt of the finest.

Those of you who may be missing the fun – and WHAT fun! – had better send me an envelope and a line saying, “Send me tinned letter No. 2.” I’ll mimeograph as many extras as are needed.

Meantime, if any of you can beg, borrow or steal a book that gives the origin of the earliest hieroglyphics, get it to me by insured or registered mail. I will pay the expense (or perhaps Cigbo can) and I will get it back on time if from a library – or absolve you of the theft if you have stolen it, and later return it with the greatest air of virtue. I already have the loan of a fine old copy of Wallace Budge’s BOOK OF THE DEAD, with the lines given in hieroglyphics, then in the Egyptian as nearly as possible, and then in the English translation.

HRA M.C. whose learned articles appear in Round Robin, has already been of great help and journeyed down to spend hours with me over the big book. She may be able to find something on the symbolic meanings of the glyphs, as the one for “woman” which is composed of the sign for a loaf of bread and an egg. [See left]

Because we know the word symbols of the kahunas and the things for which they stood in the lore of the SECRET, we can now go about a re-evaluation of the symbol meanings of the ancient glyphs of the land from which the kahunas came on the first lap of their long trip to the Pacific. (Some of them by way of the Americas, we begin to suspect, since new information has been uncovered in New Zealand – upon which a full report will be made in due time.)

Take the Egyptian glyph for water . It is one wave-line. But when we find it used with a slightly different meaning in the form of THREE such lines, we immediately recall the manas, of which the kahunas knew three kinds, and for which the word wai (“water”) was the secret symbol.

I must stop before I get off on this subject and forget the other things that are to go into this bulletin. More – very much more – in due time on the subject.

THE REPORT ON “GREGG”, for whom a special healing effort was made by volunteer HRAs last month, has come in with the desired details. It will be remembered that this young man was treated for insanity, the symptoms pointing to obsession. The parents wish to express their heartfelt thanks and to ask that those HRAs who can continue to work on the case when time allows.

While the healing was not complete, the patient shows a marked improvement in several ways. The “attacks” during which time the obsessing entity seems to take over and use the body violently until its strength is gone, have come much less frequently and the violence has been much reduced. Periods of lucidity have increased and the former savagely hateful attitude seemingly caused by the obsessing entity has changed radically for the better.

In treating this case as part of the TMHG work, bless the obsessing entity and ask that it be cared for and helped as it is removed. This is work for the Aumakuas and our appeal is to them. Also, treat the patient for a broken collar bone which was not well set and which has been a strongly irritating influence that may have hindered the healing effort. Cases like this in which the afflicted one is unable to help himself stand as a challenge of all the kindness, sympathy and will-to-serve that we possess. MFL


This is a continuation of the article in Bulletin 22 covering Dr. Oscar Brunler’s work on radiations of the brain, the earth and the atom. With his kind permission, parts of his lectures are being given. To show the values in terms of Huna and our HRA experimental approach, comments are made.

Several HRAs have asked for more information concerning the dielectric waves, saying that they had found little in dictionaries or encyclopedias about these waves.

Because we have been unable to measure the dielectric waves with instruments such as are used in the study of the electro-magnetic waves, modern Science has been very slow to admit that there can be such waves. However, almost no explanation of the movement of divining rods or pendulums is possible without the dielectric.

The scientists simply MUST have a machine to register things. They are like [what] the simple African natives thought a local missionary must be. He showed them a thermometer and explained that it was a “machine” to tell him how hot or how cold it was. The natives rocked with laughter, saying, “Missionary plenty dumb. He can’t tell whether it is hot or cold without a machine!”

The main trouble seems to be that the electro-magnetic waves radiated from such things as an underground flow of water are too small to be measured well with instruments and so are said not to exist, despite the fact that almost everything that can be examined at close quarters shows a radiation of this kind, even the tiny cells of the brain.

As noted in the first article, Dr. Brunler explains that every electromagnetic radiation, wave or ray, is accompanied with a negative or dielectric radiation, wave or ray, of the same strength and frequency. He writes:

“After many years of thought and searching I found that there is nothing in existence in the Universe which has not its counterpart. The counterpart of birth is death; the counterpart of faith is fear; the counterpart of light is darkness, and when we enter the sphere of physics we find that every magnetic wave or electromagnetic wave has coupled with it a second wave which is of a dielectric nature. A copper wire is a conductor of electro-magnetic waves, whilst mica or cotton or silk act as non-conductors or insulators. Mica, cotton or silk, however, are conductors of dielectric waves, and water diviners use mostly materials for divining purposes which are non-conductors of electro-magnetic waves. It is the dielectric radiation which is carried along the divining rod and which reacts to the dielectric radiation from the subterranean water current or mineral to be divined.

“The whole radiation phenomena has to be viewed from this point, namely, that we are dealing with two waves – electro-magnetic and dielectric ones – and these two kinds of waves are inseparable. The water diviner, the diagnostician using a pendulum, the hypnotist, the magnetic healer, and many others make use of the dielectric currents which flow in and out of the body.

“The Biometer (see the former article) does not measure electro-magnetic waves, but it gives us the wave length of dielectric waves, although this fact seems to have eluded so far every user of the Biometer, even Monsieur Bovis, the inventor of the instrument.

“Let me tell you the strange way in which I discovered the brain radiation. You may know that after many years of research, Monsieur Bovis found that each finger of our hands and different parts of the palm of our hand connects with one of the organs of our body. For instance, the ring fingers connect with the kidneys, the middle finger with the stomach and the liver, and so forth. We can measure the radiations of our organs by placing the different fingers on the Biometer and measuring the wave-length. If the wave-length is 6,500 Angstrom units, which equals 100 degrees Biometric, we know that the particular organ is in perfect health.

“The most important finger, at least it has been the most important one for me, is the thumb. No investigations have been carried out with this finger. It had been found that the rays emitted from the thumb vary with every person and no explanation could be found for the extraordinary difference.

“For a number of months, I had measured the radiations of the thumbs of my patients. Hundreds of figures and names covered pages, but what did these figures mean? Had they any meaning; had they any relation to the brain, or did they give any measurement relating to the human body? The figures ranged from 220 to nearly 500 degrees Biometric, whilst the greater part of the measurements was between 225 and 260 degrees.

“One day a mentally deficient girl was brought to me for consultation and once more, as so often in the past, I learned from her, or I learned through her, more than from any outstanding man. The radiations from this patient’s thumb gave a reading of 118 degrees Biometric – the lowest I had ever recorded. This patient’s extraordinary, slow-working mind interested me and I timed her with a stop-watch to see how much time elapsed between my simple questions – such as, Which is your right hand? Which is your left foot? And so forth. After exactly two minutes and eighteen seconds she answered the questions, and not once did it take her more or less time to give the right answer.

“This extraordinary lapse of time between question and answer intrigued me, and it came to me that the following takes place in our mind. We learn as children which is our right hand, our right foot, and so forth. This knowledge passes from our conscious mind into our subconscious and, with the speed of lightning, we recall this knowledge into our conscious mind when we are being asked to indicate which is our right hand or foot. In the case of this mentally deficient patient, there seemed to be a gap between the conscious and subconscious mind, and to over-bridge the gap, two minutes and eighteen seconds were required. It occurred to me then that the Biometer reading of the thumb’s radiation might give us the inter-relationship between conscious and subconscious mind. The lower the Biometric reading, the less are conscious and subconscious mind linked up with one another. The higher the reading, the greater is the knowledge which we can draw from our subconscious into our conscious mind.

“I studied that night the hundreds of readings which I had taken and, to my surprise, I discovered that all my very materialistically minded patients measured below 240 degrees Biometric, whilst those whose measurements were above 400 degrees were men of an intelligence far above the average.”

(In a following lecture on RADIATIONS OF THE EARTH AND OF THE MIND, more mention was made of the brain waves and their significance. Again I quote.)

You remember I reduced intelligence to a question of wave-length. I maintained that we do not think with the grey matter in our head [and] I explained how we can measure the radiation of a dead person’s intelligence even after many centuries (from written or painted signatures).”

(Dr. Brunler tells us that the outer surface of the brain acts as a transmitter in sending out the electromagnetic and dielectric waves, also in receiving them from some outer source which he does not describe. This brings us back to the interesting question of HOW some brain substance may be deposited in the written or painted signature of one long dead, and HOW it could continue to send out the same dielectric wave-lengths all those years.

(On page 6 of Bulletin 22 I discussed the Huna concept of the aka or shadowy body and the explanation that it is the real vehicle of consciousness and so the center of all thinking and remembering. Also, it was noted that the aka substance is thought to adhere to things touched, as the signature touched by the vision of the eyes, and to remain there to send out the wave-length for a very long time, even keeping a connection through invisible aka threads with the signature all the time so that the ghostly writer or painter might be found by following the thread from signature to the surviving aka body still used by the conscious “dead” man.

(A new and very vital point is now introduced for our consideration as Huna Research Associates. So far we have found in Huna lore only indications of the force of the three manas being generated and used to keep the body and the three-self man living. But Dr. Brunler tells us that he has found that the earth radiates a form of force that is necessary to life, and that this is picked up by the feet and legs as needed by the body in its living processes. In a similar way, there is a force radiated from the “soul” or “mind” which is OUTSIDE of the body. This radiation is also picked up, but by the upper parts of the body and perhaps the brain. These TWO SETS OF RADIATION ARE NEEDED TO KEEP THE BODY NORMAL. The radiations from the earth and from the “mind” MEET at the sacrum, where they interlock and blend. Dr. Brunler explains it this way:)

“In our feet, we can discover strange points. There are points which connect with our eyes. There are points which connect and supply the radiations from the earth to our heart, to our lungs, to our liver, to our ears, our throat – in fact, to every organ of our body. All organs of our body have at least two antennae in our feet, which supply them with radiations from the earth. The solar plexus is the great central point where spirit and matter meet. The Sacrum – the Kundalini as the Indian philosophers call it – is the great meeting point where the radiations from the earth and the radiations from the spirit intersect or interlock… If the mind, through a certain attitude, prevents the free and full flow of radiating forces to an organ, an unbalanced state of radiation in that organ takes place. Tensions which are a state of disequilibrium occur in the organ and an unbalanced state of earth and mind radiations throw the organ out of balance, and a physical disorder is registered. The centers in our feet are affected, the antennae shrink, tighten up, and they reduce the inflow of the radiations from the earth. When this occurs, then the antennae (certain spots corresponding to the ailing organs) become tender to pressure and painful.

“For example, every emotional state reacts on the liver. Anger, temper, repressed emotions, all reduce or disturb the free and constant flow of radiating forces from the mind to the liver. The natural flow being disturbed or reduced or arrested, reacts instantly on the balance of currents in the liver. The radiations from the earth flow freely and unhindered into our body, and when they reach the liver and meet with a sudden reduced quantity of currents from the mind, a state of disequilibrium of the two radiating forces takes place. Every discord in our mind is a sin against our body, for it disturbs immediately the balance of the radiations.”

According to this material, we have counterparts of the low and middle mana of the kahunas, but lack the High Mana of the Aumakua in the picture. While we cannot, at least as yet, correlate the several points, we have before us a fascinating number of conclusions to mull over. Undoubtedly Dr. Brunler will be able to help us greatly in arriving at a better understanding. The key we seek to instant healing may lie hidden here. More of this later.

Max Freedom Long



  1. Momilani Thomas

    Huna is not Hawaiian, thank you. Huna is not of old Hawaiian Ancient teachings. It does not come from my Austronesian ancestors teachings too. Mahalo nui loa.

  2. I have been reading. Could you or somebody else explain to me
    how I can find out the measures of numbers on my brain for example??

  3. cada dia que pasa me sorprende mas el conocimiento y los caminos que se me van abriendo en mi vida estoy muy agradecido con la filosofia huna.

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