HUNA RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, 126 Camellia Drive, Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701 USA
May 1, 1978
Dear Huna Research Associates:
You will notice a different type of “stamp” for this mailing — the imprint for our non-profit organization mailing permit! (Only used for U.S. members.) The Post Office approved our application shortly after the last Newsletter, but in time for a large mailing of flyers giving information on the Huna Seminar. This is third class mail, instead of our usual first class. But this change has been necessary because of ever increasing cost of postage (and other supplies). We’ll try to adjust our schedule to allow more time for the Huna Vistas to reach you. The cost is considerably less than first class, and this enables us to keep the membership dues at a low ten dollars a year.
SPEAKING OF MEMBERSHIP DUES — Please check your membership card for the RENEWAL DATE! See if it is time for sending in your dues, or if by chance, the date has already passed! Previously we sent individual reminders with the Huna Vistas. However, the postal code requires all pieces of mail at our new permit rate to be exactly the same, so we cannot include a reminder in only certain addresses and not others.
At least for this time, we will ask you to SEND IN YOUR DUES at the time stated on your MEMBERSHIP CARD, or as close to that time as possible, without waiting for a notice from Cigbo. All memberships extend for one year from the time you first became a member. This means that most of the HRAs have different renewal times! Gets a bit tedious here at Headquarters to sort out all those file cards and make up the reminders!
So, please make it a point to check your membership card; see if you are one of those who should have sent in dues on January 1st; or perhaps your expiration date is just coming up. We’ll appreciate your cooperation!
Dues rates are the same as last year: $10 for individuals; $5 for a second member of the same household (only one mailing sent).
If you do not have on file at Headquarters a Membership Information Form, write to ask for one and help us serve you better.
Recovering The Ancient Magic
by Max Freedom Long
Many of you know the story of RECOVERING THE ANCIENT MAGIC — how it was a rare book almost immediately after it was published in 1936. The book company (in London) was bombed and the book and plates destroyed. This valuable source of information was never widely distributed. It was 12 years before SSBM appeared. In 1973 a very small edition was published in England and purchased outright by Huna Research Associates. Because of the high cost of the small printing and the freight charges from England, even these copies had to be sold at very high prices.
Now, for the first time, RECOVERING THE ANCIENT MAGIC is available in an inexpensive, quality paperback edition. It is done under our new HUNA PRESS imprint. The work is being done for us by a firm in Wisconsin and we hope to have it ready in time to take copies to the Huna Seminar in Ottawa. Therefore, the publication date has been given as June 25th. A pre-publication price has been set, so that anyone who wishes a copy may order before that date and receive it at a reduced price. If you cannot attend the Huna Seminar, you can still take advantage of the pre- publication price, by making sure your orders are postmarked AT LEAST by June 25, 1978.
PLEASE NOTE that copies will not be shipped until after June 25th. The publishing schedule calls for completing the book in the middle of June, and you should allow time for them to be shipped to you some time after we return from Ottawa.
It is important that we have early orders, in order to have funds for the final payments to the printer.
PRICE: $6.50 (which is $5.95 + 55¢ for shipping) after June 25, 1978. PRE-PUBLICATION PRICE: $5.00 postpaid (only for orders postmarked on or before June 25, 1978. See enclosed flyer with coupon.
The Huna seminar in Ottawa promises to be one of the most outstanding events in the history of the Huna work! Interest is high, as many HRAs write to tell us that they are planning to attend. If you cannot come, you will be able to order tapes later, and there will be reports in future Newsletters. The teaching staff of the seminar is outstanding. Three keynote speakers (including Isabel M. Hickey, Andrija Puharich, and EOW), and NINE workshop leaders! From the information I have had from a number of these, the big problem will be deciding which of the many workshops to attend. The dates are June 23-25, 1978, at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. A packet of information can still be sent, if you have just heard about it; or if you have decided to rearrange your plans to fit the seminar into your summer travel. For last minute information, telephone Jim Marshall: (613) 828-6522 or
(613) 820-0318, or Julius Huska: (613) 224-7458. These are in Ottawa.