Huna Vistas Bulletin #61

HV59-headerSeptember, 1964

Where Do the Idiots Get Their Information?


I haven’t heard from you for over a year. Did you stop sending out the Huna Vistas? Are you all right? You said once that if you thought you were about to kick the bucket you would have Cigbo let us all know ‑ and he has not written. Have you learned anything new or done anything interesting? What new books have you read that I ought to read, and what are they about? I wouldn’t want to spend time hunting them up in the library if they are not what I would want to bother with. Yours truly,
About Half a Dozen Different HRAs

(Answer) Dear Halfa:
I see by your file card that Huna Vistas No. 42 was returned to me marked, “Gone. Left no forwarding address.” Cigbo paid the 8¢ needed to recover the H.V. from the post office, and marked it, “Hold until he writes to give new address.”

Now, in the matter of my being still alive, yes, I am still here. When I said that I might have to stop putting out the H.V., it wasn’t because I thought my demise was near. It was that I feared I just couldn’t keep up with it, get that new book done ‑ ever ‑ and take care of the dozens of letters and all the chores at the same time. To return to the matter of your file card, I note Cigbo has sadly underlined the last donation you made to help with the work fund. It wasn’t much at the time, and about the last year of the H.V. sent to you were “for free” and sent in the hope that you would wake up and rectify the trouble.

What have we learned? Read? Discovered? Some day I’ll take time out and write a book to tell you. Meantime, should you really want to know, how about getting and reading the bulletins you have missed?
Wearily yours, Max F

About a year ago I asked you to put me on the list of TMHGs and pray for me to get a good job. I got the best job I ever had, but now will you please work for healing for my dog? He is only sixteen and should be better than he is. (Signed) HRA N.G.

Dear HRA N.G.
I was delighted to hear that you got a good job. I prayed for one for you twice a day in the TMHG for three months, then, not hearing from you, took your signature out of the list to make room for others. I supposed you were jobless (and I see you are still too poor to send a stamped and addressed envelope for a reply to this healing request). May I suggest that you take your dog to the vet. I am so sick of people who ask for help and then do not have the grace to report that I can hardly say a decent “Amen” to prayers for the many who have been silently on the list for two months or over and whom I want to toss out but whom, I fear, are still in need. (Signed) Testily yours, Max F

(AND) Dear Max,
I have also sensed that there is something wrong with you and the Huna Vistas, just like HRAs Olive Stevens of Australia and Dr. Westlake of England have sensed. I open each N.V. hopefully and start to read, each time expecting to find pages of inspiring things to strengthen my faith in Huna and give me hints on how to contact my Aumakua and get my prayers answered. But what do I find? All that fortune telling stuff about the Taro Cards and the P.A. readings and all that stuff about readings on books written by spirits. Christ was not a yoga and never said to do breathing exercises like you recommend. He taught inspiring things that were as good for the ignorant as for the learned. If you think he never lived, why do you bother to try to write a new book about what he is supposed to have said about the kahuna beliefs? Perhaps if you would take the Unity Daily Word and read the lesson and meditate on it every morning you might get back some inspiration like you had when you read your Bible and believed it for what it is, the Word of God. when you were a young man. I think you had better take my name off your mailing list as I no longer find it worthwhile to spend time reading what you write these days. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but you say we must all be honest with each other.
(Signed) HRA
P.S. No answer needed.

(My reply:) None. What can one say to letters like this?

I AM REMINDED OF Mrs. Jones, who called her small son, Wally, and commanded, “Say something cute for the company.” Wally could only look worried and stutter. “Speak up,” said his mother helpfully, “or I’ll slap your ears a foot into your dumb little head.” ….. Will some of you please send me a few pages of wonderfully inspirational stuff for the H.V.? I can’t seem to think of anything to say on the spur of the moment. Of course, one can always borrow fine and inspirational passages, and those of you who are sharing my enthusiasm for the recently discovered code idea of “graduation” might like this one taken from the Gnostic book, Thrice-Greatest Hermes, Section: The World Virgin, Vol. iii, pg. 97‑98. Let me quote:

“God smiled and said, Nature, arise! And from His word there came a marvel, feminine, possessed of perfect beauty, gazing at which the Gods stood all‑amazed. And God the Fore‑father, with name of Nature honoured her, and bade her be prolific.

“Then gazing fixedly at the surrounding space, He spake these words as well: ‘Let Heaven be filled with all things full, and Air and Ether too’ God spake and it was so.”

IF YOU BY CHANCE WANT SOMETHING to ponder over, perhaps you would also like this. It is from “The Pistis Sophia”, page 500 of Mead’s Fragments.

“Now, therefore, when a man receiveth the mysteries of the baptisms those mysteries become a mighty fire, exceedingly fierce, wise, which burneth up sins; they enter into the soul secretly and devour all the sins which the counterfeit spirit hath implanted in it.

“The counterfeit spirit, the destiny, and the body may be separated into one group, and the soul and power into another. And the mystery of baptism remaineth between the two, and separateth the one from the other, in order that it may cleanse them and make them pure, that the soul and power may not be fouled in matter.”

HERE IS ONE for those of you who welcome giving up the Auhane sense of individual male or female identity in order to “graduate” into the vaster and more significant SELFHOOD of the Union. It is a bit from the, Masnavi I Ma Navi, Prologue, page 279. (Of course, if you can’t bear the thought of joining one of the opposite sex, this will carry less inspiration for you than it does for me.)

“Ere it is annihilated, no single soul,
Finds admittance to the divine hall of audience.
What is ‘ascension’ to heaven? Annihilation of self;
Self‑abandonment is the creed and religion of lovers.”

The above idea of becoming “selfless” throws a fine and correcting light on the idea we have been turning over and over in our minds this long time when we read the Bhagavadgita and the Yoga Aphorisms and find that we seem to be urged to give up all sense of self in order to accomplish the step of union with the Real Self. We have just learned through Huna in the code and the Gospels that it is not possible to unite with the Aumakua or any other self except that of the sex mate of the middle level. Yoga is, true, the “Science of Union”, but for a very long time the devotees have mistaken the original meaning. We make contact – a working contact – with the Aumakua – as the first step in getting ready to “graduate”, but when the UNION comes, it is with the beloved and in it Adam becomes whole once more.

I HAVE BEEN WONDERING just what goes into inspirational passages. The word, “inspiration” has the clear meaning of to have the “Breath” or Spirit ‑ the Aumakua ‑ touch one and give the uplifting thoughts that can be enjoyed and passed on. It seems to me that one man’s food may well be another man’s poison, and that what gives me the uplift as if hearing the passage from the lips of the silent Aumakua, may leave another cold. Perhaps the trouble is that we are not all of the same level of evolutionary growth. What I find that seems to stimulate me, may be of too low a level for some of the more advanced. For instance, I find this bit from Thrice‑Greatest Hermes, VoI. III, pp. 4-5, to my liking, but you may not.

“For never, son, can an embodied soul that has once leaped aloft, so as to get a hold upon the truly Good and True, slip back again Into the contrary.

“For when the soul once knows the Author of its Peace, ’tis filled with wondrous love, and with forgetfulness of every ill, and can no more keep from the Good.”

From The Tests of Taoism we get the idea of the levels of progress in a very neat presentation. You may like it: “Some of the regulations of the old men, scattered under heaven, and established in our Middle states, are also occasionally mentioned and described in the writings of the different schools.

“There ensued great disorder in the world, and sages and worthies no longer shed their light on it. The Tao and its characteristics ceased to be regarded as uniform. Many in different places got one glimpse of it, and plumed themselves on possessing it as a whole. They might be compared to the ear, the eye, the nose, or the mouth. Each sense has its own faculty, but their different faculties cannot be interchanged. So it was, with the many branches of the various schools. Each had its peculiar excellence, and there was the time for the use of it; but notwithstanding, no one covered or extended over the whole range of truth.”

I AM CAUGHT BETWEEN THE HORNS OF A DILEMMA in the matter of whether to continue to try to show that the Huna ideas are the best when we look for answers to many problems, or just to say, “This is it, boys and you can take it or leave it while I spend my time (1) telling how to use Huna, and (2) writing inspiring passages for the Huna Vistas.”

Some of us have mechanical inclinations, such as my own, and like a definite answer that is as near to the material as possible. Some have a mind attuned to the abstractions and prefer, once they have intuitively accepted something as correct, to go ahead on FAITH, not pausing to see how the wheels turn behind the scenes. Between these two horns there stand many who take an eager interest in anything that falls in between. I have just tried to find some inspirational material to offer, and now turn to the other side, where some of the HRAs are like Ohashimera Togo, whose Letters from a Japanese Schoolboy used to be so clever, and who so often wrote, “I ask to know, please..”

Dear Max:

I am enclosing an article (about two imbeciles, one 19, the other 11, who can perform mathematical feats of the most amazing kind, all in their heads, but who are, otherwise far below normal). We should try to formulate some theory as to how these idiots get their information. It could be possession, but not likely. There is nothing to indicate that there are any entities with much superior brainpower to our own. Your pendulum test of Tesla indicated that he was possessed, but I doubt it. I am still inclined to the theory of which I have written before, that all knowledge is available from the ‘Universal Mind’, but that our brain acts as a safety valve to prevent too much of it from percolating thru. But that, at times, a hole is punched thru the envelope or screen that permits flashes to come thru. You no doubt know something about Subud, which has some very intelligent followers, but also some who have been driven insane. When they initiate you they speak of you being ‘opened’ to ideas and information to which you were closed before. I know some adherents, but cannot get anything much by way of definite information from them, but suspect that there is an opening punched into some area of the brain which lets in concepts to which it was closed before.

“In the case of the idiots I feel sure that it is not any process of thinking, in the ordinary sense, which gives them the answers they get. While I do not go all the way with the information you get with the pendulum, I still think it is a way of getting in touch with our higher selves, or perhaps with the Universal Mind, thru our higher selves, so may be by means of the pendulum you could get some information as to how these idiots get theirs! If you had a picture of one, you could try it. Are you sure you need a picture? …”
(Signed) HRA V.J.M. (of Canada)

IN DISCUSSING THIS PROBLEM, we have in the spirit‑given information something that has the advantage of being familiar. We all know that spirits communicate with the living, and it is to be supposed that the communication could be given through a mediumistic idiot as well as through a normal psychic. Of course, we have to postulate a spirit of rather amazing mental ability to be able in a moment to say through the idiot lad what day the 19th of March, 1997 will fall upon. If this mental ability on the part of the spirit is too much to accept, as it is for the HRA who has raised the question of source and mechanisms involved, then, quite naturally, the next higher level of intelligence must be considered. For Huna, this is the Aumakua level, and so far as kahunas seemed to know, Aumakuas have a quite different form of mentation compared with that of the Auhane or Aunihipili. It is said to identify itself with what it needs to know and in that way know all about it, inside and out. Whether this identification could be carried to the question of the day of the week on which a date will fall, we have no way of knowing. All we can say is that something seems to contact the needed information and pass it along through the lad. I would expect the Aumakua to be able to give such information if it had nothing better to do at the moment. On the other hand, if we reverse the line of thought and say that in some way there is a spark of genius in the idiot and that this enables him to reach out to find an Aumakua or something higher, if that is needed, and find, register, and correctly report back the information, then we will have to postulate a Higher Mind containing the information as a dictionary might contain a word, and a psychic mechanism by which the right word is instantly found and the definition read off. Kahunas stopped speculating after going a step higher than the Aumakua, but went on into legendary abstractions to name four great creative “gods” at the top. They believed the human mind incapable of grappling with the knowledge of conditions which might be met more than a step beyond that level in which the Aumakua functions. Gautama also warned against “sinking the string of mind into the unfathomable.”

How many levels of mental ability may lie between man and Ultimate God, we can only guess. In deciding not to take a chance on the lesser abilities of the gods who may stand on the long stairway reaching up into infinity from the Akua Aumakua, we can postulate a “Universal Mind” and place all knowledge in it. The Idea of such a Mind has been hard for me to trace to its origin. In my small library of books the only one of many volumes that gives “Universal Mind” in the index is the Secret Doctrine of the never-too-explicit Mme. Helena Blavatsky. On page 38 of Book I is the one and only reference that I culled out in an hour’s search.  Let me quote. Some of you may get more definite information as to the nature of the Universal Mind from the passage than I have been able to do.

“Mind is the name given to the sum of the states of Consciousness grouped under Thought, Will, and Feeling. During deep sleep, ideation ceases on the physical plane, and memory is in abeyance; thus for the time‑being ‘Mind is not,’ because the organ, through which the Ego manifests ideation and memory on the material plane, has temporarily ceased to function. A noumenon can become a phenomenon on any plane of existence only by manifesting on that plane through an appropriate basis or vehicle; and during the long night of rest called Pralaya, when all existence dissolved, the ‘UNIVERSAL MIND’ remains as a permanent possibility of mental action, or as that abstract absolute thought, of which mind is the concrete relative manifestation. The Ah-hi (Dyhan-Chohans) are the collective hosts of the spiritual beings, the Angelic Hosts of Christianity, the Elohim,’and ‘Messengers’ of the Jews – who are the vehicle for the manifestation of the divine or universal thought and will. They are the Intelligent Forces that give to and enact in Nature her ‘laws,’ while themselves acting according to laws imposed upon them in a similar manner by still higher Powers; but they are not ‘the personifications’ of the powers of Nature, as erroneously thought. This hierarchy of spiritual Beings through which the Universal Mind comes into action, is like an army – a ‘Host’, truly – by means of which the fighting power of a nation manifests itself, and which is composed of army corps, divisions, brigades, regiments, and so forth, each with its separate individuality or life, and its limited freedom of action and limited responsibilities; each contained in a larger individuality, to which its own interests are subservient, and each containing lesser individualities in itself.”

NOW IN THE MATTER OF THE HOLE PUNCHED in the enveloping envelope or screen, I know only one such thing in Huna, and it is the shadowy body surrounding each of the three selves of a man and with the lower two screens or akas interpenetrating so that a hole made in one would be made also in the other. I recall a similar theory of a “hole” being made in the “aura” to let in obsessing spirits, and such holes or contact points may be all too real. But in reverse we have the idiot breaking out of his envelope and making a hole to reach through with a “Whatsit” to touch the “Universal Mind” and then bring back information of a very specific sort, presumably with a retraction of the extension of “whatsit”.

I begin at this point to fear that I am not going to be of much use in finding out how the idiots get their assorted information.

Dear Max: (Writes HRA M.T. from Wisconsin.)

I have been reading the July Huna Vistas once more. On page 7 you speak of Jesus being cut off from his Aumakua and left on his own, without Help, etc. It sounds horrible. Who then was resurrected? What became of the Auhane? Why did Jesus submit? He thought it was the will of the Father. I agree that the resurrection is the symbol that should be emphasized and not the crucifixion. If the kahunas could restore a seemingly dead man to life, then the resurrection is not at all impossible. I think the truth that Jesus wanted to bring out is that we do not die, but creeds teach that only the baptized believers have a chance of immortality, and Catholics are taught that only their church is able to save them. (Signed.) HRA T.M.

MY BELIEF AT THIS TIME IS that The Gospels were different attempts to write a play to use as an initiation into some form of Huna Mystery sect and that the plays were mistaken for history and made public without the inner or coded passages being understood as they would have been in initiations where the master of the rite would stand by to un‑code the inner teachings. To me the fact that Jesus is pictured as being crucified, shows that in the drama he was NOT God in some mysterious way, as interchangeable with His other forms as the Son or the Holy Ghost. Had he been intended in the drama to portray Ultimate God, the separation indicated at the time of the crucifixion by the words, “My God, why have you forsaken me?” could not fit the situation. But, as a man fully in contact most of his later life with his own Aumakua Father‑Mother, and then having the contact cut at the very last, possibly by an obsessing entity, the story makes sense. He, as the man with the usual Aunihipili and Auhane, was pictured in crucifixion as the sad example of what can happen when one gets cut off. But, as there are more incarnations, one lives again or is, “resurrected”. In the code language the word “resurrection” is ala hou, and means “path new”, symbolizing a continuation of evolutionary progress along the “path” that ends in “graduation”. It is not one revival from the dead in a given life, but the several reincarnations needed to reach the goal. This, remember, is just my personal slant. Those who accept the standard idea of the historicity and divinity of Jesus, need not be bothered by what I think. All of us have all the time we can possibly need to go through the various stages of growth. I have, in my beliefs, time enough for a dozen or so incarnations. If one accepts the single life teaching of the Church, then a single life is enough as a concept to fit all the needs of getting from birth to death and into heaven or hell or even purgatory. Even the Materialists in our ranks have all the time they need to get from nothing to nowhere. (That is an inspirational statement, please notice. The Great Pubah hath spoke!)

In passing, may I remark that I am more and more amazed at what the human being will accept as the one and only TRUTH if brought up to believe in any one of the hundreds of conflicting systems of religion. I can only put it down to the establishment of the belief as a fixation when otherwise very intelligent people cling unquestioningly to beliefs that on close examination appear to be grounded on the most absurd postulations. I am thinking of the ancient savages and their superstitions, which caused them to offer human sacrifices to appease the gods who caused storms and then withheld the rains. I am thinking of Abraham so fixed in his set of beliefs that he was willing to sacrifice his own son on the altar of his God. I am thinking of the same Jehovah, adopted by the Christians, and of the blind belief that he incarnated as Jesus, and had himself crucified as an offering to himself to appease himself because of the anger built up by the sins of Adam and Eve. Little wonder that the Christian missionaries have made so few converts among the more intelligent men of India. Imagine trying to tell a Hindu savant that God is well enough known to allow one to say with certainty that He takes on three aspects, which are still one and the same in substance, although they are the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. No, one has to be born into absurdities, no matter in what religion they are found, if one is to be able to swallow the camel although gagging at the gnat. Fortunately, all roads “lead to Rome” and by following the best in each religion, one gradually learns the lesson of non‑hurt. The Jehovah’s Witnesses who call on me periodically and assure me that the Second Coming is right at hand and that unless I join them I will be lost, are learning some kind of  a lesson, undoubtedly – perhaps the lesson of allowing the other fellow the privilege of deciding for himself what he prefers to believe. When these modern zealots arrive with their eyes filled with determination and faith, I am always thankful that they are not the followers of Mohammed who ranged far and wide in other days with the sword in one hand and the Koran in the other. The world does seem to be progressing in a few small ways, even if in some of the larger ways we are ready to cut throats on racial lines all the way from Cyprus to the Congo, and although we may decide to destroy the earth with atomic weapons rather than allow the “other side” to force our conversion to a different economic and social system. But recently, HRA Dr. A.J. Offord, in an editorial in the Washington Park Gun Club News Bulletin, surveyed the world as it stands and shared with his readers a most inspiring thought. He expressed his happy conviction that, bad as things are at present, the “Power of the human mind” is such that under the whip of necessity, – this being “the Mother of Invention” – men will gradually work out the solution for the many problems which have been inherited from the past and which are being spawned by the present. Necessity will prevent us from standing still.

INCIDENTALLY, the story of the resurrection of Jesus, according to John 20:26, shows that he was not brought back to life in the flesh. He appeared as a spirit in fully materialized but temporary form. We read “…. then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst of them, and said, ‘Peace be unto you”‘ The code word for “shut, as a door”, is pant, and it also means to “fill a vacancy”, in this case the vacancy in the ghost or aka body which was the mold of the body which had died. The word for “door” is puke, which has the secondary meaning of, “to pass from one state or condition to another!” This fits the transition from invisible spirit to materialized spirit in an aka body. And, it will be remembered, in some of the accounts, Jesus was not recognized at first when he appeared, indicating that the materialization had not been complete for a time, or that he had to speak to identify himself. For those of you who would like to examine further the story fostered by the Church that Jesus came back to life in the same body and so remained, I suggest the rereading of Chapter V, beginning on page 456, of Dr. Larson’s invaluable handbook, The Religion of the Occident. If you have failed to get a copy, as some of the newer HRAs may well have, I will be most pleased to tell you more about this wonderful book and where to get a copy. It is by far the best source book on the origin of Christianity that is to be had.

CONTINUING the letter of HRA M.T., “We believe that Jesus overcame death, (that the average Christians so believe. mfl) and in your explanation he failed in his initiation. Surely Jesus must have made the ‘graduation’ and become an Aumakua so that he would not have to reincarnate again. Yet someone indicates that he has two more lives to go. (New to me. mfl.) Abraham and Moses also are mentioned. If these ancients have not yet graduated, then what chance have we, especially when you hope to graduate with only one of two more lives to live?”

I COMMENT that I see that I am not getting my ideas across very well In the H.V. and that it will take my new book, with many pages given to explanations, to give a proper presentation. And even then I may not be able to make my picture of the events in the life of Jesus, as shown in the Huna code in the Gospels, really clear.

In the story of the life of Jesus, we appear to have two coded endings to the effort of the Aunihipili-Auhane Jesus to “graduate” to the Aumakua level. In one act of the drama he follows a way of life similar to that of the Buddhists who took the yellow robe and gave up all worldly things because they so much more desired the increased powers of mind and mana enjoyed on the Aumakua plane or that symbolized by “Nirvana”. Jesus took no wife. He lived on the charity of those sympathetic to him and his message. He was in complete touch with his own Aumakua and often spoke as if directly from his Aumakua, making him appear to stand forth as a lesser god. At other times he was speaking as the lesser man. He had made the grade in all initiations and was simply waiting for the time to come at which, by means of “Grace” he could attain the code‑degree of “Perfection”, and then be further helped to join his female counterpart Auhane and become an Aumakua. This accomplishment is described in the epilogue of the first version of the story while the crucifixion is given as an alternate ending in the version in which Jesus, as the lesser man, failed to be able to reach the stage of initiation. The first version is interestingly told by Matthew. Let me at this point quote: (16:25-28 then 17:1-8.)

“Then Jesus said unto his disciples, ‘If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.’ (The “cross” in the code is kea, whose secondary meaning – the one used in the code – is “to hinder”, so we see that to take up one’s cross was not to get along with the job of being crucified, but to overcome any hindering things which stood in the way of being initiated and becoming ready to “graduate”.) ‘For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it’. (Jesus speaks as the Aumakua here, and says that one must give up the desire for earthly life in order to attain the step upward into the Aumakua level.) ‘For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works’. (This is part of the old outer doctrine? and contains no coded inner teaching. All through the drama, the “red herring” was dragged across the trail to keep those following the scent from learning the inner teachings. This has resulted in the Church getting, in the outer teachings, a most garbled set of ideas. The next verse continues with the setting up of the blind.) ‘Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste death, till they see the Son of man coining in his kingdom’. (This has been taken to mean that the kingdom was right at hand, but we go on to the next chapter and its verses to find that some of those standing there near Jesus were, indeed, privileged to see him in his “graduation” stage.) (Chap. 17.) And after six days (the week was seven days long, and we have here the possible symbol of Jesus ending his week of incarnations on a final day of “graduation.”) Jesus taketh Peter, James and John, his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart, and was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. (“light” is the code symbol of the Aumakua and of its “robe of glory” or aka body which shines with white light and which some of us infrequently are privileged to see.) And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him  …… a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud which said, ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him.'” (The passage shows the belief that Moses and Elias had both graduated and were at that time Aumakuas, so this answers the objection that they had not been able to graduate, or, should I say, Moses and Abraham, the latter being still older than Moses.) (The rest of this chapter is coded material added to cover up the inner teaching, which in this version should end with the transfiguration or “graduation”. One might say that the drama was continued to make way for the second epilogue that would show that there was the possibility of failure and crucifixion. It is of interest to note that after the crucifixion, and in the materialized or “resurrected” form, Jesus did not “shine with light” or appear in a robe white as light. In this we see that, according to the code account, he was not an Aumakua but, presumably, would reincarnate to continue learning the lessons of life.)

The outer teachings in the drama were often blinds, as we see in the matter of the expected “coming of the kingdom”. The outer teaching was a physical condition in which a kingdom on earthly lines was to be set up. The people who suffered from gaining possession of a coded drama which they mistook for a history, expected the coming of the kingdom at once. When it was delayed, they had to make excuses for the delay. As late as the time of the Crusades, excuses were made and it was said that the Second Coming could not occur until the Holy Land had been taken away from the heathens who held it. But delay after delay came, and some elements of the Church community began to believe that the great event was really a spiritual, not a physical, one. But many still expect the physical event.

GOING BACK to, “… will save his life shall lose it,” etc., we have in the code for “to save”, malama, which also means “light, as of sun, moon and stars”, or, we can translate from the roots, as ‑ ma`la`ma, “by means of the light”. In the code sense we say, “Whosoever plans to bring his life to the light level of the Aumakua shall lose his old Auhane living; and who, for the sake of gaining the life of the Aumakua level shall be willing to give up the lower living of the Auhane, will gain the greater and more complete Life: The word loaa is applied to the Aumakua Life which is the goal, and it means “to find” but also “severe and restrictive taboo conditions,” coding the need to taboo all lesser desires and concentrate on the shining one of “graduation”.


THAT STRANGE ASTHMA CURE is reported again by HRA J.D. of Philadelphia, who has sent a clipping from “Mechanix Illustrated” in which the story is told of a man who had heard of the benefit derived by asthmatics from having a Chihuahua dog sleep In the same room with them. His young daughter had bad attacks and he got a puppy of that breed, giving it to her to hold when she was going to bed with a bad attack threatening. The pup slept with its head against her throat and in short order the wheezing cleared up and has not returned In a whole year. The remedy might be well worth trying. Failing a cure, one would at least gain a pet.

NOT THAT IT MATTERS GREATLY, but just to score one for the P.A. and Q & A pendulum reading done on the book, He Walked the Americas, reviewed a few issues back. I wrote that indications as I got them and as seemed to fit the way the book was written, pointed to the author being a woman despite the signature of L. Taylor Hansen inclining one to think a male was responsible. One of the HRAs who happened to know, told me at the Harmony Grove meeting that my guess was right and that L. Taylor is a woman. Perhaps she thinks books by men sell better, but if a thing is worth buying and reading, no woman author need hide her sex. We have some books done by women that will stand comparison with any books of a similar nature produced by men. Willa Cather and Mary Austin, for example in the field of fiction where a deep sensitivity is basic, or Mme. Blavatsky if you wish to look into the psycho-religious field.

CONFLICTING REPORTS come in concerning the possibility of life on Venus. The occultists have long claimed that this planet is inhabited and that Its men supplied the “seed” for the earth humanity. Modern scientific measurements seem to show that life as we know it on earth would be impossible. But I have just had a letter through the automatic writing of HRA L.H. of California, which settles the question once and for all. It is from Warren Antone who says things are about the same on Venus as here, that their strawberries grow as large as our watermelons, and that babies are born just as on earth – his fourth child having recently been born, and having been named after the writer through whom he addresses me. So, who SAID the atmosphere of Venus was made of ammonia vapor! At any rate, it is delightful to have a birth announcement from Venus.

PETER, another spirit communicator, speaking through Arnold Clare, as reported in a book by Harry Edwards, says yoga-type rhythmic breathing is good and that at the root of the nose lie strainers that take “ether” from the air and that one can impress on it a form by concentrated picturing. So breathe and build a picture or mold of the condition you desire, then watch the condition materialize in the physical in due time. Want to try it and let me know results?  MFL

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