Huna Vistas Bulletin #26

HV26-headerOctober, 1961

Dual Psychometric Analysis
& Survey of Religion – Part 6


I AM DELIGHTED TO HAVE SO MANY OF YOU prove to be interested in the work we are doing with the survey of religions from the point of view of Huna, and to have ordered the “must” book, Religion of the Occident, by Martin A. Larson. Now we have before us a text on Christian source ideas and beliefs to which we can refer by page and paragraph in our discussions. In this very exceptional book by an exceptionally intelligent delver, we also have side lights on religions other than Christianity which have donated to the strange mixture of ideas assembled over several centuries and said to have been the “teachings” of Jesus. I am thinking of the chapter (beginning on page 107) on Brahmanism which so delighted me by giving me, at last, a look at a most complicated forest of Indian thought in which I had never been able to get a good look at the said forest because of the trees. For years I have been reading books which have had to do with only a single phase of Indian beliefs and speculations. Instead of laying out the basics of the tangle to give a general view and an account of what lay back of the welter of inventions, I got lost in that strangest of all strange mirages – that in which a play on words follows the acceptance of some unproven religious or even psychological starting point. The strange quality of such “religious” writings, no matter from what religion or book of spirit revelation, acts as a drug which puts the reader into a trance of sorts. Caught in this drugged or hypnotic trance once or twice, the habit is formed and the victim returns time and time again to drink at the fountain of supposed truth, soon becoming unable to question the source of the invention, also, soon becoming a “true believer” or fanatic who can no longer be approached with a contrary belief based on simple reason.

BREAKING THIS STRANGE DRUG HABIT is possible, even if painful, provided one comes in some way to realize that he has been caught in the web of true seeming falsity. I could not recommend a better antidote, awakener and stimulant than large doses of Dr. Larson’s carefully collected and so very clearly presented information. The hypnotic effect of words tends to make us idolaters who bow down and blindly worship a BOOK as “God’s Word” and as the great and final authority. We forget in the haze that blinds us that not a word in any book was dictated by God – only by some man or spirit. As an example of this strange trance reaction, consider the cleverness of the blinded leaders of the blind who are caught in the net and who then become fanatics in trying to convince others that what they have come to accept is the final and utter “truth.” I take from my shelf a book which has the play on words made more hypnotic by its fanatical translator using (of all thingsl) King James Bible English. Let me quote a pipe full of this opium from the Bhagavad Gita, William Q. Judge translation.

“I will now make known to thee that path which the learned in the Vedas call Indestructible, into which enter those who are free from attachments, and is followed by those desirous of leading the life of a Brahmacharya, laboring for salvation. He who closeth all the doors of his senses, imprisoneth his mind in his heart, fixeth his vital powers in his head, standing firm in meditation, repeating the monosyllable OM, and thus continues when he is quitting the body, goeth to the supreme goal. He who, with heart undiverted to any other object, meditates constantly and through the whole of life on me shall surely attain to me, 0 son of Pritha. Those great souled ones who have attained to supreme perfection come unto me and no more incur rebirths rapidly revolving, which are mansions of pain and sorrow ………”

I have risked giving this quotation from a book which in my youth I venerated for a time in trance  blindness. If I have stepped upon the exposed toes of a few fellow HRAs who still venerate the Gita as I once did, I offer my apologies and my warm sympathy. But for those who can rouse themselves and have a straight look at this “teaching”, I need only point out the utterly impractical nature of such a set of religious beliefs. Here the normal life of the Auhane as well as the Aunihipili are thrown violently overboard while an effort is made to live only the Aumakua life on the plane of abstractions – if we may even say that this would suit a normal and busy Aumakua who is anxiously taking the guiding part in living the life of the three selves in the flesh.

I am reminded of the story of the great master painter who was at last persuaded against his better judgment to teach a class. When he appeared before the assembled class, the pupils dropped their brushes and gathered in a circle around him to gaze and mutter and worship his greatness. After a few thoughtful moments he quietly took off his paint daubed smock and draped it over his waiting easle. “There,” he said, backing toward the door, “worship that faithfully every day for a year without putting brush to canvas. That will do it. By then you will have lost all desire to paint or to do anything except worship something you imagine resides in my smock.” The next morning he returned to get his smock, only to find the class too large to get into the room. “‘What are you doing?” he asked a student standing hopefully outside the door. “Oh, nothing,” she replied. “But I hear that if one can get in and will spend days worshiping the master’s smock, he will one day return and in an instant make all faithful worshippers great masters like himself.” He asked wonderingly, “Do you believe that?” She nodded. “I didn’t yesterday when I first heard it, but when one person after another assured me that it was absolutely true, I came to believe it also. Isn’t it wonderful? You just stand in line behind me and after a while some will go away and we can get in.” The master turned away in disgust and went home to pack, and remove himself to a far city. When very old he returned and was amazed to find a great temple where the class room had stood. Priests garbed in elaborately decorated smocks went in and out, chanting a ritual and collecting sacrificial gifts from the faithful. He entered and found a high altar where his old smock was enshrined and was being worshiped. Again outside, he asked a young priest, “Why do they worship a smock?” “Oh,” replied the priest, “it is the symbol of the body which the Master sacrificed to appease the wrath of God and thus save the world. And at any moment the Second Coming may be upon us and the Master descend in glory from the heavens to judge mankind.” The master asked curiously, “How do you know all these things and that they are true?” The priest drew a fat book from under his smocks, kissed it with great reverance, and said, “All the sayings of the Master were written here after he was risen from the grave. The words here written were inspired and are the true and only word of God. Unless you believe this, you will go to hell.” The master thought a moment, then asked, “Do you learn to paint pictures?” The priest looked at him pityingly. “You must be a stranger from a very far land not to know that sin is measured in what we paint or do with material things. To be saved one must paint constantly with the mind, and only the  picture of the Master sitting on the right of God. To do anything other than that is to sin.” The master turned away shaking his head, “Then what a grand sinner I must be,” he muttered and made haste to shake the dust of the place from his feet.


KHRUSHCHEV P.A. RE-CHECKED and a check on my re-check is needed. Since we have learned to run Psychometric Analysis readings for the spirits who may be strongly influencing the living, I have been working over pictures of Khrushchev. On page 110 of my book on this subject will be found my 1959 reading of: [image]  371. At that time there was a slight unevenness in the clockwise and otherwise normal personality circle but I made nothing of it. My prediction was that he would be constructive, intelligent and an improvement on the type of men who had been running Russia. The tendency of the pendulum to give his personality pattern flattened effects was something I put down to worries or to fixations which might cause emotional outbursts.

NOW I GET A DIFFERENT READING and wonder whether I missed on the old one or whether the new system of reading for spirit influences has made the change. There is, also, the possibility that the spirit has only recently come to influence him. In any event, I would appreciate a check by any of you who are using the new “Dual P.A.” reading method. The odd thing to me is that in reading for the man with the old method I still get the same results as earlier. But when I ask for a “yes” or “no” answer to the question, (Has this man a spirit or spirits influencing him?) I get a “yes.” I then ask for the reading of the man alone and get: [image] 347 with the personality circle again uneven. Next, asking for the reading of the spirit who influences him, I get: [image] 430 degrees, or I get [image] 429. In the first of the two readings it will be seen that I get a Auhane hypnotic will pattern swing (which is standard for eating companion spirits who force their will on the living) but no Aunihipili personality circle at all. This suggests that the obsessing Auhane has lost its original Aunihipili, and it leaves one with no indication of the constructive or destructive nature of the spirit. The second of the readings will be seen to give the same will pattern swing and also a small counterclockwise Aunihipili circle, this indicating the destructive nature. Upon questioning my Aunihipili as to this confused reading and asking whether there were two spirits, I got a “no.” I asked whether the Auhane spirit of the first reading was good or bad, and got the hypnotic will pattern repeated, then a swing at 11:00 o’clock, which, by the code, is an indication of destructive urges and actions. There you have my dilemma and the reason for calling for checks on my re-checks. In the troubled world conditions of the moment it seems important that we learn what type of man we face in the battles of the Cold War. If the spirit takes over and dictates actions, and if it is causing a naturally constructive man to do destructive things, even part of the time, there would seem to be danger of anything from atomic attack up or down. The exceptionally high degree reading of the spirit adds to the danger. In the combined man plus spirit reading, I get the degree as 371, but for the man alone this drops to 345 and places him at the lower edge of the mediumistic level where spirits often work through the living as mediums. This change in the degree reading looks to me like an averaging of the man’s degree with that of the spirit, and makes me more certain that I have uncovered a real spirit influence. What do you get? (Not that I have the slightest hope that what we of the HRA do or find will get even the shadow of official notice.)

STALIN’S P.A. READING of: [image] 205 degrees, made in 1959, with no Aunihipili circle found and a very strong hypnotic will pattern (see page 94 of my book, Psychometric Analysis) has caused considerable comment and doubt. While the man seemed not to have original ideas, he followed the Lenin doctrine to the letter, and managed to get to the top in Red Russia and stay there until his death in March of 1953. Now, making a fresh “Dual P.A.” from a badly reproduced print, I get a strong “yes” in answer to the question as to whether he was influenced by a spirit. The reading for the spirit was requested, and, strangely enough, turned out to be identical with the spirit reading for Khrushchev. This brings up several interesting possibilities. First, my reading may have been influenced by the one made for the present Russian leader. Second, both men may have been under the influence of the same spirit, first Stalin, and now Nikita K. The latter possibility is most intriguing as well as harder to believe. Anyone care to run a check on this reading for us? (Later I hope to find a good picture of Lenin to run.)

WE NEED A NEW SYMBOL for use in P.A. readings where no Aunihipili is found, and I suggest one made like this: -o-  that is, a dash with a zero in the middle. I am drawing it thus these days: -o- . If one finds a Aunihipili spirit with no accompanying Auhane, the symbol can be turned to the vertical and used to replace the will swing thus: [image] Any objections?


On the 24th of September California goes back to regular time for the winter, and with it goes the Telepathic Mutual Healing Group sitting times of 3 and 7 P.M. If in doubt as to the difference in time between California and your home, ask your telephone information girl what time it is in Los Angeles. She can tell you, and from this you can see how to adjust. The work continues steadily, and frequent letters tell of the Help and of the Guidance given us by Aumakuas. As the list is always crowded, names are dropped in a month if a request is not made to continue work. If you ask that a friend of yours be placed on the list for help, try to send his inked signature, otherwise I have to try to contact him through you as I make the preliminary prayer actions. Do not request work for someone unless you are able and willing to sit in at least once a day to help work for him. Remember that according to our dependence on the Huna theory, there must be an aka thread running between me at the center of the group and each person who participates or for whom we make the prayer action that consists of sending mana to the Great Company of Aumakuas (through me acting as center point) and with the mana the mental picture of the desired condition NOT of the condition to be removed. It is always well to remember when asking anything of Aumakuas, either in or out of the TMHG, that the old future which is on the way to materializing must be broken up to make way for the new and good condition to materialize. Repeatedly we seem to have the sky fall in on us instead of the good things brought about. One must sit tight, hold the faith that the way is being cleared for the good things to come, and keep on sending mana and holding up to Aumakuas the mental picture of the desired condition. If one cannot see the way out, picture the end result as brought about and leave it to the wise Aumakuas to find the best way to clear away the obstacles to happiness and general normalcy. Approach Aumakuas with all the love possible to generate. No emotion, no Aunihipili at work. Work up strong desire for the needed condition.

THE P.A. CONTACTS AND THE AKA THREAD THEORY deduced from Huna, keeps coming up for discussion. HRA F. McC. of California, who makes a good P.A. reading, said in a recent letter that we have four possible explanations for the fact that we can look at a picture reproduced in a magazine and make contact with the person whom it represents. He discounts the radiation or vibration theory because paper and ink would not reproduce these forces endlessly as the presses roll. He also doubts very much that an aka thread attached to the original photograph, even after shifting from man to the film in the camera, then from developed film to each photograph which is printed, and then from photo to plate and from plate to endless sheets of paper – that the aka thread could remain in contact after such forced transfer and either division or forced reproduction and multiplication of itself. The fourth explanation is that a friendly spirit guide comes and finds the original of the picture and makes the reading and gives it through the pendulum or to the reader’s Aunihipili to give through the pendulum and code of meanings. Complicated, what?

AS I HAVE SAID in earlier Huna Vistas, HRA Verne Cameron, our famous dowser and investigator of  strange rays and radiating forces, has decided that a spirit guide is responsible for the contacts which Huna explains by the mechanism of the aka cord or thread. He also feels that the spirit goes at his request to distant places (as in map dowsing for water or oil), investigates the conditions on the spot, then comes back and moves the “Aurameter” rod or other dowsing instrument to tell what he has or has not found. While I am ready and willing to admit that spirits may do the things which Huna indicates are done by one’s Aunihipili, I do not agree to discounting the aka thread by any means. One may slang the question, “What has a spirit’s Aunihipili got that mine does not have?” In telepathy, where two persons work to send and receive impressions in ESP tests, the persons are often separated only by a sheet of cardboard and a distance of a few feet. Or, the messages may be sent half way around the world. It is hard for me to believe that spirits are always right on hand or are subconsciously called when such experiments are tried at close range or otherwise. On the other hand, I argue that spirits have work to do and are often hard to call. The best hand I ever knew at automatic writing often had to call and wait and call for some time to get her spirit guide to come and take her hand to begin writing. He often said that he was far away and that he had to finish something he was doing before he could come. (He claimed to be helping the suddenly killed “across”.) At times he did not come at all. In making the P.A. contact for a reading, it seldom takes me more than ten seconds, although in a few instances I fail entirely for some reason to get into touch with one to be read via signature or picture. The usual swiftness of the contact and the odd little sensation which comes in my solar plexus region at the moment of completed contact, suggest strongly to me that my Aunihipili is doing the work itself and NOT calling for a spirit to come, waiting for its arrival, then telling it what is to be done, and later taking the message of the spirit and passing it on to me by way of the pendulum. If, on the other hand, a call might be made to the busy spirit guide, by what mechanism would the call be made?

THIS IS THE VERY SAME QUESTION that confronts us when we ask how one’s Aunihipili contacts a distant person for telepathic sendings or the Aumakua for prayer sending. I feel that we must admit that the spirits MUST at times be away at a distance when called, so again we have to explain the success of call contact by something other than the discredited theory of sound, vibration or radiation. I can’t forget the several instances reported in recent years in which a pet dog or even cat has been able to trace its owner and find him after traveling up to 1,800 miles and being on the way for weeks. In one instance, a dog given to a neighbor, found his master even though he had moved by plane from near Chicago to Seattle. It may be argued that the dog was guided by a spirit in its long travels, but again one may ask, “What has a spirit that a dog may not have?” I vote for an aka thread connection between master and dog to guide the latter day after day in his search. And, WHILE I CANNOT EXPLAIN the way the original person’s aka thread continues through what kahunas called its “stickiness” and infinite ability to be stretched endlessly when it comes to one reproduction out of thousands in a magazine picture … well, I still go for the aka thread theory. I seem to recall the statement that when two explanations are set before one, the shortest and least complicated should get the most attention. On the face of it, the spirit theory seems by far the more simple, but upon noting the problem of the calling of the spirit from a distance, it appears that the aka thread explanation is only half as complicated. One more thought. The spirits will claim almost anything to bolster up their positions and, as we have learned from sad experience, there are even more confirmed and obliging liars on the spirit side of life than one is apt to meet on this.

HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE, incidentally, has been given a new twist for me of late in the various letters which I have received. It is beautifully simple, and it works like this: When you meet someone whom you wish to operate upon, use this approach. “Oh, my dear! Do hold still just a moment and let me have a look. You have the most beautiful aura around you I have ever seen! It is all golden and flows with the most gorgeous colors! You radiate particularly the rose color of unselfish love, and I fear I shall have to work hard to prevent your innate generosity from causing you to donate to my cause far more than you can really afford …   not that I am at all suggesting that you donate ANYTHING, you know, my dear. And that wonderful Master of yours! He just blinds me with his light and you reflect it perfectly as he stands ever beside and above you. How I envy you! What magnificent work you can do if you should decide to help me with my great labor of love! Do think about it! “

OR TRY THIS ONE: “Why Sir! Do hold still and let me have a better look at you! Are you aware that you radiate the most wonderful aura of power – like that of the great Masters? And that in your many past lives you have appeared repeatedly as a great leader of men? That unmistakable Thinbunkum. symbol fairly dances in your aura! And have you never known that in past lives you were the emperor of almost every great nation of the past, to say nothing of having been the writer of the plays of Shakespear! What a wonderful privilege to know you! You must let me come often when your wife is away and sit at your feet!”

INFORMATION PLEASE! Not long ago our ranks were swollen by the joining of a new HRA who is male, thirty years old and by way of already having dabbled in almost everything from A to Uzzel in the field of “occultism”. He has a P.A. which shows definite spirit (or something similar) influence, and also wants to have some answers concerning what which who in the matter of a strange whatsit which he has conjured up. He has me out of my depth. Help! He writes: “Thanks for running my P.A. for me. As I created a ‘familiar’ with a Kabbalistic ritual of fire and Invocations – the whole business lasting over a month. I am wondering if this created entity of Imagination was discerned by you? When not working for me he resides within the physical under force of my will. I realize, of course, the whole business was willed imagination. I have no way of knowing just what happened afterwards, but, at the time, immediate circumstances were against me. All of this has changed now, one year later, beyond my hopes. At my instruction this familiar was to get in contact with yogins throughout the world in order to further me on the Path of Light, to use a phrase. One year later I had Vivekananda’s ‘Yogas’ in my hands, was invited to become a monk in the Ra makrishna Order of India, reading Kitselman (E-Therapy?) and others and, finally, you. Now, how much of this work was performed by my familiar and how much was done by my own inclinations and work?” If any of you have had experience with such things as are described, will you please send a letter to HRA E von B in my care? The only familiar I have ever created seems to be Cigbo, but he lives in a cigar box, and certainly is not under control of my will at any time, so far as funds go, otherwise we would long since have had a finely printed journal rich with full color pictures of auras and things or would we? Cigbo speaks up and says, “NO.” (Lazy little rascal thinks it would involve too much scratching.)

AN IMPORTANT QUESTION has been asked by a new HRA. “One thing puzzles me in Huna. I thought that when one dies, sickness dies with the “body.” As I understand it, this is correct, but the trouble comes because memories do not also die. They are carried across by the unreasoning Aunihipili. In her work, the famous medium, Geraldine Cummins, repeatedly has found that ills and compulsions, blocks and fixations, were memories carried over from a past incarnation where such troublesome things had been experienced. In cases where there is strong “eating companion” influence, the ills of the spirit are often impressed on the living Aunihipili so that it shows all the symptoms of the spirit’s former ills, fears, and even fanatical drives.

THE EXORCISM OF EVIL SPIRITS seems to be our best hope, lacking kahunas as we do. The Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, of which I wrote some months ago when I joined as a member, advocates having healing ministrations connected with churches by non-denominational spiritualistic mediums. A little magazine is published for members, but I see almost no reports on actual healing being done successfully. The need for spirit aid in driving out invading spirits is, however, being stressed by the Vice President of the S.F.F., who is also an HRA. He writes of watching a medium, Gloria Lee (also active in Flying Saucer circles in the past), do trance work in which her spirit “teacher” called in and conversed with entities obsessing one called “Kay”. I quote, “So there began a ‘parade’ of the obsessors. Each gave his name, and each was readily recognized by the wife of Kay; most of them had been friends or relatives of the family … each, when we explained the situation to him, apologized, and said that he would try to learn the proper way of life. A common complaint on their part was that they were ‘lost’, did not know what had happened, and that they found Kay, who had ‘left the door open’ so that they were able to take over his body.” (Once in control of the body they used it to do as they had in life, beating the wife, getting drunk and so on.) “The names given were not usual ones. One said that he had been killed when a tractor overturned on him, and the wife recognized the name, and verified the cause of death.” In the two weeks following, Kay improved greatly, although he did not know of the treatment. Gloria Lee was much impressed by her success and it is hoped that she will continue work in this line. (Wing Anderson, long familiar with the “casting out” work of Dr. Wickland, says ousted spirits go to obsess others unless educated by “Mercy Band” spirits and set to living right “over there.”)

THE EUTHANASIA SOCIETY of AMERICA, Inc., (139 East 57th St., New York 22, NY. Mrs. Ronald E. Curtis, Secretary, should you care to write and add your weight to the movement) is growing more and more active in its fight to get Legalization of Voluntary Euthanasia. We put a dog out of his misery when we know he is too ill to recover, but the blindness of the religionists and some others, makes them insist that a human being, no matter how he may beg to be helped across when death is inevitable, be forced to suffer on and on. Religion is, very largely, still in the Dark Ages. Scientific knowledge and progress marks the New Age, but its greatest efforts must be directed to creating better means of wiping out life by atomic explosions –  this because of Dark Age racial and political prejudices. There is little the individual can do to prevent the world from being blown up, but we can, at least, hope that it will not be, and can join in the work of trying to get Euthanasia organized and legalized. How wonderful it will be when we get a little more civilized and can be allowed to decide for ourselves when we wish to shuffle off the sick mortal coil without the present black onus of being cursed out as a “suicide”. Let’s help. (I do not fear death at all, but I shudder at the thought of having to live on and on when disabled. Every other week I drive a hundred miles to visit a friend who had a stroke almost 14 years ago and who has since then been unable to speak or use his right side. In the nursing home where he is kept at a price that would support a small family in comfort, I see many men and women forced to wait in suffering for death that seems never to come to rescue them from a torment that is so undeserved. In the TMHG I sometimes have one on the list for whom I ask a swift and easy passing and each time I make such a prayer action, I pray fervently that when my time comes I may be Helped to a quick passage.)


Recently one of the HRA living in Panama, asked for a P.A. reading. It was made and showed eating companion signs, unmistakably, as I told him by letter. In reply he writes, “In my case you hit a perfect bull’s eye. From childhood I felt that something apart from my own ego, some extraneous influence, was affecting my behavior and giving me pushes that made me make many mistakes and blunders …… I have felt the entity coming into my body twice very distinctly and a third time not quite so. This last time I stood up and fought back, and the sensation resolved itself into a tingling sensation coming right up my leg, but then fading out as soon as I rationalized it and stopped it going farther.

Now that you have confirmed my theory so well, I feel that I have better chances to nullify this pernicious coercion.” I shall be most interested in the outcome of this pending battle with the invading entity. It seems to me that once one is aware of the danger, one can be on guard and resist with all the power of will. The hypnotic strength of will which these entities almost always show in the new P.A. readings can be matched, in all probability, by a similar or even greater resident power of will. A hypnotist develops his commanding will simply by practice in using it. By determined use of all the will one has each time an entity is sensed, it should not be long before the eating companion can be repulsed. As I see it, (in terms of Huna) the entities come and make contact, perhaps even entering the body, drawing from the living the mana which they must have to create the force of hypnotic will to subdue the resident Aunihipili and take full  or partial charge of the man. Heavier breathing and the command to the Aunihipili to build up the mana supply quickly, should aid in the work of driving off one or more evil spirits. Where the victim is too depleted in mana to resist, it may be that outside help, perhaps hypnotic, might get resistance started.


THE RESPONSE TO THIS PROJECT from overseas HRAs begins to come in, and I am happy to say that while almost all object to the idea of formulating dogmas for a NEW religion, they go along happily in the survey of the old, agreeing that we need to clear the ground of useless and damaging dogmatic clutter, even if we do not, ourselves, offend by presenting fresh dogmas.

DESPITE THE FACT that I have been shouted down on my original idea of formulating a set of postulates to serve in place of current dogmas, I still cannot help feeling that there is now, or will be, a need for a religion carefully graded to serve the several intelligence  growth  evolution levels of mankind. The P.A. readings of Christian priests and ministers show these to average under the 330 degree level where abstractions are grasped. The church members fall into even lower degree levels, and here the individual simply cannot think things out for himself, even if given the materials with which to work out conclusions. On these levels people have to be told what to believe, and, that is just what has been done since civilization began to dawn. The telling is usually done via a book which is said to be “The Word of God”, and the priests and ministers blindly and continually teach the dogmas of the BOOKS. Circumstances and crafty brains of a few leaders, cause the dogmas to be changed and to be added to constantly. (Read your copy of THE RELIGION OF THE OCCIDENT by Dr. Martin Larson and see how Christian dogmas grew from almost nothing to a towering and unreasoned mass.) My point is that if the majority of men must be told what to believe, we should help clean house and offer something that is not an insult to intelligence – something that is clean and honest and reasonable. Because psychology has been mixed with religion down the long centuries (when there was a fragment of psychological knowledge), we need to offer some cleared ground in this direction and some sane suggestions as to the possible nature of man when his physiology has been set aside as out of the scope of the speculative field. To make clear my meaning, let me say that God concepts belong to religion, while the three selves, three manas and three aka bodies of Huna belong mainly to psychology – the Aumakua, unavoidably, being suspended between the levels of religion and psychology. Morals and ethics, if not based on religious dogmas, should stand apart in a separate part of the field, but because the guilt sense and the fact of “hurting” others cuts off the psychological Auhane and  Aunihipili from contact with the Aumakua, there must be provided a point at which a blending comes. The police effect of dogmatic beliefs has the value of  practicality and the blemish of being based largely on lies. “Reincarnation and Karma” with “Sin and Damnation” have long prevented the less intelligent from offending moral and ethical standards, but the price paid is entirely too dark and heavy. Something much better is needed. The present trend in less intelligent circles is to discard the old dogmas which once kept men in line. The resultant revolt against law and order makes crime a major problem and fills the prisons to overflowing.

IN ADDITION TO GRADING BY INTELLIGENCE LEVELS we have still another factor which has been added by the P.A. reading system. This is the need to divide the sheep from the goats, the naturally good from the naturally bad. Also, the sorting process will have to include sorting for those influenced by spirits and who, for that reason, may need a still different type of graded psycho-religion. This grading and sorting seems to offer us a scientific approach to the formulation of a religion combined with the necessary elements of psychology. It also forces the acceptance of a basically complicated starting point. Because of the all inclusive nature of the sorting process, there will have to be a system established on a world wide scale, and this, in its turn, makes it necessary to have the whole world come under one central and directing government. Such a government will have to have the  power to to do away with old religions and build the new through education, if not stern mandate. This will be revolutionary in the democracies where Church and State have been separated, for they will have to be united once more to become effective.

LOOKING AT THE HEALING OF BODY, mind and circumstances which are a valuable part of the proposed new system, we see further ramifications and complications, the healing arts now recognized, coming in for forced additions. More forced additions will have to follow in governmental and administrative circles because it is unthinkable that we will walk into the New Day without using the P.A. reading system to select the properly endowed men and women to act as leaders. (I am finding that the spirits have influenced so many of the leaders of the recent past with abortive wars resulting from their leadership that it begins to look as though normal men can never reach the “commanding positions that are reached by the semi obsessed fanatics.” Today we waste too much in trying to give a blanket education to children of all P.A. levels of intelligence. It is inevitable that we will come to see the necessity of applying the sorting process in education and in training for life work.

THESE INEVITABLE CHANGES cannot take place until the basic aim becomes that of striving for the good of all. At present most men strive for the good of their purse, stepping on all convenient necks, and giving thought to the general good as a secondary matter. Under the current system this is needful but, given a system in which the necessities of life are assured in return for a set quota of production or service, the doctrine of “nonhurt” of Huna can be expanded to one of unselfish helping, even if the impractical command to love everyone is set aside. The rewards of wealth and social recognition which now drive men to work must be replaced by something when equal sharing is the rule. Honors seem the best available reward and incentive yet in sight. The Boy Scouts will work amazingly long and hard and well for no other reward than recognition. It fosters the competitive spirit. On the other hand, those of little natural ability will also need the spur of recognition. For instance, a dull child should be given a badge for as great an effort as made by a clever fellow, even if his effort results only in improving his mental or physical standing by a fractional degree. The reward should not go only to the swift, but to the slow who try equally hard and long. Sorting will result in a form of caste system, but this will be beneficial because it brings order and smooths out the working system. However, the caste system will have to be kept flexible to allow for change in the individual which may take him out of one level into the next. The ramifications will be endless; the task great.

THE BASIC REASON FOR THE FAILURE of the communistic life lived after renouncing family life and similar obligations, is clearly set before us in Dr. Larson”s fascinating and enlightening account of Essene and Buddhistic ways of life as well as monasticism. Have the pleasure of delving into these colorful corners of history under the direction of a wise and unbiased investigator. Later we will discuss these angles here.

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