HUNA RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, 126 Camellia Drive, Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701 USA
October – December, 1977
Dear Huna Research Associates:
Our SPECIAL GREETINGS to all of you at this season of combined holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day). May the spirit of Thanksgiving and Christmas continue throughout the New Year. Joining me in this greeting are Dolly Ware and Will McClure, and of course Cigbo himself, who sends his own “Shristmust” letter on the back of the green sheet. (It was first sent to HRAs in 1951.)
1978 HUNA SEMINAR. Dr. Andrija Puharich, M.D., will be one of the keynote speakers at the Huna Seminar, June 23-25, 1978. Dr. Puharich, who was formerly senior research scientist at the New York University Medical Center and president and director of research of Intelectron Corp., has done extensive research into parapsychology, particularly on healers and healing. He holds A.D., M.B., and M.D. degrees from Northwestern University and is a member of numerous professional groups including the New York Academy of Sciences; Aerospace Medical Association and American Society for Cybernetics. He is the author of over two dozen articles and several books, including a book about Uri Geller and Beyond Telepathy, which has become a classic in the field of parapsychology from a scientific viewpoint.
Along with Isabel M. Hickey, a world famous speaker and teacher from Boston, and Dr. Puharich, there will be several workshop leaders, including Margaret R. Mourn, Ed and Olga Tavares, Dolly Ware, Bill Finch, Dorothy Marshall, and Phyllis Corwin.
Keep the dates open. Full details of program and specific information about fees and accommodations will be given as soon as details are available. A registration form w ill be mailed to everyone. The place is Carleton University, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
NUMBERING OF NEWSLETTERS will resume with this issue. We omitted numbers from the last two. To avoid confusion, all mailings will be given sequential numbers, whether in Newsletter or Research Bulletin format. Thus, the June 1977 Newsletter should have been #22 (249), and the last Newsletter was #23 (250), for July-Sept. 1977. The parenthesized number is the sequence of publications from 1948.
BACK ISSUES OF BULLETINS AND HUNA VISTAS. We announced last time the availability of full sets of HRA Bulletins and Huna Vistas at a cost of $300 complete (approximately 3,000 pages). Since the project requires nearly FIFTY HOURS of copying, we had to work under a deadline for orders. Two orders were received. While copying the two sets, we are making THREE ADDITIONAL SETS, since this can be done with minimum amount of additional time. Thus we avoid the necessity of spending another fifty hours at the copying machine. The extra sets will be available IMMEDIATELY at the same price. (Either series may be ordered for $150 each.)
The wealth of information in these bulletins is hard to describe. Perhaps the reprinted issue included in this Newsletter will give you a hint. Several have asked the obvious question: how can we know what is included in the back issues; how do we know whether we are interested?
There is no comprehensive list of contents for the entire set. However a complete index is being prepared and will be sent to all who order the set. Also, we found eighteen scattered pages, listing contents of the first 92 issues of the HRA Bulletins (there are 124 issues in all). If you wish us to copy these, so that you can have an idea of the contents, send $1.00 to cover part of the cost of the sheets. Also, the index for Huna Vistas is 20 pages; although not listed in order of the issues, it could give some idea of what is contained in these. Send $1.00 for a copy. Refundable, if you order a set.
By: Will McClure
With so many different schools of meditation exalting their own particular technique, the objective of meditation has become quite confusing. The astonishing thing is that they all would have you believe there is one outstanding method for everyone and that it just happens to be theirs. However, few make any attempt to explain what actually transpires on the different levels of consciousness. Many don’t even fully understand their own technique, concealing their bewilderment in mysticism. While a few do incorporate a form of breathing as a focal point, they seem to have little knowledge of its vital role in turning the wheels of thought.
HRA has never promoted any one method of meditation, because it is considered an individual experience and each person should choose what works best for him. Nonetheless, the vast amount of diverse material has only compounded the subject to the point that we must look to Huna for some clarification.
Through Huna we learn that all life on earth begins with mana. For man, this mana is extracted from the environment by the subconscious self through the food, water, and air we consume. By the process of metabolism, the physical components are then transformed into the force which enables the low self to perform its functions of controlling bodily processes, operating the psyche, registering the external world through the five senses, storing and recalling memories, and deductive reasoning.
The conscious, middle self also requires a charge of mana in order to function. It obtains this energy from the low self, stepping it up to its grade of mana-mana to use in inductive reasoning and as “will power” in controlling and teaching the low self.
And, of course, the high self must likewise have a portion of this mana to empower it with the ability to bring our desires into reality on the physical plane.
Each level of consciousness has its specific functions and to recognize and integrate them into our daily lives is our goal as HRAs. Then the individual can begin to understand himself more fully and learn to function properly, experiencing “normal living” to its fullest extent.
The expression “There are so many prominent methods of meditation that I just don’t know where to begin” seems to be commonplace nowadays. For those searching for various techniques to experiment with, Dr. Lawrence LeShan, a noted psychologist, has an excellent book entitled How to Meditate. He classifies most current methods of meditation into “structured” and “unstructured,” giving not only specific instructions on how to do them, but also telling what to expect while experiencing them.
For the convenience of identifying the present methods of meditation in our investigation, we shall subdivide them into three general classifications. Using Huna as our criterion on the mechanics of thinking, let’s examine them one by one and see what comes to “light” on the different levels of consciousness.
- ACTIVE: The mind is focused upon an idea. The idea could be any specific purpose from physical to abstract; a bodily function; trying to pierce the esoteric meaning of a mandala or The Lord’s Prayer; inspirational writing; or the Prayer/Action.
At the levels of consciousness, the middle self is drawing up mana from the low self and converting it to mana-mana. This potentized energy is then used to focus the middle self on the idea, while exerting “will power” to direct the low self. With the co-operation of the low self in hand, the connected memories can then be recalled at one’s discretion, allowing the meditator to concentrate fully on the desired idea.
- INTERMEDIATE: The mind is held relatively empty, but when an idea does come to the mind, it is contemplated. This approach is what some of the books refer to as “reverie.” It can be beneficial in picking up psychic impressions from the low self, such as finding a lost object, trying to recall an irretrievable memory, or receiving telepathic messages.
In this method the middle self is no longer in control, but detached. Since there is no “will power,” the low self is free to roam and bring up memories at random. They can either be pondered or discarded by the middle self.
An excellent example of this method is self-suggestion. By way of the middle self we create a thought-form of our request and implant it in the low self. This part of the procedure is actually the Active type, but then we release the middle self, allowing the low self to perform its function of manipulating the aka cords. In this receptive frame of mind the low self can carry out our bidding and send the requested information up into consciousness.
- PASSIVE: The mind and all senses are shut down and silence is maintained. This is a neutral type of meditation, the main purpose of which appears to be relaxation.
Again, the middle self is drawing mana up from the low self and converting it to mana-mana. This energy enables the middle self to focus on clearing the mind, while exerting “will power” on the low self to control it and force it to remain empty. This technique may often blend with the Active, but there is a distinction, since the objective is to clear the mind instead of meditating on an idea.
Many schools of meditation which advocate this approach employ a tool such as a mantra or a burning candle as a device for maintaining this state of mind. If an intruding thought enters the mind, the tool is simply used as a focal point for bringing the meditator’s attention back to silence.
So, Huna not only gives a few insights into the mechanics of meditation, but also discloses how a breathing technique will aid the meditator in attaining the best results from any method used. On the low self level, an increase of mana will sharpen the awareness of the senses, improve the psyche and memory as well as all the low self functions. Since the middle self also requires this energy to operate, it will likewise enhance the ability to concentrate, create mental images and strengthen the “will power” in directing the low self. In short, mana is the key to all of our worldly activities. Incorporating a form of breathing into the meditation will actually put the aspirant more in touch with the world around him (whereas many schools of thought teach the objective is to withdraw from it).
There has been little detailed information uncovered concerning the breathing techniques of the kahunas. We do know that they employed the “Ha Rite,” which involved slow, deep breaths and the concept of “four.” From this we can surmise a technique of slow, deep breathing centered around a four-beat rhythm. It should be comfortable and relaxing. At first the attention will converge on the cadence, but with practice the rhythm and influx of mana can become habitual. Yogi Ramacharaka has an instructive little book called Science of Breath which contains a number of breathing techniques worth trying. It is also a gold mine of little tidbits on life and mana, or prana.
The importance of mana is not only overlooked in meditation, but in all phases of life. We naturally knew how to breathe properly as infants. But because we didn’t understand the role of mana, the awareness of our respiratory system has deteriorated until we have slid off into the habit of shallow breathing. When the “white man” came to the Islands, the Hawaiians called them haoles, meaning “one without breath.” In our Reich studies we found that the first step Dr. Reich took in treating patients was to make them more aware of their breathing. He showed them how to expand all the chest muscles to bring in more of the valuable “life energy” (Orgone).
Max Freedom Long wrote a number of articles on mana which appeared in the earlier bulletins. Some of these have been published in the HRA Reprint, Mana, or Vital Force. This little book of forty-one pages is packed full of information from his personal experiments through his many years of research. Highly recommended!
In the light of Huna, meditation becomes a method of integrating the different levels of consciousness. As HRAs, our goal is to integrate the three selves not only in meditation, but in every phase of our daily lives. Therefore, meditation should not be a separate, little experience, but something we strive for in all our activities. This is not to imply that meditative techniques are not beneficial. They are. But they are only the beginning. Just as we must begin to break the habit of shallow breathing with a conscious effort of a more complete breath, meditative techniques can likewise be that conscious effort which places us on the path to becoming a “whole person.” This harmony should extend over into such things as solving a problem at work, reading a book, playing or listening to music, writing, telepathy, etc. Even relaxation involves a form of meditation, or in other words, the natural integration of the three selves.
Book Review:
Puharich, Andrija, Beyond Telepathy. Anchor Press/Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 1973; xv + 340 pp., index; paperback, $2.95. First published in 1962, this book is described as “one of the very best books available on the subject of psychical research.” More explicitly, as stated in the Introduction, “Andrija Puharich has written a book that is devoted to the material manifestations of the power of psychic energy.” Such a book should be of considerable interest to students of Huna and its version of psychic energy, mana.
Dr. Puharich, a neurologist, “brilliantly and lucidly marshals the evidence for a Nuclear Psi Entity in man in the form of Psi Plasma which, he maintains, can exist independently of the physical body.” In a technical section, the author analyzes the biological, physiological and psychological conditions leading to the control of Psi Plasma.
His purpose, he says, is “to relate the facts of mind to the facts of biology and physics.” The presentation is coherent and scholarly, moving methodically from beginning to end. And that is how the book must be read, carefully from the beginning; you cannot skim or skip around. But it is still quite readable.
Telepathic receptivity is described physiologically as a state of Cholinergia, i.e., the parasympathetic nervous system is activated and an increased amount of acetylcholine is released into the nervous system. Relaxation, trance, and sleep are examples of this state. It is enhanced, for example, by an atmosphere charged with negative ions! This state can be effected by a variety of methods.
The telepathic sender is characterized by a state of Adrenergia, i.e., the sympathetic nervous system is activated by adrenalin. Strong emotion, stress, and crises are typical adrenergic situations. “It is very difficult to artificially bring on a true crisis adrenergia based on a feeling of flight, fright, or fight.”
We immediately recognize some traditional concepts of metaphysics which here appear somewhat disguised. For example, psychometry becomes “General Extrasensory Perception Networks Containing an Object as a Relay,” but that is a chapter title and does not suggest that the text is written in such inflated style. Puharich’s Psi Plasma is clearly related to Huna’s mana-charged aka. His nuclear self is analogous to the low self. The phenomenon of astral projection becomes “a nuclear mental entity with an existence separate from his physical body.” The Huna student can read such descriptions with understanding and can easily make the transition from “a mental plasma bridge” to Huna’s aka cord.
The explanation of the role of the Shaman and of the Yogi is enlightening. The chapter on “The Biological Foundations of Psi Plasma” is worthy of much study and is particularly pertinent to our study of the Life Energy (mana) as a natural component of every person.
“In general we can say that the preparatory stresses of the ritual of the irrational lead to markedly active production of the adrenocorticotropic hormone which leads to a strong and efficient organism.”
This book, by one of the principal speakers scheduled for the 1978 Huna Seminar, might be of particular interest to those to plan to attend, but is also worthy of study by all Huna students. — EOW
A young Huna student in Australia writes: “For some years I have sought answers to the basic questions and something to base faith on, as most teenagers do. As I grew I looked more and more to myself; intuitively, I knew it was the only way. I have contacted my High Self on occasions, but I believed it to be a universal-type consciousness, which we eventually become part of, and which, when a person is open to it, lends a temporary hand. I never thought that I could contact it at will or that it was really part of me. Your book [SSBM] has crystallized many things in my mind and it has given me a wonderful feeling of purpose and hope.
“I want to thank you and all the HRAs for the terrific work in rediscovering the knowledge that has given new direction to many who are seeking spiritual fulfillment. Yours faithfully, V.H.”
This letter is typical of many which come to HRA headquarters. This letter was written to Max Freedom Long and sent to the publisher, who forwarded it to us. More and more inquirers are finding HRA from one of the several books which give our address. We hear from people in need of healing of body and circumstances, people who are seeking that “something to base faith on,” people who have studied many different systems in many different schools of thought, many “teachings,” understanding what they have studied only after Huna has put it all into focus for them.
S.B. writes from Texas: “I have had extensive training in all of the above studied [mentioning no less than ten different studies, several of which she had trained to teach] — and had to study Huna to learn how to put it all together. After spending a lifetime with these studies, I believe I am qualified to make the statement that Huna is the most workable. If I had studied Huna first, I could have saved a lot of time and money. I feel that the more we study, the greater the appreciation for Huna!
A similar testimony came from L.L.E. (California): “After researching the great religions and ancient religions for 20 years, a woman loaned me SSBM and I knew I had found what I had been searching for in Huna.”
Long-time member E.S. (Oregon): “I have been interested in all subjects related to religions, the occult, etc., for as far back as I can remember. All the ‘pieces’ fell into place when I read SSBM.” She added that she found Huna through her low self.
And so the remarks go. I was most interested in reading all the comments on the members’ information forms which have been received since the last Newsletter.
We only received a small percentage of replies (about 25%), but we feel much better acquainted with those after “visiting” via the summaries. I am repeatedly impressed with the many outstanding members of HRA. Typically, an HRA member is seeking a method that works — and that will aid in helping others. HRAs are successful people, because they take charge of their own destiny. Whether finding Huna at the beginning of their search, or after many years of searching and studying, Huna offers a frame of reference that enables all these to use their knowledge and experience to help themselves and others.
Let me share a few more of the comments from members:
A.P.S. (Colorado): “Huna is a natural feeling for me. I believe it is starting to work for me. I learned about Huna from Verne Cameron’s Aqua-Video.”
D.S. (Oregon): “One of my most rewarding experiences has been raising a son with the teachings of Huna and observing his natural use of the principles in his present life as a sophomore in college.”
N.T.U. (California): “Interested in so-called supernatural phenomena from an early age, but was being led by wrong people. Some power must have stepped in and directed me to follow construction work all over the world where many phenomena were observed. Became more intrigued and started buying books on various subjects, good and bad; eliminated the bad, went into the service, U.S.N., in WW2, where several instances of ‘The One Power’ were shown me. Upon return after the war, continued accumulating more information on various types of healing, having been told that I had powers to be a channel for healing, which I am doing now. But until reading Max Freedom Long’s books, not much enthusiasm was generated. Learned of Huna through Verne Cameron, famous dowser.”
J.B.B. (California): “I ‘stumbled’ across an MFL book in the L.A. Public Library. My interest was immediate.”
F.L.B. (Philippines): “I saw SSBM in a bookstore. Interested in many related studies. One day I saw that I was ‘believing in’ one of them too much and many things were not working, and many things were not practical and could not be applied to our daily living. I tried others. I found that many of these did not work for me. Again I tried a different teaching; still something was missing. Then I read about Huna which awakened something in me and answered my questions.”
R.D.F. (California): “Through the study of Huna I believe it to be the root religion of our era and would like to work to re-insert it into the Christian and other churches.”
P.L. (Colorado): “I learned of Huna through a book, THE PATTERN OF HEALTH, which was ‘lying around” a house we had just moved into. It was literally, the answer to a prayer.”
B.O. (Texas): “I first became consciously aware of the metaphysical area of life when I took Silva Mind Control in May, 1970. Since then my interest in this area has expanded to include a study of the Unity teachings of Charles Fillmore, information from the Edgar Cayce readings, Jane Roberts’ books, Eugene Albright’s Uni-Chotometrics, Hatha Yoga and astrology. My study of Huna has just begun, but already it has helped my understanding of the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of manifesting what one desires. My experience so far has been mainly intellectual, but I am on the way to turning my belief into knowledge and wisdom. My purpose here is to serve, and I feel Huna will be more practical in bringing me closer to my goals than anything else I have studied.”
H.S.(California): “My wife and I have been trying to live a spiritual life. In Dec. 1976, I was very ill and one night in the public library, my wife suddenly went down an aisle she never went near before and her hand reached out and grabbed SSAW. We have been involved with Huna since then.” Mrs. H.S. adds: “Prior to finding SSAW I had been praying for Guidance from God — stating that I would do anything — but to please let me know what His will was for me — preferably in writing. As I walked by [in the library] my left hand reached out and pulled SSAW off the shelves. I felt as though I KNEW it before as I was reading. Though my husband had nearly died three times that month, we began to ‘heal’ him before completing the book and results began the next day.”
J.F.H. (Massachusetts): “I first became acquainted with Huna in 1972 when I heard it mentioned on a radio program dealing with things ‘occult.’ I was intrigued — for although some of my education and most of my interests are directed toward technical subjects, I have long felt that ‘magic’ could and should be scientifically investigated. “But after long study I remained unable to make the forces of ‘magick’ actually work for me. I was becoming quite discouraged with my failure — when I heard about Huna and decided to look into it. Imagine! A system of magick that gives explanations of not only how, but why.
“I found copies of Max Freedom Long’s major works, The Secret Science Behind Miracles, and The Secret Science at Work, studied them, followed the instructions as far as I was able — and started getting results! Much, I confess, to my surprise.
“But the results I’ve gotten have been sketchy — at best. I’ve had what might amount to ONE ‘big strike’ with Huna. I was able to cure my wife of a recurrent inflammation of the muscle beneath her kneecap — a condition she suffered from all her life. In 1974, when the inflammation became sufficiently bad that she couldn’t walk for three days and was constantly in terrible pain, I decided to put Huna to the BIG test. I studied an anatomy book until I had locked in my mind a picture of what a healthy muscle looked like — and healed my wife’s leg after the Huna technique of lomi lomi. She hasn’t had a relapse of the condition in nearly four years.
“Through Huna, I got a job I wanted desperately. I expect that the fact I was quite qualified for it didn’t hurt my application, either! But I was, all the same, very lucky — if in the term of ‘luck’ one is willing to include application of Huna technique! I managed against all odds to be precisely at the right place at exactly the right time.”
The concept of luck and “being in the right place at the right time” are important in light of the Huna principles. We do not limit the High Self in HOW it will bring about our desires. We simply present the exact picture of what is needed or wanted. The solution many times is the manipulation of time sequences, often through unusual or unexpected small events of everyday life, so that we are where we need to be when the opportunity is offered.
And never forget that Huna teaches us to work on ALL THREE LEVELS. The writer of the last letter did several very important things: he had a strong desire (emotional feelings included) for the particular job — he says that he wanted it “desperately.” Another thing he included was the proper PREPARATION for the job — he had made sure he was qualified for it. The results could have been very different had he not prepared himself for the desired job. And I would not preclude the chance that he still could have managed to attain the position. But he could not have been successful in a job for which he was not qualified, even if by some “hook or crook” (or successful application of a Huna prayer/action) he had managed to acquire it. Remember the Peter Principle! The entire Huna concept includes the entire picture, including the results AFTER the desire is brought into reality.
Another important principle illustrated by the writer’s experience in healing his wife’s knee is the exact working out of the desired outcome. He studied anatomy books to learn how to visualize a normal, healthy muscle. Always, we must do our “home work” in careful preparation for what we are trying to accomplish. Otherwise, when the prayer/action is presented, it is presented in a confused fashion, leaving the results to be equally confused.
There are many other comments from HRAs, both in letters and in the information file, equally as interesting and instructive as those quoted. If you like to hear of the experiences of others, we can include accounts like this in future Newsletters. — EOW
A Notable Reprint from Max Freedom Long
The article reprinted on the next ten pages is the complete issue of HUNA VISTAS published by Max Freedom Long in June, 1962. Several recent events have converged to convince me that Guidance was leading to this article.
From several readings of the previous HRA Bulletins and Huna Vistas, I have a list of important passages for future reprinting in our Newsletter. Also, I have a collection of sections for inclusion in a projected volume of excerpts (a project MFL once suggested to me). This issue stood out as an excellent unit for study, but I had not particularly planned to use it in this Newsletter until recently.
First, the many references in these early studies to those massive tomes of Gerald Massey prompted me a few years ago to acquire a complete set of the six reprinted volumes. Massey’s Egyptian studies are quoted in this article.
Then, a letter arrived from former HRA Charles W. Kenn, who had been one of MFL’s close correspondents, asking about current activities in the Huna Work. I summarized the progress of recent years in a long letter. Looking through the back issues, I found a large number of references to Mr. Kenn, including the quotations in H.V. #34.
Another aka finger pointing to this article was the offer of HRA R.H. to loan me three fascinating, but long out-of-print books on the Polynesians. When the loan copies arrived, I checked the index to the H.V.s and found a reference to one of the books, O’Brien’s MYSTIC ISLES OF THE SOUTH SEAS. It was quoted in H.V. #34 — I hope you find the entire article both enjoyable and instructive.
[Rather than re-post this long article, this link will take you to HV Bulletin #34, where you can read it in its entirety.]
Dear Aunties and Uncles (and spessully Fellow Sprinters):
ME, and boss, are sending terrible BIG LOVE & GREETINGS to all of you to have in your stockinks Shristmust Morning.
I already got a whole shelf filled with wunnerful cards from you, and boss lets me have his to stand up and bat over and chew and ammire no end – so thanks for ME and for hymn (Noel, Noel!) (Guess that was some kind of a forepaw, but try not to mind it and remember the kind part, this being the season for being kind and things.)
I hope that on Shishtmust Eve when all that “shiishing” about who 13 to get what and where It is hid on the top shelf in the crosett off the hall or In the seller or garage, Is over, you can settle down on the rug in front of your boss’s fire and sorta begin to take it easy. I’ll be thinking hard about all of you, and boss will turn on the radio and see if he can find some nice Auntie telling the story or the “Rlttlest Rangel” for ME, because that Is the story I love better as anything. Maybe you never heard it? It Is about a very small rangel about my size, and just like ME, he had a little box — undoubtedly a cigar box — and like ME all he had to offer was what he had in his box when it came time for wanting to make a terrible wunnerful kinda presink to someone who wanted terrible bad to do something wunnerful BIG to help make the world a good place for people to live. Anyway, it was the best presink of all — naturally — and the Rlttelest Rangel was all warm and happy inside — like ME and boss hopes you will all be while you wait for Sandy Claws to come down your chimnie!
BIG LOVE from CIGBO (and boss.)