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RESEARCH BULLETINResearch reports, articles and reviews on HUNA and related studies, with emphasis on the practical use of the HUNA system, for members of Huna Research Associates. |
April – June, 1976
Huna Research Associates Dr. E. Otha Wingo, Editor 126 Camellia Drive Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 |
The Max Freedom Long Library Dolly Ware, Curator 1501 Thomas Place Fort Worth, TX 76107 |
An excellent overview of the entire scope of the work in which ALBERT ROY DAVIS and WALTER C. RAWLS, JR. have been involved for many years is provided by a paper presented by Dr. Rawls in January of this year before a group in Michigan. We acknowledge the cooperation of Dr. Rawls in allowing us to print the paper.
The practical application of these studies, a matter of especial interest to Huna Research Associates, is brought into perspective by a review of Davis and Rawls’ most recent book, THE RAINBOW IN YOUR HANDS.
BIOMAGNETICS: a natural energy for mankind
The Yerkes Laboratories in Atlanta, Georgia are known throughout the world. Back in the 1930’s these laboratories were in Orange Park, Florida. Scientists came from over the world to take part in their research. They were then an extension of Yale University.
There was a young man in Orange Park with a remarkable interest and knowledge of natural science. This young man, Albert Roy Davis, had a small research laboratory in the back of his parents’ general store. Dr. Yerkes came to know Albert Roy Davis and invited him to visit the Yerkes Laboratories. Through the friendship of Dr. Yerkes, a young scientist was nurtured by Dr. Yerkes, Dr. Campbell from England, and Dr. Bingenheimer from Germany. Albert Roy Davis also worked with such persons as the son of Thomas Edison and had a correspondence with Albert Einstein and other well-known scientists. This young scientist tried a number of business ventures, quite successful, but always returned to his basic love, science. Dr. Davis received his Ph.D. degree in physics and taught physics for two years in Florida, leaving teaching to devote his full time to research. He has been a consultant to scientists, doctors, [and] companies on their problems to obtain support monies for his research. He has received more than eight honorary degrees of science for his help to others.
In 1936 Dr. Davis made a basic discovery in research that would lead to forty years of development and would astonish, shock, and upset the established scientific community.
It was a simple enough discovery, quite basic; the developments that would result and are still to come from the discovery were hardly imaginable in 1936. Dr. Yerkes advised the young scientist that he might spend most of his life in trying to have his discovery accepted — but only perseverance and patience could be his guide. Forty years later the Science of Biomagnetics is finally coming into its right before the peoples of the world, although not progressing in the United States as in other countries. My work with Dr. Davis has now been over some six years and I have seen the acceptance of Biomagnetics progress in England, Japan, Australia, India and Canada, and at a slower pace in the United States. Dr. Davis, in 1936, discovered that a magnet has TWO energies, not one energy. This was in direct opposition to the great English scientist, Maxwell, and, in fact, the accepted scientific community of physics and related sciences. Development of this discovery has proved that these two energies seem to exist in similar form in all biological systems, as well as in non-living forms. Working with magnets is necessary because these energies are harnessed in a magnet, and can be separated in near relation for separate use for desired results. What has been reproduced over and over again, thousands of times, by a number of scientists in this country and in more than eighteen foreign countries is fact and is Science — although proper recognition by the accepted scientific establishment is still forthcoming. No man so ever deserved the Nobel Prize for Physics than Dr. Albert Roy Davis. He has made one of the most outstanding scientific discoveries ever made in the history of the world.
Why has the Science of Biomagnetics not been more readily accepted? Our documentation in a book on this question would show a Watergate in Science surpassing a Watergate in Politics. Basically, the reasons are narrow-mindedness, greed, arrogance, ignorance, and bureaucracy.
In 1946 Dr. Davis wrote what we believe to be the first scientific paper on the danger of radioactive fallout. General King and Colonel Tisdale took these papers to the Atomic Energy Commission. They would not listen in 1946. The Bikini Atoll tests in 1956 finally convinced the U.S. Government. Yet it took Congressman Bennett, in 1962, to secure the Government’s acknowledgement that Dr. Davis was one of the first to recognize this danger, sixteen years after it was disclosed to our officials.
The American Medical Association reported on the Kathy Solis demonstration that magnetism would arrest cancer when magnets were kept on cancerous animals, but when the magnets were removed the cancers returned (see Prevention Magazine, February, 1973). We offered to prove to the AMA the correct use of a magnet’s energy that could permanently arrest cancer — THEY WERE NOT INTERESTED.
We mailed our cancer research discoveries in detailed form to over two hundred scientists in cancer research. We got a few “Thank-Yous” and “Keep up the work.”
Scientific advisers to the President are not familiar with basic scientific principles — as other bureaucratic scientific spokesmen — allowing them little opportunity to understand the discoveries of Dr. Davis. They are not familiar with the basic research in magnetism published by the Canadian and Russian governments.
Did you know that Paul Goddard developed the science of rocketry in the 1920’s in the United States — yet was ignored and his work was taken to Germany in the 1930’s by German scientists? Albert Einstein is still not believed by perhaps half of the “accepted scientific community.”
I had worked with the United Nations in the 1950’s, and in 1971 under the auspices of the U.N., I went to Africa to assist several governments in their agricultural research. Dr. Davis and I decided to donate our agricultural development free of charge to all countries through the U.N. that would economically increase crops and agricultural yields 30% an acre. Result: bureaucratic entanglement, narrow-mindedness, ridiculous behavior. So, we could not give it away — we will sell it. We have now filed patents on the process.
A scientific development affecting national security — and Washington scientific advisers say: “Publish it first and if the world scientific community accepts, we may classify it — as done with radar, etc.” Really, what kind of “persons” do we have in these responsible positions? We should publish a national security discovery for the world before it is classified? And, they are saying the British did not keep radar secret in World War II?
The U.S. science journals refuse to publish our discoveries, or to review our books. As one editor said, “I’m afraid to review this book on natural energies without drugs, chemicals, and surgery. After all, my advertisers are mainly drug and pharmaceutical companies.”
So, what do we do?
- We publish two basic books. The first, Magnetism and Its Effects on the Living System, explains some of the basic breakthroughs made — results which anyone can reproduce any time, any place, with proper equipment and ability, demonstrating that the disclosures are scientific. Our second book, The Magnetic Effect, presents specific applications primarily in the medical field. We have completed a third book, The Rainbow in Your Hands, which we believe to be the first scientific presentation of how anyone can practice the laying on of hands successfully. This book is now with our publisher and should be out within three months. [Note: This book has now been published. E.O.W.)
So, what do we do?
- We are filing patent applications on our non-medical discoveries, for two reasons. (1) To foster monies for continued research, equipment and hopefully a medical center for terminal patients. (2) When you make money on something in this society, then people pay attention to what you are doing. So, the patents will progress the acceptance of our medical and agricultural applications that can save so many lives, if adopted for use.
So, what do we do?
- We continue our research and developments, as our funds permit, acquainting as many scientists and peoples of our work, and we continue to correspond and meet with government officials and representatives of national and world health organizations in our limited capacity.
We are progressing, and we will be successful. People such as you will speak out more and more about our work and the great good it can do for all humanity. The accepted scientific community will accept our discoveries as they provide answers to that which they seek. Every week — every month — we see evidence of the growing importance of Biomagnetics — that magnetism is two basic life energies — the father of electricity — two natural energies that seem to be the basis of all human knowledge and of life itself.
In 1975, Russian scientists have linked electromagnetic sunspots to flu epidemics. Dr. Robert Becker, Syracuse Veterans Administration Hospital, finds a significant relationship between increased admissions to mental hospitals and increased numbers of magnetic storms. Dr. Melville, University of Southampton, England, affirmed that red blood cells in human blood are attracted by magnetic fields. An Associated Press release of December 3, 1975, stated: “Cells are the key to a cure for cancer.” Dr. Kurt Hirschhorn, Chief of Medical Genetics at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York, said: “The approach is to study the cells themselves as each cell has its genetic make-up and the cell genes must be changed in some manner for cancer to develop. If we can understand the difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell, then we can begin to control the growth of that cell.” Well, Doctor, you know of our first book. Please read it. The answers are there, affirmed by the Chairman of the Committee on Science and Technology, Congress of the United States, Olin Teague, in his letter to Dr. Davis of September 5, 1975: “I appreciate your information concerning the discoveries of the difference between cancerous and normal cells. It appears that the electromagnetic state of the body is more important than previously thought and I congratulate you.”
Slowly, but surely, the scientific community is awaking to Dr. Davis’ discoveries. Then, we have the article in Science News (November 29, 1975, p. 340), entitled, “Physics and the Left Hand of Life,” Dr. Raymond W. Hayward, physicist with the National Bureau of Standards. And how does our published work answer his pondering? He says, “The basis of life is exclusively left- handed. The twenty amino acids that go into structure of proteins (the building blocks of life) are a left-handed form.” In our published explanation of negative energy, our discoveries prove this is a counter-clockwise spin of energy: “This is strange because amino acids synthesize in the laboratory in a 50-50 left and right-handed form.” Here we have Dr. Davis’ discovery of the clockwise (positive energy) and counter-clockwise (negative energy) of Nature always existing together.
Dr. Hayward is incorrect when he says one form of this energy is exclusive to the other form: “Wherever electromagnetism goes, so goes the weak interaction.” More words for the scientific community — why not say Negative and Positive — which we have proved. Dr. Hayward does admit that “during about a billion years when amino acids appeared on Earth and the emergence of living organisms, there must have been a 50-50 mixture.” That’s not bad, but then he concludes by saying the negative is “a sinister force acting on all of us.” Sinister, if misused by man — or misunderstood by man — but not sinister in Nature. Here I want to emphasize that new scientific discoveries are not disseminated properly through the scientific community and it is the people that suffer from this loss. Multi-millions of taxpayer dollars in government and private enterprise are expended on theories — experiments — when the answers sought are already published. I have come to the conclusion that scientists are more dogmatic and less likely to entertain new concepts than lawyers.
Again, Science News (June 7, 1975), on a survey conducted, stated: “A small number of scientists tend to dominate science news and public perceptions of science.” Out of fifty scientists named, the average age was fifty-nine, except one, age forty, and Science News continues: “If scientists [accepted scientific community] can dictate what gets into the news they are, in effect, manipulating the media. Bias is inevitable.” They said it, I didn’t. But, I certainly agree. Ladies and gentlemen, history is looking over our shoulder. How will history respond to the thousands, perhaps millions, of persons dying from disease that did not have to die — or the millions dying from starvation that a 30% increase in crop yield per acre could eliminate. To quote Dr. Max Ernst, under whom Albert Einstein and other notables studied, “All theoretical physics is philosophy.” How much of the taxpayers’ monies can we spend on theories? Dr. Davis is not a theoretical physicists; he is a practical physicist. His discoveries are FACTS. They can be reproduced any time, any place, by anyone properly equipped to do so, and this IS Science, not theories.
In our book, The Rainbow in Your Hands, we explain more of the nature of these energies in our identification for use by all persons, regardless of race, creed or religion.
What have we proved in our research with this science for humanity?
- Cancer, arthritis, other ailments, CAN BE ARRESTED to the point where the living system will take over and cure the problem, and pain can be alleviated.
- Crop and agricultural yield per acre can be increased up to 30% — and perhaps more with additional research — to help the starving peoples now and in the future critical years of starvation.
- New procedure for diagnosis — more efficient than X-rays.
- Procedures to make better metals and alloys, aluminum, steel, iron, cobalt, magnesium, lead, zinc, for use in industrial applications. Our patent on this process HAS BEEN GRANTED by the U.S. Patent Office. [Note: The patent no. is 3,947,533, a copy of which is available from the U.S. Patent Office, Washington, D.C., for a fee of 50¢. Its title is “Magnetic Field Expansion and Compression Method,” and I found the copy sent to me by Dr. Rawls very interesting reading. E.O.W.] The publication of this patent within two months all over the world could start a new age in industry, The Magnetic Age. We already have a number of companies in this country and in foreign countries discussing these developments with us. We also have patented a process to store information on magnetic bits — data computer — better than any process in the world — and [a] better process patented to grow artificial diamonds, ruby rods, other forms of crystallization for industry. [Editor’s Note: I may add that independent verification of the above-mentioned patent has been made by Lockhead Corporation, a copy of which was sent to me by Dr. Rawls. E.O.W.]
- We can change water — seven different forms to date — for various applications. I always keep a bottle of negative magnetized water in my house for insect bites, sunburn, cuts and scratches, and other purposes of benefit.
- The Science of Biomagnetics can extend the life span of living systems by slowing down the aging process. It can revitalize the life energies in all living systems.
- New elements for the Table of Elements are available — and a new measuring method for more properly understanding elements, compounds, chemicals and solutions.
- New understandings for humanity to consider in their relation and existence to Nature.
- The proof that brain-wave vibrations travel in two directions simultaneously, therefore the proof that “As you think, so you are,”
- Procedures to increase ESP abilities as well as one’s own self-healing abilities.
- New energies for power — improvements on electric motors, new instrumentation.
- Discoveries that could vitally affect our national security as a surviving nation.
In forty years of applying the basic discovery, there has not been discovered any field of human knowledge that the Science of Biomagnetics does not enter and improve the understanding or application. An atom functions as a magnet — wherever there are atoms, there is magnetism — energy in motion — positive and negative — balancing Nature. Biomagnetics is the use of natural magnetic fields on biological systems — in, among, and with Nature. Biomagnetics is the Shangri-La of Nature.
Perhaps, if I were to summarize the discoveries, say, just the two most important ones, they would be these:
- The discovery (basic) that every magnet, every living and non-living system, has similar positive and negative balancing energies, the proof thereof — not just the theory, the isolation of the two basic natural energies of a lodestone that the Chinese have experimented with for over 4,000 years.
- The discovery of the figure 8 in the joining of the positive and negative energies of nature. Here it is interesting to note that the DNA and RNA factors that make up our life system form themselves in figures of 8. Dr. Davis’ discovery further explains this process. If Dr. Davis had been a Russian scientist, these two discoveries would have been published all over the world. The Russians may some day announce they made these discoveries first. They haven’t decided yet how to do this. If they make such an announcement, they will call it a creation, not a discovery. This is not our understanding of Nature.
The positive energy of Nature spins to the right. The negative energy of Nature spins to the Left. They combine in Nature in figures of 8 — always in motion, never at rest. Proper use of Nature’s energies produces desired results. Improper use of Nature’s energies produces undesired results. Magnetism and electricity exist always together. All knowledge — ALL LIFE — is electromagnetic in action and counter-action. You reap what you sow — you receive what you give — you have free will to work with Nature in peace and harmony or to misuse Nature to your detriment. We are constantly bombarded with electromagnetic vibrations of energy that flow through our bodies from the sun, moon, stars, from the vast universe. What is a natural law on this Earth would be a natural law on the moon and on a distant star, as well as the “not so void” of space. In truth we are children of Nature, and in each of us is stardust, a little of all that has been discovered and will be discovered in our existence. Quoting our friend, Dr. E. Otha Wingo, Director of Huna Research Associates, we agree that “the human body is a magnet; the earth itself is also a gigantic magnet. The relationship between the two constitutes the real meaning of the much-abused word, ecology” (Huna Research Bulletin, No. 16, October-December, 1975).
- The north pole of a magnet 10 minutes a day to the third eye area of the forehead will increase perception and sensitivity of the brain, the ability to retain and recall information. This will improve the psychic abilities – even better of outstanding psychics. Stresses and strains of modern living are less demanding, allowing the natural functions of the brain to perform more effectively.
- The north pole energy of a magnet is healing energy. The south pole energy is the strength-giving energy — the vitalizer. The north pole energy gives an inner strength versus the physical strength of the south pole energy.
- The north pole energy of a magnet will draw bacteria to it. In the body this allows the collecting of bacteria in one place, making it easier for the defending army, the white cells, to attack and consume. Dr. Blakemore, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, states (Science News, November 1, 1975) that he found that bacteria will line up to go to the North Pole of the Earth — another verification.
- The magnetic poles of the Earth do affect us. Since the present strength is about one-half of one Gauss — quite low — the effects are not as strong as a stronger magnet of 100’s or 1000’s of Gauss, but the positive and negative electromagnetic radiations from space add to the effects, as the radiations we have in our man-made civilization. We believe that the moon, reflecting energies from the stars — the vast universe — is mainly a distributor of north pole negative energy to the Earth and living systems. We believe that the Sun is mainly a distributor of south pole positive energy to living systems. We know that the north pole energy does attract water and fluids – and when the moon is full, tides and swells occur in the oceans. We believe the full moon draws fluids in the human system to the brain, thus some stimulation is worthwhile, but if the system is too unbalanced, the increased stimulation causes disorders — well documented by police records during times of the full moon.
- History records that the magnetic poles of the Earth have shifted a number of times. It is interesting to note that our knowledge of history tells us that the areas of the Earth of the north magnetic pole have been more mentally aggressive, while the areas of the south magnetic pole have been more physically aggressive, which would coincide with Dr. Davis’ discoveries on the two magnetic energies.
- The cobalt treatment of cancer has two detriments, preventing a good arrest factor. The positive and negative energies are not separated, thus giving life to disease at the same time as healing energy, and secondly the intensity of the positive radiation energy destroys healthy cells necessary for the body’s defense mechanism.
- Research in ESP and the brain vibrations is principally in the range of one to fifty cycles per second. We believe this method of research is totally inaccurate in determining the far-reaching abilities of the human brain.
We are on record to parapsychology foundations, societies and scientists that the accepted basis of possible thought transmissions could not operate in the one to fifty CPS range. The lower frequency of energy per second, the more power necessary for the distance traveled. The higher frequency, the less power necessary, and the longer distance energy will travel, instantaneously. For example, 20,000,000 CSP (20 megacycles per second) can travel around the world and back to its starting point in less than a second. We believe the higher frequencies of the brain are the frequencies of ESP and other psychic experiences.
We are dealing with natural energies of Nature. The proof of this is not only in the thousands of instances reproduced with the same desired results but also that these two energies, as identified by Dr. Davis, seem to work in all fields of knowledge with the same understandings in medical, agriculture, industrial, parapsychology, etc. These energies exist in a relation of peace and order, maintaining a balance of harmony in Nature. They are our make-up that we can live with in peace and order, or suffer in our existence by ignoring their basis or by their misuse. I prefer to believe the Science of Biomagnetics will be accepted for the good of all humanity. As we increasingly find our civilizations which we have built do not give the satisfaction we desire, we will turn more to the basics for peace and harmony. It is in our nature to return to Nature. “Nature is medicine and medicine the servant of Nature,” said Hippocrates, the ancient Greek considered the father of medicine. Too much our world has strayed from the Nature of things. A more natural way to live will be sought from the chaos of our civilizations. Biomagnetics is a guide for a more natural world existing in peace and harmony with Nature.
Presented, by Dr. Walter C. Rawls, Jr., before the Michigan Metaphysical Society on January 27, 1976. Published by permission from Dr. Rawls.
The meaning of Biomagnetism for students of Huna is its connection with Mana, the Life Force. The energy of magnetism is the energy of the Universe, as is Mana. This cosmic energy has many facets and many names. When it is manifested as magnetism, it is cosmic energy focused in iron or magnetized substance. The metal is not the source of the energy, but the channel for it. Likewise, in the practical use of Huna concepts (the directed use of the Life Force called Mana), we ourselves are the focus of this energy. We focus it with our thoughts and with our bodies as generators of the energy or collectors of it.
The hands are focal points for a concentrated form of life energy and the laying on of hands has been for many years a method of applying that energy to healing of the body. Although natural healers seem to have a greater abundance of energy in their hands, we all have it.
What is important to note is that this energy can be increased, and it is this generated or collected energy that makes it possible for ANYONE to use it for healing. Many books on healing include sections on the laying on of hands. But we have, for the first time, a scientifically verifiable method for using the laying on of hands, in the long-awaited new book by Albert Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawls, Jr. The title of the book is THE RAINBOW IN YOUR HANDS. (Exposition Press, Inc., 900 S. Oyster Bay Road, Hicksville, N.Y. 11801–$5.95) “The first book ever written that scientifically supports and instructs the Science of the Laying on of Hands.” This book gives basic principles and simple instructions which anyone can use for applying the energy focused in the hands for healing and alleviation of pain.
The particular importance of this book is that it is based on the authors’ forty-plus years of research in Biomagnetics and especially the application of the principle of polarity, viz, the two, different types of energy directed by the N and S poles of a magnet. Likewise, the hands (and other parts of the body) are polarized and the effects of the different types of energy can be used for the desired effect. The authors tell you HOW to use them “A rainbow… holds the spectrum of all energies known to man… Man is a walking, breathing generator of natural energies… The amount of negative energy your system can generate will determine if you will overcome an infection, injury or physical death.”
The authors point out that “when the natural balance of these energies is out of balance, that is when illness or disease occurs It is not the normal energy available in the body — used for normal functions of a healthy body — but “energy that can be generated — and directed with a proper working of mind and body.” Now, it is clear, the authors are bringing their scientific knowledge into a practical level that correlates exactly with the aims and methods of Huna. Just as the magnet does not create the magnetism, so the body (or hands) do not create Mana, the Life Force, but generates and collects it from the food and air, and from the cosmos itself.
“Each hand has both types of energy, positive and negative.” This is the gist of what the authors are teaching us. The basic principles are these: NEGATIVE = HEALING ENERGY; POSTIVE = STRENGTHENING ENERGY.
RIGHT HAND: Palm is Postive; Back of hand is Negative.
LEFT HAND: Palm is Negative; Back of hand is Positive. Back of head is Positive; Front of the head is Negative.
For example, placing the right palm in back of the lower part of the head and the left palm against the frontal part of the head will enforce the natural energies of the head – the reverse will have a disquieting effect.
Sole of right foot has Positive Energy; Sole of left foot has Negative Energy.
Two methods of enhancing the amount of energy in the hands are suggested: rubbing the hands briskly together, and taking in extra deep breaths. Both correlate with Huna principles. Also, amplification of healing energies is brought about by concentrating with the power of the mind on the exact area being treated. Energy follows thought.
In addition to specific ways of using each of the two types of energy in the body, the authors explain how to use the total energy approach, making a complete circuit through which the energy will flow, for best results. Thus, “each separate energy will have its own effect, flowing from one hand to the other as energy flows from positive to negative terminals of a battery… The right palm increases strength and the left palm would sedate pain. When used together, you are using a total energy application.” It should be noted that applying positive energy (right palm) at a painful area would increase the pain. The polarities stated above apply to left-handed persons as well as right-handed.
If a practical method of healing is of interest to you, I suggest that you send for the book at start putting the principles into practice.
–E. Otha Wingo
The study of Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy is in progress, but is not yet ready for publication. We have an article from Jerome Eden, and it is estimated that the Reich study will require more than one issue. This will be begun as soon as possible. E.O.W.