Some New Books
Argos Magazine for February, 1968, came out with a fine set of enlarged color pictures of “Bigfoot” or the legendary “Abominable Snowman” Northern California style. The “Sasquatch”, as the Indians of the region have called this creature for over a hundred years, has often been seen and reported, but two young men, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin, were the first to make a serious hunt with readied camera and rifle for the Bigfoot in the region where it had been recently reported.
Packing into the wilderness area well away from civilization, they had the good fortune to come upon Mrs. Bigfoot and to get twenty feet of color film of her as she made for the forest and took cover. She looked like a giant human being covered with black fur, but with nose and cheeks and mouth bare. She had breasts and buttocks – human attributes, not ape. She stood upright and as she hurried for cover, left prints of her feet in the soft soil – prints that were filled with plaster by the young men and as illustrated in the magazine, proved to be twice as long and wide as the foot of Roger Patterson.
In the strip of pictures this creature, fondly named “Adorable Woodswoman” to replace “Abominable Snowman”, was not running. She walked rapidly but took time to look around to see who the strangers might be and what they were doing. She made no outcry and seemed not too alarmed.
The first part of the ARGOSY article deals with the young men and the finding and filming of the creature. The second part is made up of reports on what men of scientific standing had to say about the successful filming of a creature which most men of science had declared could not exist because there just couldn’t be such a creature – a hominid, especially in North America where there were no apes or even monkey-like creatures. The main reason for not accepting the evidence of the film and of the verbal report of the young men was that “there just ain’t no such animal” – so they couldn’t have photographed or seen one.
This is where Huna and the PSYCHOMETRIC ANALYSIS READINGS COME IN. The pictures were good enough to allow a reading, and I got: 213 degrees. This is pendulum-low-self code for a creature with both an Auhane and an Aunihipili and an intelligence level just below the human, which we read down to 218 degrees for those who are not quite complete idiots. (A human with a reading of only 213 degrees would be quite unable to live off the country and care for himself as do the Bigfoot creatures.) Animals whom I have read usually give a small counterclockwise Aunihipili circle, but no “will” swing to indicate that there was an Auhane.
One of the HRAs who has had long practice making readings of creatures below the human level (HRA W.D. of California), was kind enough to run a check for my reading of Mrs. Bigfoot. He got the same P.A. for her but one degree higher, 214. In reporting his findings he suggested that if this hominid was not actually the long sought “missing link”, it might be an example of human beings regressed to near the animal level. If this were right, the presence of the Auhane would be easier to explain, but I favor the other guess and vote for upward evolutionary progress. If any of you who read can make a P.A. of the creature pictured on the magazine cover, I would very much appreciate hearing from you.
ANOTHER CASE in which the only answer so far is the one given by the P.A. readings, is that of two young women in California who, in the past few years, have suddenly screamed and dropped dead. Both had been in good health so far as was known, both were normal, intelligent and good. The first of the sisters to die was happily married. She died mysteriously in 1963 and no reason for her death could be found. Her P.A. reading, taken from a picture in the Los Angeles Times of February 6, 1968, was 371 degrees. Her sister died in the same way at the age of seventeen, on January 17th of this year. Her P.A. was
369 degrees.
In looking for something out of the ordinary in the readings, we have but one thing common to both, and this is the horizontal swing in reading for the Aunihipili (where normally we get only a circle). In the case of the older girl the “Will” pattern swing for the Auhane hints at possible spirit influence, but the reading for the younger sister gave a normal Aunihipili circle, clockwise, and THEN to a
or horizontal pendulum swing. As this horizontal type of swing has, at times, been seen in the living (and is found for a still younger sister who is still very much alive in making her reading), one can only wonder just what the Aunihipili of the reader is trying to communicate. Undoubtedly it has something to do with one of two things. First, it may indicate an Aunihipili obsessed by spirits while the Auhane stands free. Or, secondly, it might simply indicate that something is very much out of the normal in the condition of the Aunihipili.
For some time I have been making readings when opportunity offered of such Scientologists as I have been able to contact through photos or signatures. (One of the HRAs first called my attention to this peculiarity several years ago and asked me to check with her on her strange readings.) All people who have been put through the Scientology “running” to a considerable extent, and all the “clears”, show the complete lack of an Aunihipili circle and the possession of the now familiar and puzzling horizontal swing. The head of the Scientology movement, L. Ron Hubbard, gives a typical reading. It is 372 degrees. His “will” or Auhane pattern makes a leaning V, and the vertical swing suggests strong spirit influence in his life. BUT, what the horizontal swing may indicate, remains to be ascertained. One wonders whether the “running” to empty from the Aunihipili its hidden memories, may not have, at the same time, caused some unusual change in it. In any event, I personally will rest content with the one and only session of “running” I had years ago when the system was called Dyanetics and was spoken of as the “poor man’s psychiatry”. (I am not forgetting the still mysterious “nightmare deaths” of young Filipino males both in their home islands and in Hawaii. In recent years no new deaths of this kind have been reported, and I have no reading on any of the victims, all reportedly in fine health, and all awakening from a nightmare, screaming and dying. In the case of the girls mentioned above, both were wide awake in the daytime, so being “frightened to death” by a nightmare dream is out of the question unless it might have been subconscious.)
ALMOST A HUNA STAMPEDE was caused by the great kindness of Dr. and Mrs. Larson (known to us all through his books which we so greatly value, THE RELIGION OF THE OCCIDENT and recent ESSENE HERITAGE), when they acted on Mrs. Larson’s impulse and sent letters to many of the HRAs proposing that they help make up a fund to give me a vacation trip to Hawaii and also to allow me to make a fresh combing of the Islands to try to turn up a good kahuna. Some of the letters had gone out before I was told of the exciting and delightful project – and then, I had to throw a wet blanket on the whole thing by not possibly being able to go.
I am tied here tighter than the cinch on old Buckskin used to be when I first saddled him and he had taken the precaution of performing the HA Rite – or at least take four deep breaths and holding them. (The result being that after the ride got started, one could almost stick a foot under the cinch, but not quite. I am thinking back to my boyhood in Wyoming.) Anyway, it was a glorious idea, and I could have gone, too. Money came pouring in to be returned with deep, regrets and warm thanks. An amusing thing happened while the flow of gold was piling slowly up to at least a one way ticket. One of the donating HRAs wanted to go along. She had mentioned the project to other HRAs of her acquaintance and they leaped delightedly at the bandwagon to start the stampede. Brakes had to be set, of course, but what fun it might have been!!! And wouldn’t Hawaii have been mystified to have a wagon load of wide eyed kahuna hunters drive up and stop before the Bishop Museum and begin asking questions. Nice to dream of, at any rate. Thanks so much, Emma and Martin Larson, and all you lovely friends who wanted to help, and possibly go along. (I have a letter in the mail as I write, saying that the writer had gone to Hawaii in 1960 and spent six months hunting kahunas before deciding I was right and that there were no more of the fully trained old time kahunas alive.)
YOUR SANSKRIT SCHOLAR wishes to report that still not a trace of a set of coded meanings has been found in the Arthur Avalon books on Tantric Yoga. However, in the investigation, and with the halting use of the Sanskrit, I have run down what seems to be evidence that Huna had been at least partly known to the writers of some of the Vedic literature. I could bore you properly with several pages of notes to show that there is good evidence of this very early absorption of foreign – Huna – ideas. While this knowledge is of some value to the deeply involved hobby student of Huna, ORIGINS, little is to be found of practical value in healing work except the teaching that mana was food and that this food should be presented to the gods – the latter translating easily into the Huna concept of the Aumakua Father/Mother.
THE STORIES FOR CHILDREN (told by mfl to give the Huna version of the Old Testament story of Creation, which included the Huna original and the Babylonian version borrowed by the Jews while in captivity) have grown slightly since last mentioned. The Fairy Queen gave all six pairs of Adam and Eve twins three wishes to be used at the discretion of Old Father Time and his time machine. Four pairs have, so far, elected to travel ahead in time to see how the world would be developing. All, sooner or later, got into trouble and had to use the last wish to return home to the Garden. Two pairs are still to be given their chance to explore the future. I have been playing timidly with the idea of having the last pair make an excursion into the future far beyond 1968, and see what perfections had been worked out in economics and society. I have no hesitation in plans to describe the Brave New World as blessed with the combined religion and psychology of Huna. The religious part would be divided into a materialistic beginning section, with the Higher Beings pictured in some way so that they could be grasped as can images in churches, or idols, symbols, etc. For the citizens whose P.A. degree readings are over 335 degrees, Huna as we favored ones know it, could be presented, abstractions and all. The doctrine of “No hurt – no sin”, would do very nicely.
As to the perfected economy, I cannot think of any solution which would not bring down the wrath of part of the HRAs on my head. The same holds more or less in the matter of adjusting social conditions so that all men of all races can have an equal amount of kudos and recognition. The human creature seems to need, almost above all else, socially speaking, an equal footing and to have others like and praise him. If this is denied, the ego sours and often turns inward on itself. Perhaps I shall let the children who go to the end of time TASTE the perfections in everything, AND like it so well they never use their third wish to get them back to their own time and the safety of the Garden. (One of the thoughtful HRAs discussed future possibilities in a long letter to me. He felt that with machine production methods we can produce only enough surplus to meet the demands of the interest on our National Debt and the State borrowings – those two items – and to meet the rising cost of government and wars to try to stop the spread of Communism. The money that might otherwise go into such plans as “The Great Society” visualized by President Johnson simply is not there, and our borrowing credit is getting strained to a danger point. In other words, if we haven’t got it and can’t borrow it, we can’t spend it.) As to Communism and Socialism, my correspondent noted that while the rich and powerful and comfortable segment of our population can see nothing but complete and total evil in any governmental system other than our own, the poor, jobless and socially outcast are coming to have dangerously different ideas. Looking to past history for examples of similar situations and observing what came of them, we see revolution led by a small but able group – this group finding itself in power after the revolt has won and the people of means have been stripped of their possessions. Using this power, the new rulers are able to force one and all to take orders, like it or not. Usually, the rigidity of the despotism gradually slackens and the old law of “supply and demand” again asserts itself. A new privileged class develops and the law of “survival of the fittest” returns and the foot on the neck system of individual progress comes back into its own. Speaking in terms of the history which repeats itself, we have something rather new to consider when judging present conditions in U.S.A. Red money and training must be added to the picture. Poor men who could not finance constant work to stir up revolt are well supported from the outside. Under Red guidance they have already set up the needed organizational outlines and have drawn up plans. Nor is the U.S.A. the only country where the sparks of unrest are steadily fanned in this way in the hope of creating a Red takeover. The chance for compromise is almost nil. Men and women on both sides show no inclination to give an inch ………
A NEW BOOK was sent to me from England to be reviewed, and it falls within the charmed circle of our HRA interest because it gives space for a critical consideration of Huna and the three selves in contrast to the Greek idea of four elements in the constitution of man. The author is Theodore Faithfull, and his book is titled, The Futured of Women & Other Essays, The New Age Publishers, Ltd., 43, New Oxford St., London, W.C. 1, England. Paperback $3, and the cloth cover at $5, post paid. 183 pages with several reproductions of paintings by the mystic and poet, William Blake. Mr. Faithfull, who is now 82, is a man of much experience and schooling. Years of work using psychology and Psycho-Analysis has given him a rare insight into the problems of daily living, and especially those of married life. His survey of what is happening in the world of women is understanding and illuminating. It is apparent that in the field of psychology, his first love and perhaps his last, is the Greek theory later accepted and expanded by William Blake, who also renamed the four parts of man and his several qualities. I have known of Blake as a mystic for some years, but had never really known what he had believed or preached, so the earlier chapters in the the book were a delightful source of information. The system was presented in a simple and charming way, and the pictures of Blake were discussed and points in them noted symbology and mystical symbolism.
Apparently, Mr. Faithfull had lived happily with the four part idea of man for some time before he came upon Huna and its arguments for the three-self man. In any event, in speaking of the Huna concepts he is frank in saying that he prefers the Blake system which divides the man into, (1) physical, (2) emotional, (3) intellectual and (4) intuition or imagination. (To this he adds the idea of Blake that the male is subjectively female, and the female subjectively male.)
What the author seems to have overlooked is the fact that in Huna the physical body is not considered a “self”‘. It is a body used to some extent by all three of the spirits or selves who make up the man. Removing the “physical” from the Blake list of parts, we then have the Aunihipili of Huna matching the “emotional”, the Auhane matching the “intellectual”, and the Aumakua fitting as the source of all “intuition” (or call it imagination, if you wish).
Finding the mention of Huna in the essays, I expected similar mention and comparisons to include the three manas and three shadowy bodies of the kahunas, but for some reason these were not considered. Perhaps this may be explained by the lack of a clear set of equal items in the Blake system.
From his long and rich experience in helping men, women and children on the mental and emotional levels, Mr. Faithful draws case after case to illustrate the need for love and understanding and corrective steps to make situations better fit the individual. A very well written and informative book which is well worth careful reading. It is an education on William Blake which is hard to find elsewhere, so far as I know. (De Vorss & Co., 4900 Eagle Rock Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90041, are agents for the book in U.S.A. The imported price might be a little higher, but much time in transit would be saved by ordering here if you live in this part of the world.)
STILL ANOTHER NEW BOOK came in from HRA Aubrey Westlake, whose book, Patterns of Health, was happily reviewed some time ago. This new book is tided LIFE THREATENED, with the subtitle of menace and way out. 180 pages of larger and easier to read print may be ordered from the publishers, Vincent Stuart & John M. Watkins, Ltd., 45 Lower Belgrave St., London, S.W. 1, England. Price 32 s. 6d. Best to add postage. (An International Postal Money Order can be purchased in U.S.A. to send.)
Dr. Westlake uses the first part of his book to name the various things which threaten health in these days of advanced chemistry, when most of our foods are slightly dosed with preservatives or other poisons – none to the killing point, but when taken together and for a period of time, cumulative in their bad effects on health. Radiations, poisons used in food production, dangerous drugs, air and water pollution, even noise, come in for careful and documented identification. Let me quote from page 23:
“But (food) dyes are only the beginning of the story, as hundreds of other chemicals are now deliberately added to our foods in various forms: for example preservatives which destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria or moulds; antioxidants to prevent fats becoming rancid; emulsifiers which break up fats; stabilizers which prevent creams from reverting to fats or oils, as in mayonnaise. All these alter absorption from the bowel, permitting, among other things, cancer causing substances not normally absorbed, to be absorbed. To these must be added the regulators – acidifiers, bases and buffers which keep the pH of foods reasonably constant and of which there are 53; the Sequestants, substances which effectively destroy any deleterious activity which a metal in its ionized form might exert on the food – 21 of these; Humectants, substances which affect changes of temperature – 4 of these; Propellants, inert gasses of low boiling point liquids used to expel food through orifices – 3 of these; Glazes, substances which form a film on food to impart a shiny appearance – 7 of these; Anti-foaming agents preventing or destroying gas/liquid colloidal dispersion – 4 of these; Anti-caking agents which reduce tendency of individual particles to adhere – 8 of these; Release agents which facilitate separation of foods from surfaces, e.g. belts, steps, trays, utensils – 10 of these; Firming or crisping agents which prevent onset of flaccidity in vegetable tissue – 7 of these; as well as Sweeteners, Flavourers, Tenderizers, etc., about which little is known, but some are definitely disease producing; and so one might go on.”
In addition to the cumulative effects of taking in tiny doses of poisons in our food and drink, some of these chemicals react with others which are not supposed to be there, inviting danger. The result is a greater variety of accumulating toxins, and an eventual failure of some of the normal bodily functions. Cancer in its many forms is one of the end products.
The remedy? Going back to natural foods in so far as possible as the first step, and working hard as the second step to get community and national action to stop the poisoning of our foods by processors and farmers, also to work on a world scale to stop the setting off of atomic explosions which throw off metallic dusts which are very dangerous because of their radiation. For the third step, a moral awakening is strongly urged – one which will make those who poison the public for private gain stop doing so.
In the second half of the book Dr. Westlake leaves the “Threats” and goes on into a series of discussions of the several theories of disease, its causes and the possible ways of obtaining cures. He includes all theories in his own practice and tries to take the best from each, especially when it comes to the field of Radionics in which the pendulum or special instruments are used in diagnosis and treatment. In his effort to explain how and why Radionic testing is possible, he reports on the work of modern investigators and on page 142 gives a full comparison between the Aunihipili of Huna and the “Proprioceptive System” as offered by Doctors Coghill and Ruth Borchard, showing how closely everything matches. While the Aunihipili of the kahunas is accepted by Dr. Westlake almost as I have viewed it in my studies, he, like Mr. Maby and other English writers in this field, tend to shy away from the aka thread as the means of connecting a signature or blood spot with its owner when radionic readings are to be taken or radiations sent out as treatment. I must admit that the connection by means of the shadowy threads is hard to swallow, but even harder is the idea that a blood spot lying on a table miles from the patient. attracts in some way the radiations from the patient so that he and his organs, poisons and illnesses may be diagnosed with pendulum or coiled wire and rubbing block. The general idea is that the blood spot, photograph or signature can, in itself, reproduce every radiation needed in the measuring. In treating, the “sample” must be stimulated in some way to throw out a radiation of changed character – this radiation having to reach the patient and the patient alone, at a considerable distance. This broadcast system is the “camel” which I cannot swallow, while to me the aka thread is the gnat which my friends gag over. The three shadowy bodes of Huna as well as the three grades of mana are usually considered carefully but discarded in favor of etheric bodies of assorted kinds and a vague form of “life force” which may or may not begin to account for the things covered by the mana of the kahunas. However, the Huna system does get more and more mention, even if not full acceptance. In the effort to find something more reasonable than the threads and manas, the slow circling around Robin Hood’s barn seems to become habitual. My objections aside, the book is fascinating reading on the whole and very well worthwhile. In the same way that Dr. Westlake disregards or pushes aside as not to his liking, many of the conclusions of Huna, we can take from his findings and opinions what we like and avoid the rest. If you are a Huna-Steiner hyphenate, you will love his belief that Steiner was almost the last word in wisdom and that Jesus was “The Way Out,” (as quoted on page 95 from Shepard’s A Scientist of the Invisible).
“Two thousand years ago, Christ initiated human feeling and devotion into faith in the spirit world and in the reality of man’s spirit destiny, and so made possible the evolution of his ego consciousness and the development of his powers of thought. Today He would make possible for him the recovery in clear knowledge and understanding of his true spirit heritage, by initiating his thinking into direct spirit experience. The redemption of human thinking is the completion of the spirit initiation of mankind by Christ.” And on page 100 Dr. Westlake writes, “Such was the state of the Roman world at the close of the first century B.C. Then occurred that stupendous and awesome cosmic event – the descent of a divine being into matter; in Canon Shepherd’s words, ‘In Jesus of Nazareth the cosmic Christ descended into the physical life of humanity, on the very threshold of its deepest penetration into matter, when already its spirit consciousness had almost died away, in order to provide it with the spiritual forces to carry it safely through that stage, and to lift it upwards again to its true spirit goal…”‘ (Not a word about our findings and the fact that some Huna initiates were, at about that time, writing the Initiatory Drama which contained the coded Huna lore and which came down to us as the historicized Four Gospels.) (In passing, may I say that because no two sets of teachings which were obtained through mediumship and spirits, or through direct use of psychic faculties, as claimed by Rudolph Steiner, EVER HAVE AGREED. This leaves us to accept one set of teaching if we will, but forces us to brand all others as incorrect. I accept no such teaching, no matter how reasonable or interesting, at its face value. And here we must be sure that we see the difference between teachings and the Huna systems, the latter being a system in which there seems to have been such general agreement on the part of the initiate kahunas that the body of beliefs was never varied or the coded symbols multiplied with different basic meanings. The code is there, firmly based on a dialect of the now Polynesian tongue for all to see and test, prove or try to disprove. The system, as uncovered by the breaking of the code, stands firmly on words from the dictionary of the language. The source is not one in which there is psychism involved in the recovery. The rejection of the Huna system is permissible, but NOT by countering it with psychic findings.)
Upon reading over the last page, I am a little saddened. Rather than speaking of points on which we disagree, I only wish that I could have said “Amen!” to every point, for I bear a great affection for Dr. Westlake and admire him as one of the foremost investigators in the radionics field. Moreover, I am much indebted to him for his excellent work in laying before the British Society of Dowsers very full outlines and explanations of Huna as I have assembled it from remaining sources.
TO GO BACK FOR A MOMENT to the P.A. readings of Scientology “clears”, let me say that in two ad pieces put out by the organization, I have found pictures of more clears and have additional readings to share with you for what they may be worth in significance.
I worked over the first Scientology “clear”, John McMasters, from two different pictures and also asked questions of my Aunihipili in the hope of finding out what had happened to the Aunihipili in the reading. But the “pendulum talk” failed to enlighten me. In a special edition of the AUDITOR, The Journal of Scientology (published at East Grinstead, Sussex, England), I found one picture of Mr. McMasters, and in an announcement of his lectures in California, another. In the announcement he is described thus: “John has achieved one of the highest States of Existence yet attained in this Universe. He is an operating Thetan, IV (with) the ability to be at cause knowingly and at will over Matter, Space, Time, Life and Thought.” (Add “energy” to this list. I overlooked it. MFL) “He has been in the spearhead of the Great Research into the freeing of the spirit which has now been totally accomplished. He has trod the bridge that has never been walked by man – the road from chaos to total freedom. He has the total truth of Scientology.” In the journal I read that, “After John ‘broke the ice’ (in 1966) more and more clears checked out and now nearly 1,000 Scientologists have reached the previously unattainable state of Clear.” I also read that he has made Class VII, given as “Honours”. His P.A., as I make it, is 354. I also found pictures of three other “Clears” in the journal. All have the same
pattern in their reading, and their degrees run from 353 to 355, which in itself is odd, and which makes me wonder whether it takes a person of this degree type to go in for clearing, or whether the actual work brings them up or down to stand in this degree level.
ONE OF THE STRANGEST THINGS in these readings is that I have not been able to get an Aumakua reading on a single one of them. This is especially odd to me in the face of the fact that the “Thetan” seems to be touched, and this is slightly like our Aumakua, a kind of super man soul or entity, which, if I remember correctly, was said by the founder of Scientology to be some six billion years old. The vertical “will” pattern, I can understand. It comes up for any trained hypnotist and indicates fine suggestive ability, as any “auditor” seems to have. I can only guess at what has happened to the Aunihipilis. They must still be in the body running the digestion etc., but are they so beaten down by the Auhane that they have lost their birthright? Or have they been cleared of all mistaken ideas and perfected in some way? If you know a clear intimately, do let me know in what ways you have found them changed from the earlier condition. (I note in the journal that one may go to Saint Hill and get two 25-hour auditing sessions at $500 each to help along the way to being cleared. The newest method is called “Power Processing” and is advertised as still. another, better and shorter method. The “Power Plus” auditing of 5 hours seems to be something to take after the $1,000 course. It comes at $200. May be only for advanced students.)
A FINE PIECE OF RESEARCH work in Huna has been performed by HRA N.W.A. of New Zealand. He is by way of being very close to an “authority” on the Maori dialect of the general Polynesian tongue. In my search for the word for the Aunihipili in Maori I could find nothing to match the Hawaiian Aunihipili with its several combined root words describing so well the characteristics of the Aunihipili. I saw very early in my investigation that the words for a self which began with a u had originally been au…. because in Hawaiian au is “self”. The word for the Aumakua had retained the initial u, but not so Auhane or Aunihipili.
Our New Zealand HRA writes, “For some time I could not tie in with the unihipili, but now see that in Maori it is Au for “my”, noho for “remaining”, and piri for “attachment”,” (Note: the Hawaiian I becomes r in Maori, and the k usually t. mfl.) (Note here that nihi, in unihipili has once been noho, which is in Hawaiian, “to dwell with one”, or Maori “remaining with one”, which exactly fits what the Aunihipili does in relation to the Auhane. “Attachment” is “to adhere or stick to something else” in the Hawaiian, so we have matching basic meanings.) The letter continues: “(Speaking of the meaning of Auhane or middle self) Au, for my ha for “breath”, ne for “of course”. Or, literally, “my Auhane – conscious breathing – assertion.” (This root meaning has evaded me all these years, but now that we know the importance of the “Ha Rite”, we can see that we have here its function well described in the Code. It is the one who initiates the breathing and accumulation of mana, “of course!” Or, with the “assertion” meaning, we have a direct pointer to the formulating of the prayer which is to be sent to the Aumakua: in Maori Au matua or “My fully grown parent. “)
This HRA also says in his letter that he has not overlooked my anxiety in the bulletins to see some “planning” done to correct governmental conditions here and the world around to lessen the danger of an explosion of the “never possessed” and their fellow haters – an explosion leading to violence and destruction but getting only such reform as comes from the hands of the opportunists who are able, in times of disruption, to grab and hold power by Police State methods. He tells me that in New Zealand much thought is being given to the necessity of reform in the way money is created and set circulating. Credit reform follows as a matter of course. (Socialism and Communism, according to my dictionary, are about the same. Both advocate government ownership and parceling out of jobs, then supervision of distribution of products so that all have an equal chance at making a living. It sounds simple enough, but so complicated are the steps involved, and so massed on opposite sides the “interests” and hates that I only stand in awe and wonder what will happen when the top heavy present structure begins to give way and “Nature takes its course”. I greatly distrust Old Mother Nature. She seems to know but one “law” and that is “Survival of the fittest.” I’m all for trying to plan ahead a little to try to meet the threats which can now be seen. True, we are making some progress, but things seem to get planned and DONE with alarming slowness. The candle of War burns at both ends; the Second Coming, which some hope for to solve the difficulty, is too long delayed, and always there is the danger of the atom bomb war getting started by accident or as the result of some fanatic becoming so mad that he is willing to cut off his own nose to spite the face of the other fellow.)
HEART TRANSPLANTS have attracted much attention on the part of some of the HRAs, and I have been asked for my opinion as to the matter. Some feel that the grafted organ may bring with it a section of the aka body or some rate of radiation which cannot match the rate natural to the one who receives the transplant. “Rejection” may be caused in part by the lack of matching of the aka or “etheric”, etc. The same question was raised some time ago in the matter of blood transfusions. At that time I asked I HRAs who had undergone such transfusions to let me run a P.A. on them to see whether their patterns and degree standing varied in “before and after” tests. Several sets of photos and/or signatures were sent in and carefully tested, but not one showed a change that could be attributed to having the blood of others injected into their veins. This blood, whole or as blood plasma, is not rejected if it is of the same type as that of the patient. Skin grafts may not make the danger of the wrong blood type real, and in organ transplants care is taken to see that donor and recipient have the same blood type. It will be interesting to watch what happens as more organ transplants are performed. Perhaps the aka body of the patient can accommodate and accept the portion of aka coming with a live organ – if any stays with the body at death – which I am inclined to doubt. It might be that the aka body of the patient, given a new organ so soon, will enter and accommodate to it if the blood type and other physical factors are matched correctly. (As I see it, the theory of the shadowy body as Huna gives it to us, is that it, the aka, cannot be injured or amputated. The man who has lost a heart or a leg while on this side, will arrive on the other side with everything intact.)
WHAT SHOULD YOU DO to get on best after the moment of death? HRA W.D. of California has been making some psychic investigations and has offered the following suggestions:
- Decide before you pass over where you want to go.
- After you leave your physical body, do not eat or drink anything.
- Do not let anyone put you to sleep.
- Better refuse to talk to any Beings you become aware of.
- Fasten your mind on where you want to go and will yourself there – and you will be there.
Note: You. have 72 hours after you die when your shadowy body will be full of vital force. This makes you far stronger than any evil spirit who may approach and pretend to be a friend or dear one in order to steal this force and leave you stranded. They will cause all kinds of illusions. Fight them off with your hypnotic mana power of command. You can do it because you have more mana. Keep on going until you get to the level desired. Genuine loved ones will not try to detain you for a moment but will go along.
(Might be a good idea to keep those things in mind against the time when you feel yourself slipping. mfl. )
INTERESTING PENDULUM WORK is reported by HRA S.I.L. of California. He says in part: “I have been using the pendulum for about the last year. I have made countless readings on myself, friends, and famous people. I caught on to the use of the pendulum almost instantly. All I needed was a clear understanding of the instructions. (He had read my book on P.A. reading. mfl.) I could take the readings easily. I might add that I never could do the box experiment, so I stopped trying.
“In your book you said that the Aunihipili is capable of measuring almost anything. Well, I have been working with this idea. I set up different categories to rate people by and tested them for physical fitness, emotional maturity, work, self change and strong emotional biases. I set a range from 1 to 100. The higher the score, the better the rating.
“All I do is get the person’s signature or picture, and tell my Aunihipili which reading I want, and then start calling off the numbers. (I suppose the pendulum stops swinging when the right number is called. mfl) I have gotten very good results.
“The most interesting development, however, is that I am learning not to use the picture or signature to get the reading. All I need is the first and last name of the person. Or some way of singling him out. I think of the Aumakua and look at the name. I get a sense of contact. And I take the reading. Then I compare that reading with one made from a picture. They usually match.
“Another important development is using the pendulum to get information about another person. You know how you ask your own Aunihipili questions and it replies through the pendulum. Why not use the same technique on the Aunihipili of someone else? I have found that this works. But you must have some feeling for what you are doing. And the area must be one of importance to the other fellow also.” (This is a new idea to me, that of asking in this way such questions as could be answered by the Aunihipili – at a distance – of another person. MFL)
I comment: This might be called permissive spying, or given some other name to indicate that one helps another by visiting directly with that one’s Aunihipili. Kimball seems to visit with the Aunihipilis of people in a room and learn things from them that the person’s Auhane may not know. He makes a fine show of conversing subconsciously with pets and getting their opinions of their masters, lives, surroundings and friends. No telling how far this approach can take us. In my personal work with the pendulum I have sometimes asked the age and sex of a person being read, but never have tried to direct questions to the Aunihipili of the reader. I must try it out and see if I can learn the art.
A SUGGESTION was offered recently by HRA B.E. of California, who wrote:
“Last night several members of my family sat around the table and discussed P.A. readings, our own P.A. readings, and especially the long letter by you about the R-M reading by you of five or six years ago. It has only gained in interest over the years. While hashing over the readings of prominent people given in your book, Psychometric Analysis, I was reminded that I have been going to suggest that in each issue of the Huna Vistas you include 4 or 5 readings on currently newsworthy personalities, whether they be statesman or screwball, saint or sinner. I know I would be fascinated by such readings, and I feel the majority of HRAs would be too.” (Yes, can do. mfl.)
THE TAROT CARDS INDICATED, on being run February 1st, that the Pueblo incident would NOT cause a new war with North Korea. At the moment it looked as though a major attack might be made by U.S.A. to get back the little spy boat and its crew. One Congressman said that we should demand immediate release under penalty of having a bomb dropped. The cards turned up no Major Trumps except the Death card, and this was NOT accompanied by cards showing many deaths. I reported the prediction in the “tinned” letter made up for February, so many of you may have knowledge of it. As I cut this stencil, the cards are still right. Negotiations, delays, and no easy progress. We look to have to meet additional and high expense because of the trouble. Might have to buy back the ship and men with some form of reparation money. The cards still predict a start toward peace in Vietnam.