No Hurt : No Sin
Max Will Be Coming Back
P.A. READINGS SHOULD BE USED in courts to help decide the nature of the one being tried for crime. The obsessed could be seen to be such. The naturally bad and destructive could be identified. And, later, the paroling boards could be guided in releasing prisoners. The bad and dangerous could then be kept apart and prevented from preying on the public.
Sirhan Sirhan, who will be tried for the killing of Senator Robert Kennedy in the U.S.A. recently, is said by the papers to be planning a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. The P.A. reading for him shows that he is not insane or obsessed – just a very bad person of low mentality. My reading is 262 degrees. The middle self “will” pattern is at 2:15 o’clock on the chart, indicating the fact that he thought he was doing a patriotic thing in killing one who advocated helping the Israelites against the Arabs. Sirhan Sirhan is a Jordanian Arab, and not of sufficient intelligence (262 degrees is very low) to think things out clearly. His large counterclockwise “personality” circle shows that he is ruled by the Aunihipili and his hates and emotions. He failed to think out a means of escape, which a more intelligent criminal would have tried to do – perhaps shoot with a rifle from a distance in order to have a chance to escape safely, as in the case of the slayer of Dr. King.
RAY, from a proper picture in LIFE magazine of June 21, 1968, reads and 267. He shows the strong influence of spirits to the point of obsession, and his low self circle is counterclockwise. He is intelligent enough to plan a murder and an escape, and is a more dangerous man than Sirhan. There is nothing in his P.A. reading to suggest that he thought he was doing any “cause” good. My guess is that if Ray is the man who killed Dr. King, he did it for pay, caring little about the reason.
For your practice at reading and your interest in the caliber of the two new men appointed by President Johnson to the Supreme Court positions in which they will serve, consider justice Abe Fortas, who will replace Warren. I get 371 for him. Constructive and good all around, and of exceptionally high degree. Should be outstanding, honest and liberal. Justice Homer Thornberry I read as
361, also good and constructive and able, but not as brilliant as Fortas.
Helen Hunt Jackson, writer of the book, Ramona, which has gone through 300 printings, furnishes another reading to help us see what makes the writer. Her picture is in WESTWAYS magazine for July, 1968. She wrote many articles and some books, only the one book’s fame lasting. I get for her 361 degrees. All good and constructive, but much lower than more able Mary Austin. Excellent reporter.
Before leaving Sirhan Sirhan, I wish to note a strange thing which does not fit too well with the degree I read for him. An article in LIFE with several pictures of Sirhan, his family and acquaintances, says that he graduated from high school and finished two years at Pasadena (Calif.) City College. This seems to demand a higher degree of intelligence, but if one has an excellent memory, and if one memorizes enough, the lack of better logic may be overcome. Dr. Brunler, who gave us the system of Biometric reading, found that people of lower degrees could take a college education, but that only if they were over 330 degrees were they able to use the education, once graduated. I have observed that children have degrees falling closely between those of the father and mother. Running tests on Sirhan’s parents, I find that they were both around 263 degrees, so the seemingly too low degree for his school accomplishments seems correct. I would appreciate the readings any of you HRAs may make for comparison sake. The degree is the hardest and most uncertain part of the readings and would be more safely run if three readers agreed closely on the degree. (I noted that Sirhan’s parents were both clockwise for both Auhane and Aunihipili, but that Sirhan, as a small boy in the family picture, had the same counterclockwise Aunihipili circle that was registered much later.)
WITH NO LITTLE RELUCTANCE I gave up my brightest dream a few days ago. I speak of this with some hesitation, but I have shared my psychic and speculative impressions with you in the past, and have always found sympathetic understanding. My hesitancy comes through the fact that I have received messages, which seem to me to be valid and to have stood such tests as I could make of them – psychic messages from the spirit side of life. We all know the danger of accepting such messages in matters of importance, for often they have proven invalid.
I will not go into details. Let me. say only that I have been so impressed with what has been given me that I have, with great reluctance, given up my fondest hope – that of being able to “graduate” into the Aunakua level at the end of this incarnation. I have spoken of this dear hope in earlier Huna vistas, all of you more seasoned HRAs will perhaps recall.
The short of the matter is that I seem to have been told by the Ones who have guided my life and who were responsible for pushing me into the long job of investigating Huna and working so hard to recover it – all the way up to the finding at last of the “Code” in the Four Gospels – THAT MY JOB WAS NOT FINISHED and that instead of graduating, they wanted me to come back after a rest and continue the job. I was not denied the privilege of “graduating” – not in so many words – but I suppose my final decision in the matter was already foreseen. Anyway, I have agreed to come back and do the best I can to pick up the threads and carry on.
You may remember that I have been very happy at the prospect of finding the Beloved and “Graduating”. I have, I suppose, been running off from a world which seems not worth trying to help. I admit, now that I have had a good look at myself, that it was not a nice attitude of mind. It was downright selfish. I wanted to “chuck” it all and leave it to those who might like it to try to run things and help better a world which seems to be getting more irreligious, immoral and savagely greedy day by day. I excused myself by thinking I had done the job which had been given me, and I was willing to let posterity take Huna or leave it – to let them stew in their own darkened state if they wished. I am now much ashamed. My only excuse is that I had not realized what I was really intending or the consequences of my refusal to keep on. Oddly enough, one of the advanced HRAs made a psychic investigation of me earlier, and warned me that I would have to come back. As I had seemed to get via pendulum and an Aunihipili-to-Aumakua, assurance that I would be able to “graduate” at the end of this incarnation, and as there was my “will to believe”, I discounted his pendulum investigation in favor of my own.
AS NEARLY AS I CAN GATHER at this stage, I have been asked to come back in order to simplify the Huna we know and fit it so that the less intelligent “masses” can accept and benefit from the first basic principles. The teaching is to be, NO HURT: NO SIN. What is to go with this, I do not know, but simplification seems to be the need. It may be that we will do as did the kahunas of yesterday, have a simple teaching and a healing ministry for the “little ones”, and the abstractions of the more complicated higher teachings for those who are ready for them and can take a form of initiation. I have no doubt that when the time comes, more Guidance will be given and perhaps more Power released to get the helpful lesser teachings spread where they will do the most good in helping to gentle a savage world.
I do not know just why I stopped short in my work after finding the Code and learning about “graduation”. Perhaps I was too bedazzled by the prospect of finally meeting and blending with the True Love and stepping up to the lower level of the Aumakuas. Logically, I should have recalled things I have long known, especially the tradition of Prince Siddhartha, long known as one of the Buddhas. This man had the Finger laid on him to investigate verities such as are contained in Huna. He did so, not without much effort and a long struggle. At this point he could have gone on and “graduated” (Nirvana to him), but he was asked to give up that reward and stay on to teach his doctrine. He simplified it and kept on to a ripe old age. The higher learning evidently was placed on the initiate level for the more able to be initiated into it as a secret. His Brotherhood, which included women, was organized, and members elected to take the begging bowl and depend on the charity of the public for their food while giving all their time to teaching the “Noble Eightfold Path” and “The Four Noble Truths.” Privately, they meditated for the benefit of their souls, but their primary work was to teach and to encourage those who would listen to live the hurtless and helpful life. In those days, 500 years before the advent of Christianity, the “sins” were almost endless, and the impossibility of sinning in some way or other was fabulously great. If one sinned and made new and “bad” Karma all the time, there was said to be no escape, ever, from having to incarnate and suffer through life after life. Buddha offered the great simplification of winning through to Nirvana by living properly and hurtlessly. His doctrine is almost as practical today as it was then.
ACCORDING TO THE TRADITION, Buddha agreed to return as many times as needed until “the last soul was saved”. Eventually he was given a lesser position as a man god and assigned the task of looking after anyone who prayed to him, offering to see to it that they got their salvation in due time if they just did their best, hurt no one, and BELIEVED in the help from on high. In this we have a very close parallel with the dependence placed on Jesus for salvation by Christians.
HEAVEN KNOWS, I do not delude myself into thinking I am a Buddha who can establish a religion that will sweep half the world; but I do rather fear that I am a very small pilgrim about to follow in the footsteps of the Jesus of the Great Initiatory Drama upon which the Four Gospels were based. Jesus came back to finish up …… which now seems to me the main significance of the Resurrection part of the Drama. But there is comfort in the thought that I will not be alone. Everyone who comes to see the Light and begins to try to share his vision with his fellows and to help and encourage them in the task of hurtless and helpful living is a “Savior” even if in a small way. Many fine HRAs are already across. Perhaps we can come back together.
That is, those who were really convinced that Huna was the best system. I am not forgetting that the HRA is largely composed of people who cling to such teachings as they have accepted in earlier life. Only a few have endorsed Huna as we have reconstructed it without reservations on one or more points. Well, shall we say that I might hope to have a few of those who have gone over be willing to come back in such a way that we would be attracted to each other and work as a unit.
A few months ago I dropped from the bulletin mailing list almost a hundred names. Most of these had not been heard from for a very long time, and all were behind in contributing their share to the expense of getting out the Huna Vistas. Of the lot, only two missed getting the bulletins and wrote to inquire and be put back on the list. Perhaps 2,000 people have come into the HRA and gone out in the past 20 years since a bulletin was started and organization efforts were begun to get on with the research. A very few of the earliest members have kept on with me, and these I value most highly. Perhaps we have enough earnest and well enough convinced HRAs to act as the seed for a future working group from which can grow the movement to spread the simpler teachings of Huna. I have no way to judge this possibility, but in the past the Guidance has always appeared when the time was ripe for one move or another.
GUIDANCE has become a very real thing to me. For a long time I did not recognize it, but a little by a little, when I had gone far enough with the Huna work to be able to look back and see what small events had “accidentally” pushed me in one direction or another, I began to see that all the pushes had been in the direction of promoting the Huna recovery.
STRANGE DELAYS have spaced off various steps and stages, as if it might have been necessary to wait a bit until certain other conditions were brought about. As a youth I accidentally fell to talking with a bewhiskered stranger whom I met walking his dog on a side street of my small home town in Colorado. He had a strange missionary spirit and took it upon himself to take me, a young and not too convinced Baptist, and give me a liberal education in religions, politics and doubts. When he left town I went to priests and preachers to ask them what they believed and how they knew this or that sect was the right one. I delved in the encyclopedia and read about all the different religions, ending up with a belief in nothing.
Three years passed, then I “accidentally” ran into a traveling photographer out in a small town in Wyoming. As I was also a small time photographer by that time, it was natural that we should have a common interest. After two meetings he suggested that we team up and work together. I agreed and the next day we moved on to the next town. We made photographs together and he taught me to see in Theosophy a wealth of values which I had missed in my momentary touch with it through the encyclopedias. He soon went back to his profession of mining engineer, and I went East to take a job in a small camera store. Two years passed, and then I rejoined my engineer friend in California as a helper and he taught me to be an assayer and mill hand. Again, I became enthusiastic about Theosophy.
The mining job lasted while we dug out all that was worthwhile in three old mines, then I went back to being a traveling photographer. It was summer and business was bad. I “accidentally” ran into a school principal and his wife who had a Ford and were also trying to make a little money with a camera. We worked together for a few weeks, managing to eat, but, most important for me, getting into my head the idea that it would be nice if, with the Fall coming on, I could go, as did my friend, to a good teaching job. I decided to go to Normal School and get to be a teacher. I had ten days before the school opened to get to the city and enter.
Starting with $20 in my pocket, and with books to buy, I had hard going for a time, but never became really hungry. I found jobs and things improved. I even joined the Hollywood Theosophical Society and put myself under the charge of its head to practice the teachings and see if I could develop some of the psychic powers which were promised in the books on Yoga. I got some valuable experience, and little more at the time. BUT, one leading member of the Lodge was a man who had been born and brought up in Hawaii. He had known the kahunas and had learned various things from them. I listened to his accounts of his adventures with the greatest interest, and promised myself that some day I would go to Hawaii and look up some kahunas.
The arrival of War I found me in the end of my second year at Normal. I got my draft card and number and carried on, graduating in due time. With that I set out to find a job in the teaching field, but no school board wanted to take a chance on hiring me lest I be called up to go into the war before I got well started in the teaching. I gave up and took a job as assembler in a big auto painting plant. This job dragged on for a few weeks, and then I received notice that I was being laid off at the end of the week. That night, on my way through downtown Los Angeles between street car lines, I “accidentally” ran into a Normal School friend whom I had not seen since our graduation. He told me that he had signed up to go to Hawaii to teach, and that they were asking for more teachers, paying little attention to their draft status. He urged me to let him cable Honolulu for a job. I agreed to the idea, and in a few days was told to come on, and that a school would be found for me when I arrived. (That was touch and go Guidance. Five minutes either way would have caused me to miss meeting my friend and I should not have gone to the Islands.)
In Hawaii I was assigned to a small school of three rooms as principal in the region of the Volcano (Kileauea) and to share the school cottage with me as teacher of the second grade was a young Hawaiian lad who later began to tell me no end of stories about the kahunas and to pass on to me the native tales, beliefs, fears and superstitions.
Two years slipped by. The war ended just before my draft number came up, and, during my third year of teaching, after trying to get several reforms made in the very backward school system, I got fired. I went to Honolulu at the end of the school year, firmly intending to return on the next steamer to California. But, in the meantime I went to see Dr. Brigham and asked him about the kahunas and fire-walking, and became caught up in that mystery. I made friends and found a job in a camera store, and remained on in Hawaii chasing down information on the kahunas as a hobby for 16 years.
The Depression of ’28-29 finished me off in business. Dr. Brigham was dead, and I could learn no more about the kahunas. I packed my things and bought a ticket for Los Angeles. There I met my boyhood sweetheart, Louise, who was by then giving up a writing career with the picture studios in order to retire to a beach cottage near Los Angeles, and with our old friend of years, Miss Ethel Doherty, to try making a living by writing fiction. I married Louise and went along. The market for fiction was very poor, times were desperately hard. I worked at odd jobs days and set to work under the instruction of the two ladies to learn to write. I produced three murder fiction books, but they brought in so little that I gave up before filling the contract I had for five books with the publisher. Looking for some better subject about which to write, I decided upon the kahunas, and soon produced a book which I titled, Recovering the Ancient Magic. (Guidance had pushed me into a spot where I learned to write, and poverty had forced me to make use of the kahuna material in an effort to produce something that would sell.)
The new book could not be sold in the U.S.A. but my agent found a publisher for it in England. It came out, with a thousand copies printed and 800 of them bound. They were hardly on the market when World War II struck. A few of the books were sold and I received a few letters from readers, one correspondent being able to give me considerable information on the kahuna tribe which he had found in North Africa. Writing seemed to be a bad bet. I found a job in a printing plant and soon the Japanese raided Pearly Harbor and my spare time was taken up as an air warden.
AGAIN THE LONG TIME LAPSE. Seven years passed and I had left the beach town with the ladies and moved to Hollywood, where we bought and operated a small print shop. Meantime, I had discovered the secrets of Huna through a study of the roots of the words they had used. I had revised my RECOVERING to include the new material, and my agent had been trying in vain to find an American publisher for it – the English publisher wanting no more to do with it because of the small early sale which was stopped when the “Blitz” burned the remainder of books in stock.
Guidance again took over, and when I had given up hopes of getting the revised book into print, I “accidentally” met Wing Anderson, who was just entering the publishing field by publishing books and selling them by direct mail advertising. I happened to tell him of my book on the kahunas that no one would publish. He became interested, read the MMS, and signed me up at a royalty of half that usually paid, but he DID bring out the book and with rather lurid advertising, managed to sell over fifty thousand of them in less than two years. Again, Guidance had found the right spot and had selected a time when the War was over and people were beginning to think of other things. Letters poured in. I organized the HRA as an experimental group to work by mail …. failed to form working groups close at hand … and soon had The Secret Science At Work ready to be published. But Mr. Anderson had been in a bad accident and was inactive. He did not wish to publish the new book, but would rent me the names of buyers of the first book, SSBM. I was being pushed into the publishing business, and that seems to have been the place in which I was seen to be best able to carry on the research and writing.
There are many more incidents in which Guidance was unmistakable, but this will give some idea of WHY I feel so strongly that I have been used all these years, and, probably, will continue to be used. And I am trying, with much clashing and grinding, to change gears and turn into a very different road.
WHAT TO DO NOW? Some of you will remember how, a few years ago, I tried with my pendulum to get the Aunihipili to go to the Aumakua and get some direct Guidance for me and our work together. Two things seemed to be approved by the Guidance. One was to write a book on the “Code”, which was successfully done. The other was to try once more to get groups started. When I made the new try, it was decidedly “no go”. A lot of beautiful HRAs came to my home and we took turns saying what we thought might be good for a group to do, but we agreed on little or nothing and could not decide on a purpose for going further. We had all read my books and everyone knew about as much as I did about Huna. No one was much interested in experimental healing work. Finally, after we had enjoyed ourselves greatly, talking and getting acquainted, we had refreshments and called it a day. I reported in the next Huna Vistas that I had been forced to decide that I had made a mistake in thinking that Guidance had told me to try again to get groups started. ….. Now, I am not so sure. Perhaps, after a time lag, I must change my mind.
THE IDEA HAS BEEN up to now, that groups were to be formed to study Huna. But those who joined a group had already read my books and many had been through the back bulletins, so there was little of interest in the reviews. Discussions usually ran off the Huna lines to New Thought or other angles. The original plan for the groups to carry on research and to experiment with the application of the known Huna healing methods did not work out. Research, except in the hands of those patient enough to keep plodding without knowing where to look for new items, was not for groups, but rather for the individual. Experimentation never got well started. In the whole field of “metaphysical” or “Faith” healing these days, be it in the hands of the practitioner or preacher or priest – even our own TMHG – the one needing healing or other help comes and asks for help. The healer at once uses whatever method she or he has adopted, and “treatment” is given. Sometimes the results are swift in coming and excellent. More often, no results are obtained.
THE DIFFERENCE in our approach should be that the applicant for help should first be willing to be put through the process of the kala or cleansing, and then, if the healer is perceptive enough, the preliminary steps will be ordered. If the applicant is unwilling to take the steps to undo hurts done others and rid his mind of the knowledge that he is guilty to some extent; and if he will not make some sacrifice large enough to impress his Aunihipili that amends have been made, and that he is CLEANSED AND READY AND DESERVING of being Helped or Healed, then the Huna type prayers and invocations of the Aumakuas should NOT be made.
If we are to undertake to press ahead with the healing aspect of the work, two things will be necessary. First, the Huna “practitioner” will have to be trained and schooled in Huna to a workable degree, perhaps needing to have some native healing or psychic talent to begin with. Second, the applicant for Help would have to be taught at least enough about Huna to understand what was being done and WHY. This would entail personal instructions, perhaps the reading of a simple text (which we do not now have), or sessions in a class where several applicants are taught. The healer could also act as the teacher. This slow approach would hold many back from asking for it. The idea has for so long been that one prayed or got prayed for, and results were at once to be expected. If the applicant is already fairly clean in terms of the kala, the immediate prayer may get through to the Aumakuas and results follow. With so many in urgent need, the practitioner or Huna healer would hardly be able to refuse to take a chance on the presence of old guilt fixations or awareness of late hurts done others, and make no delay in the immediate start of treatments. Present results all over this healing field are very uncertain and spotty. I believe that if we could work out a way to follow the methods which we know were used by the kahunas, results would be much better.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT ANGLE if we attempt this approach, is the training of the individual to treat himself. This would demand instruction and a rather good practical knowledge of Huna and of how to go about cleansing oneself and then beginning the proper series of HA rites or self treatments. Instruction and classes seem indicated here, with the Huna practitioner again, probably, acting as teacher and even as coach later on when the individual had finished with the classes and begun to try to put the methods to work.
NO HURT: NO SIN would, of necessity, be the basis of this ministry, and to it for motivating the individual and getting him interested and active, the idea of SERVE TO DESERVE could legitimately be used. Few are ready, without long training in the philosophy of religions (including Huna), to exert themselves and do good just for goodness’ sake. Selfless SERVICE is the highest ideal, but few are ready for it. Even in Selfless Service most of us want to see at least some good done.
AS YOU CAN ALREADY BEGIN TO SEE, the simple message that I am requested to reincarnate and to teach “No hurt: No sin” has thrown me into rather a tail spin. I reply, “Yes”, and as soon as I begin to wonder what I should do while finishing up this incarnation, in order to get things started against taking a hand when I return, the little slogan of “No hurt: No sin” is like a baited hook bringing up a whale of complications. One thing leads directly to another, and there are no end of angles which have to be considered.
FOR INSTANCE, if we are to have healers and teachers in this modern day of laws and restrictions, we will have to conform and organize ourselves in the form of a “church”, dislike it as we may. We will have to certify the healers and give them some kind of legal standing to keep the AMA from putting them all in jail. To begin training healer teachers, we would have to have a school, and this would take texts and teachers and administrators and certificates. Standard methods would have to be decided upon and tested, then adhered to rather carefully. In all conscience, the work would have to include an experimental and research department. We would need a headquarters and staff to care for all the details of the effort and, to keep the movement active and growing, at least a small magazine which would serve to keep everyone in touch and going in the same direction.
I BELIEVE THAT we now have carried on the research phase long enough to have a sufficient knowledge of the working philosophies and methods of the kahunas to attempt to use the lesser healing methods. If we can get started, we may, given time and delving, learn the mechanics of instant healing.
THE SUCCESS of the healers in this field has been made possible by the system worked out by Mary G. Baker-Eddy in which practitioners charged for the time and effort they expended without guaranteeing results. In this way the healers could make a living, and they were also expected to act as leaders in the churches which were set up. As such, they could explain the system in meetings which were often attended by people new to the movement, perhaps gaining customers for their healing practice. The Mother Church was sent a percentage of the income from healing or other activities. It also produced all magazines, papers and books, the profit from these remaining at the center. A lending fund grew and was used to help build churches throughout the land. The organization soon became financially strong enough to carry a test case through the Supreme Court and win it to fight off the gentlemen who objected to the entry of the practitioners into the healing field. This victory made it possible for the various New Thought types of similar healing organizations to get started and flourish. The pattern is well laid out, and it would be simple for the Huna teacher-healers to set up centers as “churches” and enjoy all the privileges of a religious order – which it cannot escape being, even if still quite free from hindering dogmas and the hindering dictum of a founder who has decreed that the teachings and texts shall not be changed in any way, world without end, Amen.
WE ARE ALREADY INCORPORATED as the “Huna Fellowship”, although the corporation status has never been used and the original board members are gone or scattered. The papers could be found and dusted off and we would be in business as a “legal entity” entitled to ordain ministers, teach and use Huna methods. The only hitch is to be found in two questions. (1) Do we wish to get going on this line? (2) If we do, how can we finance the training school to get healers ready and set up in business, even if working and meeting in their homes (as do some of the Unity healer teachers here in Vista)? Our healers would have to be able to finance themselves until they could work up a following and get a practice started. Pay classes would be the natural way to start, and, as in the other organizations, class members might be attracted by the prospect of learning what was to be learned and, themselves, eventually be able to set up in business as Huna healers. Many look for a way to make a living, and some of these also are altruistic and would prefer to be performing a Service while earning their daily bread. We read in the Gospels that “the laborer is worthy of his hire, ” and also that “He sent them out without script or purse” to begin their soul saving ministries.
FOR A SIMPLE BEGINNING we could drop the bars and start getting acquainted. The reason why this hasn’t been done before is that it worked out badly in a few instances when tried 18 years ago. At that time I undertook to get the scattered HRAs into letter touch, or personal if they lived close together. I published the names and addresses of the members who were willing to get acquainted, and a few round robin letters started to circulate. One group, in their letters, for some reason which I never understood, began to criticize me, the work, the Huna system and all that went with it. They offered no leadership or direction themselves. One more kindly member began to send the letters to me as they circulated. I was amazed and distressed. I was accused of trying to start a new cult by inventing Huna and of trying to get rich in the effort. Another member took time out to write letters of bitter criticism to as many of those appearing on the list as possible, and some of these letters came on to me. One rascal tried to move in on a widowed HRA and beat her out of her ranch after getting his foot in her door as an HRA. Nothing good seemed to come from the much time and effort spent on giving out names, handling all the additional letters, making introductions by letter, etc. Discouraged, I put up the bars and have, ever since then, kept HRAs under initials and quite apart.
TO TAKE ANY NEW STEPS will now be impossible for me unless I have help. Going along as I am, I am barely able to keep up with tasks I now have to perform. If you HRAs should decide that you want to have names and addresses and chance meeting rogues or rascals or getting caught in a vindictive gossip circle, some of you will have to volunteer to take on the job of publishing names and addresses, keeping file cards to learn which members are near enough to make a personal contact, and to write such letters of introduction as may be needed – also stand ready to answer questions and consider complaints. How much time this would take I can’t say, but if YOU wish to take a chance and send in your name as one who would correspond and get acquainted with other members, drop me a line. If enough HRAs respond, we will see what can be done. I will no longer stand in the way, and you can take me apart if you wish. How’s that?
I REALIZE THAT I AM ASKING you of the HRA to help me rake my chestnuts out of the coals. Primarily, of course, it is my problem, for I am the one who has been made to change my plans and begin to try to make what preparations I can to keep Huna alive and in such shape that when I return in perhaps 50 years, I will run into it and be able to be Guided to take up my part of the recovery job again. BUT, since I have given up being so hard of heart as to be willing to let humanity take or leave what I have unearthed of Huna, it seems to me that we are all more or less tarred by the same stick. Many of us may be sent back in the next incarnation whether we like it or not. I am told that great social changes are on the way, and now that I (for one) am coming back, I would like to do what I can in what is left of this incarnation to begin leavening the loaf with such Huna knowledge as we have that can be fitted to simplified presentation – No sin: No hurt. Everyone is caught up in the task of trying to get past the threat of atomic war and provide more equal opportunities for our mixed level people.
GROUPS except for the purpose of getting acquainted and finding friends who also like Huna and will discuss it with you, seem “out”, at least for the present. Heretofore all groups were formed to study Huna, and I am beginning to see that with most members already well versed in the lore, such study is of little interest. I am now watching with much interest the progress of a Home Study Group up in the region of Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. From it I hope to learn how such a group works best. It was made up of people who were neighbors, were congenial, and who had a common interest in metaphysics, psychology and philosophies in general. They chanced to run into one of my books, and decided to take up the study of Huna. At about that time they also ran into one of the long time HRAs who was happy to give them advice as to my books to study, and now and then attend a meeting. They meet at the home of a member who is centrally located for them. They have a varied program, with discussions and meditations after the assigned study unit. Each week some member provides light refreshments and now and then the interest is so high that the meetings do not break up until well after midnight.
I have not been in touch with this group very long, but by now am beginning to know individual members from a distance. They all wrote letters telling me about themselves and families, work and so on. They also sent me pictures of themselves and some of the children. I ran P.A. readings for them on all, and was delighted to find that everyone in the group was in the “professional” level in terms of degree – a surprisingly intelligent and fine group, indeed, and just right in standing to understand Huna with no trouble at all. They have sets of the bulletin, the old HRA ones, and the new Huna Vistas. From these they can select material for study and discussion. I am watching their progress to try to learn just what should be done to make a successful group. One thing already learned is that a study group should start with all members at the same place in the approach, and advance step by step together. As I write, I am waiting for a letter to say when the group will give me a long distance phone call when having a meeting, and let me talk to them through a “squawk box” which will allow all of them to hear what I say at my end, and me to hear them reply as individuals. In their letters they report already having put Huna to use and having obtained some very fine results.
GUIDANCE APPEARS TO BE AT WORK. I have prayed in the Huna manner for some sign of Guidance in this new step. I tried with my pendulum to get, via the Aunihipili, an indication from my Aumakua as to whether or not I was doing the right thing in trying to get us organized for spreading the good word of Huna. I got a strong affirmative from the pendulum. I opened my Hawaiian dictionary at random – a method of asking which, in the past, has seemed to give me the right word to tell me whether I was on or off the track. This time I opened the dictionary and my eyes fell on the word ike. This seems to fit exactly and in the affirmative for the new step. Examine the word with me.
Ike: “To know”. (Which we do in knowing Huna.)
Root, i :”To speak; to put into words.” (Yes, we need to speak and tell others about Huna.)
Root, ke: “‘To create; to beget.” (Yes, we can create an organization if we will all give a hand as we may be able, and push forward.)
Hoo ike ike: “To explain; to make very clear.” (Yes, this we will have to do.)
CUTTING THE TAROT CARDS for the new setup, I drew Justice, telling me that the legal aspect is to the fore: the incorporation and the Huna Fellowship. Next the Strength trump: the Guided and Helped effort. Then the Ace of Wands: for a new and auspicious start in a business venture. I take it from this that we will be able to raise money for our expanded work.
It takes several days to write these Huna Vistas, even though I write directly on stencils and do not edit and copy, as one should. After finishing the present writing to the middle of page 10, the mail came in after collecting in the post office box over the July 4th holiday, and in that mail were two letters which seem to show that Guidance is beginning to push hard from the other side. Both letters were from strangers. I venture to quote from them, but will not give the names and addresses, as I have had no time to ask permission for that as yet.
“I am the leader of a group using the Huna prayer method, and meeting each Wednesday night at the local Unity Center. (An order for books and request for membership in the HRA followed.) I also wish to inquire if you would be agreeable to giving a lecture here in New Orleans in our Unity Temple. It has a seating capacity for about 400 people, and we have had speakers in the past who have just about filled it. If you can arrange to come, let me know enough in advance to properly publicize the event. Our minister, Mrs. Ruth Murphy, is a member of our Wednesday night group, and is very open minded about our studying other teachings than Unity. One of her close associates and a member of the Church, Mrs. Irene Fisher, was a secretary to “Baron” Ferson, so you see we are exposed to many teachers, and are endeavoring to find the Truth wherever we can. I have studied and practiced Huna since 1958 (!!) and have been helped immensely by it.” The signature is that of “W.A” our newest HRA, and a warm welcome to him.
This letters shows that we can work successfully with established churches and groups in the non-dogmatic religious circles, and that is VERY encouraging. Our members have been Huna hyphenates this long time, and Huna certainly is so universal that it can blend in and be helpful with and to all progressive schools of thought. I look forward to the day when we can have a good lecturer to travel about and introduce Huna, perhaps then forming classes from which groups may take shape. Or classes might be formed and turned over to local HRAs to teach. Until we get a lecturer, perhaps we might have some lecture tapes which could be sent out and used for the same purpose of introducing Huna and building up class interest. My two ancient tape recorders are in need of repairs, and I have at the moment a fine five inch reel reporting a seance in which Hawaiian words were used by supposedly kahuna spirits coming through a Denver, Colo. medium. BUT, the tape is in the slow 17/8 speed and my old machines will not play it. I tried to borrow or rent a machine modern enough for this speed, but failed to locate one. If this project could get off the ground, we would need someone to duplicate the original lecture tapes for those who wanted to buy them, and to have to lend out to HRAs who are able to use them. (Any of you want to try your hands at giving me an outline or even a full lecture of introduction to run less than an hour? Or, by any lovely chance, does one of you wish to produce such a lecture tape for us?)
“Dear Mr. Long:
Thank you for your prompt reply to my letter of inquiry and your typed comments. (Typed on the usual form letter telling of the HRA and its TMHG. mfl) My letter was a shot in the dark and I am grateful that it hit a target.” (He had come upon one of my books at the library and had found my Vista address in the back of it. mfl.)
“After twenty years of searching, it appears I have found the worthwhile subject, Huna. My wife is just as enthusiastic as I am. This letter will be brief because you made it clear how busy you are.”