HV Newsletter #4 – Fall, 1972

Huna Vistas Newsletters


Dr. E. Otha Wingo, Research Editor
126 Camellia Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 USA


Dolly Ware, F.H.F., Curator
1501 Thomas Place Fort Worth, TX 76107 USA



 DOLLY says HELLO from The MFL Library and Museum

Greetings to our many old HRA’s and a warm welcome to our new HRA’s. Our work has steadily progressed and there are several innovations since last year that give great promise for years to come. In accordance with Max’s wishes, a Memorial Birthday Dinner and tour of the Library was given for forty interested participants in honor of Mrs. Louise Long’s birthday on the 15th of October and Max’s birthday the 26th of October. In a small way I considered it my party too, as my birthday is October 24th. Interested Huna students continue to find their way to Fort Worth for a visit,

Dr. Otha Wingo and his lovely wife Ann spent a happy week with us in the late summer, burning the midnight oil as Otha went through boxes of old letters and manuscripts, clippings, folios, pictures, back bulletins, and books. He brought his copying machine and I am sure we will be hearing reports from his findings. My husband, children and I immediately “adopted” them as our older children. Such a wise choice Dr. Max made in selecting Dr. Wingo, with his myriad honors, to carry on the Huna Research work and how fortunate we all are, as well as indebted to him, for his willingness and great ability to lead us onward. The old saying, “It takes a man to do it,” is certainly true in this instance. With his training, know-how in the world of writers, printers, libraries, etc., and with a new addition to his home especially for this Huna work, we are assured that the Huna Research Center is well housed and centrally located in Missouri.

Cigbo moved to Missouri too and left Auntie Wild Cat here, scratching mightily to help him get a new start. We are hoping that in the settlement of Max’s printing shop the usable equipment can be made available, not only for its usefulness in the HRA work, but for sentimental reasons as well.

Max called his research “digging” and I predict that Otha will keep on digging and will present us with new, interesting projects, courses, and work in our true Huna fashion. We wrap not only the new Huna Research Center, but our capable editor Otha, lovely Ann, and their daughter and two sons in White Light as they carry the Huna Torch.

Special September visitors were Mr. and Mrs. George Dashiell of Escondido, California, who spent a busy and delightful week in our home. Alice was Dr. Max’s long time HRA student and in later years his bookkeeper. They make a marvelous team with George’s good business head and Alice’s vast knowledge of Huna and its operations.

I welcome mail here at the Library and no question is too minute to research. Many HRA’s write concerning problems in Biochemistry and Nutrition, which I am happy to look up for them.

As we enter the new year and the approaching holidays, may you and yours spend Thanksgiving with Thanks-living, remembering that holidays are holy days. Take extra time to send extra mana to the Aumakuas as we con­tinue to grow together in Huna Light, welcoming an even better 1973.

— Dolly Ware, Fort Worth


Dear Huna Research Associate:

After my visit to the Max Freedom Long Library and Museum and a week of intensive discussion and planning with Dolly for the work of HRA, I came back to Missouri and immediately prepared a letter and membership information to be mailed out. Bringing with me the Elliott Addresserette which MFL used for so many years and a large box of old address stencils, I set about to prepare a mailing list.

The first mailing went to about 200 who had written to the Library in Fort Worth after Dolly had sent the first three newsletters to a list of 500 who were in the active file before Dr. Max’s graduation. The response has been very encouraging. We are particularly pleased by the response of many who have been members for a number of years — some 10, 15, 20 or even 25 and 30 years! I wish I could name all these wonderful members. A recent count showed that 24 have been members 10 to 15 years; 12 for 20 years, and 26 for over 25 years. One delighted us all by writing to say he had in a sense been a “member” since 1917, for it was he who suggested that Max go to Hawaii with him and thus started him on the long search for Huna. He is Curtis H. Stewart of Santa Barbara, Calif. A few weeks after this first mailing a new brochure was prepared with an introduction to HRA and membership information, neatly printed by offset, for use in answering inquiries. Nearly 200 inquiries had come in to the old address at Vista, or to DeVorss & Co., and the brochure was sent to these. Shortly afterwards, all the old address stencils were used to address a letter and the brochure to 280 whom I referred to as “former” members, since we had no correspondence from them in the last year or two. From all these mailings a steady response has come. I have been kept very busy answering letters and “processing” memberships — and I am enjoying it all. I am beginning to understand how much Dr. Max looked forward to what the mailman would bring (and the occasional relief when a Sunday or holiday brought no mail, so that the backlog could be answered). Some days I answer as many as 20 or 30 letters. I am beginning to know many of you personally and I hope the rest will write of your interests and activities — so that no one will be just a name on a card in the file! (Cigbo reminds me to say that a stamp or stamped, addressed envelope helps to speed your answer on its way — and when possible, let me know when no answer is required. For the sake of new members, I’ll explain that “ Cigbo” is the imaginary HRA “kitty” that was always in charge of Dr. Max’s stamps and money for paper, envelopes and things and is kept busy scratching in his ClGar BOx for all these. Cigbo interrupts to say, “Imaginary, MY RIGHT PAW! I am Reality! I’ll have more to say in MY COLUMN!”) In all the hustle and bustle of activities here in the Study, I get help from my wonderful family. Vincent, 4, helps with addressing envelopes; Eric (7) and Lynn (9) worked very hard at collating sheets into booklets and addressing and stuffing envelopes. Ann meantime keeps us all going, and somehow manages to keep up with her creative art work.


Two of the planned reprints are ready for shipping.

  1. HRA REPRINT NO. 1, “Selections from HUNA RESEARCH BULLETINS on MANA.” This booklet of 20 pages is beautifully printed by offset. It contains the COMPLETE text of Lesson-Instructions 111, which Max wrote in 1949 as part of the HRA Bulletin. This makes an excellent study unit, entitled “Accumulating and Using the Mana Surcharge.” (The first two parts are well covered in Secret Science Behind Miracles and Secret Science at Work.) In addition there are four short selections on “Mana: “The Importance of Physical Stimuli, Controlling the Low Self, A Very Important Discovery Concerning Mana, and Guarding the Mana.” The folio has a light green cover and plastic comb binding. Ask for “Mana”. Price: $2.50 each.
  1. HRA REPRINT NO. 2, “Selections from HUNA VISTAS on TAROT CARD SYM­ BOLOGY.” Many have asked for this and I made special effort to have it ready as soon as possible. This book of 88 pages contains the complete text of the “Initiatory Units” on Tarot Card Symbology, published by Max Freedom Long in the HUNA VISTAS from September, 1959 to July, 1960. This unique presentation of Tarot symbolism contains information not found in any other source. To make the collection complete, I added all the other discussions about Tarot from the rest of the HUNA VISTAS, wrote a brief introduction, and brought the bibliography up-to- date. This book is beautifully printed by offset from the original copies. I was amazed at how sharp and clear the print came out. Four pages of illustrations are included, showing all 78 of the Smith-Waite Tarot deck in black and white (from the original plates in the HUNA VISTAS). Plastic comb binding, with bright tangerine cover. Ask for “Tarot”. Price: $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00.


By E. Otha Wingo, Research Editor

HUNA is the most thoroughly comprehensive system of human psychology and thought known today and it is becoming more widely recognized every day. It is simple, yet intricate; easily understood, yet profound. HUNA throws an illuminating searchlight upon the concepts of human thought, penetrates the depths of the human mind, and reveals what is significant and what is incomplete in psycho-religious or philosophical writings.

Book upon book is published, from the trivial to the profound. HUNA LIGHT outshines them all. Many books add to our knowledge and appreciation of the valuable concepts of HUNA, as the fantastic scope of Max Freedom Long’s reading demonstrated. He was willing to examine every idea that presented itself and was able to show how it correlated with the teachings of HUNA.

Two books, containing some ideas worthy of our attention in the study of HUNA, will be discussed here.

“Lateral thinking” is discussed in a fascinating book by Edward De Bono, entitled NEW THINK, The Use of Lateral Thinking in the Generation of New Ideas, first published in 1967 in England and now available in paperback from Avon Books, October 1971, 95c.

Huna Research Associates have always been interested in new ideas. Max was a master of ideas and his brilliant mind was capable of examining and working with any idea. HRA’s of long standing are aware of the fantastic scope of his investigation in the search for Truth. When he found an idea, he had a unique ability to express it in clear, simple terms. I never cease to be amazed at this. Max Freedom Long was a lateral thinker in discovering the Truth wherever it might be found and a vertical thinker in tracing that Truth to its logical conclusions. “The capacity of the mind to generate new ideas and new ways of looking at things is the basis of progress.” It was this capacity that enabled Max to discover the secrets of Huna.

What De Bono means by “lateral thinking” is made immediately clear by an analogy: “Vertical thinking digs the same hole deeper; lateral thinking is concerned with digging a hole in another place.” He points out that “lateral thinking is a definite and deliberate way of using the mind” and it is the purpose of the book to demonstrate this thesis. What our mind does without conscious direction is vertical thinking. But this may be haphazard and ineffectual — or carefully planned for best advantage. Lateral thinking must be deliberate or it will be entirely inactive. “The difference between lateral and vertical thinking is that with vertical thinking logic is in control of the mind, whereas with lateral thinking logic is at the service of the mind… Lateral thinking is a matter of awareness and practice — not revelation.” It is apparent that vertical thinking is the operation of the low self; only the middle self can produce lateral thinking (aided by insight from the High Self) and this must be actively and deliberately sought. It does not just happen.

De Bono uses a series of graphic illustrations with accompanying discussion to depict examples of lateral thinking. This section must be read in toto to appreciate it and the book is highly recommended. The author points out four procedures for bringing lateral thinking into operation:

  1. Recognition of dominant or polarizing ideas
  2. The search for different ways of looking at things
  3. relaxation of the rigid control of vertical thinking; and
  4. The use of chance

“One technique for avoiding the rigidity of words is to think in terms of visual images and not use words at all… It is a habit well worth acquiring, for visual images have a fluidity and plasticity that words can never achieve.” This is an important statement for the practical use of Huna. In visualizing the precise outcome that we desire to accomplish by means of the Ha Rite Prayer, we must be on guard against ideas indicated by the words or thoughts which we do not want to come about. Visualization may be our most difficult accomplishment.

“Everyone has the right to doubt everything as often as he pleases, and the duty to do it at least once… The need to be right at every stage and all the time is probably the biggest bar there is to new ideas.” This is the great problem of rigid dogma, leading to fixations and blocked channels of communication. Any “truth” should stand up under honest doubt. But when visualization is sought for the use of prayer action, then doubt must be put aside. If the words we use conjure up memories of unanswered “prayers” in the past, or suggest guilt feelings from fixations caused by misguided dogmas from our previous experiences, our visualization become distorted and the contact is broken. The search for Truth never really stops, especially when you feel that you have found it. If crystallized into a dogma that must not be examined, Truth may be lost. Every stage in the search cannot be completely correct.

“Pouncing on an idea as soon as it appears kills the idea…. It may be better to run the risk of harbouring occasional perpetual motion fantasies than to risk scouring out all manner of useful ideas through the vigorous use of logic at too early a stage. It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong than to be always right by having no ideas at all… A new idea does not need to be moulded, it can be watched and followed as it grows and temporarily neglected when it does not.” Part of the great “secret” of HUNA is to let go after the prayer action has been made. Express thanks that it is being accomplished. Continue the same prayer picture — but don’t continually check to see how it is coming along or to see whether you like the method of answering the prayer. Pray for the outcome — but don’t try to decide how the High Self will bring it to fruition. Checking at every step is like digging up the seed, once planted, to see whether it is growing properly. Once the seed is planted, leave it alone and let it grow naturally.

The author points out the value of play in allowing chance to provide new ideas to look at. “Play is probably the ideal method. It must, however, be true purposeless play without design and direction… Playing around is an experiment with chance — The apparent uselessness of play naturally discourages people from playing. Vertical thinkers are ashamed to play, but the only shameful thing is the inability to play.”

There is one main idea that this book will present to the HRA and that makes it worth reading. Stay in contact with the High Self, so that those flashes of insight and ideas can be impressed upon you and you can receive them and act upon them. The idea of using lateral thinking — deliberately contacting the High Self by the action of the middle self through the low self — reminds me of one of the important ideas I always try to call to the attention of all my students: Serendipity. To that word (meaning the accidental discovery of something important, when you are not looking for it) I add “deliberate”. We must deliberately place ourselves in situations that will allow Serendipity to occur. De Bono says the same thing: we must expose ourselves “deliberately to a multitude of stimulants by wandering around a place that is full of things which would not be deliberately sought out… Nothing is deliberately looked for, but instead of a searching attitude there is a readiness to consider anything that attracts the attention.” This is in addition to specific prayer action, of course. This is the continuing contact with the High Self, keeping the line open for Guidance when it is needed.

There are other ideas in this book. I will mention only one other startling statement, the more disturbing to me as a college professor because of its verity: “AT NO POINT IN ORTHODOX EDUCATION ARE LATERAL THINKING HABITS DEVELOPED.” It has always been one of the purposes of the HRA to provide a setting for lateral thinking among its members — i.e., the perfect harmony of the three selves, working closely together to bring about a better future for ourselves and for the whole world.

The idea of the value of play leads me to the second of the books: HIGH PLAY, Turning On Without Drugs, The Edgar Cayce Approach, by Harmon Hartzell Bro., Paperback Library, November, 1971, $1.25. The list of titles of paperback books on the Cayce material continues to grow. I have read most of them and have found many exciting ideas. The list of publications for members of the Association for Research and Enlightenment is even more impressive. Frankly, I was beginning to tire of some of the popularized discussions, consisting mainly of undigested quotations from the readings, at times. Consequently, when I first saw Dr. Bro’s book, I did not even buy it. Later I felt a strong urge to return to the bookstore and when I got there, this book immediately caught my attention again. As it turns out, this is an excellent book, perhaps the best of those based on the work of Edgar Cayce. Dr. Bro is well qualified to write on this subject. He is a psychotherapist with a PhD, from the University of Chicago. His specialization has been the study of dreams and other altered states of consciousness (see DREAMS IN THE LIFE OF PRAYER, EDGAR CAYCE ON DREAMS, and EDGAR CAYCE ON RELIGION AND PSYCHIC EXPERIENCE). He is one of the few persons alive today who heard Edgar Cayce give some five hundred psychic readings.

Dr. Bro frequently refers to Cayce’s readings, but develops some exciting and thought-provoking ideas, using the references judiciously and not unassimilated. He refers to contacting the Higher Self. “In summary, when play is present in turned-on work, love, study, recreation, or worship, it has the ‘features of doubleness, openness, total engagement, spontaneity, and objectivity…’ Translated into the metaphor of play, what the trance-speaking Cayce outlined was a distinction between high play and low play. Such high play would be co­creating with one’s fellows and the rest of the Creative Forces, from the footing made easier by the stepping-stones (talents, interests, opportunities). And low play would be falling over one’s stumbling blocks (fears, doubts, compulsions, hardships), which slowed down all games of love, work, study or worship.”

The first and crucial feature of high play would be productivity (in De Bono’s terms, “Lateral thinking generates ideas”). Yet to remain high play and not slip into compulsion, productiveness must remain open to puzzlement, to astonishment, to surprise — all essential to the spirit of play. A well-known news commentator says that he “tries to stay surprised enough at life” that he will not overlook some insight that will enable him to do his work more effectively. “In a word, high play is creating. Only as what one touches becomes or produces more than when he found it has he been at high play. At some point an intuition occurs to him. He has an IDEA of an everlasting and dumbfounding unfolding about what his play is all about.” The reorientation to optimum creativity discussed in this book and the lateral thinking of De Bono are in effect the discovery of the High Self. Early in the book Dr. Bro makes a statement that summarizes the approach of the book, probably of the A.R.E. also, and which might well epitomize the future direction of our own HRA: “The best response to the stimulus of Cayce’s work would not be simply to quote him, but to live out in one’s own life whatever he found of value from Cayce for his service and atunement.”

The last half of HIGH PLAY presents five inner and five outer approaches to high play. These approaches are not separate and distinct methods of achieving high play, but they merge into each other. I shall summarize them with excerpts from the book itself.


  1. Fasting. “The effort to be creative, to gain insight, to stand quietly before the reality of a situation, must be made in a set which allows for the Surpriser, for the One who was shaping all games before the players were called forth. Otherwise the deep contemplation in fasting becomes graceless fixation, as the force of having startled the body with a new regime is met and directed by the force of trying to have one’s own way, and only that, in a problem taken up while fasting… Fasting without celebration is a meal without wine, a greeting without an embrace, an interrupted song.” Fasting per se is rarely beneficial. But if it is needed as a physical stimulus to convince the low self that you really are sincere and deserve the answer you seek, it can be a help — especially, when fasting occurs spontaneously as you become intent upon the prayer action.
  1. Meditation. “Whenever meditation has been regularly practiced… it has required a whole-souled turning of the being Godward… Cayce urged such regular meditating for everyone, not as a pious exercise nor a leisure-time luxury, but as a necessity for the best of daily high play… As an activity, meditation is not complete until the discharge into insight and action occurs.” Meditation keeps the mind on basic principles and keeps the low self on his toes — and ready to carry out the orders of the middle self. GROWING INTO LIGHT is a tremendously valuable aid to meditation.
  1. Dreams. “Dreams are an indispensable means for every man’s self-knowledge and self­ transformation, as well as for guidance in his daily affairs… No event of importance occurs to anyone which is not in some measure first previewed in a dream.” Ordinarily dreams are activities of the low self, but flashes of light may come from the High Self, when the three selves are working in harmonious relationship.
  1. Reverie. “An enduring and taxing group bond seems required for the most promising reverie efforts… which must be carefully prepared and followed up. The purpose is not merely colorful experiences, for not novelty or intensity, but closure with the One in order to be a channel, marks the way of high play.” Group experiences offer possibilities for results that sometimes never are accomplished alone.
  1. Finding the Life Form — “the inward, purposeful pattern” of one’s existence, discovering a person’s true “individuality” with God, his “seed design.”


  1. The Covenanting Group. “There must be enough task orientation in any group to accomplish a minimum of housekeeping, or order, or specifying agenda. And there must be enough person orientation in any group to sustain a minimum of morale, as well as to generate leadership and fellowship. This bipolarity in all group life is carried on by each group’s combining of a corporate set, to accomplish appointed or chosen tasks, and a covenantal set, to build members and improve their ways of growing together… For the two sets require each other, to keep shared life in that vital balance which produces optimum co-creating in high play all around.” Braiding the aka cords — as Max reminded us so many times — strengthens our vital forces and enables us to accomplish prayer actions with much greater success.
  1. Making and Marketing an Opus. “What is required for the creation, development, and final marketing for consumption of a man-sized opus, whether it be a concert or a crusade, a love affair or an insurance company, a manual or a machine, a political party or a cocktail party, is wedding the best of consciousness with the best of the unconscious — in its transpersonal vestments from far inward realms.” When two agree (low and middle selves) great things can be accomplished, for then the High Self can be contacted and the three can work together.
  1. Studying an Idea. “The idea studied must be an organizing idea, one capable of application or use as analogy in several settings… Ultimately, it takes all of a man to think a big thought to the end where he can use it in new ways; he is not the same man, structurally or dynamically, after he has worked the idea into his daily affairs and soberest reflections, that he was when he began… The truly mind-altering idea has consequences, not just corollaries.”
  1. Trying Psi. “Psychic ability seemed to the trance-counseling Edgar Cayce to be the birth-right of every soul, as natural as breathing when not impeded by poor stress and set… What makes the risk of cultivating psi so great is the scarcity of Western lore and practice for its use. Psi in any walk of life appears to be a fulfillment of creativity, an extra amplitude to the waves of earnest effort in the best one knows, rather than a shortcut to any achievement.”
  1. The Politics of Love. “The thrust of the politics of love must be toward building the best of each person. To take up the politics of love is to look for the God-ignited fire of creativity in another, in the stranger and even in the enemy, though that fire be only a spark burning behind much rubbish… The man who renounces his own delights and visions in order to be a full co­creator with others is surely the one who practices to the end the politics of love.”

Miss Ethel Doherty is fine and may be reached by mail at the Golden Age Convalescent Center, 304 N. Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92083.


had intended to write this column. (I left out that word “imaginary” this time, after being quickly reminded that if all the stamps, envelopes, and especially the cost of the reprints are to be paid, Cigbo must indeed be a Reality.) Cigbo ‘lows as how he’d like to have his former Boss back — and so would we all! — and reminds me what a big decision it was for him to move all the way from California to Texas — and just when he was making friends with Auntie Wild Cat, moved on to Missouri. Auntie Wild Cat had to stay in Fort Worth, but keeps in touch by letter and telephone. Cigbo was careful to bring with him the Cigar Box from Former Boss’s Study — but at first all that was inside was a lucky dime, a trusty pendulum, a four-leaf clover, and a 5c “Military Payment Certificate” (which no store around here would take for payment on ANYTHING!). Cigar-Box-Scratching was much easier after the first letters began to come in — then became fast and furious when all the bills came in! Cigbo keeps having to remind New Boss to go easy on the Cigar Box — even though all the Aunties and Uncles of the HRA have sent in all sorts of DEWS to wet his paws — and he is most grateful to those who sent in a little extra for Catnip. HOW-SOME-EVER, where-with all the new printing projects and the current Newsletter and the usual scratching for stamps and envelopes — and don’t forget the new plastic binding equipment for the HRA Reprints — that Cigar Box is still in need of where-with-all. So a reminder from Cigbo — keep writing, and when you do, enclose a stamp or stamped envelope — or say you don’t need a reply — and don’t fail to put your full name and address in every letter. “Slip a Little Catnip,” sings Cigbo, as he busies himself with the addressing machine — “Slip a Little Catnip into an envelope for the Cigar Box.” And what is even more important (and more beneficial to you in return) is to SEND IN YOUR ORDERS for the HRA Reprints. And as a SPECIAL THANK-YOU in advance, Cigbo is sending each one of you with this Newsletter a reprint of a Christmas letter sent out many years ago by Max himself, and by this means also Dolly and I join Cigbo in wishing each one of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Full justice could be done to the many interesting letters only by printing all of them in full. That would make a very thick book every month. All letters are appreciated and enjoyed very much — even answered, eventually if not immediately. Special notice must be given to long-time HRA Lana M. Fine of Los Angeles (she notes that her initials are the same as MFL’s, only rearranged) for many delightful and informative letters, as she gives suggestions for the most efficient way to carry on the regular HRA work. As a Special HRA Consultant, she has become a third in the working triangle of HRA workers. Her effective silent Huna work gives us strong support daily and she assists also with special requests which come to our attention. Many thanks, Lana, for the Fine work you are doing!

  •  We are very fortunate also to have HRA’s George & Alice Dashiell in Escondido, California, as virtual trustees of the Huna work, and our only contact at present close to Vista. They report an enjoyable and inspiring visit with Dolly and the Library.
  • New HRA Esther Howarth of St. Petersburg, Florida, has joined with me in working on preliminary materials for the correspondences course, and other HRA’s have offered to help and will form an Editorial Committee as the course progresses.
  • HRA William R. Glover of North Carolina has donated to HRA the manuscript of a series of lectures totaling 160 pages which constitute a course in itself. He worked with Max in rewriting the regular taped lectures for presentation to a more general audience. This could be another printing project if sufficient interest is expressed in it.
  • I received more inquiries than expected about obtaining copies of the Andrews Hawaiian Dictionary. I learned from HRA John B. Steiger that he had made a microfilm copy of it and had given it to Riley H. Crabb, Borderland Sciences Research Associates, Box 548, Vista, CA 92083. Riley has written to Dolly that he could have Xerox copies made from the microfilm (2 pages to a sheet) at an estimated cost of $35.00. This is a very reasonable price. We appreciate Riley’s willingness to make this available, since it saves us the cost of making a microfilm and trying to get copies made. You should of course write directly to Riley Crabb for more exact figures on the cost and postage requirements.
  • Mrs. Verne L. Cameron sent information on the Aurameter and informs us that this professional instrument is still available with instructions book for $50. Write to her at Route 2, Box 526, Elsinore, CA 92330. (The book is available separately for $3.00.)
  • HRA Mrs. E. B. Burgett, Flagstaff, Arizona writes: “I do have one predominating thought: Emphasis on our individual High Selves — leaving what Max termed Ultimate God where it belongs — in the unknown and unknowable. To really know one’s ‘George’ and ‘Utterly Trustworthy Parental Spirit’ has been and is the joy of my life; and in reverse, to lay aside the idea of a paternalistic man-God is such a relief.”
  • HRA Pat Brawand, Forence, Oregon (who had the Portland Group previously): “My family and I have learned much from Huna and will continue to use it because it is the only logical way. We feel very grateful that we were able to know and correspond with Max… I know when the time is right, the opportunity will present itself for a new group… We don’t question the High-Selves, we only follow the Guidance we ask for.”
  • LaVona Jones, Las Vegas, Nevada: “Max Freedom Long — he seems to have anticipated my every question and the answers are given as or even before they come into mind, or just a few pages later on. It is fantastic and I feel such intunement. I can’t begin to explain it.”
  • HRA Gene Weber of Hillsdale, N. J.: “You asked me how I came to Huna. It was a long journey. I was always ‘seeking’ and went thru Science of Mind, Rosicrucianism and Baron Ferson’s Science of Being, before finding an invitation in the back of one of Max’s books, to write to him. That was the beginning of my real understanding. The thing that kept me searching was the knowledge that there was something. I had had several early experiences, plus a healing of my own. And during the time I tried to study with the Rosicrucians, I experienced the ‘vibrations’ which we call mana. So there were always positive indications that I was on the right track. Huna changed my life, and I am a different person than I was five years ago.”
  • HRA Mrs. Fannie Woods, Pittsford, Vt.: “I have been an HRA for a long time… I am 83 on Oct. 20 this year, still in strangely good health. I feel that Huna had a great part in lifting me over a crisis time in my life. I have tried to spread the good news wherever I found any interest. I will be adding my mite to the prayer hour and love and blessings for Max.”
  • HRA Gaye Meredan, Sydney, Australia: “I am very glad that you are emphasizing the practical side of the work. Your suggestion of a correspondence course in Huna is my top priority choice of your list. My views on this subject are partly explained in H.V. 96, pages 8, 9, & 10. It is a transcription of part of a letter that I wrote to Max on the subject of starting Huna groups… Getting started (on anything) is the big thing — especially for women & indeed for busy men, too. To find a good way for people to start to use Huna is, to my mind, the main Principle. (And then later, to realize that some second wind is needed when the lull arrives, as it will, inevitably.)”
  • HRA Norman Wharewi Alford, Te Wairoa, New Zealand: “I have been closely following Huna for some years and it is amazing where you strike it. I have quite a substantial library and in reading Paul Brunton’s book Inside Secret Egypt it reveals there the Huna all through and Paul’s account of meeting famous people in Cairo such as adepts… I tell our Maori people that the Hula Dance should not be used as a method of entertainment — being a Sacred Symbol of the Tohungas and Ka-Hunas for prayer to the Aumakuas in entwining ‘aka threads.’ Note here in New Zealand when Maoris get excited they say “Ka Hari Katoa Taku Ngakau” meaning “My stomach is all excited” (emotional). Our stomachs get excited too in a very different way and we get ulcers from wrong emotions. Have you thought that the Chinese method of using needles that are caused to vibrate in what they call acupuncture for human ailments and cannot be explained by our science is that at these places or spots used is the point of entry of mana governing the particular organ!”

Until our next visit, remain In Huna Light, E. Otha Wingo

TMHG Prayer Time continues at 7 P.M. (PST), 8 P.M. (MST), 9 P.M. (CST), and 10 P.M. (EST). Several requests for help have come in and reports of good results are very encouraging: All members are invited to join in braiding the aka cords, for specific requests which come in to the Study or to the Library, for your own needs, and for the general needs of all the people of the world.



Two feature stories have appeared recently in Fort Worth area newspapers. The Library pictures in this issue are from the article in the Everman Times, September 28, 1972, published by Millie Carey, friend of Dolly and of HRA. I had the privilege of meeting Millie when I was visiting in Fort Worth. These pictures will at least give you a hint of how the Library looks. Max’s picture sits on a ten-foot, ornately carved teak wood altar table, barely visible in the photograph. In the upper right corner, you see the famous Tarpey TMHG meditation painting of pine trees. Dolly has done a wonderful job of making this room lovely and appropriate to its unusual contents. As most of you know, the Library is located in the home of Morton and Dolly Ware, 1501 Thomas Place, Fort Worth, Texas. Believe me, no amount of expense or loving care was spared in making this Library a suitable memorial to Max Freedom Long. The other feature story appeared in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on October 30 and had a very attractive picture of Dolly with part of the Library in the background. This article focused on Dolly personally, but the Library is described briefly.

Greetings and a Very Merry X-mas:


X no longer stands for the unknown quality. It stands for every good thing, SO I wish you Xtra happiness this X-mas and Xtra Joy, with Xactly the gifts which will Xalt your spirits. I wish you mild Xcitement and things to Xclaim over as you take them down from your tree. I wish you Xceptiomally good health and the Xpediting and Xpansion of a ll your planned Xploits. May your years be Xtended and your troubles Xtirpated so that you will have continuous reason to Xult in an Xtraox dinarily XTRAVAGANT way. “X” marks a warm spot in my heart for you of course.

Again we are remembering the natal day of a great kahuna who comforted his disciples and gave them his finest gift, saying, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.” In the code “language of the Secret”, the word for “peace” is malu-hia, meaning from its roots, “The SECRET + to think”. He gave them the gift of Huna to hold and think upon that they might have peace of mind. This “peace” is also ours. Let us share it together.
My warmest X-mas Aloha,



You now have AN UNEXPECTED OPPORTUNITY to obtain a copy of RECOVERING THE ANCIENT MAGIC, the very first book of Max Freedom Long, This book was published in London in 1936 and became immediately out-of-print and rare when the publishing house and all but a few copies were destroyed. I have located 60 copies of a reprinted edition, made also in England, and have arranged to purchase the entire stock and make them available to Huna Research Associates. These are beautifully printed and bound in blue cloth, with all the original illustrations. This is the first time the book has been available for OVER THIRTY YEARS, with very few exceptions when a copy turned up in a rare book dealer’s list at a high price. Although it will take several weeks for these copies to arrive from England, please reserve your copy now by sending an order. Not only will this insure that you will get a copy, but advance orders will be especially helpful to CIGBO, who must somehow come up with a large amount of “catnip” to pay for these in advance. PRICE is $15.00 each.

There is another part of this negotiation that may interest some of you. Not only are there 60 bound copies, but I am buying 100 unbound copies. If you want a copy at less cost, the unbound copies can be ordered for $9.00 (these could be punched and put into a loose-leaf binder) or I can add a heavy paper cover and plastic comb binding for $1.00 extra. Later it may be possible to send the remaining copies off to the bindery for a more durable cloth binding, which will cost approximately $5.00 per copy.


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