The Study of Egypt and Easter Island
and Their Use of Glyphs
April 1, 1950
For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.A.
THE QUARTERLY REPORT for HRAs who do not have time or perhaps the necessary interest to go through the complete bulletins is now due. But, as only a total of 17 HRAs have accepted my invitation to rely on a quarterly report of progress, it seems hardly worthwhile to make a separate report. Therefore, I am giving a review of the quarter in this bulletin and will send all eight pages to the 14 HRAs.
The experimental work outlined in the report in the bulletin of January 1st has progressed in a very satisfactory way; the pendulum and the theories concerning its use have been touched upon. Special attention was given to Dr. Brunler’s findings and the materials in his lectures. A Bovis Biometer (for use with the pendulum) has been obtained on loan and has been used with some success here at the Study, although lack of time has prevented an extensive testing.
Efforts to learn the exact mechanical set-up of “electronic” instruments used for diagnosing and treating human ills are still continuing despite the confusion and secrecy surrounding the whole subject. (More will be said in following pages about this.)
The Telepathic Mutual Healing Group work has obtained excellent results for many, with no results for some. (More of this to come.)
Book reviews have, happily, covered the works of some of the HRAs. A new department given to inspirational fragments has been started and well received.
A study of the possible relation of Easter Island scripts to those of Egypt and Mayan peoples has been begun with the purpose of finding possible sources in glyphs, words or symbols of additional Huna information. Much material has been sent in by HRAs and the work will be sufficiently advanced to call for a report from time to time.
Treatment by volunteer HRAs of the insane young man, “Gregg,” continues on the part of a few. The decided gains made by the lad have alternated with periods of slipping back. Three of those who took part in the original group treatments had pronounced physical reactions, usually pains, but not of too long duration. Gregg had, at that time, a broken collar bone which was not setting properly in the cast. There seems little question but that telepathic contact was established through the use of the locks of hair which were sent out to those taking part in the effort. It is hoped that the gains can be held more and more until the healing is complete.
While not a part of HRA, the quarterly report would hardly be complete without noting the pleasure that was felt when HRA Meade Layne was enabled by financial help to continue the publication of ROUND ROBIN magazine and the BSRA reports which keep us up-to-the-minute on the flying disk situation WHICH IS EITHER VERY SERIOUS or an indication of national blindness – apparently BOTH. The new book on the subject was announced in the last bulletin. (Still a must.)
THE PATHOCLAST of Dr. Abrams was given by one HRA as the original of the drawing I made of an “electronics” machine shown to me in the Study by a gentleman who claimed that it was an exact copy of a well known instrument long on the market. Last week a letter came from an HRA who had inquired of the information department of a big daily paper in Oakland, Calif., as to what instruments Dr. Abrams had invented. In this letter several instruments were named, but, for some strange reason, NOT the Pathoclast. I had hardly finished puzzling over that one when there came a letter from a friend who said he had once owned a Pathoclast and that what I had described must have been something quite different – perhaps an instrument which DID use no electric current and which DID come into use for treatment at a distance. The Pathoclast, I was assured, had “fin condensers” in the circuit and was hooked up to the light circuit. What was more, it was entirely against Dr. Abrams’ ideas to treat except by contact with the patient.
I am beginning to [see], after quite a period of ineffective trying to get information, that this is a very hush-hush subject and that few, if any, of those who know about or use such instruments care to discuss it. The AMA seems to have been especially active in making war on what it considers unorthodox in this field. An article in “Readers Digest” a week or two ago told gravely how all such instruments were valueless. On the other hand, I know that in the Los Angeles region there are at least two flourishing establishments in which treatments with some form of “electronics” instruments are given. My face is red, and Cigbo has hidden out so I am unable to put the blame on him. If I remain singularly silent in the bulletins for a time concerning the instruments of this type, you will know that I am endeavoring to get my data at first hand before saying more. Fortunately, the pendulum is under no cloud and we can safely experiment and speculate concerning its use as we please. (If there have been patents allowed on any of these electronics or radionics instruments, it may be possible to get copies of the patents and to learn from the drawings and claims exactly what they were.)
THE SEARCH FOR AMULET MATERIALS, or methods of “tuning” the mana, has made a beginning. One HRA tried filling his pockets with various metal things, first right pocket, then left. He used small wire coils as suggested in the last bulletin, and his pendulum showed not a whit of gain or loss in his normal mana charge. That is the kind of experimental cooperation we need. The hunt for a material that will hold a mana charge has brought to light some interesting materials which might be procured and tested, among them the new bouncing putty.
“HOIRADA HAITIAN VOODOO SEEDS”, such as are advertised and sold by mail by an enterprising gentleman in Haiti, were sent to me this week by an HRA who had recently purchased a few out of curiosity. They are supposed to be worn in a string next the skin and to have a remedial effect. They are a largish, rounded, dark red seed and I seem to recall seeing them used in Hawaii to make seed necklaces for tourists to buy. I tested one of the seeds on the Bovis Biometer and found, to my surprise, that it registered unlike anything as yet tested. The pendulum swung in the opposite direction to that of garden seeds which I tried for comparison. I will see what else I can learn with the biometer or the pendulum and, if worth reporting, will take up the matter later on.
The Mail Bag brings in a gem now and again. Here is what surely must qualify as a “famous last word.” It arrived on a post card.
“Mr. Max Long:
Dear sir. I am sorry to tell you that I tried everything in that book of yours but had no success in anything so, I made up my mind it was all a humbug and a fake.
Yours truly, J. Hollyhock”
“Enclosed another piece of financial shoe string to operate on. Keep up the good work. The bulletins are excellent – and give us a lot to think about.”
HRA Dr. Hanoka writes concerning the strange power of the force which leaves the body, under direction of the mind, and does strange things by way of changing the matter in physical things.
“Did you know that Bovis (of the Bovis Biometer fame) as well as Dr. Bidwell (here in U.S.A), succeeded in mummifying fish and fresh meat? I saw such mummified fish some years ago.”
Those of you who, by now, have your copy of Dr. Nandor Fodor’s Encyclopedia can turn to page 125 and find the beginning of a fascinating article on this subject under the heading of “Emanations.” Let me quote parts of the article. In reading, keep in mind the mana and the aka of Huna, [and] the combination of the two leaving the body and obeying the orders of the one making the experiment.
“Dr. Louis Favre, experimenting with Mme. Agnes Schloemer, discovered powerful vital emanations of the human body. By the imposition of her hands, Mme. Schloemer could destroy as resistant bacteria as the bacillus subtilis and the bacillus anthracis. Nothing else but the placing of the hands of Mme. X. in contact with objects or sometimes only near them, for periods of twenty minutes. Plants dried up with the preservation of perfect color, wine refused to show signs of acid- fermentation, the process of putrefaction was prevented in oysters, or stopped if the treatment began at a later stage, fishes and birds preserved their form and color, the brightness of the eye without being emptied, the blood of a rabbit was preserved in a liquefied state for 25 days and remained as a solid red mass afterwards.
Joanny Gaillard, of Lyons, arrested the germination of lentil seeds. Oranges and lemons got as hard as wooden balls… can mummify a pigeon in fifteen days and a mutton chop in ten. Fruit, such as oranges and potatoes, take about two weeks.”
A. Blue narrates… “By magnetizing every day, for about five or ten minutes, the water in the vases where the roots of hyacinths are immersed, one is able to give such vitality to the sap that stems and flowers will speedily assume extraordinary appearances.”
According to the findings (of Dr. Favre – Paris, 1525), the human hands exercise an action over the germination and growth of the plants. The right hand is the most active; it strengthens feeble vitality and the influence of six minute’s action extends over the whole period of germination.
In our HRA work we have come upon a vastly exciting new angle for further investigation. While the Polynesians in most of the South Sea islands have retained no definite form of writing, it now begins to look as if there had once been a form, but that it had been lost.
For many years, tiny Easter Island has been a puzzle to our men of science. The people there were Polynesians and spoke a dialect closely resembling that of the Hawaiians and Maoris. However, they differed in that they had an abundance of hieroglyphic writings; at least they did until the white men came and their native culture crumbled under the savage impact of our culture and especially our religions.
Anthropologists and ethnologists followed the usual pattern and insisted upon making the things found on Easter Island fit the old set of theories which has been evolved by the professors to explain races and their characteristics, origins and relationships. While the amateurs had long since pointed out the probable relation between the cultures of Egypt, the Mayans and the Easter Islanders, basing their their claims on similarities in legends and hieroglyphs, “science” is still far from admitting the claims.
However, in a book published in 1948 in New York, a Dr. Werner Wolff, himself a professor as well as a well known psychologist and writer, took up the study of Easter Island and gave us what appears to be the boldest and most comprehensive work to date on available materials and evidence. The book bears the title, ISLAND OF DEATH and subtitle of EASTER ISLAND.
Charles W. Kenn wrote to me from Hawaii to call the book to my attention and HRA M.C., whose articles in Round Robin magazine are known to most of you, has been of very great assistance in making a preliminary study of this and other books on related fields and subjects as their materials bear on Huna.
Several things hang on this study in which many other HRAs are taking a very active part. First, if we can prove that Huna was known in early Egypt and can be traced through its hieroglyphs, we will have a means of checking my findings concerning the ten basic elements in the lore of the kahunas. And second, we stand a good chance of learning new things.
Thanks to the skill, insight and industry of Dr. Wolff, we have before us very definite proof that the Easter Island writing came from the same common source as did most of the early writing in glyph form the world around – including the early Indus Valley, Early Chinese and Mayan (the last connected up by the works of Le Plongeon in his book of 1909, Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayas and Quiches.) (A third book of value, covering all the world, is Origin and Evolution of the Human Race, by Dr. Albert Churchward.) (Not to be confused with Col. James Churchward who wrote the books on ‘Mu,’ these belonging to that other class of books which furnish the reader [with] no way of checking and verifying statements made by their authors.)
Words which have survived with little change in meaning help tie the peoples or cultures together in various parts of the world. For instance, our Hawaiian word for “light” is la. It also means “sun” and “the sacred Light” as a symbol is La`a. In other dialects of Polynesia, the letter “l” becomes “r.” In Egypt, we have Ra for the sun or symbol of their primary deity. Le Plongeon writes that La in the Mayan language means “The eternal truth. That which has existed forever.” (Le Plongeon has been discredited by later investigators to some extent but the greater part of his work stands.)
The glyph for the sun was a dot inside a circle in Egypt and in the Mayan. In the latter, the sound of “L” as well as the sound of “a” is given in the alphabet provided by Le Plongeon by this same symbol, so that it would be doubled if we were to try to write it in their glyphs. In the Easter Island script the word remains the same, but the circle which surrounds the dot changes to irregular form as if their concept of the sky surrounding the sun was more on the order of the sun over an island.
Changes in the exact form of the glyphs have to be considered as natural to the law of change-by-time-and-place. Fortunately, while languages change so rapidly that they soon seem unrelated to the original, the glyphs have changed very little. Dr. Wolff points out the fact that “while the general form of a glyph may be changed, it can often be identified because it contains the basic lines or elements.”
‘Man’ can be drawn as a pictograph in single lines with a circle for a head or may be drawn as an outline of a body in full flesh. Or there may be intermediate drawings. Below I will give you a rough drawing of the “man” glyph from the Egyptian, the early Indus Valley glyphs (after Heveszy, as reproduced by Dr. Wolff), and the Easter Island – in that order: 1, 2, and 3.
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Dr. Wolff reproduces a pair of photographs of beautifully carved stone tablets from Easter Island and, on the same page, photos of rock carvings from the Habe Region in Africa. (Plate XVII in his book). The outline form of the glyphs is strikingly similar and a thing that strikes me as very important is the drawing of a glyph for a man, with a circle in his middle, as is found in the Easter Island glyph for a “savant on a seat.”
Dr. Churchyard, in his book above mentioned, gives pages of glyphs collected around the world showing the close similarity in them, even when carried around the world and after a lapse of perhaps many centuries. So, if we conclude that the two glyphs of a man with a circle in his middle are from the same source, we have a very good tie-in with Huna and the African places of origin of Huna.
The circle in the middle of the glyph picture for the “savant” indicates the navel. This in itself would be of no great importance to our study, but when Dr. Wolff goes on in his discussion of the navel as a symbol of the navel-CORD and writes, “… the navel-cord symbols of the highest mana attainment” we know that he is speaking of the part played in Huna by the aka cord that connects man with his Aumakua. If he can make such a contact over the cord as did the kahunas in their work, he was indeed a “savant.” The circle is shown placed on several glyphs as “a sign of distinction.” (Page 26.)
A hollow tower at La Perouse Bay is mentioned, “called Te Pito Te Kura, and is considered the navel of the island.” The symbol is seen to be of the greatest importance. One of the names given the island was “The navel of the earth.” Evidently, the aka thread or cord was considered to be a most important part of the lore of the “Secret.” Dr. Wolff, apparently not aware of the Huna significance of the cord, writes, “The navel cord of a child – the cord which connected him with his mother and his ancestors, symbol of man’s tie with the past – was put in a gourd and placed on the top of the hollow tower.” He explains that this tower was for the sole purpose of providing a safe place to keep such cords because they were the symbols of the “highest mana attainment.”
A most valuable item of information for our study is found on page 139. There, in giving a comparison of the glyphs of Easter Island and Egypt, two pairs of upraised arms – the glyph for “VITAL FORCE” in the Egyptian, and for the Milky Way and the heavens in the Easter Island script. It is explained that the latter is the symbol in Polynesia of the vital force. To us, this is the mana of the kahunas, the general symbol of the three manas, it is to be supposed. A very similar glyph with a third hand lifted in the center on a third arm has no translation given but is compared to the two-arm glyph in the Egyptian, to which has been added a low pyramid at the base and which means only “upraised arms” – or could both have a significance in which the center part of the glyph indicated the High Mana? Or might the glyph stand for the three manias? I will draw roughly the two-arm and three-arm or arms-plus-pyramid for you below:
![]() Easter Island |
![]() Egyptian |
![]() Easter Island |
![]() Egyptian |
A striking item for our tracing of Huna concepts (as I have reconstructed them tentatively from Hawaiian sources) is found in the “X” shaped symbol for one form of mana. This symbol was used in the script and the carvings of Easter Island as well as in Egypt. (Also in reversed position above the glyph for “water” or mana in Mayan carvings.)
In the Egyptian glyphs, the upraised arms have also the usual meaning of the Ica, which has the element of the aka or shadowy body with its inhabiting “self” or spirit. The glyph, in Easter Island, for a sick man is a man with both arms upraised.
In the comparative Egyptian glyph for “complain” (about illness or other things needing help from the Aumakua, it is to be supposed) the figure of the man not only has both arms upraised (possibly representing the act of the ritual prayer and the use of the aka body or thread of aka substance connecting the Aunihipili with the Aumakua) but from the top of the head rises the “Y” shaped symbol of mana.
This mana symbol is not explained in any book which I have seen, but the position of it, its known relation to mana, and the fact that, at the upper end, it divides into two equal parts, checks perfectly with the accumulated evidence that [is] behind all the external concepts given to the common people. There was indeed a “Secret” (Huna) set of concepts and practices. The prayer ritual included the sending of mana to the Aumakua as a “sacrifice” to be used in creating the condition visualized in the prayer. One of the double checks at this point is the use of a word for “dividing” to name one form of prayer in Hawaii. (This was discussed in a bulletin in connection with the kahuna concept of the altar as a dividing of mana at a “high place.”)
![]() E. I. symbol of “rising energy or of life force.” (Dr. Wolff.) |
![]() Egyptian “To lock”; “to enclose”. “Key”. |
![]() Egyptian Glyph of “heaven” with rising mana from below, perhaps. |
The legendary “keys to heaven” may well be the mana sent to the Aumakuas in the prayer rites to open the doors. Dr. Wolff says the “Y” sign stood for the divining stick and for magical operations in Egypt. This is understandable when we know it has the meaning of mana – the basic tool of the kahunas in all their magical work.
The book by Dr. Wolff is published by J.J. Augustin, but no address is given. Libraries should have it. The price through a book dealer is $7. The book by Dr. Albert Churchyard was published in London and is out of print, as is the book by Le Plongeon – the last two being made available to me for this study through the kindness of HRAs sending them on loan.
There is much more material in the books mentioned, much of it pointing directly to the conclusion I reached some time ago, that Huna was the original system from which most of the other psycho-religious systems were evolved, or from which many beliefs were borrowed. Because of an outward set of beliefs for the common man, and the secret set for the kahunas, there was much misunderstanding and distortion when ideas were borrowed but not sufficiently understood to allow their practical use. More will be given covering this part of the study in later bulletins.
Because of the great interest shown in the prayer which I spoke of in the last bulletin – for use with the TMHG prayer action ritual, I am including it in this bulletin.
This is an outline or a suggestion for the prayer ritual. It is to be changed to fit the needs of the user. It should then be well memorized for use. When memorized, the thoughts contained in the prayer have a very great impressive force on the Aunihipili, a physical stimulus of a high order.
Shortly before the hour for the TMHG work, accumulate a surcharge of mana by your favorite method. Include several deep breaths. On the hour, reach out mentally for contact with MFL at the center and through him, with the others, saying… (The “we” includes the Aunihipili and Auhane. You are acting as a team.)
“We reach out now to contact MFL at the center and to become a part of the Group now assembling for prayer. With the Group I now reach out to contact the Great Company of po`e Aumakua, which includes my own…….. (A tingle or other indication may be felt on completing the contact, or may not. Pause for about half a minute.)
“Beloved and Utterly Trustworthy Parental Spirits, cleanse us. Cleanse me of all sins of hurts done others. Accept my pledge to refrain from hurts and to make amends for past hurts in so far as possible. Cleanse Thou my soiled face with the abundance of Thy Grace. Cleanse this supply of living force that I offer as my living sacrifice to you….
“I (or we) now send through the aka cord of contact and through the braided cord of the Group through MFL at the center, this supply of mana. Accept it with my love and joyous giving. I now send the mental picture of conditions which I ask be used as molds or seeds and filled and grown to realities in the future. See a world at peace…… a prosperous world, a happy world…. a safe world.
“I now present this picture of all in our Group being brought into the Light and standing in perfect health with a bountiful supply of all things needed for happy living and Service. I see all of us, including myself, given the power to Serve, the means of Service, and the Joy of Service. I pledge myself to accept all opportunities for Service with faith and to the limit of my ability, that from small things I may grow into greater things of Service, and daily become more like you are – more utterly trustworthy in the use I make of the things entrusted to me. I will strive to do my part to become as I picture myself in the future, healthy, happy and prosperous – filled with the joy of life and Service – become utterly trustworthy in every thought and act and aspiration.
“I now present a special mental picture of conditions desired for myself. (Here visualize the desired personal conditions or conditions desired for others.)
The prayer now finishes. The mental images are released into your keeping to be materialized as soon as is possible. Beloved and utterly Trustworthy Parental Spirits – Great Po`e Aumakua. Now let the return flow of mana fall as blessed rain to bring all good and all cleansing. The prayer-action is finished. I withdraw from Au….ma….ma….. “