Future Predictions & Letters: Huna Works!
REMEMBERING: Louise, loved and greatly missed wife of Max Freedom Long. October 15, 1886 – July 14th, 1966. After an illness of several months: anemia and cancer of the lungs. Added to the burden was partial blindness from cataracts, all sight being lost near the end. The escape was most welcome when it came, and the step into a fresh and perfect spirit body a joyous one. Louise always led the way, planning the vacations and little trips in between whenever we could get away from the demands of business. It is quite in keeping that she has gone ahead to explore the new lands and beauties of the “other side”, and, undoubtedly, to plan for our trips across when our times come. With our partner of the years, Miss Ethel Doherty, I will continue the book business, at least for a time. Later we may decide to retire – also to finish the work with the HRA.
REPORTS ON THE HA RITE repeated to the length of up to forty times, have been slow to come in. My own tests were made under conditions of great stress and resulted in apparent brief stimulation of the one treated, but I was forced to conclude that I had not yet come to know how to call down such a miracle of healing as would bring about massive changes in abnormal tissues and overcome the the ravages of the years. Testing and experimenting must continue, but it is a most hopeful lead and is directly in line with the basics of Huna that we have already uncovered. The famous kahuna, Hewahewa, was unable to save King Kamehameha the Great when he became ill at an advanced age, although he had pulled him through a number of tight spots and attacks of the strange and new white man’s diseases up to then. When I am rested and can get up more steam, I will give the new method a better try. Meantime, see what you can do?
VIETNAM WAR’S END was predicted on May 7th to be about 90 days off by the famous psychic, Jean Dixon, according to V. Barton, writing in the June/July issue of the Cosmic Star (about which journal more in a moment). I write these lines on August 5th, so we have two more days to go to reach the date of August 7th, which would make 90 days. Mrs. Dixon was speaking before an audience at the University of Southern California when questioned, and she said that the United States would make the peace “but not on our terms”. As you may recall, the Tarot Cards in my hands have long indicated that we would come out of the little end of the horn in this adventure. I have just cut the cards and the forced end of hostilities is indicated as of the very near future, with the three of hearts showing minor sadness at our having to give in. With the peace we seem to assume a heavy financial load.
Unfortunately, the cards do not give definite information to show what forces us to accept the peace “not on our terms”. The major trumps, “Justice” and “The Devil” come up in the draws, the first suggesting that the World Court or the United Nations may be instrumental in bringing about a truce, while the “Devil” would indicate some very unsavory influences at work behind the scenes. The “Devil” also seems to be an indicator of revolt and rebellion as well as of the double cross. Revolt in South Vietnam could come as part of the action in making ready for the promised vote to see what government the people prefer. The clash between the Buddhists and the native Catholics could cause much trouble, and the governments we have tried to uphold have been of the poorest sort. We might also have riots and revolts here in USA which could force our easing up in Vietnam. In political circles there is much dissatisfaction with the war, and a political revolt of sorts could play a part. The blind hatred that moves the rioters is reflected by the blind greed of unions and the great corporations who stand willing to discommode the entire country and add fuel to inflation just as long as they can have another pound of flesh. As I write, England has had to call a halt to price and wage rises. The problem is world wide, not just one for the West.
Some years ago Herbert Hoover, writing for the Saturday Review, spoke of the “Ideological revolution” which had become the terrible scourge of our times. He had in mind the rise of the Reds and the fact that men accept ideas and hold them almost as fixations, being willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces. The old saying that “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad”, fits the unreasoning drive to get what is wanted without the slightest concern about the other people who may be hurt in the drive. The movement for “Black Power” is right in line with this insanity. Hoover wondered in his article whether or not the prophetic vision in the Book of Revelations might not be coming true, and concluded that the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse was not Pestilence (as we have now conquered the plagues), but Revolution. Here is St. John the Divine’s description of that terrible horseman:
“And there went out another horse that was red; and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.”
As I write, I am suddenly recalling the dread August dates when harvests were in and many great wars began, particularly World War I. Someone was assassinated, and it acted like a match tossed into a powder keg. We are having matches tossed in all directions, and the lesser revolters are heard to cry, “Burn, baby, burn!”. Hunger and rage walk side by side in much of East while greed and rage pair up in the West. At the very worst, one can imagine a man or group so filled with rage that they would blast the earth out of existence just to get even with those who stand in the way of getting what they demand. History shows how men have slowly tried to work from savagery into rule by justice and law, but progress is stopped and the clock turned back periodically by the outbursts of the savage, greedy and impatient “angry men” who blindly kick over the apple cart. One wonders whether, at this point in history, men are going to listen to reason in the Vietnam situation, or chance the wrecking of civilization (fragile as it is) to gain some ideological advantage. The dangerous madness of the moment seems well illustrated by the Viet Cong who undergo such hardships and fight against such superior arms in their mad struggle to take over all of Vietnam. The Buddhists in South Vietnam have been mad enough to burn themselves to express their objection to things they fixedly dislike or hate or fear. China has just had to purge official and military circles to clear out determined men who did not like the way the Reds were running the land. Every week we read of some revolt or other in which a government changes hands. Anything could happen …. fast.
SPEAKING OF “THE COSMIC STAR”, the strangest thing seems to have happened. In the last issue of the H.V. I spoke of the surprise I had in receiving what I took to be the familiar “Cosmic Star” journal, but with the word “NEW” added. My guess was that a reorganization of some kind had taken place. A little later came the news that a group of people had undertaken to muscle in on the familiar paper – running offset copies of their format, advertising and such, and sending to those on the regular mailing list a list evidently taken from the original “Cosmic Star” office. Merle and Goldie Gould, top people of the original magazine, published an open letter trying to explain that “Brand X” STAR was not the genuine one which readers had expected, and which would continue to be published and mailed in the usual way. The letter says, in part:
“We were first somewhat taken back by this impersonation, but we soon, recovered after lengthy talks with legal counsel. Also we were comforted by the years we have had studying the New Age Philosophies which have taught tolerance, patience and understanding.
(CIGBO, at this point looks dreamily out of the open window. He has been watching a large yellow cat camped on a gopher hole in the back garden. Now he remarks, “Wouldn’t it be nice of someone grabbed the Huna Vistas and took over the cigar box and began to get splinters in HIS/HER feet!”) By the way, the HRA list is again filled with deadwood – members who have not been heard from for too long a time and who have forgotten that paper and stamps cost money. Cigbo and I will reluctantly have to go through the list and clean out dead wood names again.
THE LATEST NEWS ON THE FILIPINO SPIRIT HEALERS came to me recently via a letter which had been sent to one of the HRAs who planned to fly down from San Francisco and visit one or both of the famous healers. He inquired by letter before making his start, and had a typed reply of what seems to be a form letter in use by a Spiritual Fellowship or Foundation type of organization. It said that by the time the letter was received, it was probable that one of the healers would already be in California. It then went on to ask whether or not the HRA could and would please finance the trip over for the healer. Later, I heard from another friend that this request seemed to be included in all letters sent out to people who wished to come down to get healed or just to investigate. Over a month has passed since the possible date of arrival, and still there seems to be nothing happening. I understand that some time ago $2,000 was collected and sent to Terte to bring him over to demonstrate under the auspices of Dr. Decker, but that the money seems to have gone the way of all flesh. Also, it is reported that at least four other individuals or groups have been trying to get one of the healers over, but (at this writing, and so far as I know) without success. I hear that Harold Sherman is putting out a book, including pictures which he made of some of the spirit surgery. If the pot keeps boiling with the present interest, something is bound to happen eventually. Perhaps the lid will just blow off down in Manila at a safe distance. Meantime, in the COSMIC STAR issue from which I have quoted, I see two articles telling of spirit healers having much success with mediums in our own western lands, and the Harry Edwards group seems still to be doing excellent work in a hit and miss fashion. The kahunas would say that where a person was open to healing ministrations, he could be healed, but not if he happened to have guilt complexes, fixations of various kinds, or was obsessed. The kahunas of old were at great pains to kala, or cleanse the patient so that the “path” to the Aumakua would be open and he would be ready for healing ministrations. So far as I know, no such cleansing preparations are made by Spiritualistic Healers such as we know.
HUNA HELPS AND HEALS SO MANY that seldom does a week go by in which I do not have an enthusiastic letter or two telling of Help received by an individual through the use of Huna methods, or of Help received after joining the Telepathic Mutual Healing Group and using its regular method of making a “prayer action” (as described in detail in my book, Secret Science At Work). On the other hand, out of the number who hear of the TMHG and write to ask that their needs be worked upon, there are a few who report unhappily that they have had no results. There are also letters saying that the writers are sure that their paths are blocked and that their prayers are not getting through to their Aumakuas. They almost always want to know just what to do to open the path.
THE PENDULUM TEST is the best thing I know to tell one whether or not one is in contact with the Aumakua. If one can use a pendulum, one holds it over the palm of the free hand while performing the Ha Rite to accumulate a surplus charge of mana. The pendulum will swing in an ever larger circle as the charge builds. When the circle is at its largest, the Aunihipili is told to contact the Aumakua and offer the charge with love and veneration. If the Aunihipili makes the contact successfully and the Aumakua accepts the gift, the circle will be replaced by a pendulum swing first in a vertical line across the palm, then a line in the horizontal direction, the two marking out a plus sign or cross. Next, the pendulum will mark a large circle around the place marked by the cross. This circle may be either clockwise or counterclockwise. I get both, but it seems not to make a difference. The circle will gradually become smaller, or the pendulum [will] simply stop its motion. At this time one may send more mana and mentally recall the picture of the desired condition as if it had already been materialized. The pendulum will begin moving again in a vertical or “yes” line of swing over the palm, and may once more mark out the circle-cross sign of the Aumakua contact. There is no definite rule about the reaction, but when one feels the prayer sent with the mana has been accepted and the action is finished in proper form it is well to end the sitting by stating, as did the kahunas, “My prayer is finished. It flies to the Aumakua. Let the rain of blessing fall.” This “rain” is the symbol for the return of some of the mana after it has been changed to the higher form used by the Aumakuas, and often it may feel like a fine rain falling on one.
FOR THE BEGINNER WITH THE PENDULUM the first step is to find something to to use for a pendulum. A lead fishing line sinker weighing about as much as a half dollar (U.S.A. or 1/2 ounce) is excellent and needs but to have a stout thread tied to the larger end of it. Measure from the lower or smaller end of the pendulum to a place about 3-3/4 to 4 inches away on the thread, and tie a knot at that point. When holding the pendulum for use, hold it at the knot and it will swing at about the right speed. Too short a thread makes for too fast action, and too long a thread for too slow. (I have described this training and preparation in my book, Psychometric Analysis.) One next draws circles and ovals and straight lines of various sizes on a sheet of white paper, using ink by preference, then holds the pendulum over the things drawn and ask the Aunihipili to make the pendulum swing and trace the lines or circles or ovals. If, with a little practice, the Aunihipili responds readily, it is safe to decide that one can use the pendulum successfully. If there is no response or just random and meaningless swinging, or if the pendulum swings like a child was playing with it and refuses to stop or to take orders, one may have a Aunihipili which is not well qualified to learn the art of conversing by means of the pendulum movement code with the Auhane. Sometimes a change of objects used to make a pendulum will help. The expensive “store-bought” pendulums are little better for our purposes.
IF THE TESTS SHOW THAT NO CONTACT is being made with the Aumakua, steps must be taken to open the contact or “path”. I have described in my writings the various things thought by the kahunas to “block the path” to the Aumakua. I have also given all the advice possible as to the ways and means of opening the path, and in my book, Self Suggestion, I have given the method of learning to use self suggestion to the end that it can be put to work to cause the Aunihipili to play its needed part in making the contact or opening the “path”. Most people, I have found, are unwilling to work to get their path opened. They make a feeble try, then yell for help. But now and then some stout fellow works out his salvation successfully. It may take sacrifice and hard work to convince the Aunihipili that its man is worthy of Aumakua contact and Help. In cases where there is partial spirit obsession (as can be ascertained by the use of the pendulum in making a Psychometric Analysis or reading) the path may be blocked by the obsessing spirit. This is the most difficult of all blocks to get removed, as the spirit influences the Aunihipili of the victim to the extent that he cannot bring himself to do anything that might get rid of the evil influence. In the Drama of Jesus, he removed such spirits by “casting them out”, and this must be possible, but we have yet to develop workers who can accomplish the desired results. On the other hand, I know of none of us, including myself, who have taken time to practice steadily at accumulating and using the simple low mana as a mesmeric shock force – this seeming to be the force needed to dislodge the obsessing spirit and force it to let go its hold.
“SALVATION” has at least two meanings to begin with when one accepts Huna as a working method and begins to try to put it to use. The first step is well put in the Gospel injunction of Jesus, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven…” One here sets out to get contact with one’s Aumakua and learn to work in harmony with it so that “all these things may be added unto you.” (Which we may consider the second step and the consummation of the lesser “salvation”. The Greater and final “Salvation” comes at the end of the necessary number of incarnations when we have learned our lessons and are helped through “Grace” to “graduate” and become a new Aumakua.) All too many of those who complain in their letters that they cannot contact their Aumakua and get their prayers answered, are seeking first the answer to the prgyer instead of beginning by seeking the “Kingdom” or Aumakua. I am always saddened by letters telling me that prayers to force someone to give something to the writer have not been answered. Over and over I have written letters restating the Huna belief that we cannot force others to obey our will, even if in the form of prayer. The freedom of “will” cannot be overwhelmed by the voice of prayer, and certainly the Aumakua will not hear the voice that demands that “Peter be robbed to pay Paul”. It is quite legitimate to ask for a gift of something, and often the one who alone is able to make the gift may be coaxed by the Aumakuas to oblige, but to take something away from one by force is NOT the Aumakua way of doing things. We do well to make our needs known to our Aumakua and then let it figure out a way to fill them. And do not forget that if you feel inside you that you have not earned a boon or that you do not deserve to get it, you probably will NOT.
THE GIVING ATTITUDE OF MIND must replace any grabbing attitude. If we let the Aunihipili put greed into its picture when we pray, that someone help us by a gift, the picture tends to tighten the purse strings of the affluent one, while the attitude we cultivate of giving and basic “sacrifice” makes for the GIVING influence all around. We do well to do our Boy Scout good deed to make ourselves ready to have good deeds done to us. The great gift, of course, is mana to the Aumakua.
I HAVE SAID THAT MANY REPORT THAT HUNA WORKS. In the mail today (as I write) two letters came in which the successful use of Huna has been mentioned. Let me quote from them. (It is always encouraging to the beginners to hear of the success of the more advanced students of Huna.)
“But most of that (her success) came from you and my long years of study and profit in Huna which make me KNOW Tony’s gift is no miracle.” This letter tells of the success in getting Dr. Jan Stevenson, of the University of Virginia Medical School, to go to Manila to look up the Filipino healers and try to get Tony to come back with him to demonstrate psychic surgery before a qualified group of doctors. The date of Dr. Stevenson’s arrival in Manila was to be August 10th.
HRA G.J. of Arkansas writes, after telling me of his early religious training and his desertion of it to search for something better – the search ending in the finding of Huna, “So, you can see that Huna easily became my religion. One reason is that I don’t have to go about accepting as fact the many beliefs that the Church teaches as fact. And, above all, Huna is workable when we actually apply it – not just talk about it. Never-the-less, it seems to me that those who are trying to put it into the form of an organized church will defeat the true Huna religion, for it is a personal & powerful force, and it seems to me this can only be lost in the organizational structure of a church.” (He had been speaking of a letter he had from the HRA in Phoenix, Arizona, who sells a course of lessons and with them an ordination as minister of his church.)
HRA T.M. of San Francisco writes, “You will also be pleased to know that my sister has had a complete change, all her problems have straightened out. Her husband is in the hospital getting the care he really needs and her health is greatly improved. All this is due to the prayers given in her behalf.”
About a week ago I was made very happy by a passage in a letter from a new HRA, who wrote, “I want you to be aware of my profound gratitude to you for the work you have done. As a longtime student of things spiritual, mostly by the Unity method, I was well prepared and waiting for Huna. As a member of A.A., I had a rather urgent need for a workable approach to the Higher Power. That need has been met – for the first time. That, Mr. Long, is reason enough for gratitude.” (At times I may get a little discouraged when the Huna investigation does not go faster and give us instant healing, but so many letters of appreciation come to me that I am constantly bucked up and encouraged to carry on as best I may.)
Another letter giving me appreciation for my efforts came today. It reads in part, “I have more time now for study of Huna. Do you have the second set of Huna Vistas yet? If so, please advise. The first set has given me many hours of enjoyment, especially when I was ill. Also the current HVs have been such treasures to read and reread. And will you send me a book list? I have loaned your books from time to time and a couple of them have not been returned. I miss them as old friends …….
HRA R.C.W. of Portland, Oregon, says in a letter received today, “I read an article in the R.D. beginning, ‘Is God Dead?’. I didn’t like it. Huna is MY religion now.”
HAVE A CARE if you are tempted to fall for the instructions given in some YOGA courses. As I was finish[ing] the end of the page ahead just now, the phone rang and a stranger introduced himself as speaking from Clarksville, Arkansas, and asked if I would please talk to his brother about his troubles. The brother then took the phone and told me a rather frightening story. About three weeks ago he was happily doing deep breathing exercises, sitting in a special posture, and willing the rise of the Kundalini or “Serpent Force” from his sacral plexus up to the top of his head. Suddenly something began to happen. A force like a strong shock of electricity jolted him and the force ran like fire up his spine, but turned off short of his head and ran out through his left shoulder. Since then he can’t get back to normal. The force jolts him unexpectedly and his shoulder is bad. His nights are filled with bad dreams, and some of his symptoms have all the earmarks of spirit obsession. Did I know about such things, and could I suggest anything to help him? I had to confess that I had never run into anything quite like his case before, and that his condition was not one familiar to Huna. (He had been told about one of my books and may have read a chapter or two.) All I could advise was to stop experimenting, pray hard for Help, and give himself time to recover his normal condition.
It struck me that a word of warning might not be out of place in the H.V. In the days of Theosophy I always read the warning that no one should try to rouse the Serpent Fires without working long and carefully with a fully qualified teacher. It would seem that the warning was a good one. About five years ago I had a letter from a couple in Australia who had been experimenting in something of the same manner and had become vulnerable to sudden obsession by spirits. They prayed themselves clear in a few months, but had learned a hard lesson. Never accumulate mana without doing something with it. Send it to the Aumakua, pour it through your hands into an ailing friend, or direct it to go into a part of your body which needs healing and work there as ordered. A large surcharge just left hanging around is a great temptation to any evil spirit who may happen to notice it and make a move to take it …. and perhaps YOU. A good rule is to make immediate contact with the Aumakua and ask for Help and Protection the instant anything suspicious seems to be happening to you or about you. If uncertain, pray first for Guidance and Protection before you set to work in any manner which might be even slightly dangerous.
MORE NEWS OF THE HEALERS STORY has come in (as I continue to write these pages the next day). Riley Crabb, of the BSRA journal, tells me he has had word indirectly that Dr. Decker has taken a conducted party of about 30 people on a flying trip to see Tony or Terte, and, one may suppose, either try for a personal healing, or just have the exciting pleasure of seeing psychic surgery performed. They were due to reach Manila at about the time of this writing, August 11th, or even earlier. (I have just had a brilliant idea! Why not round up all the medicos who need healing and can’t get it, and have a conducted tour to visit the healers and get their several Charley Horses fixed up? Unfortunately, the outcome probably would be that they would find ways and means of forcing the healers to join the A.M.A. and find their practice taboo under the present rules.)
WHEN I AM KING (which may not be soon), I shall promote two things. First, a UNION of all non-union and non-A.M.A and all non such inside track boys. Then, when any of the inside track outfits acted against the general good, MY union of ununion and unorganization people would boycott the offenders to run them back into line. The big corporation profits would also be forced into line. For the second item, I would see that any person be allowed to decide when he wanted to die and be helped to do so in the easiest possible way and with no stigma of disgrace. This is not my original idea. Kind men have worked for years to give the blessing of what has been named “Euthanasia” to those who now are forced to suffer endlessly until set free by death. (I sometimes wonder why the mass inertia of the world holds back so long the good and necessary things that have so long been recognized by the more daring and advanced minds. In another hundred years we may begin to catch up with those advanced ideas – that is, if we are here as a civilization still. Riley Crabb has a very dim view of the possibilities. He reminded me today of the prophecy in the last chapter of the book, Dweller On Two Planets, dictated by the spirit, Phylos, to the medium, Oliver Someone. ((My copy of the book is for the moment lost in the piles and shelves.)) The prophesy was that revolution and the war between races would cause “brother to fight brother” and that in the end all civilization would break down and those people who survived would run in wild gangs, supporting themselves in any way that was still possible. Phylos said that the only way that this end could be avoided would be for men to turn to God and brotherly love, insuring justice for all. Riley shook his head and reminded me of the present riots which are increasing daily in the U.S.A. and with them hatred and fear. Given enough of each, the lid is bound to blow off and mutual murder become the order of the day. I am reminded of the old adage, “Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.” When men cease to use reason and take to force, they are met with force in due time unless, of course, a sufficient number can group together and conquer all opposition.) (Was Oliver’s name Hilliard? Or was that his last name? No great difference.)
THE “KUNDALINI SHAKTI” or “coiled up serpent” power may or may not be MANA as recognized in Huna. If it is not, then we have open to us a most interesting and important field for research and speculation. In The Secret Doctrine, 1. 312, Blavatsky describes the force as, “It is the universal life principle which everywhere manifests in Nature. This force includes the two great forces of attraction and repulsion; electricity and magnetism are but manifestations of it.” (Ibis does not sound like mana, for mana obeys the mental command and will attract or repel or remain neutral and in stationary storage in the aka body or in some substances. However, it was thought by the kahunas to be the life force in all living things.)
Hoult, in his Dictionary of Theosophical Terms gives: “Kundalini: the coiled up ‘serpent’ – the latent divine power in man.” (Only the high mana is a bit divine in Huna.) “The third stage of development is the awakening of the fiery Serpent – Kundalini – which is the Life that runs through the centers of the lotuses and unifies them, coordinating them into one harmonious whole. When this is done, the astral man is free (from) ‘The Dreamer’.” (Huna recognizes no “lotuses” or “Chakra” centers, and also divides the force into three kinds: low, middle and High, according to which one of the selves is using it.)
The exact nature of the Life Force or of its appearance as the “serpent force”, is being discussed at the moment by at least two writers. In SEARCH magazine for September, the editor, Ray Palmer, touches on the problem in discussing the fact that flying saucers are often seen in a straight line across the country, often following some high voltage power line as it cuts straight across the land. He advances the old theory once more, saying that the saucers or the beings inside them seem to draw electricity from the power lines. He thinks perhaps the sudden surge of power as they take or release it is what has several times burned out relays in sectional grids and blacked out large portions of the country, as in New York and Texas. He continues to speculate, offering the idea that the saucer people or those away from the saucers who may be directing them from a distance, “eat electricity”.
THE SECOND WRITER ON MANA is Theodore Faithful, well known for his articles and books in England, his field being mainly that of dowsing. For years I have admired his work from a distance and wished that he might some day turn his keen mind in the direction of the things that Huna has to offer as explanations of the mechanisms of dowsing and related arts.
In Edgarton Sykes’ latest issue of PENDULUM, Mr. Faithful has an article, the title of which is “The Three Souls of Man”. (PENDULUM, Markham House Press, Ltd., 31 King’s Road, London, S.W. 3, England. Bimonthly, subscription $5 a year for U.S.A, Mimeographed journal noteworthy for articles covering items related to the fields in which we of the HRA labor.)
Mr. Faithful rounds up the sources of the idea of the THREE SOULS of man, starting with Plotinus, last of the great Greek philosophers, (A.D. 205-270) who had written, “But the matter There is something real for that which is before it is beyond being.” (This would be the Akua Aumakua realm, one step higher than the Aumakua.) “Here however that which is before matter is real so matter itself is not real, it is something else over against the excellence of real being.” Mr. Faithful comments, “What is this but Sir James Jean’s ‘non-mechanical reality’, and Sir Arthur E. Eddington’s ‘mind stuff’, as the fore-runner of what we call physical. Plotinus saw soul as having three parts, one giving us physical existence carrying the instincts, the memories which enable us to build ourselves from the date of conception. This he calls the animal in us. Another part directed to Nous and The One – the Fontal Power, God, Allah. The third intermediate sometimes concerned with the body and the act of living and reasoning and sometimes directed toward the higher soul. Who are we he asked, ‘Are we that higher self or that which drew near to it and came to be in Time? Before this birth came to be we existed.’ He considered the idea that the bodyh as a life principal of its own when it lives by the presence of the soul. ‘If it has soul and nature in it, it cannot be the same kind as a lifeless thing. We, the higher soul, are concerned with its pains and pleasures, because it belongs to us. Sometimes the whole of soul is in harmony with the best part of itself (which is a part of real being, T.F. explains) but sometimes the worst part of it is drawn down and draws the middle part with it. When it is (soul) without body it is in fullest control of itself and free and outside the universal chain of causation, but when it is brought into a body it is no longer altogether in control, as it forms part of an order with other members”‘
The article then continues with, “The middle soul is the objective self concerned with actuality. According to Plotinus the soul comes into occupation of the body to get the opportunity of objective living and manifesting its power which would have remained quiescent in the spiritual world.” (Huna has no stated reason for our coming into physical life.)
Mr. Faithful then presents Huna as another system in which three souls are recognized, and gives a very able presentation of our present conclusions concerning the nature of the beliefs of the kahunas. He quotes at length from my books, kindly giving me credit, and eventually arrives at the part concerning MANA or LIFE FORCE.
After saying that the kahunas believed that mana was the life or vital force, and that it was created from the food we use, he says, “Recent research into radiation suggests that the low self DOES NOT manufacture the vital force, the odic force, Venergie humaine, (these being) cosmic energy which the low self controls in its entry into the body. It is the middle self which can direct the distribution of this vital force for use by the lower self or to energize the higher self.”
UNFORTUNATELY, Mr. Faithful does not pause to explain what modern research has contradicted the belief of the kahunas that mana was made from food. How it is absorbed from outside as “cosmic energy” is not even explained in terms of the Yoga or Theosophical theory that it is “prana” and is absorbed from the air which we breathe. In any event, the question concerning the nature of VITAL FORCE is seen to be part of Mr. Faithful’s speculations, and all roads begin to lead to the Rome of JUST WHAT LIFE FORCE MAY BE. For my part, Huna has by far the best theory to cover the matter – in fact about the only theory that has been worked out in some detail and made to fit the problems which, in their turns, the aka body and aka cords or threads answer. The “radiation” which Mr. Faithful mentions as having to do with the disproof of the mana from food theory, is familiar as a mechanism supposed to explain map dowsing – the radiation from the land represented by the map being sensed and worked with by the dowser. Radiation of this amazing kind and power is quite contrary to all the recognized laws of weakening with distance, and the Aumakua or a Superior Spirit must be called in to bring the radiation unless the aka thread is recognized as a vehicle of contact with distant places – a vehicle along which both intelligence and mana can travel without weakening because of distance.
FOR YOUR CHECK ON YOUR PSYCHOMETRIC ANALYSIS readings, if you are one of the many HRAs who are working with this method, I will give my readings on the young man who went up to the tower of the main building of the University of Texas and began shooting at everyone below. He had already killed his wife and mother, and before himself being killed, he had killed 12 more and wounded 31. I have made my readings from the August 12th issue of LIFE magazine. On page 28D is a picture of the man, Charles Whiteman, at the age of 13, by then an Eagle Scout, always a “good boy” who had served as altar boy and seemed to be normal except for a strong hatred of his father. The reading from this picture, made while asking for the reading as of that age, was and 302 degrees. The trident will pattern is typical of spirit influence, and the line at 2 o’clock was then stronger, but I got no personality circle until I asked for the reading of the main eating companion spirit, whereupon I got the vertical will swing typical of the hypnotic evil spirit, and a very small counterclockwise circle, suggesting that his Aunihipili was dominated by the spirit, but that he was, at that time inclined to be a good and constructive lad if let alone by the spirit. On page 29 a reading was made of Charlie from his latest picture, and one from a picture of his father which appears on the page. The reading for Charlie had changed only in that the degree was up to 307 and so had advanced closer to the reading of the evil spirit, whose degree reading was asked for separately and proved to be much higher, at 327. From this one may guess that the smarter spirit, having almost full control of the Aunihipili of the victim, had helped him in his studies and in making the later plans. The lad, at 302, fell into the dangerous level that stands from 300 to 310 degrees where we find so many obsessed and bedeviled people. The child of a person who is the victim of eating companion spirits, often seems to have the same trouble, and the reading for the father showed that he was similarly obsessed and with a counterclockwise circle (even with the axis in the constructive or good direction). Here is the reading for the father, note that it has a variation in the circle, indicating that he changed in his attitude toward his son from time to time and probably made himself much disliked in doing so.
301 degrees
If the psychiatrist who treated Charlie had been able to make P.A. readings, as we are doing, he would have seen at once that he was dealing with an obsessed man who could be very dangerous because he was in almost full control of an evil spirit. The hatred of his father was evidently shared by the spirit, if not originated by it, and with frustration enough, eventually resulted in the wild murder spree. One fine day we will have the P.A. readings used in psychiatric practice as a valuable tool.
MORE CHECKING may be done, using the pictures of two English people together involved in the murder of one adult and two children, and the burial of their bodies on the moors. The man of the team was Ian Brady, age 28. The girl, 23 year old Myra Hindley. He has a reading of 306 degrees. Note the very weak will pattern which slants far too low and makes him easily led, especially, easily led into crime, for his Aunihipili personality circle is counterclockwise. Here, again, we find the degree in the unfortunate level of 300 to 310. The girl’s reading shows that she was the one who pushed the man into his active participation, for she is very similar in her reading, but has the trident of the evil eating companion influence. She is in the same unfortunate degree level at 304. Her reading is
304 degrees. The prisons are filled with weak willed and counterclockwise people who were led into a life of crime by some more willful criminal, often one obsessed in an undetected way. When “civilization” catches up with Huna and the P.A. reading methods, the understanding of prisoners and criminals in general will be much better, and the work of the parole boards improved so that the natural criminals and murderers will be kept where they cannot prey on the public. A humane method of detention will be worked out so that the victims of such afflictions can lead a fairly normal and happy life, but, certainly, not be allowed to breed and produce similar criminals.
A typed copy of a strange book was sent to me for inspection by one of the newer HRAs because it seemed to throw new light on the ACTS which follow the Four Gospels in the New Testament. The title is “ACTS II”.
The typed copy runs 32 pages, and at the end one reads: “Discovered and translated by Kenneth Gunthrie, M.A., PhD., M.D. Was rector for many years of All Saints Church , a parish now St. Augustine’s Chapel and is dependent on Trinity Church. Appeared in ‘Who Was Who In America!’ 1942. Obituary notice April 10, 1940 in ‘The Living Church’. Date of death March 17, 1940 He was a priest of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
This is all very well, but one immediately wonders where this gentleman found such a script to translate, also where his parish and church might have been. The lack in this matter throws the validity of the material back on its face value, and there is little to judge it by except that it seems to be the work of a scholar who used endless unfamiliar names of disciples and associates of their period in telling a strange story of the experience of Paul, and the teaching of the Mother of Jesus, Mary, on her deathbed. The work is much like the Gnostic writings in which Mary is supposed to have had secret teachings handed on to her by Jesus, and to have divulged them eventually. In some of the Gnosis thus exposed, we have the teaching of the “graduation” and ultimate Union of the mates to form a new Aumakua. This is the most significant and valuable material in the Gnostic and extra canonical writing, but in the “ACTS II” there is nothing of these hidden and most valuable matters. Instead, we are confronted by what seems on the surface of it to be an invention of the learned author. I would guess that he had absorbed Theosophy and similar teachings and had decided to concoct a spurious ACTS to make Jesus the hero of many lives and of many incarnations. I feel that I am justified in this assumption by his omission of any data on what and where the originals were or came from that he supposedly translated. The standard Gnostic and Coptic material is always carefully dated and placed, as are the Dead Sea Scrolls. Of one thing, we can be very sure, and this is that the Church did not recognize the validity of his find or take steps to add “ACTS II” to the presently accepted New Testament. The reincarnations of Jesus were given as Abel, Noah, Khufu, Melchizedek, Abraham, Zarathrustra, Gautama Sidartha, Socrates., and finally Jesus. Mother Mary may have been out of her head.
GOING BACK TO RAY PALMER for a moment, I wish to pass along comments he made about the idea of the saucer people “eating electricity”. (These lines were left out accidentally when copying from original draft to stencil – shame on you, Cigbo!!)
“…. eat electricity, that is feed upon it to keep them alive, just as we need food, air and water.” Editor Palmer remarks, “If the creatures inside them (the saucers) are eating electricity, what kind of creatures can they be? A creature with intelligence, because it can build and fly and guide a machine. A creature which does not seem to be of flesh and blood, like we are, because it can do things that defy gravity, inertia and mass. Like the electricity it ‘eats’, it can travel very fast, glow, flash, disappear, shock, burn, tingle.” The article goes on to tell of a case in which two people were taken by saucer people, hypnotized, questioned at great length, taken for a saucer ride and told much of its workings, then given the suggestion that they would not remember what had happened. Later, a hypnotist countered the suggestion and the couple recalled and related the amazing story of their experiences. The use of hypnotic suggestion was pointed out as an evidence of the rather human ability of the saucer people, and we might add that, in Huna, hypnotic suggestion is thought to rest on the ability to use mana (not ordinary electricity) to implant strong thought-forms into the aka body of the subject’s Aunihipili. (SEARCH magazine. $2 per year for six issues. Box AD, Amherst, Wis. 54406. Always articles of interest, even if often of the “far out” kind.)
MATHESIS, The Mathematical Analysis of Qualities, by J.N. Churchyard, was sent in by the author for review. It is a nicely done mimeo book of 71 pages in soft covers. Price $3 from The Via Press, 907 Peach Circle, Tularosa, New Mexico 88352. If you like numbers and their more occult meaning and relationships, their history and general significance in Numerology, Mathematics, Linguistics, Philology, Nuclear Physics, Psychology and Psychoanalysis you will find this book most interesting. I have not had the time to do it justice, nor have I the proper grounding in Mathematics to follow the author’s work in some parts of his discussion. For instance, I am vague as to the exact information being given in the following passage on page 1.
“Nuclear Physics. This mathematics is available to aid in classifying the subatomic particles. The principles of mathesis have been applied successfully to analyze the atomic periodic table as an interlocking system of three basic frequencies.”
I do better with: “Psychology and Psychoanalysis. The qualitative, symbolical meanings of numbers and letters are a most important aspect of the mental world. The many correlations among numbers, sounds, colors, shapes, and myths will provide the psychologist and the psychoanalyst with a more profound insight into the world of thoughts.” Or with this: “Mathesis is a new method of analysis. It deals with the qualitative uses of number. Qualitative questions are the ‘What kind of’ question. The answers to such questions involve the detailed analysis of classifications. One such problem that might be solved by mathematical, qualitative analysis is the problem of information retrieval.” (I am a bear when it comes to recovering lost information, and I have made wonderful use of my vast knowledge of Math by finding THREE whole Selves hidden in Huna.)
All joking aside and with apologies for my lack of backgrounding in this field – I believe the author, James Nohl Churchyard, has given us a very valuable little book, if only we are able to follow from his simpler history of Numerology as a form of character analysis, on through his delightful, but to me often mystifying, explanations of numerical relationships, chord structures etc. MFL