Huna Bulletin 105


September 15, 1953

GREETINGS to all old friends of the disbanded HRA and to all of you new friends who have read the books, SSBM or SSAW, and have written in to ask to have your names placed on the mailing list which is being made up by and for our book selling organization, HUNA RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS.

Now a word to you who are new to our circle which stretches well around the world with its thin line. This is what may be called a continuation of the HUNA RESEARCH ASSOCIATES BULLETIN which came out every two weeks for about six years and which some of you know from having ordered the bound volumes of the 104 issues, plus the TMHG Unit. (Those who have not had this back file may still be supplied as long as the original mimeo stencils remain in good shape and the stock can be replenished. Full set is $20 postpaid – plus sales tax for those living in California. Or the set may be had a fourth at a time at $5.50 per large book. The TMHG Unit is $1.50 by itself for those desiring to take part in this work. Note that the THREE BASIC LESSONS have been discontinued as the new book gives this part of the material in much better form.)

The regular publication of the HRA BULLETIN was discontinued last July 1st and the HRA was disbanded, its work having gone as far as it could under its form of organization, and the major part of the task of recovering Huna in full form having been accomplished. The present Bulletin does not start a new Quarterly or anything like that. It is simply a news letter from me to my friends so that we will remain more or less in contact in case the Guidance expected in due time from Aumakuas is such that we might wish to reorganize on a larger scale for application of Huna rather than for extensive group research and experimentation, or for sharing the items that turn up which are of speculative interest.

Many have suggested that the Bulletins be continued and that a high enough subscription rate be set to make them possible, but at present this seems impractical with my time already so full that I have far too little of that priceless commodity.

THE PRESENT PLAN for the Bulletin, lacking definite Guidance at the moment, is to get out an issue about once in three or four months when time is available and there is news to report concerning the further Huna findings. It takes me about a week, working as I do without office help, to get out a Bulletin. The cost in materials, not counting time, is around 10¢ per Bulletin, and I will try to pay this part myself rather than ask for subscriptions or donations as each letter carrying either would need an answer, and as letters have finally got me down so that I no longer try to do more than slip a form letter into the self-addressed envelope that may have thoughtfully been sent with the communication – or slip said communication into the waste basket if not. (In the form letter I am at present using, I explain my inability to read – much less answer – the ever-increasing number of letters that arrive. I also promise that if writers will read all the back Bulletins and both books, they may find most of the answers to questions which they may ask. I also promise that, if they will excuse me from answering their letters, I will try to write a new book from time to time so that they can have more information on Huna.)

That about brings us up to date on the situation here at the Study, except to say that the Guidance I had to let go of the HRA and drop the Bulletins (reluctant as I was to do this) and to get out the new book and sell it myself through Huna Research Publications, has turned out to be genuine Guidance and good. Two friends who were experienced in such matters advised me very strongly not to try this, predicting that I would “lose my shirt” if I did. They’ve been proved wrong. Already over half of the printing has been successfully sold, and there seems to be no reason why the other half will not move in the same way if I keep on sending out the masses of ad letters telling of it. Aumakuas are very kind and my Huna-type prayers to them are being beautifully answered. When I ask for my daily bread, it arrives thickly buttered and even with jam on it.

is the first Huna book, THE SECRET SCIENCE BEHIND THE MIRACLES. If you plan to get extra copies, or to send this book as a Christmas gift to someone, better ask me to set aside one for you. I still have a few, and Kosmon Press, publisher of that book, 2208 West 11th St., Los Angeles 6, Calif, still has about a month’s supply left at this writing. So far as I know, no plans for a new printing are being made, although it is hoped that this basic text will not remain on the “out of print” list indefinitely. The price is $4 postpaid. (No special selling campaign is on in which a gift book is also offered and a reduced price made.

By the way, the Robert Collier Publications, now under my good friend Gordon Collier, did a rather unexpected thing early in the year when they had a reprint made up and sold it out in a special campaign. In their edition they inserted in the back of the book, without consulting me at all in the matter, a page headed, “WARNING, WARNING, WARNING:” in which the reader was warned of the great dangers faced by anyone dabbling in spiritualistic phenomena. I have often had letters from puzzled readers who ask why I had changed my mind after using a whole book, more or less, to tell about spirits and experiments with them – including the three spirits which make up each one of us – and had then shouted such a warning of the great danger of having anything to do with them. I have not seen one of these books or the warning itself, but have had parts of it quoted indignantly to me by letter. This is only to say that the “Warning” was in no way mine. Spirits are like one’s acquaintances. A few may be evil or may be “eating companions” of a low and hurtful order. The majority, if they influence our lives, are as good as we are on the average, and some may be far advanced and extremely helpful if psychic conditions allow them to be.) (The new book, SSAW, is in good supply for your Christmas giving. $4 postpaid. If you live in California, add sales tax, of course.)

IN PRINT AGAIN is E-THERAPY, the little book by A. L. Kitselman, in which he describes his special theories about the complex (not calling it by that name, of course) and his V method of getting the “E” or what we call the Aumakua, to mine from the top down, so to speak, and dig out the complexes or anything else which may be causing trouble. This book has been mentioned in our SSAW as the nearest approach to the “foot-washing” rite as advocated and used by Jesus. In using “E-Therapy,” there are two vital things which should be added to make it conform to the ancient Huna foot-washing rite: (1) Preparation of the one to be cleansed, which depends on the extent of that one’s complexes or the nature of his eating companions or of his own character defects. (2) The accumulation of large charges of mana by the one officiating as the “observer” or foot-washer, and the sending of this mana to the Aumakua or “E” when making contact with it and asking it to “clear” the one in need of cleansing.

Anyone who has read SSAW will know how both steps are to be taken.  There must be the “conversion” stage in which one turns over a new leaf and becomes hurtless and helpful in word, thought and deed. There are amends for past hurts to be made directly to those one may have injured, or indirectly by a series of impersonal good deeds – these resulting eventually in the feeling that one now deserves cleansing, then healing, guidance and daily help in living. Fasting is also a great aid in many cases, partial or complete. It may be remarked that many people prefer to go on just as they are rather than to make this preparation. Little can be done for these, sad to say.

I have in hand at this writing, 130 copies of E-THERAPY. The price is $1.10 post paid, plus sales tax if you live in California. You may order through me, but Huna Research Publications, of course, will fill the order. It will be well to get your copy while there is a supply, even if you will have to wait until later to go into the book and perhaps to set to work under the given instructions.

By the way, the notation in Bulletin 104, in which I said that Mr. Kitselman was anticipating a possible “Second Coming,” calls for additional comment. The “E” was the real “Second Coming” which Mr. Kitselman had in mind as a primary happening for each individual – a form of baptism of fire in which full contact is restored with the Aumakua as an individual which is also, paradoxically, a very part and parcel of the Great Company of Aumakuas (Po`e Aumakua) or, if you prefer, the Universal Mind on the lowest of several indeterminate levels of ever higher-ranging Universal Minds. No one seems ever to have been able to rise into the far reaches of these “Mind Levels” or “Heavens” and determine their true number or nature, but seven is often given as a possible number, as in “Seven Heavens.” Personally, I have long loved the old lines, “He who sinks the string of mind into the unfathomable, doth err.” (I can still hear the mixed congregation chanting these and other lines at the Hongwangi Church in Honolulu, years ago.) For years I have shuddered upon hearing some pulpit ranter telling in exact detail just what the one and only Ultimate God thinks, does and says – as if he had just had breakfast with Him. There was a story – it resembled those of O. Henry’s –  told of “The Man Who Saw into Heaven.” He was a missionary of very limited outlook. One night he looked through a great telescope, and thereafter he ceased to rant. Leaving his narrow circles, he went to Darkest Africa, and served mightily, preaching not at all. The vast galaxies of stars had stopped his mouth – but opened his heart.

HRA Mike Rinn, who, while being a philosopher also finds that the inspiration and deep inner grasp can be better presented in flowing verse, gives us a compact definition of “God” in these words:

“God is the eternal, immanent law, substance and power of infinite life.”

That is the rigid statement for the mind. He restates it in his poem, THE EVOLVING GOD, for both mind and heart – for the intuition to grasp and carry beyond the form of the worded thought:

All things are formed and renewed in God.
Knowing with an all-inclusive mind,
That the whole may see, while the part is blind
The mover, movement and moved are One

Speaking in terms of Dr. Oscar Brunler’s Biometric findings, we may say that the primary abstraction in religion is to be found in a concept of Ultimate God which at one and the same time pictures Him as an all-inclusive entity reaching as far as the most remote star cluster, extending from the beginning to the end of time, to embody the time-space complex in the material aspect: and still being immaterial so that He ceases to be far away in extended space and time – so that he becomes a mystical central point seated inside the human heart, sharing and including all of its beingness, now or in terms of all eternities. This abstraction will be outside the grasp of the person below the 330 degree level, Biometrically speaking, but will be self-validating TRUTH to those above that level, and more and more clearly seen as the individual rises in terms of the degrees. Below 330, abstractions and paradoxes have no place. Things either are or they are not, and this must be in terms of time and space. Religion must be centered on a person of flesh and blood, dead or alive. Below 200 degrees, the only hope of a God-concept lies in some kind of image and some kind of an altar.

The simple man or woman, worshiping the image of a crucified Jesus, and only dimly aware of the “Father” with whom he “was one,” will not be thinking beyond this here-and-now image concept. But, on the other hand, the person higher in the scale of growth will eventually be forced to stand with Mike Rinn and face the fact that if man evolves, God must be a part of that growth. Again let me quote from his poem:

This may be heresy for all I know,
And I may be damned to eternal woe,
But treading the path all men have trod, I affirm my belief in an evolving God, Who struggles along through night and day
In the midst of thorns which beset His way, He ever evolves as best He can
To unify his modes in man
And what evolves is alone complete;
That nothing functions except the all!

NEW STUDIES OF HUNA MATERIALS will soon begin, it is hoped. With the very generous help of HRAs, it is gradually beginning. The first step has been to find out what books are to be had covering the ancient writings of the Gnostic type and the various ancient manuscripts giving writings similar to those included in the New Testament, but frequently dwelling on the various mysteries.” These “holy mysteries” while even mentioned in the modern prayer books of the Catholic and Episcopal churches, are no longer clearly and fully defined. However, in the early writings under the heading of Faith and Knowledge (Pistil and Gnosis) when viewed with a knowledge that Huna lay basic under each, one may read between lines, translate symbols, and refer words back to the three-meaning words of kahunas.

Books – a fine lot of them for the start – are now on the way from England and New York, some rare and expensive. After they are in hand, a survey will be made to classify them and then a more careful study can begin.

Already the similarity of the invocations found in this body of literature shows striking resemblance to the invocational form used in Polynesia. The turn of thought is strikingly similar in many passages, and one cannot be less than impressed with the building evidence that Huna was the substance of the “mysteries” from the early days of Egypt through to the dawn of the present “Christian” Era. (I use “Christian” in this way because the Huna heart was lost soon after the death of Jesus and only the outer forms were retained in dogmatized and warped condition.

From THE GNOSIS OF LIGHT by Rev. F. Lamplugh, B.A. (Cantab.) which gives the translation of the Codex Brucianus, one of the MMS discovered in this century, I am reproducing in rough sketch for you the Gnostic form of the Cross as found in the MMS.

Note how the cross bar with the tipped ends suggests a circle lying flat, as in the second drawing. This suggests the halo or ovoid aka body which HRA Verne Cameron found above the human head through the use of his Aura-meter. The aka cord to the Aumakua, represented by the circle at the top, passes upward through the aka ovoid of the Auhane, but if it is “blocked,” the circle become the cross-bar  of the crucifixion type Cross.

In a book, recently presented to me by good friend of Huna, the learned Dr. John Manas – DIVINATION – ANCIENT AND MODERN – from his pen ($3 from Dr. John H. Manus, 152 West 42nd St., New York 18, N.Y.) I find reproductions of images of the High Priest and High Priestess of Artemis. The former wears a rounded cap which I will sketch for you below, and the Priestess has for a headpiece an elongated representation of the aka cord, again thick and round and tapering, but not showing the cross bar or aura circle – this lack possibly indicating the fact that this Priestess had no complexes blocking her “path” to her Aumakua (indicated both by the circle symbol at the top and by the bird symbol standing for a High Spirit – remember the dove that descended on Jesus when he was baptized and the use by kahunas of the bird symbol in the same manner). Because of her unblocked “path,” the priestess was enabled to get glimpses into the future from her Aumakua.

Here we have a tipped-up aura showing the center opening through which the aka cord passes. There was, evidently, a belief that contact had to be made with the Aumakua, running all through the lore of divination right up and into early Greek times. The successful passage of the aka cord and its accompanying charge of low mana, upward through the “ring” of the Auhane aka body, indicated the fact that all “blocks” or complexes had been cleared from the “path.” This was the “mystic marriage” which was made in heaven. It could have been the source of the marriage symbol of ring being placed on finger, NOT just a symbol of sex union on the physical plane, as is usually taught.

(See the back HRA Bulletins, Vol. 12, No. 66, page 6, for HRA Cameron’s very important findings concerning the aka structures above the human head.) The Priest, sketched at the left, has a string of beads around his neck similar to those used in India and later in the form of the rosary. Supposedly used to count off repetitions of prayers, the real meaning seems to have been symbolic of the many complexes blocking the aka cord of contact with the Aumakua – these having to be removed, possibly one by one, patiently, and with the repeated use of the “foot-washing” or similar rites in which mana was supplied to the Aumakua by a second person with the request that it use it to remove the blockings for the one to be aided or “initiated.” In the drawing of the headpiece of the Priestess, there is indicated a tight ring half way up the conical aka cord, showing that it had successfully passed through the aura to touch the Aumakua indicated by the globe – really a globe of white light, sometimes symbolized by the sun – the “True Light” or Aumakua.

No end of exciting information similar to that just given, is being turned up in the new materials. It is more and more evident that the ancestors of the Polynesian kahunas once lived in and around Egypt, with their “sacred” language and Huna knowledge spread far and wide, but always veiled heavily with symbols and secret word meanings. The main body of the kahuna people seems to have gone to Polynesia, but some went north, to remain in North Africa, as W.R. Stewart discovered in modern times.

A letter just in from HRA John Cooke, who has just spent three months studying the people in Ethiopia, tells me that they reminded aim strongly of the Hawaiians in customs, manners and appearance, there being a strong Semitic strain visible, and a probable resemblance between the native languages of today and the Polynesian dialects. John was born in Hawaii and his ear would catch this resemblance quite easily. (Judge Fornander, in his massive works on the origin of the Polynesians, stated that the Coptic resembled very closely the Hawaiian in many ways. From this he drew his main proofs that the Polynesians had originated in the Near East.)

More will be reported from time to time on this study. Of course, what we are looking for is more and more information concerning early beliefs and early methods of unblocking the path to the Aumakua. There may be some mechanism which we will not recognize at first when we run into it, but by covering the ground again and again, we may suddenly see the exact meaning behind some veiled outer meaning.

One of the new friends, found through the new book, and a lady of broad study background, wrote to say that, to her, the effort to get through to the Aumakua to gain help and healing was of secondary importance. What she desires is contact that will lead to a cleared path and then to swift evolutionary growth of the kind we call “spiritual,” for want of a better word. This is indeed following the command, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven…” The letter brought out in sharp contrast the two goals or two types of approach to Huna and the conquest of the cleared path and the perfected Biometric pattern. I am reminded of the fact that, in either approach, the first necessity is to begin searching earnestly, with the turning over of the good new leaf, and the second, to get the path cleared of complexes and of the influence of evil “eating companion” spirits.

THE ENGLISH “AURA BIOMETER” which was recently ordered, has not yet arrived, nor have any of the HRAs who have received one of these biometers reported as yet success or failure in using one. I will report later on the subject. If we can have three or four at different places able to make readings from signatures on this new biometer, we can test for similar results and become more certain that the Auhane is not causing errors. A recent caller had me run him on the Cameron-Bovis version of the Biometer.

I got 383 degrees for the brain radiation figure on three tries. Then he told me that Dr. Brunler had read him at 463, and that this was the figure he read for himself with his own improvised method. There is little question that we need a better method of checking amongst ourselves. Meantime, I am slowly reading through French books on the use and nature of the pendulum, and am learning much that is new to me, even if it does not concern the biometer as we know it.

CHANGE YOUR TMHG TIME to fit the return to ordinary time from the daylight saving time of the summer months. The TMHG lists are renewed the first of each month, and this calls for a note if one wishes to continue. If a reply is desired, please send along a stamped and self-addressed envelope to save me time. The results continue to be excellent in many cases. More are joining the work continually, and the flow of mana is very strong. Many pick up the telepathic signals sent at the beginning of each period, often with added colors or light effects of a strange nature – green or gold fire fringes around triangles or squares and the like.

THE USE OF THE FOOT-WASHING and other cleansing rite methods to remove complexes and lingering Aunihipili feelings of guilt or unworthiness, has been reported by letters or in personal conversations by several HRAs. Such a simple thing as a mutual forgiving of sins and doubts, by husband and wife, each in turn, accompanied by sober washing (the rite was made to include this physical stimulus) got surprising results in the form of easy contact with Aumakuas and set off a whole train of answers to prayer requests – many requests granted before formally voiced in prayers. When business slacked up, the cleansing was repeated to make sure Aunihipilis had not slipped back into the old habits of feeling unworthy, and at once the prayers for more business brought more than could be handled.

In a series of tests made by an HRA with an almost perfect will and personality pattern, and a 381 brain radiation, prayer and laying on hands got increased results after mutual foot-washing rites with an HRA friend who is gifted with a natural ability to collect much mana with ease. (This gentleman saw the typical “Great White Light” after one of the foot-washing sittings.) They have had but little physical reaction aside from the sense of heat and of much flowing of mana currents through them, with tingling etc. Fruit fasts, and three day complete fasts were tried out. Last report was much increased mana accumulation and sense of flow when laying on hands with prayer to the Aumakua. A case where much pain followed X-ray burns in treating a cancer, has responded surprisingly well, but for some unknown reason, the hands of one of the HRAs increases the pain while those of the other stops it. A dangerously low blood count came back to full normal in this patient in a few days. (She is the wife of one of the HRAs.)

In the tests of the foot-washing type of kala, or cleansing, the idea has been to cleanse first the ones who propose to administer to others, and when this is accomplished, the cleansing can be administered to others before using the laying on of hands and prayer to get help and healing in any line. It may be suggested that for those who are getting poor results, the aid of a friend is much to be desired. “Healer, heal thyself,” is a very old and real statement of the difficulty. “When two are agreed…” etc, gives the partial answer. We are learning that the foot-washing method is far easier to use than was at first expected. Any good and kind friend can help one in this way, perhaps not in one sitting, but the results are better with each foot-washing and making of the prayers for help. If the old future breaks up with a crash and seems to fall on one’s head, the thing to do is to sit tight, endure it, and wait for the improved condition that is sure to follow if we persevere.

FRAGMENTS OF A FAITH FORGOTTEN by GRS Mede, 1906, and now a rare book costing $30 per copy, has just arrived as I write. In pausing to glance through it I have come upon quotations from a Gnostic writing not included when the New Testament books were selected. It is titled, “The Acts of John: Fragments have been found and translated. That the “mysteries” were pure Huna, is again apparent here. John is made to say:

“Now these things, brethren, I speak unto you for the encouragement of your faith toward Him; for we must at present keep silence concerning His mighty and wonderful works inasmuch as they are mysteries and peradventure cannot at all be either uttered or heard.”

In the MMS is given a chanted set of statements and replies passing between the one to be initiated into the mysteries, and the one who will officiate at the rites. I will give them in part, with the Huna words matching ideas and with comments.

Candidate: “I would be saved.”

Initiator, standing as the Aumakua or “Father:” “I would save you.” (This states the basic need of being saved from whatever blocks the path to the Aumakua – or from sin, trouble, illness, etc.)

C: “I would be loosed.”

I: “And I would loose.” The word for “forgive” in the language of kahunas is hemo`lele, literally, “loosed” and “fly upward.” It is the symbol of freeing one from the chains of the complex and from guilt fixations or the influence of evil “eating companion” spirits, so that the contact can be made with the Aumakua and the mana and accompanying prayers can be made to “fly” up to the Aumakua.

C: “I would be pierced.”

I: “I would pierce.” Hou is the word for “pierce.” It has also the meaning of to pierce or force entrance into something to find and draw out something. In this case, the Aumakua, figuratively “thrusts a hand” into the aka of the Aunihipili, finds the complexes, and pulls them out. When this is accomplished by the foot-washing or similar rites, the symbolic “resurrection” or rebirth comes with the return of the prodigal son or the re-establishment of normal intercourse with the Aumakua. Note the next unit.

C: “I would be born.”

I: “And I would bring to birth.”

C: “I would eat.”

I: “I would be eaten.” (Here we come face to face again with the ancient rite or symbol of “eating the god.” In Huna we learn that this is the symbol of feeding the god or Aumakua with a flow of low mana, while at the same time a return down-flow of High Mana “feeds” us. Mana is all that can be used for food in this mystery.


The list of those who formerly were sent the Bulletins has not been cleared of dead wood for a year. The old list will be used to send out ads when and if a new book is offered for sale, but a new list must be made up to include friends who really wish to have such Bulletins as this, when they can be sent. If you have read this far, and if you are really interested in such things as I have been writing in this Bulletin, and if you wish to be kept on the new Bulletin mailing list, will you drop me a postcard to say so? I’ll not try to reply, but your address stencil will go into the “Bulletin” set. Thanks so much. Alohas. MFL


Contacting the Aumakua is the first great step in the use of Huna. Many can make the contact with ease. A letter just in as I write, says, “Last week three friends gave three days of startling exhibitions of your Huna methods of contacting the Super-conscious or Universal Mind. I do not see how anyone could have failed to be impressed. A research chemist tried every question he could think of that required an answer differing from the usual textbook data and NOT ONE ANSWER WAS WRONG. The questions included requests for physical constants that had required many months of hard work to obtain.”

That was straight Huna. With the addition of the “E-THERAPY” methods to those of Huna, HRA Charles Pitts, conducting a class in Sunnyvale, California, found it good to teach relaxation as well as take steps with his students to clear the “blockings” from the aka cord paths of contact. In a letter which arrived two days ago (after the Bulletin of this issue had been run), he reports, “Last night I was integrated further, and I had an experience similar to the one before, only this time I received or saw the white light several times. Instead of seeing only the light, this time I saw, just once, the source of the light. Usually the light seems to be a shaft, but this time the shaft was small in size with a sphere suspended on it. The sphere gave out the light. It was golden in color. I observed it but for an instant, then it happened – and what a sensation! Not just pleasant, and accompanied with a terrific surge of emotion which reached an almost unbearable point of stress almost instantly. Then the light was gone, but the feeling of the shock left me shaken for some time. Jim was integrated Monday by Mrs. Pitts after we returned home. He saw more and more colors, and after 45 minutes to an hour of getting past history recalled, seeing people and places and things, he went looking for the light, and got it. He held it for only a few seconds, but he knew he had by the reaction – which left him rather shaken for the rest of the evening.”

Another letter, this one of September 12th, says, “Another manifestation of Huna: I got a fine winter coat, badly needed, but which I could not find money for just yet. So far Huna has always provided the things we need. Now our ancient car is failing and we will see what happens.”

Mrs. B.C., of Anderson, Indiana has given me permission to pass on her experience. Shortly after reading about Huna, “some old surgery” (veins removed from legs) “began going bad. This was about to make me give up my job. I am a widow and have to work, so the situation was alarming to me. I took Mr. Long’s experience and did just as the woman kahuna in his first book told him to do.” (She tells at length how she commanded the Aunihipili to do its part and get on with getting the healing. She made her Huna action morning, noon and night.) ‘The first day I felt nothing except that the leg with the badly swollen arteries and large and growing black patches alternating with angry red, quit hurting and seemed a little better. Then on the second day I felt what seemed to be a small bolt of lightning leave the lower part of my back and shoot the full length of the bad leg. Later, I was amazed to find that the lightning came each time I called on the subconscious. By the fourth day the trouble all was cleared up – was back to normal, and has stayed that way.”

Yes, Huna works. If you, personally, wish to get better results than you may be getting, try combining Huna and E-THERAPY. I have obtained on consignment, 130 copies of the Kitselman book, to be released through Huna Research Publications. You may send your order to me. $1.10 covers the book, postage etc.

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