Huna Bulletin 119

World Trends

December 1, 1956



And through me, acting as the center of HRA communications, may I offer on the part of each of you your Season’s Greetings to all the rest.

As most of you have joined the HRA in the past few years, I am begging the indulgence of the few who have been with me from the very first, and am sending out again the Christmas Greeting sheet used several years ago. The mimeograph stencil, of course, is very old and worn, but the wishes are still as warm and fresh as friendship can make them.

On Christmas Eve I shall look out and up at the great pine which grows in our front yard, and through the branches I will see all the stars twinkling. I shall ask them to stand there and shine, one for each of you, no matter what part of the world you may be in. Should you chance to look up from your door into the heavens, pick a little star for me for the evening, and join me in sending a prayer by way of the Great Company of Aumakuas to the Master of all stars, asking again for that greatest boon to mankind, Peace on Earth, with Good Will amongst all men. The answer may be nearer than we know.

One of the newer HRAs, R.A. Mills, of California, recently wrote to ask, “Do you still continue your group prayers and seek to offer mana to the Company of Aumakuas for betterment of world conditions? Probably that activity is the most significant of any in the present world period, as without a world of sanity and peace, very little else would matter. If you have time and inclination, would you comment on this theme in future Bulletins?”


Looking at the world situation, we see a dozen world problems, but too often we try to answer them all with one answer that overlooks all but one or two major problems. It may be interesting to list some of the most obvious questions, and with each of them try to decide what a good HRA might do to provide at least the beginning of an answer.

  1. Pressure of over population, formerly lightened by wars, diseases and famines, all things sufficiently corrected to allow populations to double in a decade or two. HRAs can help by advocating betterment in food supplies, irrigation projects, and so on. But education in birth control must also be advocated and reactionary religions prevented from the blocking advances on these lines.
  2. Lack of justice remains a major cause of conflict. The poor and overpopulated countries feel that it is unjust of the rich and less populated lands to prevent migration into the rich lands. We must take the long term view and see that were our gates thrown open to the hoards of China, India and Egypt, overpopulation and the accompanying misery would come here also in a few years. The problem must be solved by finding a way to cut the birth rates. The HRA can advocate education and progressive efforts. Until the problem is met, famines and wars will continue. Where there is actual injustice, as between Capital and Labor, or when the non-unionized are squeezed while the organized are able to better themselves, there will be a cause of trouble similar to that arising when “have” nations hold on to lands and resources which the “have not” nations feel belong rightfully to them. We must back up all agencies set up to offer a fuller justice in the dealings of individuals, groups, unions, and nations. The HRA must advocate justice on all levels in terms of the long view rather than of a single year or century. We must stand against imposition, dishonesty and graft, also dictatorial powers which allow injustice.
  3. Nationalism and racial intolerance combined with religious and political intolerance will eventually have to be either brought under rigid control by laws and strict enforcement, or must be eliminated by removing the major causes of these emotional explosives which engender wars, large and very small. Religious intolerance can only be met with more and better education and by preventing the religious organizations fostering intolerance from spreading their poisons. Political beliefs such as that of Russia and of the West, are not to be met by saying one is all wrong, the other entirely right. All thinking people realize that we are in the midst of a long struggle to find more just and equable economic and governmental systems. The HRA must keep in mind the fact that men are automatically divided into classes and levels according to their (a) intelligence, and (b) their natural drives toward being good or bad. If some perfected method, even the Biometer in skilled hands, could be put to use to make the classifications of individuals, a more practical form of “equality” could be worked out to help break down frictions between racial groups. All men or women, provided proper education is worked for and obtained, should be able to live together nicely. This applies to those of each level. It is a bit like the old caste system, but while equal opportunities and equality before the law would be preserved, the intelligent and good person would not be expected to live happily with the criminally inclined individual incapable of taking more than the simplest education. Our present social structure is built on these lines to a small extent, but is still so imperfect that the moronic son of a rich parent may be able to live in quite the wrong level and disrupt the lives of others. Education is the first part of the answer to this problem, and the HRA who sees it clearly can advocate steps aimed at finding the solution.
  4. Lack of a rational and highly evolved religion, is a great problem which the HRA can help solve by spreading the news of the rediscovery of the ancient Huna system. We see that religion is a necessity of many men and women, regardless of race or nationality. A division of religion was made in ancient days, as in Christianity, with a simpler set of teaching for those of lower intelligence, and a more complete teaching for the mentally more able. The need for something concrete, such as a man-god, is felt for the first level, but for those of the second level, a more abstract concept of Higher Beings and of Ultimate God is best to prevent an insult to reason. The basic principles of non-hurt and, if possible, love and greater helpfulness must be advocated at all times.
  5. The lack of an incentive for work other than money has long been a universal need. Even the most intelligent need recognition and praise to spur them on to their best altruistic efforts. The children and the less intelligent need such incentives far more. It is human nature to wish to show off before an appreciative audience. A little progress in evolving incentives has been made, but it is not enough to have a few degrees given out by colleges for those willing to work long and hard to become well educated. A system should be worked out such as that of the Boy Scouts, in which a proud badge of merit may be won for every unit of accomplishment. Unselfish service of the community or the world should be credited from childhood to old age, as should any learning outside schools. In this way organized, systematized and fairly just gradings could be supplied, and the desire for recognition fostered. Shame at having no credits would drive the lazy to make at least some efforts to qualify for a modicum of plaudits. A grading for bettering oneself in terms of what one was at the start should be included, as it is not fair to compare the accomplishments of a born runner with the speed of a naturally slow and heavy individual. If the slow fellow was able to double his running speed by applying himself well, he should be paid in merits equal to those of the natural sprinter who doubled his running prowess by careful training. HRAs can advocate advances in these lines and call for men in government who can show the finest intelligence and best records. These men, when well tested and approved, should be honored greatly for their honesty and good work, even if their pay is not too high. Their tenure of office should be similar to that in the Civil Service, but always with the people able to remove them from office for good reason and after a completely fair and open hearing.
  6. The lack of a religious threat of punishment after death for the wicked leaves a weak spot in modern morals. Something should replace the old threats which kept many individuals moral. From the 125th chapter of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, comes a passage showing the fear of punishment in the life after death and the influence exerted on the living. The dead man faces those who are to judge him according to the life he has lived. He says to them, “I know, you, lord of truth and justice. I have brought you the truth. I have committed no fraud against men. I have not tormented the widow. I have not lied in the tribunal. I know not lies. I have not done any prohibited thing. I have not commanded my workman to do more than he could do. I have not been idle. I have not made others weep. I have not made fraudulent gains. I have not altered the grain measure. I have not falsified the equilibrium of the balance. I have not taken away the milk from the foster child… ” Kahunas gave us a very simple directive for living. They said, “Hurt no one.” Perhaps we can organize the pressure of public opinion in some way eventually so that it will be a fearsome thing to the degree that it will give pause to any who contemplate evil deeds. As HRAs we can work for an organization of social forces to replace the departing fear of punishment after death.
  7. This space is left blank for you to use to add items which you think of, and possible answers to problems. If you have thought of nothing to add, how about taking pencil in hand and seeing if you can figure out a way to score or grade accomplishments which at present go unrecognized in so far as recognition and social honors are concerned. For instance, would you grade a person who has had four years in college and has won the recognition of a degree of Bachelor of Arts higher than you would a carpenter, printer or machinist who has served four years learning his trade in order to be admitted to a union as a full fledged member? Also consider grading a woman who has married and become a good housekeeper over a period of four years, and has properly mothered two or three infants, and made a happy home as well as taking part in local social activities. Or, consider the man who has worked hard for four years, giving up his own plans to go into a small business, while providing care for an old and ailing parent? What grading would you give to a person unable to attend college, but who has spent much time studying books on many subjects? This person may not be expert on any line, but certainly would deserve some credit for “trying to improve his mind” instead of reading only the daily papers, listening to radio and watching entertaining TV programs.

The U.S. Army has a little round button which can be worn by men out of uniform and not decorated with their many medals. This little button has colored threads like the spokes of a small wheel, with different colors and different numbers of threads so added from time to time that one who knows the code can tell from a study of the threads whether the wearer is heavy with military honors or whether he has been a dull plodder in some branch of the services. Might not we have such little rosettes in various sizes and colors to give artifical payment in recognition for efforts and service “beyond the call of duty” as the millitary men say? Each child could be provided with a threadless button at birth, and in time could accumulate honors and the privilege of displaying a thread to indicate them. A man reduced to hunting a job could present his medals or his buttons to show the manner of fellow he is and what accomplishments have earned official recognition. There might well be added some dark threads to indicate the opinion of an examining board should he have served time for large or small offenses, been counted as fully reformed, or still a menace to society. Too large and expensive an undertaking, even if all labor were voluntary and carried out by individuals earning a gold thread? Perhaps. But would such a system of encouraging effort on all lines not be as valuable and worthwhile as our Olympic Games, where world honors are won for top athletes – all of whom come by exceptionally fine bodies, as accidents of birth rather than by such training as might win a man born blind, deaf and mute a score of Champion in his field? Does anyone happen to know how Red Russia grades to furnish incentive to work or study when monetary reward is missing? All I know is that in “Grin and Bear It” cartoons, the Russian workers have been given “hero medals.” Perhaps I should send a marked copy of this HRA Bulletin to the Kremlin. If they are already well along in such an experiment, we of the Western nations might, in a few years, borrow from them a working and fairly workable system – all joking aside.

As an afterthought, I might suggest that on the back of the accomplishment button there could appear one’s thumbprint and his biometric reading for purposes of identification. The biometric reading could be changed from time to time if needed to fit the growth of the individual in some way. If several layers of paper or thin metal could be fastened to the back of the button, additional data of value might be given such as blood type (in case of accident) and “whom to notify” information. I suggest a layer of finest beaten gold on which to record the fact that the wearer is an HRA.


So asks one of the HRAs, calling attention to The Second Epistle of Peter in the New Testament and asking if Chapter 3 has coded Huna in it, and what do I think of its genuineness as either a real letter from a real Peter or as a prophecy to be taken seriously.

The parts of the Chapter to be considered are these: 3:4 “…Where is the promise of his (Jesus’ second coming) coming? …all things continue as they were before the beginning of creation, (7) but the heavens that now are, and the earth, by the same Word have been stored up for fire, being reserved against the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.

(8) But forget not this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day… (10) But the day of the Lord will come as a thief, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are there shall be burned up… (12) looking for and earnestly desiring the coming of the day of the lord, by reason of which the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? (13) But, according to his promise, we look for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.”

MY COMMENT is that we seem to have a strange document which is much changed from any original – as were so many of the writings selected to go into the New Testament. Three ideas are mingled in it, that of a Second Coming, that of a Judgment Day and the punishment by fire, and that of the “day of the Lord” coming “like a thief.” The “thief” element is out of place in such a dissertation, just as it is in other parts of the New Testament. This is because it has to be furnished a context in which to appear, and has, once the place is made, to be dragged in by the ears. It is a part and parcel of the Huna or mystery teachings hidden by code in the New Testament. When the word mystery is put back into the “sacred language” of the initiate kahunas of all ages, we get the word ai`hue. Now see what this gives us.

The outer meaning of ai`hue is “thief,” and, as used in other parts of the New Testament, it indicates something which comes upon one unaware and steals something. The thing stolen is ai, which means food. Hue means to flow out and a water calabash or gourd and to steal.

From these root meanings we get the code meaning of the spirits who come to steal or “eat our vital force or mana, especially when we have taken on an extra charge of mana intending to send it to Aumakuas as a gift to empower them to answer a prayer. In a similar word, ai`a`hua, we have the meaning of a thief who comes unseen to steal food offered for the gods, or who secretly eats food forbidden by taboos. These “eating companions” or evil spirits who prey on the living and who are attracted by the evil in the living, are mentioned time and time again in the Huna or hidden parts of  the New Testament, and now and then in the Old Testament.

THE FIRE part of the prophecy has its place in the code because the word ai means to burn or eat or consume, as a fire. For this reason, any initiate kahuna, upon hearing something said relating to the outer meaning of stealing food or burning up something, would at once know that the “eating companions” were being mentioned and a warning against them given to the “sleeping” or unwary who do not guard their minds and hearts against producing and holding hurtful thoughts.

The JUDGMENT, or third element in the passages in question, has a strange code meaning of “to creep on all fours” before a chief, to be called to account for something. Roots point to the Aunihipili in man with its animal nature as being the offender. It is the one who invites and tolerates the evil spirits by its own evil nature, and which allows them to steal the food-mana (which is unmistakable in the symbol of flowing water and the water gourd named in the root hue which is also “to steal.” Water is always the symbol of mana in the coded Huna lore.)

EGYPT, centuries earlier, had for a part of its outer religious dogmas, a judgment which had to be faced by the living after death, and amongst the assorted punishments for those who had been wicked, were hell fires of the hottest. One might also be eaten by some of the old animal gods.

While a description of what might happen if an H Bomb caused a chain reaction might be read into words attributed to Peter, the idea remains strong that a new heaven and earth would appear, and we are told by scientists that even without a chain reaction, a large use of A or H bombs would fill the atmosphere with radiations which would burn nothing, but which would kill all forms of life and keep them killed for thousands of years.

While I am as anxious as anyone, and pray my best in the Huna way for the preservation of the earth and its sanity and peace, I do not believe that the prophecies have anything to do with a valid fore-knowledge of any kind. Veiled as prophecy, the kernel of the supposed prophecies of the early Christianity pointed at Huna in the form of a mystery teaching rather than at the events of some future time.

Meantime, the GENUINE WARNING of the Huna teachers down the long ages needs to be taken to heart by all of us. It is the warning that procrastination is to be avoided and that, regardless of possible accidents which may end our lives or the lives of whole nations, the individual will do well to make spiritual hay at top speed while the sun shines. If enough individuals endeavor to make themselves sane and hurtless and helpful, they cannot help [but] form the “little leaven” that will eventually leaven “the lump.” As a Auhane, one corrects one’s thoughts and actions, after which the Aunihipili is taken in hand.


Your new research assignment, as HRAs offers two projects for those of you who have been offering to help gather information from first-hand testing.

  1. CONCENTRATION research. Remember that Kuda Bux practiced for fifteen years to learn to hold before his mind’s eye a mental picture of his loved brother’s face, without wavering, for a full five minutes. The resultant ability to fire-walk at first try and to project his organs of sight to his back so that he could read large newspaper headlines pressed against the bare skin of his back, came from this training in concentration.

    The Huna theories which we wish to test are that practice in holding the attention concentrated on one unchanging mental image is really training of the Auhane in the first place so that it can grip the Aunihipili with its will and force it to pay strict attention to a selected thing for a long period of time. In the second place, it is such a training of the Aunihipili that it will, at Auhane command, do anything within its power.

    This type of training builds toward the ability to use various and sundry E.S.P. or psychic powers, most useful among which, for our purposes, are the Mesmeric-hypnotic-suggestive powers which enable one to use auto-suggestion to cause the Aunihipili to help in many ways.

    INSTRUCTIONS: Please decide upon something well-liked which you can visualize. Have a paper at hand to record your tests so that your progress can be noted. Provide a means of timing your efforts. See how long you can hold the mental image before your attention slips. Try several mental images and see which you can hold the longest and easiest. Decide whether a loved thing or, for instance, a hated thing, is easiest to hold. Invent variations for your testing and gather information on them for us. See if your holding power is better after accumulating mana, or better if you use some type of breathing exercise before or during the tests.

  2. YOGA EXERCISES AND PRACTICES come in for the second item of research if you prefer, or try both. Select the school of Yoga which you wish to follow, or the modern mixtures found in various courses and books. For the present, do research work on the effects of taking over natural breathing and, as a Auhane, share with the Aunihipili the breathing. Dictate the slowness, fastness, depth and so on. Try the exercises in which regulated breaths are taken in one nostril and let out through the other. Many of you will have tried these practices already and can sit down at once and make a report on your findings and experiences. If you prefer, as does HRA Richard Holmes (who urges these research items) to believe that there is prana instead of mana collected in the breathing exercises, that matters little. Nor does it matter whether you believe in the Ida and Pingala or Serpent Fires, Kundalini, chakra centers and dozens of other items which are a part of some system of Yoga. We must keep minds open and work for results. Later we can compare notes as to which is best, the Huna or other sets of theories.

    NOTE: Perhaps only a few HRAs will wish to take part in this new research project. Short reports may be given later in the Bulletins, and longer reports and special instructions released as booklets.

“I DENY THE ALLIGATOR” Once more HRA Jim Welgos, of Human Engineering, has alleged in his little magazine that I am one of his students. He did that before and I denied the allegation and got a retraction from him. Now he has done it again and I am getting a second flood of letters from HRAs who see his magazine, asking since when I have given up Huna and become a student of Jim’s. I exchange the HRA Bulletin for his lessons and booklet releases, all of which I look over with amazement and wonder. It is not Huna by any stretch of the imagination. Jim follows the school of thought which can explain everything without need of the theory of the subconscious and conscious, or Aunihipili, Auhane and  Aumakua. Don’t write to ask if I think you should take his course. Please!!

HAPPY NEWS comes next. My favorite book on Numerology is once more back in print after being out for a bit. It is by my very good friend, HRA Florence Evylinn Campbell, M. A. It is THE basic text on the subject of Numerology. It gives one the theory and describes the methodology. A copy belongs on the shelf of every student in our corner of the psycho-religious field. The price is $4.00 postpaid. Order direct from THE GATEWAY BOOKSHOP, 30 E. 60th Street, New York 22, N.Y.

MORE HAPPY NEWS comes in the form of an announcement that at last the delightful poems of HRA Helen Molyneauz Salisbury are to be made available to us all in book form. These verses sing and return in the night to whisper themselves to you. The deep philosophical thought which backgrounds them is softened by love and deep tenderness of understanding. The title could not more aptly describe the book. It is TO TOUCH INFINITY. The price post paid is $2.50. Order direct from EXPOSITION PRESS, 386 Fourth Ave, New York 16, N.Y. A priceless book to send as a Christmas gift to any lover of verses hauntingly handled.

ANOTHER PIECE OF GOOD NEWS is that HRA Dr. N.S. Hanoka’s new book, TEETH AND YOUR FOOD is ready. It is a series of articles on a subject of real importance. The author is a dentist and also a Naturopath. In addition to the information given in this little 87-page book, the HRA writers – and most of us write or plan to do so – will, in this book, have the opportunity to see what may be done in getting books into print by having them manufactured in India. (Dr. Hanoka can tell you about this angle, as he has taken the agency for the printing firm.) Order direct from Dr. N.S. Hanoka, 1610 N. W. 9th Ave, Miami 36, Florida. The price is $1.25 post paid. (Or for $2.00 you can have this book and another titled SCIENTIFIC FASTING AND NATURAL LIVING which sells by itself for $1.00.)

CHRIST HEALS TODAY is the title of a new book by my friend and neighbor, Blanche Marie Peters, Ms. D. This is good New Thought, well organized and easy to follow. It is printed offset from typewritten and carefully justified original copy on one side only of the fine heavy paper. This volume will also be of much interest to any writer contemplating turning to self-publication of his or her book or books. Price is $3.00 post paid. Order direct from the author, Blanche M. Peters, Ramona, Calif.

FOUNDING THE LIFE DIVINE by Morwenna Donnelly is a beautifully and skillfully handled account of the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, a man of great learning and one well qualified to tell the West about Yoga and the classical religious books of India. This beautifully bound book fills a need for a text in very compressed and simple form for those who wish to survey the best and most vital elements in India’s thought. The price is $3.95 plus 12¢ postage. Order direct from Hawthorn Books, Inc., 70 Fifth Avenue, New York 11, N.Y.

“MUSIC-COLOR ALCHEMY CLASSES” are announced for Friday evenings at 8 o’clock by HRA Marian Ver Hoven, at 1039 So. Ardmore Ave, Los Angeles 6, Calif. Better write for details as to when classes form and not just barge in. Hammond Organ with color accompanying music, I understand, but am not certain.

EGYPTIAN BELIEF AND MODERN THOUGHT by James Bonwick, $5.00. The Falcon’s Wing Press, Indian Hills, Colorado, has an introduction by H.R.A. Charles A. Muses, PhD, who presents one of his discoveries in the field of research into the lore of ancient Egypt, and whose publishing house offers this very fine book. Simply written by a scholar who has combed the field with care and quite overlooked the Huna angles, it gives the kind of information one naturally wants when trying to get a good general idea of what was known and what was believed or suspected in the long centuries of early Egypt. On controversial questions, the conclusions of several authorities are given. The Egyptian and Assyrian beliefs and rites are often compared and hardly a Jewish or later Christian belief or ritual has escaped being given its origin in much earlier systems of religion.

It is too bad that the author did not know Huna and dare to invite the wrath of the “authorities” in this field by giving the Huna angles on a great many beliefs and symbols. The person who knows what to watch for in reading the book or, considering the gods and images of the period, will be able to identify strong elements of Huna on all sides.

The Sphinx, about which everyone has so long wondered, is, in my opinion, a silent reminder of the fact that the Aunihipili and Auhane form a unit to live in an animal body – thus the lion body with the human head, while near at hand stands the Great Pyramid to remind the initiate kahuna at all times of the Aumakua as he gazes at the triangular sides set on a square base representing the physical body.

On one point the writer states a fact but gives no information. He says on page 375 that before 4,000 B.C., the date of the Great Pyramid, “A sacred alphabet having been identified in the dynasty before the Great Pyramid one, there must have been priests then.” Does some HRA who has access to a good library wish to do some research to find out more about such a “sacred alphabet?” If so, please have at it and let me in on findings. If you have recently purchased a set of Encyclopedia Britannia, I am told that you have been given the privilege of having their research staff answer up to ten questions for you. Information as to this point would be right up the alley of the ladies of that fine research staff. My guess is that the Egyptians used their idea-picture writing for a long time before making the glyphs stand for sounds and starting to use them as an alphabet. Glyphs often picture Huna elements.    

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