Huna Bulletin 43

Dreams of the Future &
Communication from a Spirit Friend

November 1, 1950

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.A.


AGAIN – my most hearty thanks to all of you who have delighted me by writing in your dreams, experimental results, comments, conclusions and suggestions – but who have not asked for or received an answer from me here at the Study. I was, in this way, able to get enough time off to run down to San Diego for a short visit with HRA Meade Layne, who is working on a new issue of ROUND ROBIN and who had many interesting things to talk over.

I feel that if I could live closer to him I might be of some help in mimeographing and addressing. So, I took a hurried look around the back country outside of San Diego and some miles north, hoping to find some large old place for which one might trade a large old place in Hollywood. I also had in mind the many letters from HRAs suggesting that we should have a country place as a center – one where HRAs could come and stay awhile for mutual study, consultation, and benefit. Nothing turned up that was our size. Country prices are much higher than city prices owing to the city people moving out as a precaution against the possibility of atom bombs and resultant panic conditions. Even worse was the fact that Cigbo (who had hoped to find a nice barn for his cigar box and a plentiful supply of small, plump and tame mice) found all available barns falling down and their mouse and rat denizens large, lean and frighteningly fierce. (Cigbo, by the way, wishes to send his very finest expression of thanks to those generous HRAs who remembered him and his box since last bulletin time. He has a new “pitcher – drew from life – or maybe after-life” – by his Auntie Nora, and is sending a copy to all his friends who remember him. He says, “You’ll be no end amazed when you see me – and my halo!”) (Also, he hasn’t had time as yet, or it may be hard, to clear out the dead wood on his HRA list, as threatened and promised for some weeks.)


Reports on Future Dreams continue to come in, slowly, but as [they come in] they are given to HRAs who are watching for them. Several HRAs have sent in for inspection various articles and books on dreams and on the prophetic angle of them. (Thanks to you all. I’ll be returning the material in due time.) In looking over the statements made in this assorted material, I find much interesting speculation, much that is unproven or contradictory, and little that has not been touched upon in my discussion of the subject in SSBM. I still think we are on the right general track and that the methods we are using are as good as any. The trick of asking “George” to explain the meaning of dreams as soon as we awake is the most valuable addition to the methods to come to my attention for some years. I continue to be surprised by the way the answer seems to pop into one’s mind almost instantly after George has been asked for his simple explanation of what appeared to be a vast tangle of meaningless things and events. I urge you all to keep on trying for dreams of the future and to report them. We are still far from having enough dreams to shake up together to get a good average of possible future events. Here are some recent reports that are interesting and significant.


DREAM from HRA L.C. Cornell, Poland, Ind. “In my dream I got into a new car which had only two little levers to guide and to reverse it, or to stop it. The car ran without noise or vibration – seemed to glide. I could find no side roads, and after some time was forced to turn around and go back as I had come.

“I told ‘George’ that I would ask him to explain in the morning, but he gave it to me right away. The meaning was that we would be restricted as to where we could go. In the morning I took my plummet and got it that the car was not powered by gas but by something like cosmic rays.” (“Plummet” is his name for “pendulum.” MFL)

DREAM from HRA R.B. of Colorado. “The following is another dream I have had about the Russian attack on our country.

“I dreamed that I was walking around a new smelter. I was holding a small boy by the hand. We walked up some steps which were about a hundred yards long – about a hundred of them. These steps led to nothing at all. On the end of each of them was a toilet bowl. Suddenly the little boy had an attack of diarrhea. He was taken by a woman and spanked for soiling himself, but it happened again. The dream scene changed and I was standing before a new furnace with several other men. The top of the furnace blew up and we ran away. Again, I was standing by a similar, but larger furnace. It also blew up.

“I asked ‘George’ for the meaning, and got it. The steps represented wave lengths or vibrations. The toilet bowls represented sickness caused by the vibrations. The furnaces represented some new type of explosive or something that explodes. My interpretation is that just before the Russians attack our cities with atom bombs, they will use some kind of vibrations to cause sickness. Adults will be affected, but the worst effect will be on small children under three years of age. Adults will not understand the cause of the violent attacks suffered by the children as a result. Here is a second dream that was given directly and without symbols:

2ND DREAM “I saw long lines of marching soldiers accompanied by very strict control of civilians by the government. I saw uniformed sailors breaking into and despoiling the homes of the rich. I saw much interference with education by rioting students … I saw groups of boys of about fifteen years of age, roaming the streets at night, cutting, shooting, and torturing people for thrills. Police, riding in trucks from the army, were shooting the boys down, not trying to arrest them. Still another dream told me I must stock up on food or later I would go hungry.”


A communication from a spirit friend, who is consulted about once a year through automatic writing via a living friend, was of much interest to me last week as it bears on the problem of seeing what lies ahead for us and getting ready for it as best we may. The spirit claims to have been a flier killed in WWI. Over a period of many years he has remained sane and his few predictions have been based on logic more than prophetic ability of a psychic nature. On the whole, he has been correct. I will quote parts of the written message, together with the questions asked. “Rusty” is the spirit, who long ago identified himself as “Philip Rust.”

Q. Rusty, can you tell us if we are going to have more war?

Ans. Well, it’s hard to predict right now what will happen about war. All forces on earth are working toward that end – I mean the thought forces of the masses, made strong by fears. It is all so terrible to look upon. There is no real and courageous leadership away from that. No individual on the face of the earth WANTS war – not even Stalin. But they don’t seem to know how to reconcile their differences. It is a psychological fear-thought working. Stalin is truly afraid of [the] U.S. We are afraid of Communism because we don’t like it and are afraid it will disrupt our way of life. But, really, nobody is angry enough to fight. It is FEAR. So it is hard to say whether war will break out or not.

“This is a long, confused time of change. Asia is awakening to demand things to make life more worth living. You are living in an age of turmoil, of growth and of CHANGE. You can’t escape it. Now, about Los Angeles. It is vulnerable, yes, if war does get started. I see no disaster to you (the sitters at the séance) personally, as that, because of my interest and love, is what I look for always. No, I can’t predict whether the city will be bombed or not. There is no such disaster in the immediate present or future.

“Yes, geologic changes MAY cause earthquakes, as they always do in a thermal area such as California, but there is NO such disaster to be seen anywhere. If a professor of geology or volcanology predicted such a disaster from this side – or from yours – you might listen. But don’t, for the love of Pete, believe everything you hear reported as said by spirits in séances.

“As to leaving the city, do so if you like some other place better, where it is healthier, calmer – but don’t leave because you fear disaster. Not one of you here tonight is going to have to endure anything of that sort. But, if your fears persist, in spite of that, go by all means – but don’t carry your fear with you! There is nothing to fear but fear itself, remember. Of course, I do think it might be well for health and work to be in a quieter place than a big city.

Q. (Asked by MFL) What do you get by now as to the Huna work?

Ans. “What I know is that you are on the right track of presenting certain basic truths in a very understandable way – understandable to this mechanical age. It is a good work, a necessary work, and it can’t stop, even if it sometimes looks as if it must. There’s always a new way opening up – I mean, attacking the same thing from a new and different angle. Clear thought, Max, will come soon into your consciousness – the next step I only know that, as far as I can see your destiny, it is bound up with writing and instructing through your writings, those less able to see. You could not stop this work, even if you wanted to! Don’t ever think for a moment of giving up the search. It is BOUND to come.”

NOTE I suppose that I do get impatient at times. Our needs are so great right NOW. Instant healing perfected next year will not help the HRAs in desperate need of it at this moment. However, it is evident that we must do our parts – even if we seem to plod – and know that Guidance is being given and will bring us to the goal in the appointed time and way. I was especially encouraged in the past week by more than the usual amount of reports of help and healing of body or circumstances through the use of Huna and our TMHG.

So many of you understand so well what I am trying to do, and often I get treasured little notes like this one from a HRA who has great need of Huna aid – and great patience. “I admire your persistence in chasing down the different leads and problems that inject themselves, and this effort surely will be bound to bring results. I feel that some development in healing will come from Huna and associated techniques before very long.”

Such reports as the following from HRA J.T. call for spontaneous outpouring of thanks to the Aumakuas here at the Study. Some time ago the small daughter was treated in the TMHG when down with polio. Later, J.T. asked for TMHG work for herself. Here are bits from her letter. (It also contains some dream material which I will include.)

“Miss Poo – as we call our little daughter – is completely well. Even the glasses and the last ¼” lift to her shoe were discarded. She looks the picture of health. The leg that was a half inch shorter is back to full length and is only a half inch smaller around than the other now. About my bones and the condition thereof – during the first two weeks of treatment I nearly wrote you to take my name off the list of TMHG – the pain was so severe that there wasn’t any position in which I could sit, stand or lie in which I could ease my back – plus the white-hot tingling of a spot under one shoulder blade about the size of a hand, plus contortions of the diaphragm – it felt like it was reacting to the impact of a blow. Then, presto, one day I felt all new and untouched. The surprising thing about it is that it has not returned. I’ve thought of it not at all if I could help it. I started to write to you that my name could be taken from the list, but decided to wait.

DREAMS “I’ve had 3 of my ‘dream true’ dreams. The time is so hard for me to establish. I’ve thought of it so much that my ‘Georgette’ goes to no end of tricks to try to help me establish time. I try to look at the clothes, cars, even my hands – as hands show age. It is as if I were an amnesia victim just coming back and with missing time intervals preventing proper deductions concerning present things. As nearly as I can see, it looks as if we, as civilians, will have to worry more about roving bands of scum, looting and murdering, than about bombs or bullets of an enemy army – or should I say uninformed army.

“I heard the noise of a crowd in one dream and the people about me were talking of watching a parade. I seemed to know it was the end of a war and that the parading army was ours. I had a sense of happiness and warmth and well being come over me that I would not have had if we had not been victorious.

“In another I saw myself on what was called a ‘Collective Farm.’ I thought to myself, ‘Well, this must not be America because we do not have collective farming.’ The answer seemed to come that it was America – the Middle Western part of it – and that we had collective farms then. I asked if we had fought a war and lost and were conquered slave laborers. The answer came. ‘No, collective farms are an economic necessity arising from the wars.’ The barns were not like any I had seen. They were low and streamlined. The surroundings neat and well kept. I’ve no idea what my age was, but I wore a skirt that was longer and fuller than the style now. I was not unhappy, but was busy giving orders to some man about work to do that day.

“My pendulum, I may report, goes round and round and gives hit-and-miss answers to questions. The (pendulum) does NOT hang straight down for me as for others, but off at a decided angle from vertical.”


A correction came in from HRA Dr. Harold Jolet, whose predictions were taken from his letter under the impression that they were from a dream. (Bulletin 42, page 4.) He writes that in his haste he had forgotten to say the predictions were made by Paul Gibson, except for the part about possible trouble in India. Dr. Harold is doing guidance work by mail under the free will offering method and has recently sent in newly mimeographed instruction sheets and other material which he is using. His address is Box 275, Farmington, Ill.


HRAs are very active in the line of bulletins, books, fiction writing, and the production of many really top-notch articles of beauty and usefulness. HRA Graye La Spina, of R.D. #1, Windy Knoll, Quakertown, Pa., does the most beautiful weaving. She made me a most wonderful little altar cloth of Greek lace for my tiny shrine in the Study, and wove me a bookmark with mystic symbols – very beautiful and kept in my best books. She tells me she has some lovely aprons and other things.

HRA Margaret Gaddis, Box 296, Winona Lake, Ind., still can supply copies of her grand book on how to save a thousand dollars a year by household short cuts etc. (Reviewed in a bulletin earlier.) She has been appearing on TV demonstrating the making of things for the home, as per her book, and with grand success. $1.10 for the book.

HRA Dr. Florence Evylinn Campbell can still furnish copies of the splendid book she worked out with another expert astrologer, and by the use of which the amateur can quickly work up a good horoscope in terms of the modern playing cards. $5 post paid. See review on the yellow sheet for details – Bulletin 36. Sacred Symbols of the Ancients. The address is Box 1927, Hollywood Station, Hollywood 28, California.

On the same yellow sheet appeared a review and description of HRA Irys Vorel’s ORACLE which has gone into still another improved printing in the matter of the instruction book. Recently she sent me as a gift the latest, called the NEW ORACLE. It has the new third edition mammoth instructions unit and with the lovely plastic sheet with the printed layout on which to place the special cards, I did some personal fortune telling before making the trip to see my good friend Meade Layne, F.H.F., and to look for a country home. The NEW ORACLE said “No” to the chance of finding the home, and so it turned out to be. Then there are the other books reviewed during the year and to be obtained from the authors. I mention them at this time because Christmas is on the way and we will be needing unusual gifts for special friends. (NEW ORACLE remains $5 post paid. Address is now: Irys Vorel, Studio 905, Wellington Hotel, 7th Ave. at 55th St., New York 19, N.Y.)

Speaking of Christmas gifts or even cards, I have just received a letter from an old and dear friend who is having a pretty stern time of it these days (but here is her name and address: Mila Liscova’-Nova’kova’, 66 Rasinovo na’brezi’ 66, Prague II – 388, Czechoslovakia, Europe). She is a most talented HRA, and translated our writings on Huna into the language of her country. She writes the most interesting letters in English and is a student of parts. Her great longing is for books on modern things in the psycho-religious field, in English, as she is cut off from them by present circumstances. I am sending her a used copy of Mystics and Magicians in Tibet by A. David-Neel. I have been trying to find a copy of William Seabrook’s Magic Island for her, but with no luck as yet. Here is someone you might love to know. It will be introduction enough to say that you are a fellow HRA. She will be reading this bulletin soon, and I can imagine with what breathless expectation she will then be watching the mail. “Mail early” is especially indicated here.


Dianetics comes up again in a most interesting letter from HRA D.P. who writes:

“I had an interesting Dianetics run, or auditing, by our mutual friends, (HRAs) Dr. and Mrs. Reinhold in North Hollywood. I hit birth, conception and a good many interesting things my first run. Once I seemed to float above a funny looking brown frame house. The details of the scroll work on the porch were very vivid. Later, I went back to a pair of huge gates and an alabaster city of luminous white buildings and up the greenest valley with flowers in the grass like bright jewels.

“I saw myself climb to a mountain top, from which I simply seemed to grow smaller and dissolve – or contain myself – into a small transparent cellular thing. I then appeared to travel down on a solid beam of light from these gates to the odd little brown house.

“I have checked and found that the description fitted the place where I was born exactly. From this house, my ‘time track’ then appeared as a white highway with deep or dense black fog at intervals.

“We worked with the Aumakuas all through the three audits… I have since studied with Dr. B. and am auditing some myself. Before I take anyone, I meditate and seek help from the Aumakuas of my pre-clear and myself. I have some interesting experiences.

“I do not consider myself cleared. In fact, I know I am not, but I now know why! Of many things we asked during my runs (of the Aumakua), was the question whether or not we should run everything – and was told NO! – Not to deal with dead issues. At times there seemed to be a mediator speaking through me, giving instructions

“I ran some terrible somatics, (Note by MFL: In Dianetics, when one goes back to a fixation which has caused illness, pain or other trouble, the fixation or “engram” stimulates the trouble and duplicate pains and symptoms and emotions appear – called “somatics.” By “running” or going back to re-experience the happenings which formed the fixations, they are gradually wiped out and, when that is done, the symptoms leave and – it is hoped – will never return.) But when I leveled off, I had been completely cured.

“I also understand why I have had such a rough time surviving. The first words the doctor said at my birth were ‘She can’t live’, so I’ve been pronounced dead once and told at two other times that I couldn’t live. But something within me has always known the truth. Oh yes, this third person who seemed to take over in my audits, said once I had forgotten much more than earth mortals know. Ah me! How I would enjoy being completely cleared so I could remember it all.”

(I comment:) This is a most fascinating development in the field of Dianetics. It is Dianetics plus Huna angles which are greatly important. The “third person” mentioned above, who was able to hear and answer questions wisely, reminds one strongly of the “old man self-personality” whom we met in the case of Miss First and Miss Second, studied by Dr. Leapsley. It is Case 11 in your SSBM, page 111, and will bear reading again in this connection. If, in the “auditing” of this type of augmented Dianetics, the third of Aumakua can be contacted, and its superior knowledge and thinking power put to use, the possibility of all the Huna forms of healing will be bright indeed. On the other hand, if what is contacted is a spirit of very high advancement and superior insight and wisdom, the aid might be very great. In the matter of the “somatics” being stimulated and healing obtained as a result of the draining off of the fixations discovered by this process, I consider this report of the utmost value to us in our Huna studies. An additional proof is furnished – if any is needed – of the fact of fixations and the way they can cause abnormal conditions or, when the fixation is drained off, remove the conditions. We have failed to develop kahunas to help us find fixations and free ourselves from them – a vital procedure in Huna healing – but if we can put to use the methods just discussed and get the desired results, we will go ahead swiftly. Perhaps what we will soon be needing is a treatment center with some good HRAs there to audit after the methods being developed by the Reinholds and their HRA friends.)

The Reinholds give promise of carrying out the work of combining Huna, Dianetics and good things from modern psychology, to give us a splendid advance in this suddenly expanding part of the field. They have organized a study group and just now have begun putting out a monthly news bulletin covering their work and findings. A copy of the November bulletin is already on my desk with the permission to pass on any or all of it to HRAs. As it contains so much information on a subject of vital importance to us all, I will take advantage of the generous offer. Here is the greater part of the news bulletin.


November News Bulletin – About Dianetics, 5620 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, Calif
Telephone SUnset 2-0484 or SUnset 3-8867
Dr. Fred and Corinne Reinhoid in charge.
By this time a sufficient amount of experience and data have been gathered together to more properly evaluate Dianetics. Many of the old time psychologists still adhere to the statements that there is nothing new in Dianetics except the terminology. Many beginners still have the wild eyed enthusiasm of a new cult. Some psychiatrists say it is dangerous and others that it is a great contribution to modern psychotherapy. Never-the-less, Dianetics continues to roll on, and more and more psychotherapists are using some of its terms and concepts. Dianetics will probably continue to roll on if those around its foundation do not discredit it by fantastic claims and over exploitation.

An outstanding claim in the early days of Dianetics was that it was quick to produce “releases” and “clears.” In competent hands, it is undoubtedly quicker in producing favorable personality changes than some of the original forms of psychological analysis, and it is certainly a great advance over stupid “advice” psychology, deadly drug therapy, or surgical mutilation techniques. But, and this may be important, many experienced psychotherapists and psychiatrists who have taken the time to make a careful and thorough study of its techniques, are of the opinion that, in its present form, it is not as fast – nor are the cases as safely handled as when the complete knowledge of psychology, psychotherapy and hypnoanalysis is also employed. In fact, they are inclined to regard Dianetics as a specialized, rather crystallized technique of hypnoanalysis combined with some esoteric teachings.

It is undoubtedly true that many Dianetic auditors are using hypnoanalytical technique, whether or not they know it, and they would have much better results if they knew it and understood the basic laws. In trying to pull the stingers out of hypnosis, the effectiveness of the therapy has been greatly weakened. It would be a great deal like making a carpenter work with dull tools because someone might, through carelessness or incompetence, be injured by the sharp edges.

The biggest contribution of Dianetics seems to be that, because of its wide dissemination, it may help to dissolve the frightful guilt-sin complexes that have so severely inhibited our past social culture. The actual probing, discovering and bringing into the conscious mind attention the early or forgotten moments of pain and unconsciousness, together with word commands, is certainly not a new discovery – even in the prenatal area. The biggest sin has been to minimize, or not know, that Dianetics is really depth therapy, touching the deepest emotional springs in man’s nature – things that should not be handled willy nilly by those who should be patients themselves rather than therapists. Some of its concepts are useful, but others seem hopelessly and confusingly incorrect. Also it is certain that psychological helpers should be of the highest possible moral and spiritual caliber, and should have undergone analytical therapy themselves.

We have a great deal of admiration and sympathy for the author of Dianetics, but at the same time feel that he was over hasty, and over self-confident in getting the book published without more help and criticism from experienced men in the psychological field. The book has enabled many people to realize that there is a possibility of getting completely rid of their psychosomatic disorders and emotional disturbances, and it may encourage them to continue still further toward becoming “clears.”

There is no doubt in the mind of any investigator that every “engram” or reactive traumatic experience that is made to be inactive is an advantage. The more the better, as the body thereby functions more easily, has less pain and discomfort, the emotions are more optimistically stabilized, and the mind becomes clearer and more efficient. Truly, a “clearing” is a worthwhile goal. However, one should avoid becoming lopsided in his attention and overlooking other equally important phases of a complete health program. There must be adequate nutrition, especially in the matter of vitamins, minerals and proteins; sufficient sleep, rest and play; moderate or corrective exercises; the avoidance of toxic-producing or drug habits; the mechanical improvement of body misplacements or deformities; anti-infective measures; eliminative encouragements; and, above all, SOUND INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL TRAINING INSTRUCTION.


I have copied the last line (above) and placed it in capitals because I so heartily agree that there MUST be such training. If I had my way, everyone who can read would be encouraged to go through Overstreet’s book, THE MATURE MIND, before thinking of being either a Dianetics auditor, an auditee, or even a lesser type of kahuna.

In the next bulletin I plan to give a lengthy review of the very important and sane book by Mr. Overstreet. To my way of thinking, it gives the finest, newest, and best picture of what we all need to know about the psychological pitfalls which have prevented (1) the individual, and (2) the world and its nations, from realizing in even a 20% way the accomplishments which have been possible for some years past. Read this book before the next bulletin reaches you, if you can. Also have a look at the current issue of Pageant magazine if you come across it (November), as I shall dwell at length on the “Secret of Life” article in it. More about the manas.

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