Huna Vistas Bulletin #93

HV78-headerJanuary-February, 1970

Tarot Readings for 1970


GREETINGS, AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR to you all, even if it is a bit late. By now we will all have read the various predictions for the year ahead, and as they will have contradicted each other more or less violently, I will proceed to run the Tarot Cards and John’s T. THE NEW TAROT (as best I can on short notice) and find out for us what is really going to happen.

First question: Will there be a world disaster, with the earth reversing its polar axis and putting an end (even if temporarily) to the perplexing question of the population explosion, the war between the races, the haves and have nots, the Reds and the “Wicked Imperialists”, and Pollution Problem, to say nothing of the danger of an Atomic War? (I see that a Polar Switch such as Cayce predicted, has some very great advantages, but hardly feel that I am ready just yet to begin to benefit from them.) (Edgar Cayce’s predicted date for the great disaster was 1998, with earth mutterings beginning in 1950 and becoming pronounced by 1978.)

Answer with the old Tarot Cards: The Majors for the run are, the STAR, DEATH, TEMPERANCE and THE HANGED MAN. The minors are X of Swords, Knight of Swords, and III of Cups. From these I read that no great and world shaking disaster will come in 1970, but the indications are that we will see a confused year with many difficulties. The STAR shows “much cry and little wool” – little really accomplished. DEATH and the X Of Swords indicate a considerable number of fatal disasters in various parts of the world, but with TEMPERANCE, they will be localized and the “storm will be tempered to the lamb”. The Knight of Swords rides in his idealistic way to right some several wrongs, but may not overcome the “opposition” ( X of Swords) completely. The HANGED MAN is the indication of nations suffering largely as a result of their own misdeeds and greeds. The III of Cups is the happy note for the year, with little things to be thankful for. Under the TEMPERANCE card we have High Guidance which allows us to profit by our blundering and mistakes, if we will. But the run for the year is not such that I would predict peace and plenty, or ease and mutual understanding. We may see some radical changes during the year (DEATH card indications) with death and violence forcing action and decisions. (Had the DEATH card come up with the FALLING TOWER, I would have predicted much death through the agencies of earth disasters, quakes, tidal waves and so on, but this combination did not come.)

Next, using John Cooke’s T, The New Tarot cards, which many of you have already purchased, (Order from Western Star Press, Box 248, Kentfield, Calif. 94904. Price $7.50 in USA. Add more for foreign postage. Add sales tax of 42¢ if you live in California. Set includes the deck and three instruction and description books, also the large sheet on which to lay out the cards.)  In my method of running the cards for world and other events, I use the lazy man’s spread, which consists of shuffling the whole deck, then laying the deck face down and patting it to a wide spread on the table, after which five cards are chosen from the points where there are the widest “breaks”. In the usual method of reading for a person, that person participates, as described in the instruction books and the big “Royal Maze” sheet is used. My five card spread with the “T” cards came up with THE REVERSER as the only major trump, and this, much to my delight, is the card that in John’s set takes the place of TEMPERANCE in the old deck. For the minors, I drew The Stone Knight, the Stone Queen, the 10 and 1 of Pears, and the 6 and 2 of Swords.

THE REVERSER shows an androgynous figure with one hand uplifted to heaven and  the other pointing to the earth; from each hand we see force or power moving, the “water” or “fire” flows down from above and is channeled to the earth to correct the forces which may have gone wrong. The figure being male and female can be taken to represent the Aumakuas and the part they play in the world, IF WE WILL ASK THEM TO TAKE A HAND. If we do not ask, we have our free will and can make wars and do all the hurtful things from which we may eventually learn our lessons. This card, again, indicates the Guidance and Help that stands above us ready to Help when allowed to do so. The influence may divert the worst of the disasters. In “T”, the face cards are very important and we have the Knight in the Stone suit which replaced the Wands of the old cards. Stones represent the earth, and this Knight is of the West and is “the tester, the cross and the balance”. There is over a page in the”G” book about him, and he has to do with “sensation and earthquakes”. Being of the West, he seems to predict possible quakes in the western world to balance earth stressed forces. “He is the horseman of the Apocalypse who rides the black horse” and so matches the DEATH major card of the other run. We may see some bad quakes in California as well as elsewhere this year, if I read the cards right.

THE QUEEN OF STONES. (See the “I” instruction book, page 11 for meanings.) There are positive and negative meanings given, one the protective and jealous mother, trying to keep all in order; the other is “ponderous, depressing, depleting, lethargic. Can be hoarding, materialistic, humorless and tough. A terrible enemy.” This last meaning might possibly point to wars and a “terrible enemy”, but with the balancing force of the REVERSER, this danger is minimized. The numbered cards, (see page 7 of “I”) give the influences of the planets after the familiar systems of astrology, so we have our 10 of Pears the Pluto influence which stirs things up and brings regeneration. If we have a switch of the poles, it would offer “regeneration”. If no switch, it helps things to become better. The 1 of Pears is the Mercury influence, giving us “diffusion”, which might spread the disasters over a number of places and not confine them to the West. The 6 of Blades (I miscalled them Swords) gives us Saturn and its material structures and delays, with the card meaning one of “striving”, and we may have all interests striving to get on the top of the heap. The 2 of Blades is the MOON card said to “personalize” and the card to mean, “ambivalent”, which I take it may allow us to look for this card’s forces to be used to strengthen the meanings of other cards. If disaster comes by way of war or racial strife, the emotional force of the moon might indicate the sudden thoughtless rush into places “where angels fear to tread”. Anyway, I do not expect the earth to switch poles, but lesser troubles may overtake poor EARTH.

By the way, John did a fine job of looking into the future via the cards. He wrote, “I got the Mother card, which is the womb, or house, and with it the Changer on the in-out place on the Maze pile, and the 7 of Stones which is Uranus on the earth sign, and on the “present” pile, just before the winds came, the 7 of Stones which reads Perfectionizing or FAILURE of the structure – a collapsing. The Changer certainly changed the Mother womb or house violently.” The next day the winds rose and, in the storm, the roof of his house was blown off! Most of the windows were broken, but, fortunately, no one was injured. John lives in Mexico. (I have been so short of time that I have still to get the complete hang of the use of the Royal Maze and the “T” cards for the prediction of events, but I see that John has it down to a fine science.)

NOTE: In the “G” instruction book there are more meanings given for the minors or numbered cards, should you wish to go back and check on the cards I drew.)

To continue the Tarot predictions, lets run for the PEACE which was promised for Vietnam by the cards last year, and which has not yet arrived despite the most strenuous efforts and the sacrifice of 40,000 of our men thus far. The run indicates that the effort to protect South Vietnam from the Communists will continue, but the pressure of the business (oil interests) will ease off, and we will get our PEACE with justice to all eventually. (SUN and JUSTICE Major trumps.)

RUSSIA AND CHINA and the prospects of a war between the two? The run brings up a surprise in the situation, with three minor cup cards indicating friendship restored and an understanding between the two countries. They show a united front and get back to producing goods for home use, with success indicated in their main purpose of communizing the world. I fear the continuing aid to North Vietnam will continue and make the Peace more difficult.

A RUN FOR SOUTH VIETNAM: The death card comes up and with it the Ace of Cups and the EMPEROR, also the Page of Wands and the IX of Swords. The DEATH card could predict death and disaster or change, but conditions will be better, business will continue to improve and the country will prosper.

FOR NORTH VIETNAM the cards show some continued fighting, then the end of it and the WORLD card, indicating success and prosperity. I would judge that the North and South would again be united and that some form of government would be set up in which both sides could participate and live in peace.

FOR THE UNITED STATES the run brings only Minors. Business slows down in the year ahead. More peace moves are in the works, and our policy is one of waiting for better conditions. We give up some of our hopes for correcting world affairs, and spend most of the year getting in each other’s way in the Congress. A year in which little progress is made but no major disasters are predicted.

FOR GREAT BRITAIN: The year will see a new start: business and politics. The Majors of the run indicate a religious and inner growth, with Huna and the occult getting a fair share of attention. All is under Guidance with the card of TEMPERANCE leading the way. Less strife and more effort to love and understand and help. Oddly enough, no money or business cards were in the run, so we conclude that these things will go on about as usual.

EUROPE? Also under the TEMPERANCE major trump, with more and more efforts being made to gain a friendly understanding and to work together. Business is slightly off. Old enmities are being given up and friendly overtures are to the fore. No indications of war or disaster.

AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND? The FOOL is the Major Trump card here, and indicates new beginnings in thinking and in world attitude. This shares the revival in England, with the interest in religion and the occult spreading. There will be new business enterprises this year that will mark the start of more home industry. Troops will be pulled out of Vietnam. There will be much argument and waste motion in governmental circles. Things look up a little this year.

ISRAEL? The TOWER, JUDGEMENT, EMPRESS and MOON, all majors, turn up. It looks very much like a year of great efforts to improve things in a business way, but with much time and effort wasted fighting off traditional enemies. Some major disasters are indicated by the falling TOWER and the JUDGEMENT card which reads, “taking up unfinished business recurrence”. We may see the war of 1967 opened up again. Israel has good friends and seems to hold her own.

EGYPT AND THE ARAB STATES? We see here WHY Israel had the TOWER card, for we draw both the falling TOWER and the DEATH card. The cards of friendship come up, indicating help from outside for arms and munitions. I would judge from the run that an attack will be made on Israel this year by the united Arab states, with Egypt leading off. The cards show far more losses than for Israel, but all participants suffer heavily. There is a small hope in the 2 of cups card that a peace of sorts may be made. Egypt and her friends are left poor and all is far from rosy for both sides.

CANADA? Only one major trump turns up here and it is THE STAR – the card of waste motion and misdirected effort. Business will be rather better than usual, but there will be some incident causing sadness. Poverty and the voices raised to protest it will be to the fore. Friends and allies will be of value only as encouraging items of good will. The year’s end will see some of the threats to the peace and well being of the land growing less. The world seems to share a period of indecision and waste motion in which many try to correct difficulties, but with too many cooks, the broth is spoiled and nothing of consequence is accomplished.

RACE ANTAGONISMS in the United States? The TOWER is the major here and it comes up with STRENGTH. There will be more race conflict and death. The government will take strong measures to suppress black militants as riots and burning repeat themselves and the minority groups show more anger at a “do nothing congress” and at increasing poverty as inflation measures bring on a near depression. Instead of winning more acceptance in white circles, the minority seems to be separating itself more and more. Two armed camps and no solution in sight.

DRUGS, HIPPIES, CRIME? Worse and worse. The major trump is the TOWER, which seems to be the keynote of world unrest these days. Legal steps are taken to try to preserve order, much money is spent, but the disregard for the law increases and there could be much trouble, both for the offenders and those citizens of quiet ways who are being robbed, beaten and murdered. The end is not yet, but the problem may have to be met with drastic measures.

A Nice New Book

I HAD A LOVELY GIFT for Christmas, two books of her poetry from HRA Opal Winstead, Daughter of Saul and Other Poems, and the later, Torch of Wonder. Let me share my gift with you – a poem titled:


I find the peace of God in little things:
The healing tongues of animals; the wings

of swallows, breast down from the rabbit doe,
the soft and deep compassion of the snow;

The gentle mantle twilight brings, the still
and kindly benediction of a hill.

The sweet, half haunting melodies of rain
hummed to sleeping flowers; the little lane

That leads to cabin hearth. The evening call
to children playing in the street; the fall

of leaves. The forward swinging of a door;
a friendly beacon on a lonely shore.

The willow tree’s protective sympathy,
the tenderness of all maternity.

I once read someplace, somewhere, the command, “Think beautiful thoughts.” That is what has been done for us by Opal Winstead, vicariously. The poem is from her Torch of Wonder. How restful to forget for a moment the fight in which we are engaged against all the world’s evils, and to allow ourselves to be reminded and refreshed by contemplation of the almost forgotten beauties which we have known, even if they do not surround us now. Thank you O.P. You put beautiful thoughts into beautiful words.

BERBER KAHUNAS MAY STILL WORK in Morocco. I have just received a letter from a Polish gentleman in Marrakech, in answer to my inquiry (instigated by a Polish friend, Mme. Dr. Uherck), in which he tells me of a Dr. Vitjas, who is an authority on the Berbers, and who will, when the books I have sent, arrive, try to learn what the Berber kahunas may still know of the original Huna. He says that the tradition seems to be that their knowledge came from the ancient Hebrews – which is quite logical, as we now know that they knew Huna and coded it into the Old Testament as well as the Four Gospels. Dr. Vitjas also is well versed in the beliefs of the “Blue Men” far back in the Sahara Desert, well back of the Berber territory. Our John Cooke visited these people I believe, but in the short stay, had too little time to investigate their beliefs and practices. I will report later on what may be learned.

THE HEBREWS HAD KAHUNAS of sorts from way back. One of the Australian HRAs who belonged to the first study group there years ago, and who has just renewed his interest in Huna, asked in a letter, “In the 103rd Psalm, ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul…’ is the soul here not the same as the Aunihipili?” I got out my trusty Concordance and found that in the Hebrew, as used in the Old Testament, nephith was the word translated “soul”, but the word comes from the root for “breath”, and we have the code here for the Aunihipili as the one who breathes as a part of the act of blessing or worshiping – which points to the Aunihipili accumulating mana and sending it to the “Lord”. The idea of the “breath”, as used in the code, seems to have spread. We find that “spirit” in “The Spirit of God moved over the waters….” comes from ruwash, which means “breath or wind”. The Greeks used the word pneuma for “spirit” or “soul”, and that meant “to breathe or breath”. The Auhane is included in the action by inference, as it has to start the action by wishing to “praise the Lord” and getting the Aunihipili to do its part. “The Lord” is our translation of Jehovah, and this word can be also the symbol of the Aumakua, for it seems to have had a still higher god above it. To “bless” comes from the Hebrew root for “kneel” as a ritual of worship, and in the Greek they used the word eulogeo which is “to thank, praise, invoke”. (For our purposes the idea of “invoke” comes closer to what we really do in prayer.)

The HRA who asked the above question, also wrote, “I do not ask much for things, perhaps not at all, but for guidance and protection. The prayer I mostly make is,’Reveal to me my secret faults. Give me the grace of true repentance, that I may awake in Thy likeness.”‘ If we use this prayer thinking of the Aumakua, it has many ramifications – even one of reincarnating in a condition more like that of the Aumakua. However, the prayer is excellent for ordinary use, and a humble attitude of mind is much to be sought.

A MOST ENCOURAGING REPORT came from Eva Becker about her Huna Group on Long Island, near New York. She phoned me on the eve of the New Year to tell me all about it. Her Group has succeeded in starting the School for the younger people, and they have a building with a theater and rooms for classes. The Drama School is best patronized, and I was amazed to have her say that in the short time in which they have been at work, they produced nothing less than the Mikado. The girl who was to take the lead part came on the morning of the performance to say that she had a very sore throat and feared  she could not sing. Mrs. Becker asked if she believed in God, and when the answer was, “Yes”, said, “then this is where we get His help.” When the evening came, the throat was well and the girl gave a brilliant performance. They also have classes in music and other things, with experienced people to teach and direct. Huna will be put forward as opportunity offers. I have hunted up a play which I wrote years ago – all about the experience of a missionary who tangled with a kahuna in early Hawaii and bested him – but got thrown out of his own church group because he had ventured to use some Huna methods. I have sent the script to Eva to be revamped and put in shape by their expert and perhaps the young playwrights of the school, so that it could be staged. The play covers a real life experience on the part of one, John Paris, so might have more impact as a Huna propaganda vehicle. Perhaps the music department could find some of the lovely old Hawaiian music for those who play the bit parts of the Hawaiians. I can imagine a rather striking presentation, with music to match the moods as the play went forward. I also talked for a moment to Eva’s mother, who has been such a help, making refreshments of all kinds for those who have been attending the group meetings and hearing the tape lectures.

This is the first group which has expanded in a way that promises to give financial support to its activities, and although it includes many things outside the scope of Huna, the central directive is good – that of interesting the younger people and getting them away from frustrating occupations. Congratulations, Eva Becker


Dear Aunties and Unkles:

I feel as distracted as Ohasimoro Togo, who used to write letters to the editor from a Japanese schoolboy, when he wrote, “I am very sorry to report that the hand which rocked my cradle has kicked the bucket.” Well, it isn’t quite like that about boss, who didn’t kick the bucket, but almost as bad …. and I, as usual, have to take the blame to let him off the hook, or whatever he is caught on. (Just between us, I think he is beginning to dodder and things, especially things.)

Anyway, what I am groaning about is that when boss and ME addressed the ennelopes for bullington Nomber 91, which was all about Vivaxis, and I had licked on the stamps, we had more ennelopes as would go into one box, and so we put the ones addressed to HRA A all the way up to HRA E, into another box, and somebody, (I’m not divulging which) forgot them when it came time ten days later to stuff in the bullingtons and seal and mail. All of which amountings to all you Aunties and Unkles whose last names begin with from A up to E, didn’t get your bullington. But it is kina funny. Out of all of you, only two wrote to say they didn’t get any bullington that time. (What do you do with the precious things I send you? Put in the waist basket before you read? Or did you think boss had slipped for that issue?

Well, ME and boss stopped work on the present bullington and hurried to bring up from the basement a lot of #91ses, and stuff like mad and seal until my mouth got all hot from licking, and tomorrow we mail them, and, I betcha you will wunner how come. I suggnest that we club together and get some more kats. A boy kat to watch boss and remember for him, and a girl kat to boss the boy kat and see that he remembers the right things instead of going off on moonlight nights to collect shoes and things from irate sleepers, and maybe be a hippie and smoke pot and such – like I suspect the neighbors Mr. Kat does about once a month. Anyway, SO VERRY SORRY, PLEASE, CIGBO, hra kitty and cigar box. (and boss.)


Mrs. Nixon has published her new book, Magnetically Yours, (to be had from Magnetic Publishers, P.O. Box 718, Chemainus, B.C., Canada, price $5. 25, post paid.) Mrs. Nixon and John Pearson, also of Canada, have sent a copy of the book to Riley Crabb, of the BSRA journal, and to me, for review purposes. The revised and updated book gives information not contained in the out of print Vivaxis book. Again we read of the marvelous cures brought about by her ministrations, but little of the success of the people who read her books and try to use the system she has discovered. I have not yet had time to try the system again, but see now that I did many things very wrong – in fact, I wonder how I managed to come out unscathed. I wore shoes with insulating composition soles; I didn’t keep my hands down at my sides; I pressed my ribs and tapped my self with my own hands – a greatly forbidden thing – and I wore my belt, which is against the rules although I did take off my spectacles.

She tells of a man who used his hands to “bong” his ribs so that the bending of the bones would allow them to be repolarized, and whose hands and arms became red and mottled as if by atomic burns. I gathered from the first book that one might press on head bones with hands, but she says “not so”. In the book she shows with marks on a model head where one should  “bong” with a wooden spoon for certain troubles, and speaks of the spots as something which can be tested in some way to find out whether or not they are in need of repolarization – but does not say how she tests for this. She also warns greatly against having anyone near by when you are standing in your vivaxis and are repolarizing. She warns that the very powerful forces you set into motion may radiate and hurt anyone near. But she remarks that she has a method of protecting herself when she stands near to supervise the work. She does not describe her method, so I suppose that it is too complicated in some way for amateurs to try to use.

I had the impression that one had to be out of doors and walking on the earth when in the vivaxis walk, but she speaks in one place of working in a room, so I now change my mental picture of her patients walking in stocking feet outside in the cold or wet or even snow. Moreover, I used to walk back and forth in my vivaxis for some ten feet. Now I seem to feel that one stands still but turns at right angles, breathes deeply for a few seconds, then turns all the way around and repeats, then makes another right turn and repeats. After which one exercises for a half hour a walk seems to be enough.

The method, if applied at the noticing of the very first symptoms, she says, will kill the virus of a cold and cure one up at once. She tells of a young woman who was suffering from emphysema and was in a desperate condition, but was cured. Several other cases are described, and one wonders whether the world is not now beginning to beat a path to Mrs. Nixon, bringing the sick, blind and halt to be treated as only she knows how to treat.

When I get time, I shall take my angle iron and test in my living room for my vivaxis, and if I locate it, I shall then, in greatest privacy, take off my shoes, wear my next-to-nothings, remove spectacles, keep hands to my sides, and bong in some manner or other on the skull points which I suspect are not functioning right. I will be warned not to do this more than a few times, and to exercise in solitude for a half hour lest by contacting another person I upset the apple cart for them or for myself. Meantime, if any of you get the new book and experiment cautiously, making use of the rather scant directions given, DO let me know so I can report. I am just a little confused.

But, perhaps I had better quote a page from the new book; you may be able to follow directions. Page 84

  1. Attack the virus by polarizing at the earliest symptoms of a cold.
  2. Mark the direction of your channel with tape as described in Chapter 4.
  3. Start polarizing by facing into your channel; stand with the spine erect, head level, eyes shut, feet apart, hands held down at your sides. (Never hold wires while polarizing.) Breathe three or four times as deeply as possible, stretching or depressing your lungs to their limit and pass the air through the nostrils. Swallow your saliva three or four times because the movement of the muscles involved will direct the magnetic wave flow to the throat glands. Remain for a period of some four seconds without moving.
  4. Turn clockwise, some 90 degrees, which now puts your shoulders in line with the direction of your channel. Repeat the routine as described in (3) above.
  5. Turn clockwise, another 90 degrees, which now puts you in a position with your back to your Vivaxis. Repeat the routine as described in (3) above.
  6. Turn clockwise a further 90 degrees, which places you in a position opposite that of (4) above. Repeat the routine as described in (3).
  7. Stay in isolation for at least one half hour after polarizing. This is a period when your own atoms align themselves into a strong pattern and it is important there is no interference from other people to weaken the strength of the pattern. After five minutes exercise moderately.

If the first polarization does not seem sufficient, repeat in about three hours time, but it is recommended not to carry out more than three polarizings, spaced at three hour intervals.

A large number of people (I take back what I said about there being no reports on what others have done with the method. mfl.) now report that they control colds successfully by this method.” (End quotation)

ANOTHER GROUP HAS BEEN HEARD FROM! HRA Whitley Dresser writes: “This is also to let you know that one small Huna Group is alive and well in the far reaches of New York City commuterland. We have undergone some profound changes in membership [and] have incorporated into Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship,  but still regard ourselves as a Huna Group. We are now in the process of telling our new members about Huna with the reading of the Short Talk transcripts. I think you have hit on an excellent way to introduce the basics to an assorted bunch of spiritualists with both a large ‘S’ and a small ‘s’. We also number as one of us a rather prominent scientist-business man who seems to gradually be coming our way. More about him later. As soon as is practical, I will forward to you a tape with a condensed history of progress toward the high adventure of knowing the Aumakua. We have had some fine healing ………”

This is most welcome news, and begins to show what we can do as Huna-Hyphenates, working with others of like minds and purposes. In Baltimore, Md., the local Spiritual Frontiers people are looking into Huna and it may be possible, later on, to get them to listen to the tapes. Contact with the departed is good when the aims are good. Mediumship used only for communication with the dead loved ones is less good, and for trying to pry into the future is least good.

THE SPIRITS AT WORK. Recently one of the seasoned HRAs wrote about his experience with spirit healing. His account is most interesting and tends to show what can be done in this line. (As we have been seeing with the Filipino, and English spirit mediums and their ability to call down healing help.)

“Well, I think we are finally going to see Sid overcome his afflictions. He found out about a trance medium who performs miracles in a trance state with the help of a group of spirit surgeons. Sid and I flew to Atlanta, Georgia, then drove 100 miles north to have the spirit surgeons work on him. They did a great job. They operated on the etheric body by elevating it a few inches above the physical body.

“One doctor makes a complete head to toe examination and diagnosis. This doctor found three nerves in Sid’s spinal area pinched, (Sid was hurt some years ago in an auto accident, and has been in a wheel chair most of his time.) a spinal curvature between the shoulders area, a large abscess on one lung, a big oversize kidney stone, suppuration in a large area of the liver, one hip socket rotted away, three lower, spinal disks partly deteriorated, coccyx damaged and pinching the spinal nerves or cord. Two inch opening in upper thigh left leg draining constantly. Huge open sore six or seven inches in diameter caused by a large bed sore developed over the 28 years Sid has been in wheel chair.

“The diagnosis was remarkably accurate and complete. The medium then acted for another doctor who took over and corrected the nerve in the neck condition first. He next asked me to examine carefully the spinal curvature and feel and trace same with my fingers, which I did. Also had the medium’s wife examine the spine. Then he operated on the spine to correct the curvature – about four minutes – then asked me to examine the spine and feel carefully again. The curvature was gone and the spine perfectly straight. Next he removed the kidney stone, first asking the medium’s wife, a nurse, to put a stethoscope on the kidney area that she and I might listen and compare the sound from both kidneys before and after the obstructing stone was removed. The medium’s wife is able to see all the work that is being done clairvoyantly. Next, another doctor took over and controlled the medium while operating on the suppurated liver. He then had us use the stethoscope before and after the work on the lung, and there was a very pronounced change in the sound after the abscess was removed.

“The doctor said that Sid could not stand any more at one session, that we should put him to bed and they would try to finish the work the diagnostician had outlined on the morrow.

“Sid was back on the operating table next morning and they did a bone graft to rebuild his hip socket and another on the spinal disk area. They then operated on the damaged coccyx, after which the doctor had us examine carefully the large open sore at the base of Sid’s back. He then treated the area with some electronic device. When we, at his invitation, examined the sore again, it had changed color over much of the area, turning to a light pink. The doctor said this was the start of the healing process. They didn’t touch the open sore on his thigh. Said it should now dry up and heal over with the other conditions they had corrected.

“It was amazing to see the operations take place, the medium’s eyes closed all the time and the hand motions so deft and controlled. Each doctor is a very distinct personality. There are some 28 of them in the group who work through the medium.

“Sid was pretty tired, and even more so by the time we got back by plane to San Francisco and on by car home. Last time I saw him, after a few days he was feeling great and was much excited about his future possibilities.

“The whole thing was a marvelous experience to me. I saw a fellow have a prostate operation and another man had calcium deposits removed from his eye.

(In a still later letter, the writer wrote:) I spent part of the Christmas holiday with Sid and he is doing famously. Looks much better and feels fine. The large open sore on his lower back is healing and filling in very nicely. He is looking forward to seeing Rev. Brown in about six months when he makes a trip out to the West Coast. By the way, the man who had the prostate operation which I saw, was very old, and an M.D., from New York.

“Rev. Brown works on a free will offering basis. Mrs. Brown feeds the patients during their stay, and each one has to stay in bed for about 24 hours. Anyone accompanying the patient has to eat at the local restaurant, but can usually sleep in the same room as the patient, as there are twin beds.”

NOTE: Rev. Brown’s address is Rev. William Brown, R.R. l, Box 64 Ep Collier Road, Toccoa, Georgia, 30577. A stamped reply envelope will be appreciated. Rev. Brown is a Christian and there is religious music played as one enters the operating room. A picture of Jesus hangs on the wall, and there is another of the Last Supper, so I am told. I have asked for more information as to the West Coast visit which is planned.

THE CASE OF HRA ECB, needs to be noted here. He went three times to see the Filipino spirit healers and get treated, each time having lumps of material removed. His trouble was cancer of the bladder. After the second trip he sent the healers copies of my books. On his third trip he took his ailing and blind wife to be treated. She later died in a Manila hospital. He came home, still uncured and had his entire bladder removed. He wrote before Christmas to say he had gained weight and was feeling fairly well again. One wonders why the healings from this source were not permanent. Perhaps the aka or etheric body was not healed at the same time?

CIGBO WRITES A POSTSCRIPT, with much agitation and shedding tears. We have just heard from one of the “B” name HRAs, who reports that she has received the supposedly belated No. 91 Huna Vistas, and is wondering WHY we sent a second copy, as she had hers right on time. It is quite possible that WE have doubled up on the wrong bulletin. Woe is us!!! But if you get an extra copy, give it to someone you don’t like. No need to waste postage to return it. And if you are missing on some back number, let Cigbo, know. He says (from the hiding depth of his cigar box) that perhaps he will have to get two little boy kats to remember for me – and FOUR little girl kats to boss the little boy kats.

LOOK MAGAZINE, in its January 13 issue, had several articles looking ahead into 1970 and beyond. Some of the articles were surprising, and the predictions were, among other things, that a group would make up the family and that births would be limited to two per female. (But what about Brazil and India and the other places where people are too poor and ignorant to limit births?) Anyway, the articles were most provocative and one of the pictures came surprisingly close to giving us the three selves in a blending of nude human bodies. The photographer is to be congratulated on his work. The articles are disturbing. They point out all the things from which we have suddenly moved, such as the “survival of the fittest”, to a new necessity for cooperation. The old rule of grab by all possible means and at the expense of any and everything … then to waste when the grab is completed, is being replaced by a non-hurt and helpful attitude of mind for the more thoughtful. After reading the several articles, I find that I am listening to writers who have the same ideals as I have. I think that we will find this issue of LOOK being carried around much as was and is the little book, THOUGHTS OF MAO, and that our eager young idealists will be preaching sermons from the texts. Of course, there will be some youngsters who are in a revolting stage and who will want to use force to get peace and mutual help and respect. The article on the political situation is especially provocative, as is another article on the slow way in which men have broken the grip of the priests. Now we are told that we must break the grasp of organized labor and allow men to work and to produce instead of starve along in idleness on welfare. I am greatly encouraged to see that a magazine run for profit in a capitalistic system has dared to face up to that part of the complex problem that it can partly understand. Some of the ideas put forth in the articles, especially in the one on education, seem to me unsound, even if aimed at an ideal and much betterment. But find a copy of the magazine, if you can, and make up your own minds.

A QUESTION WAS ASKED in a letter from HRA Morly Calenso, of Canada. He writes, “With the pendulum in hand and wanting a ‘yes/no’ answer, should we send the question in pictures or in words to the subconscious, especially if you want it to ask the Aumakua? Does the same rule for communicating apply to prayer as to a question aimed at the Aunihipili, or are they two different cases?”

I answer: The Aunihipili helps us with memories of things and of words, so it can be spoken to in words with the idea getting across nicely. But with the making of a prayer action in which we address the Aumakua through the Aunihipili, we need to present a mental picture which can be used as the “seed” which the Aumakua can use to “grow” or materialize the thing or condition we desire. It is hard to pray in words to make the pictures, for we are first transforming pictures into sound symbols, and we cannot help making a muddled picture carrying the seed of the need.

Saying, “Please help me to find a new place to live”, automatically includes the need of a new home. The proper way, according to Huna, is to picture in your mind a new home and yourself living in it comfortably and happily. Try the shoe on for size and fit, then WEAR IT. SEE yourself in the desired condition, and let the Aunihipili accumulate mana and send the picture to the Aumakua as a thing made real, here and now. This is the Huna method which explains and corrects all the other methods of making prayers. It carries with it its own magic. The Huna formula is:,

  1. Try on various forms of the pictures and find one that exactly fits what you want.
  2. Breathe deeply and slowly, the while accumulating mana and getting the Aunihipili to work with you.
  3. See yourself and the Aunihipili IN CONTACT with your Aumakua.
  4. Picture strongly and emotionally the condition you desire to have materialized.

The Aumakua, called in on the prayer action, will automatically begin to accept the pictured condition, and to clear away the old negative pictures of lack and ill health and fear. You may find that when the old “future” is broken down, the pieces will fall on your head and threaten disaster, but sit tight and hold your picture without wavering as you continue daily and hourly, if necessary, to send mana to “water” the “seed” and help it grow. Keep trying on the lower levels to realize the picture. Keep moving. Keep trying. You may be Guided to the right doctors or methods of healing, or to the right people or place for the new home.

“Positive thinking”, so dear to the hearts of some of the HRAs, is visualizing what you want, then going after it by every means at your disposal. “The Lord helps those who help themselves”, and so keep letting your needs be known and doing all you can to materialize the picture on this level. The Aumakua will take care of the level above ours.

A second part of HRA Calenso’s question was, “I want to ask about your opinion of the reality of Jesus as a man or a deity. In some places you write as if the whole story is a myth, and in others it seems to me that you accept him as having been on earth, in the flesh, as a very real and historical man. I may have missed some bulletin in which you explained your position, and I have not read your book, Huna Code In Religions.”

MY answer is that the breaking of the Huna Code and the piecing together of the hidden teachings of Jesus in the Four Gospels compelled me to conclude that Jesus was the leading character or player in a mystery drama intended to initiate the novice kahunas, and kept secret. The various versions of the mystery play seem to have been stolen, but (without the Code) not understood for what they were. The result was the growth of the Christian religion as we know it – know it only as the outer form of a Drama intent on the teaching of the INNER form. There were many such mystery plays in those days. Egypt seems to have started them and the Greek mystery plays may have been borrowings from Egypt of the Four Gospels. We hear much of such Mysteries, but never are told what they contained.

Dr. Martin Larson’s late book, ESSENE HERITAGE, gives us further proof of the fact that Jesus was NOT a flesh and blood man. He compares the beliefs of the Essene colonies with the teachings found in the Gospels, and finds unmistakable evidence that the beliefs and doctrines were NOT original with the Four Gospels or Jesus.

It has caused me much sadness to have to state openly and honestly what my research has brought to light. So many of my friends love Jesus as a personal savior, and feel pain at having his authenticity attacked. Rudolph Steiner, the Theosophical writer of last century, taught that the worship of Jesus over the years made his image a real and lasting thing that could and would answer prayers. We cling to the loved, old things, even when we know they are based on myths. MFL

by Max Freedom Long


The search for the inner meaning of the Gospels has gone on steadily since Jesus told his Disciples that there was such a secret teaching, as recorded in Mark 4:11, when he said, “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables.”

THE SECRET HAS AT LAST BEEN FOUND and we will study the Inner Teachings, a part at a time so that we may be fully initiated, as were the ones closest to the Master. After that we will take up the outer form of the teachings, as given in the Four Gospels and will see what “mysteries of the kingdom of God” were being hidden behind the outer parables.

We will see, as we proceed in our study, that there were many things far too difficult for “those who are without” to understand, and we will rejoice in that, in this modern time of greater enlightenment, we are now ready to be given the greater truths.

AS HAS BEEN LONG SUSPECTED, Jesus was a high initiate into a very ancient set of teachings. Because of the similarity between his outer teachings and some of the teachings of other religions, it has been claimed that he traveled afar and studied in many lands before beginning his ministry in the Holy Land. The nature of the secret teachings is now known, but where they originated is still an unsolved mystery. Some say in Egypt, others that they were Phoenician and were brought from some far land. Others give India as the source, but one cannot be sure.

HOWEVER, early Egypt is where we find the first written signs of the the existence of the great truths. This was the Egypt of the days when the picture writing had developed far enough so that certain pictures or glyphs were used to make an alphabet. It was a clumsy alphabet as yet, and at the end of each word as it was spelled out with the written glyph pictures, was given one of the older pictures which stood for the word itself. It is from these pictured writings found in tombs and on monuments that we have been able to learn the secret of the inner teachings which Jesus came to know so well, and which had been taught secretly by initiates to their novices century after century. We still do not know just why there was such a cult of secrecy, but we do know that what was taught in the Mystery Plays of Early Egypt and Greece was the best kept secret the world has ever known. Perhaps Jesus had been pledged to secrecy when he was being taught. It is evident, of course, that he regarded the secret wisdom as something which should be told outwardly in parables, and only inwardly to those who were willing to be his disciples and study with him at length.

THE WRITERS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT were very often initiates also. They included the secret lore in veiled language in many parts of their writings.

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