Huna Bulletin 100

Updates & The New Book

May 1, 1953

MORE FODOR’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PSYCHIC SCIENCE have been located for those of you who still want copies. Used copies from England may be had at $12.50 from HRA Dr. John Horning, 1411 East 21st Ave., Vancouver, B. C., Canada. A like-new copy at $15 may be available if not already gone. Ask me about this one. This is still by far the best book in its field.


  • No. 100. The George Wesleys, P.O. Box 848, Los Gatos, Calif. New HRAs and eager students. They would like especially to meet other HRAs in their part of the land.
  • No. 101. Edward A. Morash, 55 Foster St., New Bedford, Mass. A newish HRA who would like to meet other HRAs who may be living near him.
  • No. 102. Russell Price, 1325 Stanley Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Phone 905724. New, young and most enthusiastic HRA. He would very much like to meet other HRAs in his part of the world.


Signatures for the Growth-Development Test are being run on the Biometer a few at a time.

It was anticipated that perhaps 20 HRAs would take part, and about 150 have accepted the invitation with enthusiasm. Needless to say, the Biometer is in danger of burning out a bearing, and I am rather completely swamped. No more signatures will be accepted at this late date. All are urged to work hard in the way selected for the test. The second set of signatures should be sent in by June 1st if possible to allow processing for the June 15th Bulletin when reports will be made of the general outcome of the tests. The second signatures will be run and the results compared with the first set and, especially with the latest one in the first set, if a number dating back for years were presented for a more extended reading to show how one had grown. If late signatures of the first set read as high as the signatures of the second set, it will be concluded that no measurable progress has been made by the individual HRA involved. If, on the other hand, growth is shown, this will be reported.

WELCOME IS EXTENDED TO THE SEVERAL NEW HRAS. Very nice to have you all aboard. It must be explained to the older HRAs that in sending out ad letters to new readers of SSBM who have written in, I have become acquainted with some very fine students who wish to be in on the HRA until the present growth-development test is finished and we see what GUIDANCE is given for disbanding the HRA in its present form and perhaps expanding our efforts in some other direction. We have been hiding our candle under the bushel long enough, I feel, and it will soon be time to take it out, fan the flame to the best of our ability, and set our light on a mountain top to be seen by all the world. We will discuss things later, when some of the Guidance becomes plainer.  About a year ago I made a Huna-type prayer of my best for Guidance in the matter of finding more time and a way to get back to making a living. The book writing, publishing and selling seemed to be the answer, and this demanded practically all of my time to be successful – so the ending of the HRA work in its present form apparently was intended. It may be that the next phase of the work will call for some traveling about on my part to lecture, sell the books to spread the news of the restored “True Light” of Huna, and perhaps to organize units to do foot-washing. Will you please “see” the Guidance being given in this direction when making your prayers? It seems to me that we have been given a shining task to perform if we are willing to expand in Service and renew our courage, strength and faith.

THE WALL OF PROTECTION STILL HOLDS with not one man in the armed forces hurt. I continue to pray twice daily in the TMHG work for world peace and the return to sane and normal conditions, and know that many of you join in this prayer.

THE PRAYERS FOR “GREGG” continue in and out of the TMHG, in the effort to bring him a full return of mental and physical health. The present prayer is that he be made well and enabled to return home in May. This is an effort to set a definite time as part of the prayers. His progress has continued to be one of ups and downs, with always the determination to push him over the last barrier into the Light. Please continue your work. It is my hope that some day we will be able to use the ancient Huna method of “speaking for the god” – the method of command used by Jesus by all accounts to cast out evil spirits. This may entail the use of a very large mana charge – a “shock” method of dislodging and handling the invaders. In the foot-washing method advocated by Jesus, the mana is seen to be taken out of the complexes to remove them. This may be a secondary method of value in getting rid of the evil spirits or “secondary personalities.”

SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF INSANITY IS REPORTED in a letter dated April 19th, from HRA H.S. of Detroit, who has accomplished splendid results with the use of the Huna methods in healing, obtaining personal help and guidance, and in lesser matters. Here is his letter:

Dear Max:

What I am about to relate to you will, I am sure, fill your heart with joy. To begin with, I will call this topic, ‘Huna vs Voodooism,’ and I dare say Voodooism of the most sinister kind because it succeeded in changing a perfectly normal mind into an insane one.

This was the case of a 24 year old woman who lost her sanity and whose friends did not know, until she recovered and could tell them, what had caused the trouble. I came into the case after she had been a time in the hospital and after the use of shock treatments had failed to help her in any way. A neighbor, knowing that I was affiliated with the HRA, came to ask me to try to help the woman with prayer. He explained that she had been normal and had shown no cause for alarm. But she suddenly came up missing and was finally found by two police officers three miles from home, quite nude, and cut, bruised and bleeding.

I promised to do all that I could, and perhaps I should ask forgiveness, but on the third day at the TMHG hour I called on all of the HRAs to combine the available offering of mana in order that the evil spirit that had obsessed her might be returned to its own place or to its sender and replaced by her own entity.

A powerful flow of mana left my body then, and at each TMHG hour for the next 12 weeks, and whenever her name entered my mind. I knew that help was on the way for this reason.

Then, two days ago, a remarkable change came in my feeling of the taking of mana when I thought of her. The flowing out stopped. Then my friend came with the news that two days earlier she had become herself again in the early morning, had been released from the hospital, and had told her friends a strange story.

She had been engaged to a Voodooist from Chicago, but had been opposed to a Voodoo wedding. This was shortly before her trouble. When I heard of this situation I was reminded of Dr. Brigham and the Hawaiian boy whom he had rescued when attacked by the spirits sent as a result of the ‘death prayer.’ This woman is now apologizing for any act that may have given cause for offense during the time of her obsession. I am giving thanks to the great Po`e Aumakua and to Huna.

Yours for more success for all of us,

COMMENT: I am more and more convinced that the mana and its flow is of basic importance in all prayer and healing work. The feeling that much mana is flowing from one at a time of prayer has been a rather common one in our experimental work. I have even come to regard a sudden out-flowing as a sign that Aumakuas are taking us at our word and are using the gifts of mana which we urge them to take when they have work to do. At some future time we may learn to generate mana by working together in groups of some size, and it may be that great things may be accomplished for the world by the Po`e Aumakua because of the availability of the mana and the permission to use it to further world good.

MANA AND THOUGHT-FORMS appear to be inseparable. Remove the mana and the thought-form vanishes. Kahunas used the word manao for “to think.” The maker of the Andrews Dictionary chose to divide the word into ma`nao instead of mana`o in trying to classify it, but hurries to state that nao, as a root, had not been found. There are other indications which convince me that kahunas were indicating in the full word the fact that all thought was accompanied by the use of mana.

THE PHOTOGRAPHING OF THOUGHTS has been discussed in his usual way – with great reserve and caution – by Hereward Carrington in an article in the June issue of FATE magazine. Illustrations of impressions made through black paper wrappings on photographic plates, show that some people are able to think in such a way as to cause impressions on plates. Mana, as has been noted by many investigators, seems to pass hardly at all through glass. This may explain why the glass plates show more markings than films. The first illustration of the article in question shows what seems to be a splashing out of mana as if stopped and spread when projected against the emulsion with a penetrating action which would cause the mana-charged thought structure to strike the glass behind the emulsion and splash out in a rayed circle.

THE FIRST NEW YORK GROUP OF HUNA RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, under the able leadership of HRA Lucien Beck, is very active and its members are always on the watch for interesting articles and information. Hardly had the Carrington article in FATE appeared than a letter was on the way to warn me not to overlook it when my copy arrived. This group is the largest and most active of any at the present time and the meetings are carefully handled so that study and experimentation go properly together. Several copies of the new book, SSAW have been ordered and will soon be put to use as texts. Mr. Beck may be reached at 78 West 85th, New York 24, N.Y., by any HRAs who might like to contact this fine group through him. FATE, by the way, like ROUND ROBIN, is to be found on the reading table of most of the HRAs. They each fill a very definite need in their particular corner of the psycho-religious field, and, of course, the editors of both are good friends of the HRA. Fate seldom comes out without an article by one or more of the HRAs. In the issue of January, there was a good digest of the salient points brought out by HA Frederick Marion in his book, IN MY MIND’S EYE. There was also a good article by HRA Gertrude Springer on Huna, with a picture of me and the two little trees, one of which was daily fed mana and which grew much faster than the other. By the way, the larger of the two trees had to be taken out to make way for the building of the Study addition to the garage. In the current FATE is a very interesting article on the hundreds of clay statuettes which have been dug up in Mexico and which represent great reptilian monsters known only to us as prehistoric. Ties with Egyptian and Babylonian art is indicated in figures representing humans, and, what interests me greatly, a figurine (pictured at the left of the group shown on page 35) which seems to have either a dipper held over its middle or to have a greatly over-sized umbilicus similar to the ones to be found on the Easter Island statues – this being the symbol of the aka cord connection with the spirits of the ancestors, especially those far enough back to have evolved now to the Aumakua level.

HRAs GEORGE AND MRS. SANDWITH, who have made such fine investigations of fire-walking and other demonstrations of protection on the part of the “gods” in Fiji and elsewhere, write that they are on the way from Australia to England and that they plan to go to Greece to investigate a famous ikon in one of the churches – one credited with great healing power. They hope to be allowed to place objects with the ikon to absorb its radiation rate and so provide other ikons of similar powers. In their work they are using the Cameron Aurameter, a Biometer, pendulums, Aura Specks made up by HRA Joseph Lukovich, and their own good psychic abilities. George is an excellent photographer, and I hope some day to see a book from their combined pens illustrated with many fine pictures.

HEALING VIA IKONS AND SPIRITS such as Hoo Ola, Rev. Jessie Curl’s invisible helper, should soon be much more positive – with the majority healed instead of only those fairly free from complexes – when we get the foot-washing going and can cleanse the candidates for healing ahead of time. HRA Jessie, by the way, still makes Los Angeles her main center of activities, but visits other California towns and cities often. She and Mark Probert, of Round Robin fame, were both in Fresno at the same time recently. Reports on the seances and on healing were very good.


Many of the HRAs who have been with us only a short time have hardly been able to grasp the scope of the work done in the full five years of research and testing. On the other hand, many of the seasoned HRAs have had so much material passed to them in the Bulletins that they have become mixed up on some of it. In the new book, the materials have been sorted and ordered to give everything its proper place and value. Letters are arriving that show how much this is appreciated and how it helps. A fine letter telling of his reactions to the book and giving some later reactions has come in from HRA T.A.L.

I quote parts:

Even though I have been a passenger on the ship of HRA exploration these past few years, much of the Bulletin material has become a veiled memory, so I found in the book a most pleasant refresher course and convincer. I feel that it will remain a lasting work for the generations yet to come – Oh, if they will only take heed. The answers to prayer from the Aumakua still come, and I am exultant. Too, it is becoming less a task to remain practical and mundane while in possession of the Truths, which is really another blessing, as the trait I desired least to become evident in me was a tendency toward ‘silliness,’ shall we say, while making the transition into the mode of life engendered by the acquisition of such priceless knowledge and learning to adapt my daily living to its precepts. Some time back, as a facet of experimentation (when we had found Huna behind Christianity), I adopted the practice of visiting occasionally, on a Sunday afternoon, the church of my early training – the Catholic – to learn my reactions, if any, while in deep prayer of the Huna type. On every occasion, and there have been at least a dozen, after I had entered the pew and taken the kneeling position for meditation, and always before I had completely finished my prayer, I have been seized with a convulsive sobbing which has been uncontrollable, although of a quiet nature, for which I later voiced my thanks. Always accompanying the sobbing and tears, there have come ecstatic waves of ‘tingling,’ proof to me that the Aumakua is present and very active, for I have come to know and to believe beyond a doubt, that each tear is dissolving more and more the the ‘blockings’ which stand  in the way between me and Divine Union. I feel no shame for the tears, for surely they fall in a good cause, and hold great spiritual benefit for me. After each such experience I find myself possessed of a great peace and quiet confidence which I find so enriching that I have decided to continue the practice.

COMMENT: The interior of a church and the services may well act as a strong physical stimulus, especially to one accustomed in youth to church attendance. The Aunihipili may be caused to react, and we can be sure that where emotion is aroused, the Aunihipili is always very much involved. Any emotional or physical reaction indicates one of two things, (1) that a complex has been activated, or (2) that some degree of catharsis or “draining off” is in progress. In the foot-washing rite, we learn that the Aumakua is given mana and requested to remove the complexes or evil spirit influences for the one whose path is blocked. The tingling waves, coupled with the strong emotional reaction, would seem to indicate that the mana furnished in making the prayer is sufficient for one whose path is fairly clear to present to the Aumakua, and for it to use as High Mana to continue the work of opening the path so that it becomes a “broad highway.”

It will be recalled that Isiah said, “There shall be a way, and a broad highway” in his prophetic utterance. This may well have indicated the experience in which one with a slight blocking can get through to the Aumakua, and the latter can then open the path of contact completely. We must arrange soon to try out the foot washing and get our hands in on the use of the rite.

The feeling of thrilling, emotional reaction is something which I, brought up a Baptist, have felt while attending the services at the Old Catholic Church in Laguna Beach, California. I sensed the presence of some high and fine spirit and the flow of some equally high and blessed power. It has been the experience of many psychics that they have seen these bright Presences around the altar during the celebration of the Mass. A book, which is the text for priests of the Catholic Church which was started by men connected with Theosophy some years ago, tells of the many auras which build up in, around and over the church during the services. We who know the Po`e Aumakua and its nature will have no difficulty in accepting the presence of Aumakuas in any place where group worship takes place or where there is prayer being offered.

TO WAIL AS AT A WAILING WALL may have had its origin as a custom in Huna. The mourners’ bench of the churches replaces the “wall” of the Jews perhaps. The “conviction of sin” that comes as a part of the “conversion” may have a deep significance. In the Hawaiian the word for “wail” is kani`a`au, which from the roots gives the meaning of making a vocal noise while there is an out-flow of fluid, tears. But, the root au is the typical Huna root word symbolizing a flow of mana to the Aumakua or from it to Aunihipilis. It is my guess that the inner or Huna meaning behind the word has to do with the very thing we have been discussing – with the physical-emotional reaction when the invited and mana-empowered Aumakua starts from the top to mine out the complexes to free the man. A second Huna word for “wail” is uwe or ue. Externally, the meaning is “to jerk as with convulsive sobs.” The hidden meaning is “to move along a little,” and this indicates the catharsis in which the complexes are slowly broken down and one “moves along” a little further and more freely on the path – makes better and fuller contact for mutual work and cooperation with the Aumakua.

HRA Dr. A.J.P. SPENT A DAY WITH ME RECENTLY. It will be remembered that in the early Bulletins I told his story. He had been run over by a tank wagon at the age of 14 and had suffered a shattering of his thigh bone. It grew together slowly, leaving a great lump where hundreds of bone fragments had united. The leg was two inches short and the knee cap on the outside, with the foot turned almost backward. Much later, having arrived at an inner conviction that there was some Great Something which could and would make his leg perfect, he set a date for the healing to take place, assumed an expectant attitude, and waited. When the appointed hour arrived, the leg was made almost perfect in less than ten minutes. I examined it. It is slightly smaller but of normal length. (I have seen notarized letters which state that the writers knew of the circumstance and vouch for the instant and miraculous healing.) After his healing, he took up the study of Chiropractic and, since then, has adjusted, laid on hands and called on the same Great Something to help heal others.

Scar tissues are among the things which Dr. A.J.P. is able to remove. He has his patients come regularly and applies his fingers to the scars for about eight minutes at a treatment and soon the scars begin to vanish. Many patients with great ridged scars left after major operations, come to him suffering from the drawing and general irritation. Others have spots and blemishes. Some are cleared up in a few treatments; some only after many. There seems no way by which he can tell ahead of time how long the treatment must be continued.

Apparently, three manas are combined to flow through his fingers, the low, middle and high manas. The patients often see a very white light when treated, indicating the Aumakua working through him with the high mana. Often there is much heat generated, and this feature would indicate much low mana being used and reacting in the treated parts. The middle mana, or “will,” may be carrying on in the form of suggestion, but this is less easily determined.

Another point of interest is that Dr. A.J.P. eats no meat. He explains that this is because his stomach refuses it, not that he is a convinced vegetarian. He lives the hurtless life and serves in all practical ways and, (he considers this very important for anyone wishing to heal as he does) he lives the retentive sex life. Of course, he has found many cases in which adjustments must be made as a part of the general treatment. Often the adjustments are enough when he consciously calls for the flow of “The Light” through his hands during the period of manipulation.

Psychic diagnosis is the thing he depends on entirely. He places his hands on the patient and waits for the flash that will tell him what is to be done rather than what is wrong. He frequently finds spots on the skin of the head or body which are sore to the touch – feeling for them after getting his flash, and when they are located, manipulating them strongly. His practice is so heavy that he asks that his name and address be held back, his time now being altogether too crowded. He is 64, has white hair, and smooth pink skin. He tells me he has been using his methods to remove wrinkles for himself and that he is convinced that he is successfully growing younger instead of older. He was able to call on me because he was on vacation. Too bad you all could not have met and enjoyed him.

THE HEAD OF THE FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH GROUP, of London, Dr. Taylor, was also in this city last week, and despite being entirely snowed under with work, I took an hour out to call on him. His group is made up of medical men and they have a laboratory in which they are going into the matter of the radionics type of instruments exhaustively, not overlooking the use of the pendulum in diagnosis, or anything that can be looked into from any angle. Dr. Taylor is a charming gentleman, not yet grey, and with as fine and flexible and open a mind as it has been my pleasure to encounter in many a long day. In a brief hour we covered our HRA work very satisfactorily and I was able to get across to him our findings and what we are trying to do. He knew SSBM and is now going into SSAW. I anticipate some very fine and solid results to come from the research being done under his direction. In England there seems to be little of the general prejudice that in America sets the men of the different schools of healing blindly against all not of their own particular school and set of convictions.

THE “LADY PREACHER” WHO HEALS, and who was mentioned in a recent Bulletin, has caused considerable interest and comment. The first HRA to report on her told of some of her wonderful healing successes, and mentioned the significant (to us) fact that there was great heat felt when healing took place rapidly. One letter came asking the name and address of this healer and saying, “I hope it isn’t Kathryn Kuhlman.” I take it from this, as this was the very lady, that the writer had already come to know something about her, or had even tested her healing ability without being satisfied. I asked for details on his experience, and as yet have had no reply. On the other hand, one of the Nashville HRAs asked for all the information I could give and, while on vacation in the Philadelphia neighborhood must have located Miss Kuhlman, for today there came a large six-page folder given over to pictures of the healer and her patients – all against a background of vast crowds in great halls where she had held her revival and healing meetings. In due time I imagine we will have more information. I’d like to send her a copy of the new book, and will as soon as I can get around to writing a letter to go with it.

President Ike is also scheduled to get one of the new books. He is reported by the papers to be much interested in prayer and in morning prayer groups. By some long chance he might see the book, read a bit in it, and get some help from it. I would send a copy to the Holy Father at Rome, but there was a complete silence following the sending of a copy of SSBM five years ago, so I shall restrain myself this time.

SPEAKING OF THE NEW BOOK, I must apologize for not getting off copies when you have ordered them, right on the dot. I have been happily surprised by the warm response to the announcement that the book was available, and although I have three times rushed orders for more books to the printer in the south, I have in each instance underestimated the number I should need. Now, however, I have ordered enough to last six months – or so I figure it – and expect the new shipment to arrive at any moment. Also, thanks to the great kindness of HRA Wing Anderson, of Kosmon Industries, publisher of SSBM, and HRA Gordon Collier, who had a reprint made of SSBM with a notice in the back telling of late findings covering Huna, some inquiries have come in from strangers, and a few have ordered the new book and some have even joined the HRA for this last lap and the very important tests we have just begun to run. Of this few, there are some excellent students who should have been with us from the start but who did not know of us. Book stores are also being supplied, and the book will soon be listed in the “Books in Print” publication which tells dealers what is available and where to get anything that is in print. I also have supplied one library – with considerable pleasure – and hope to supply many as the book gets to circulating. My good friends and Aumakuas are equally kind in helping me along with the book publication venture.

THIS BULLETIN WILL BE A LITTLE LATER THAN USUAL, and my replies to your many much appreciated letters may be considerably delayed, what with so many signatures to process for the tests, the ad letters to get printed, the books to be autographed and sent, and so on and so forth.  MFL

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