The Huna Teachings of Jesus
THE SECRET DOCTRINE (HUNA) IN THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS, is slowly becoming nearer to recognition. In the January 6, 1961 issue of TIME magazine, page 48, may be read the story of how “a meticulous scholar, Dr. Morton Smith,” assistant professor of history at Columbia University has discovered excellent proof that Jesus taught one set of facts to the general public, and another to a circle of “initiates.” For centuries the Church has denied that there was ever more than the one doctrine, despite the Gnostic works and “mysteries.”
Dr. Smith, so the account goes, found an ancient book in the 5th century library of the monastery of Mar Saba in the wilderness a dozen miles from Jerusalem. In the back of the book was copied by hand two and one half pages quoted from a letter which appears to have been written at an early date by Clement of Alexandria, one of the early Church Fathers, who lived late in the 2nd century and who, it is evident, left in writing the text of the secret teachings of Jesus — later veiled behind “seven veils” of coded meaning to come down to us in Gnostic writings. In the quoted part of the letter to someone named “Theodore,” Clement mentions a “secret Gospel of Mark,” but enjoins Theodore, because it was so very secret, “to deny knowledge of it even if under oath.” This secret Gospel was said to be carefully guarded in Alexandria, the home of Gnosticism, and to be made available only to certain ones who were to be initiated, as were the inner circle of disciples of Jesus.
Clement wrote that after Peter’s death, Mark took Peter’s notes on the teachings of Jesus to Alexandria and there wrote the account we now have as from his hand. He is supposed to have written the “secret” version as well as the version in which the outer teachings were veiled behind the simple sayings and parables.
What Dr. Smith does not seem to have guessed is that, instead of a special book of the mystery teachings being written, Mark depended on the initiates to translate the language of the script into the current version of what we now know as the Hawaiian. (Or some similar Polynesian dialect, of which the Hawaiian seems now to be the
nearest to the language used by Jesus as an initiate into the Huna lore.) Once the modern student knows Huna and can work with simple Hawaiian in translation of such accounts as those of the New Testament, the riddles of the Gnosis can be sufficiently solved to give back the lore of the great kahuna, Jesus — be he a historical character or simply the imaginary source of the veiled teachings which the Initiates knew.
THE QUESTION OF THE ACTUALITY OF OUR LORD JESUS is something that cannot be touched upon and lightly questioned in passing. As I have done in the past, I must once more explain my position. Bear with me if you have been through this with me before. I will be brief.
In the Hawaiian of the ancient Huna lore, “Our Lord” indicates the “Master of the dividing of the waters” or manas. The Aumakua is the only one who can thus be described, for to it is offered the lower mana, and from it comes back the mana after being changed to the “water of life.” The life force, or mana, cannot be used in the instant change in matter operation of the miracle until that force has been changed in a very special manner, or “divided.” The basic value in Huna lay in the fact that one has an Aumakua which can be contacted and given a working supply of mana, after which it can, and often will, use the mana to give the desired healing or help. That is the first great point.
THE SECOND GREAT POINT to be understood by a Huna initiate is that certain things can block contact with the Aumakua. These are: (1) a sense of guilt which can be shared by both the Aunihipili and the Auhane for doing wrong, or the Aunihipili alone may hold the sense of guilt as a fixation. (2) The harboring of evil spirits in or around the body, and the response to their evil suggestions. The Huna symbol for the two are, respectively, A CROSS WHICH IS THE SYMBOL OF BLOCKING THE WAY TO THE AUMAKUA THAT IS PREVENTING THE AUNIHIPILI FROM MAKING THE CONTACT FOR THE TWO LOWER SELVES. Kea means “cross,” and in the Huna language code used in the inner teachings, the secondary meaning of the word is used: “to obstruct.” The symbol of the evil spirits who influence one is THE CROWN OF THORNS such as was worn by Jesus, also the KNOTS in the scourge with which he was whipped, also any net or snare, even the snare symbolized by the web of the spider. Jesus called the disciples to leave their nets. Aka threads connect with spirits.
A drama or mystery play, evidently of Huna origin, depicts a central figure who is Jesus in the Christian version. Jesus declares that he is ONE WITH THE FATHER, and as such, often “speaks for the god,” which Huna custom survived in Hawaii down to modern times and was used by kahunas in healing. The “Father” is united to the “Mother” and together they make the Aumakua, or Parental Spirit Pair. In Huna, the mention of the Father includes the Mother, but she is the Holy Spirit and “Comforter.” Together, the Aumakua pair exert a creative force, using mana, to heal, change the future of the individual and drive away the evil spirits for the individual who determines no longer to be evil or to obey their evil promptings.
THE “WAY” OR “PATH” is the symbol of the manner in which one should live and progress. It is also the secret symbol of the silvery cord (aka) which connects the lesser man to the Aumakua and through which contact may be made by the Aunihipili. When contact is made, the Father is said “to be within,” otherwise he is “the Father in heaven.” Jesus said, “I am the way, the light and the life.” The Huna word la, has combinations to give la a (Aumakua, holy and greater LIGHT), and o la or “life.” (Life is preserved and restored by the Father, and is the very “light” itself.) La is “light” on the lower level and is reason and knowledge or “enlightenment.” So, Jesus presents himself as of all three levels, the lesser man of two levels, and the Aumakua. He is also the “enlightener,” showing the “Way” of contact with the Aumakua and the necessity for living the hurtless and loving life of good, in contrast to the life of hurtfulness and evil. Cleansing by baptism is the symbolic use of high level mana by the Aumakua to remove fixations or evil spirit “eating companions” which “block the path” of contact. “Water” used in baptism, symbolizes mana, in Huna.
THE CRUCIFIXION, AFTER THE SCOURGING and the placing of the crown of thorns, took place in the Huna drama to show the suffering which results from having the “path” blocked by the things already mentioned. However, the drama ends on a note of hope when the central figure “arises from the tomb” to be allowed to live again and once more try to learn to “tread the path aright,” as the Hindus would say.
To have Jesus teach the secret Huna lore and then actually to suffer such a crucifixion as is described in a way that uses all the symbol meanings, is TOO MUCH OF A COINCIDENCE to be believed by a well informed student. It is much easier to believe that if Jesus was actually a man, he taught the hidden drama to illustrate Huna meanings in the inner circle, but that he did not, himself, actually die on the cross.
JESUS, AS THE AUMAKUA FATHER-MOTHER, is the one who cleanses and of saves one from “sin.” The belief that the death by crucifixion of a man god atoned for “all the sins of the world” is nothing more than a following part of the false dogma of “original sin.” Each individual, learning through several incarnations, will eventually be helped to save himself by his own Aumakua.
The CHRISTOS of the Greek and the KRISHNA of the Hindu Bhagavad Gita (who is looked upon as the last incarnation of the god, Vishnu, and the Second Aspect of the Trimurti or Trinity) are too much alike in their dramatic role of Aumakua seen to be instructing the lower man, to allow us to deny that both were based on the original Huna beliefs and teachings. Lord Krishna also teaches the mystery of the three selves. In the Bhavad Gita we read, “The senses and organs are esteemed great, but the thinking self is greater than they. (Aunihipili and Auhane of Huna are here indicated). The discriminating principle is greater than the thinking self, and that which is greater than the discriminating principle is He. Thus knowing what is greater than the discriminating principle and strengthening the Aunihipili by the Aumakua, do thou of mighty arms slay this foe which is formed from desire and is difficult to seize.” In the Gita we find the offering of mana to the Aumakua mentioned in veiled words in this passage, “The Gods being nourished by this worship with sacrifice, will grant you the enjoyment of your wishes. He who enjoyeth what has been given unto him by them, and offereth not a portion unto them is even as a thief. But the man who only taketh delight in the Self within, is satisfied with that and that alone, hath no selfish interest in action.” (Judge translation)
IN THE EARLIER FORMS OF YOGA, we find the familiar symbols of Huna and can conclude that it came also via the original Huna, even if distorted later. The gunas (or knots) of the scourge of the crucifixion as well as the entangling strands of the net or spider’s web, are symbols at once recognized upon reading the veiled writings of the earliest exponents of Yoga, or the “science of union” which allows full contact with the Aumakua. This is the union meant by Jesus when he said, “I and the Father are one.” Huna teaches that the three selves are always in a state of being united, but that contact between the Aunihipili and Aumakua becomes a conscious and temporary state at times, and under certain circumstances. In the end, one evolves to become an Aumakua after experiencing Auhane schooling. At that time, the mystical union of the Father and Mother halves is accomplished.
A SPACE WOMAN SPEAKS by Rolf Telano, a new paperback of 93 pages. Publisher: Understanding Publishing Co., El Monte, Calif. Price not stated. No mention is made in the book of the evident fact that it was dictated to an earthling. So far as the reader is concerned, this space woman materialized, sat down to the typewriter and began to write her book. Like most of the other “space people,” this friend of Rolf Telano (a pen name long familiar to readers of Round Robin) discusses everything from the creation of the world to the manner in which space visitors had a hand in everything from first to last as mankind developed. The saucers are covered with swift classification, and the reader is set right in matters of the true part played by her people, the “Nords,” from the Garden of Eden right through Christianity and even Huna. Huna, she says, is something left over from Lemurians who lived in Mu or Lemuia.” It is “the almost forgotten art of creative thought,” she decides, and is too complicated for many people to understand and, she explains, The Huna lore contains many elaborate rites, rituals and ceremonies, but it is not enough merely to learn these by rote. In themselves, they are of no use whatsoever. The student must look behind their symbolism for the deeper meanings. These things serve merely as a sort of ‘check list’ to remind the user of things which must be done. For example: much importance is attached to the ceremony of foot washing. The real purpose of this is to remind that humility and self abasement are essential. Yet they are of no avail whatsoever unless they are accompanied by a real spiritual purification of the Inner Self.”
In discussing what actually happened in the Garden of Eden she writes, “The woman naturally got the blame for this (the expulsion from the Garden of the “Adam race”), since such has been the custom of men since the beginning of time. Perhaps some ancient ‘Eve’ was at the bottom of it. It is usually the woman who wonders if things could not be improved, and begins to snoop around to find out. As long as man has a comfortable place to sleep, plenty to eat, and is not required to exert himself in any way, he asks no questions. He is satisfied with the status quo… So, in defense of my own sex, I must point out that the worst that can be said of this ancient ‘Eve’ is that she slightly hastened the inevitable.”
Belatedly I find a mimeographed list of books to be had from the publisher. A post office box number is also given. It is No. 181. The price of the book did not print clearly, but seems to be $2.25 or $2.50, postage paid, but 4% tax to be added for California residents.
HE SENT LEANNESS, a Book of Prayers for the Natural Man, by David Head, the MacMillan Co., price $1.25, 62 pages, is a delightful little book filled with serious things to recite as prayers to fit various situations and conditions. Interlarded with the serious are most amusing prayers which hit below the belt as often as not under the heading of “Prayers” of pious intention, a fine long passage from Genesis (28:20 22) is followed a gem. I quote:
“O Lord, if I can get away with it this time, I promise I’ll never steal again. (And this one): “Dear God, if it were not for the war and Philip’s illness, I should like to believe in Thee” … High time someone held up the mirror to those who use books of prayer so that they can see themselves as they really are.
THE JOURNAL OF BORDERLAND RESEARCH, is the title now being given the main space by Editor, Riley Crabb, who took over from the ailing founder and former editor, N. Meade Layne. The old name, ROUND ROBIN, has been relegated to small type. I think this is again a step forward. It stresses the organization, The Borderland Sciences Research Associates, as it should and the mimeo publication becomes more and more its means of communication. It is most pleasing to see the “research” angle given first place and we may look to the editor to hunt down for us such new discoveries as are reported and let us know about them. I look forward happily to having Mr. Crabb begin soon to let us have his personal opinions about the many things discussed in the several articles written by members of the BSRA. He is in close touch with the writers and travels and lectures, talking with many people of similar interests. With his high P.A. reading and excellent background, he will be able to do as Meade Layne so often used to do, that is, to round up the scattered lines of research, discovery and speculation and in a few pointed remarks, give us the values and possibilities in one coordinated picture. For the hurried reader, or for those of us who have too little background of study in these fields, such help in understanding and assaying the values of the articles (and of the work being described) will be very helpful.
In the January-February issue, which was released early in January, I f1nd 19 of the 34 pages given over to articles of the kind under discussion. Let me list them from the table of contents.
“The Work of Dr. Ruth Drown” by Trevor James. A fine description of her “radionics instrument used for diagnosis and treatment as well for photographing things such as a stone in the gall bladder of a distant patient, the contact with whom has been through a blood spot sample. (Contact through an aka thread?)
“The Keely Force” by Nicholls, reprinted from Pendulum magazine. A good outline of the history of the “Keely Motor” which has caused so much controversy and interest in the past. The subject is brought up to date and the theories covering the nature of the “force” postulated by Keely and others is discussed.
“The Keely Force in the Secret Doctrine (of Blavatsky) (apparently by Mr. Crabb) carries the speculations forward and presents information from the writings of Helena Blavatsky, whose work was responsible for the “Theosophical Society” (which, by the way, split into factions after her death — these factions now being under strong pressure to drop differences and again become a single unit). Mr. Crabb knows his Theosophy and is extra well qualified to lay before us the surprisingly detailed information in this speculative field, which is to be found in the writings of early Theosophists. As a continuation of his presentation of the material, Mr. Crabb gives us two more articles, one presenting the Theosophical concept of the levels of matter. Following that, he presents the best information on the subject to be combed out of the extensive communications of various spirits who have spoken through the medium, Mark Probert. Here are the heading for these follow up articles:
“The Scale of Physical Matter” (Mostly based on Blavatsky)
“Lao Tse on Sound and Color” (This sage appearing as a communicator)
A donation of $5 a year gets BSRA membership as well as the 8 a year Journal. Address: B.S.R.A., 1103 Bobolink Drive, Vista, Calif, U.S.A.
Reports on the Hudson sleep healing method tests continue to come in slowly from the HRAs who are taking part in this important work. The strange fact that one tends to fall asleep far more rapidly, after beginning such sleep healing work, has been noted by at least four. Some report that they fall asleep before getting set to give the Aunihipili its instructions for the work of the night. But, as the general level of success with treatments seems to remain about the same, we must conclude that the Aunihipili has become interested in the task assigned to it, and that it is in a hurry to get off on its nightly rounds.
While a number of difficult cases have failed to respond, many have shown improvement. Age seems hard to overcome, as it was found to be by kahunas of yesterday. Younger people seem to have more strength to be worked upon by the suggestion of healing. Last month I did not report my personal findings. I can now report that one friend at a distance reports improvement, and that a friend, whom I see almost daily (but who has no idea that I am treating him) has been recovering nicely on both the physical and mental level. I have been working on four friends, and feel that an experienced healer might be able to handle twice as many. I have picked up the symptoms of one subject, to a small degree, so have taken to telling my Aunihipili to be careful not to pick up such things. This has happened to two other HRAs, but they report success in avoiding the trouble once the danger is recognized and the proper precautions are taken. Where two are treating the same distant subject, it is difficult to determine the degree of help provided by each healer, but the vital thing is that improvement be noted.
A rather new angle of the testing has come up in which youngsters are treated to help them do better in their school work or general attitude and behavior. No report on results has come in except in the case of one small boy, who seems to have responded nicely. Another angle is the projection of suggestion while awake to one who is asleep in another room, or asleep on the other side of the bed. The suggestion to stop snoring or to stop coughing was found to work surprisingly well. Snoring has caused endless woe down the long centuries, and to find a remedy in projected suggestion is perhaps more valuable than we realize. Self-administered suggestion NOT to snore, might also be made a part of the remedy to the benefit of all concerned.
The use of the Hudson method, just as Dr. Hudson reported, seems to help the healer as well as the one healed. It seems probable that, as we charge the Aunihipili to give the suggestion of good health to another, the same suggestion is accepted by the healer’s Aunihipili and reacted upon. It is also possible that a healing labor of love attracts Aumakua attention and results in help for all involved from that high level. I think we are right in adding a prayer to the Aumakua to the method as described by Dr. Hudson.
HUDSON’S BOOKS WERE FILLED WITH ARGUMENTS aimed at proving that spirits do not (even cannot) return to communicate with the living, or to effect their lives. Obsession was something he would not tolerate for a moment as a possibility. He might be said to have been the leader of those who undertook to explain all psychic activity in terms of telepathy and suggestion. In his day this seemed to cover the whole field of phenomena rather well, but well attested psychic activities were reported in time which could not be so easily explained without the spirit hypothesis.
THE BEST PROOF OF SPIRIT RETURN, (as I was reminded recently by HRA Eric Biddle) is the speaking of unfamiliar languages by mediums under spirit control. If telepathy is to explain this feature of psychism, the individuals from whom the telepathically projected language comes must be located. I think it may be interesting to most of us, especially since we have recently had HRA Hal Falvey’s article denying spirits run in the H.V., to see a digest of a famous proof case. (I have touched on this case before, but it will bear a second look.)
CARLO MIRABELLI, a natural medium of Italian parentage, living in Brazil, produced under test conditions almost every known type of psychic activity. (See Fodor’s Encyclopedia of Psychic Science, pages 243 and on, or see a full book based on the work of this medium, titled, Communication With the Spirit World, Personal Experiences of a Catholic Priest, by Johannes Greber, which is to be had from Greber’s widow if desired. Yes, he stopped being a priest and changed his religious views because of his studies and experiences. (A copy of this heavy book was sent to me January 8th by air mail as a loan by one of the HRAs, so important does she consider it. By the way, always ask me whether I have a book which you may wish to lend me. As in this case, I may have my own copy.)
UNDER STRICT TEST CONDITIONS supervised by Cesar Lombroso and members of his psychical research group in Italy, around 1924, Mirabelli (I quote Fodor), in 392 sittings attended by 555 people, and in full light, “The medium (in trance) spoke 26 languages including 7 dialects, wrote in 28 languages, among them 3 dead languages, namely, Latin, Chaldaic and Hieroglyphics. The automatic writing (which he also did) was inspired by celebrities. Johan Huss impressed Mirabelli to write a treatise of 9 pages on the independence of Czechoslovakia in 20 minutes; Flammarion inspired him to write about the inhabited planets, 14 pages in 19 minutes in French; Muri Ka Ksi delivered 5 pages in 12 minutes on the Russo-Japanese war in Japanese. Moses wrote in Hebrew on slandering; Harun el Raschid made him write 15 pages in Syrian and an untranslatable writing of 3 pages came in hieroglyphics in 32 minutes.” As many of the several living or dead languages were unknown to anyone who was aware of the tests, the telepathic theory is pretty well ruled out. This is also the case in some famous “cross correspondence” tests, as in the famous one in which mediums in three different cities were alerted by “Walter,” the “guide” spirit of the medium, Margery, to watch to pick up from him parts of a sentence which would only make sense when all three parts were put together. The three mediums soon reported their parts, as given by Walter and the three made the sentence, “No one stops … to kick … a dead horse.” This was a sentence not known to be in the mind of any living person, so it appeared to come from the spirit of Walter. In reading your Hudson, keep the above things in mind and ask yourself if his many arguments really cover the whole ground. I feel that they do not.
BY MAKING A PSYCHOMETRIC ANALYSIS READING, of the author before beginning to read his or her book, one may often know in advance the breadth of vision to be expected from the writer. Pictures of writers are often to be found on dust jackets. I have recently made two readings which have explained much to me. Check and let me know what you get. G. I. Gurdjieff, famous for his All and Everything, I read as: 388 degrees, placing him in the “professor level.” Commanding “will” pattern. Warped circle.
P. D. Ouspensky author of In Search of the Miraculous and other books, including his famous Tertium Organum I read as 369 degrees. In this we see the will and circle pattern fully constructive, and the degree level that of the man who likes to fit his abstractions into a mechanical background. Frank Waters, author of Masked Gods, a presentation of the religions of the Indian tribes of the West (Navajo and Hopi, in particular) I read as
403 degrees. His book is a splendid example of a fine extra high level intelligence at work surveying this field at first hand and making most impressive and enlightening comparisons of Indian beliefs and beliefs of a similar nature found in India or other parts of Asia. ($5. 00 from University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico) In his discussion of the circled cross symbol used by the Indians, he writes, (page 223) “All this is expressed in one abstract symbol, the encircled cross. This is like the ‘reconciling symbol’ of modern psychiatry. We recognize it in many variations as the Chinese Taoist Golden Flower, the Tibetan Buddhist lotus cosmos, the Navaho four petaled universe. It is the cosmic Mt. Meru surrounded by its four universe continents, each of its world petals protected by a world guardian. It is the axial Encircled Mountain (Indian) surrounded by the four directional Holy Mountains, each protected by a Talking God.” (Get the flavor?)
President John F. Kennedy may give me the wrong reading, as I am a Democrat. If I am right, however, ( 369 degrees) we have the will pattern of a leader, a fully constructive personality, and a high intelligence level where the ideals will be taken out of idle dreams and forced into a place in the material picture with all possible speed and the best of intentions. What do you Republicans get for him? Am I far off, or fairly close? I am reminded of the old tale of the knight who knocked on the castle door but was refused admittance. He battered in the door and came in. Whereupon the lady mistress of the castle remarked, “This man will be welcome.”
They say that the stature of a man can be judged by the enemies he makes. I look to see some rather impressive enemies made in no long time by the man whom I read
as I have. At the risk of being cried down by the HRAs who do not go for the Taro Cards, I give a prediction from a run of the cards which I have made. Things will begin to move swiftly in business lines. Generally good things indicated, but with some enemies trying from under cover to cause all possible trouble. No fresh war. Some out of date ideas will come in for sharp inspection.
AN HRA WRITES: (HRA F. G.) “As for your P.A. readings, I am not yet sure just how much importance to place on this kind of character and personality study. I think too much depends upon the perceptiveness of the Aunihipili of the one doing the reading. By the way, here’s a suggestion for testing the accuracy of the Aunihipili. Why not use a circular chart with markings and numbers and see if you can tell the birthday, month and year. This should be much easier than reading the person’s character and it is something which could be checked.”
I comment that, unfortunately, this conjecture fails to fit the experience of users of the P.A. reading method. The Aunihipili seems to sense the will and Aunihipili personality of the one read, but not to find in the memory of the person thoughts to be read at the moment, which would tell the day, month and year of birth — nor does the Aunihipili seem to find it any easier to spell out the name and address of one being read from signature or photograph. With no other method available, however, which is better, we can be thankful that we have learned as much as we have of this way of finding out the nature of those who are helping us crowd the earth. The approach I suggested in H.V. #17, that of planning a better economic, social and religious world, depends greatly on the successful use of Psychometric Analysis methods.
Another HRA, discussing “PLANNING” with me, asked, “How many reliable P.A. readers do we have at this time?” I was forced to confess that I did not know, and as it is impossible to go ahead with a plan based on such readings without readers, I am now asking all of you who think you are fairly adept at the art to write to me and send me in a few signatures or photos with your readings so that I can check with you and see how well our readings match. If we could in some way charge for good attempts at P.A. readings, and make it worthwhile for the readers to give time to it, we might develop a group ready to go to work when more important undertakings are indicated. The time may never come, admitted, but at least we can get ready. It might turn out that it would be necessary to start a school of sorts to train the needed readers for the first start.
THE VALUE OF P. A. READINGS seems to me to be very great. If we are ever to have successful PLANNING, we simply MUST have a way of finding out who is to be trusted, and what, in a general way, may be expected from each of those whom we contemplate placing in a position of authority. No other method of learning the basic nature of the individual has yet been discovered. Tests of the kind which measure the intelligence do not measure the goodness or badness which is so important to the working out of any plan for public or private welfare.
ABOUT 3970 of the HRAs have written to say that they are interested in my proposal that we survey PLANNING and try to give a hand, using the knowledge we have of P.A. readings, to improve on current plans being made the world around for a better economic, social and religious system. I realize that such planning to finish taking over from Mother Nature (and the law of “dog eat dog”) has been going on for centuries. The plans have been put into action more and more. I said that if we did not like what the Communists are planning and doing, it is up to us to try to make better plans. Unfortunately, none of us seem to know except in a very limited way, what the Red plans are or how they are working out when tested. I admit painful ignorance, but hope that some of the better informed HRAs can help me. My part must be, basically, that of the sorter of materials and the presentation of the materials in the form of a digest. I have read a few books giving nothing but praise to the Red planning and experiments, and in many of the magazines and daily papers I read constantly of the Red evils. Knowing the modern use made of propaganda, I have learned to try to strike a safe balance between the claims of the opposing sides. All that I feel I can be sure of is the fact that the good in any system of planning could be made better through the use of P.A. readings and their use in forwarding the good plans, perhaps in thwarting those bent on making or executing bad plans. I also said that it might be that our best planning might prove to be in the field of religion.
You may not have decided and it may be well to go along with the projects for a bit in the H.V. before making up your mind and writing to say you approve or disapprove. We will have much of the H.V. given over, as always, to HUNA, but a few pages reporting to the HRA the findings and thoughts of those interested in PLANNING should not be begrudged. We have a large part of the world already on fire with Communism, and for such a learned and august body of students as ourselves, it seems hardly fitting that we sit idly by and “fiddle while Rome burns.” About 17, 000 men with carefully laid plans took over Russia and soon were forcing everyone to try to carry out their plans for reform. Only a handfull of Chinese Reds made the long march to the North of China, but because no one else had a plan, soon had taken complete control. Here in America the corporations and the labor unions have for years been making the most careful plans and uniting to present a solid front on both sides. It is not at all impossible to have a general strike called and a state of such confusion result when the plans of the great contestants began to break down, that the Reds in our midst might rise and repeat the coup as in Russia. It is time to look ahead.
ONE OF THE HRAs RESPONDED by sending me Senator Barry Goldwater’s article from a Dec. 8th newspaper I will quote: “One of the great weaknesses of the liberal position is to be found in a total dependence upon ‘blueprints for action,’ and ‘plans for the future’ — but man is a complex combination of divine will and human ego. Man, the reasoning animal, rebels at the prison imposed by blueprints. It is in this area that we find the conservatives diametrically opposed to the liberal concept and totally committed to protecting and enlarging the areas of living wherein freedom of choice and independence of action can lead men forward to a better understanding of the meaning of life. … The mad pace of our present materialistic society, with its built-in pressures, requires reform. The planning of the superstate, imposed on top of the frantic rush of twentieth century living must inevitably result in a straight jacket existence entirely contrary to the nature of man.” I comment that while the sender of the clip made no comment to indicate her position in the matter, she felt that Goldwater’s position was well taken, and that my proposed plan project was worse than useless.
On the other hand, she might have thought that the Senator was stating extra well the position of those who wish to let Nature take her course and the strong take what they can, regardless of the rights of the weak. It is very true that we all desire greatly to be allowed to live just as we please, but the clock is not easy to turn back. Try avoiding taxes or driving on the wrong side of the freeway and see how long you stay out of jail. People love complete freedom, but in learning to live together in orderly fashion, we give up one bit of over all freedom after another. All we can hope for at the best is freedom to vote for the governmental representatives whom we feel will be wisest in deciding what additional freedoms must be taken from us, always (we fondly hope) for the general good, be it the army draft and being forced to go to possible death in battle, or be it something less drastic.
LITERATURE ON OUR MONEY MONOPOLY evils was sent by another HRA in calling my attention to the need to plan to correct a situation in which we allow private individuals, organized and strong as owners of the Federal Reserve Bank, to control the national currency for their own profit. Federal Reserve bank notes are nothing but the IOUs of the bankers used as our cuirency. We print them and they loan them out at interest. We borrow them back at interest. 11¢ out of every Federal tax dollar goes to pay interest on the national debt, a large part of which might have been saved if Uncle Sam had used his own IOUs as currency — or so I understand the deal.
THIS IS ONLY ONE of many causes for complaint. We are confronted by graft from low to high places, and abuse of authority from the lordly traffic cop to the judge on the bench. Admitted. But I feel that we cannot divide and waste what little strength we may have by putting all our pressure on the correction of some one thing, even the many injustices suffered by our Indians and migratory harvest workers. We are not reforming; we are looking over things as they are so that we can begin trying to plan for their betterment when time comes for a change. MFL