The Radiation of the Brain
December 1, 1949
For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.A.
In the last bulletin I told of the remarkable findings of Dr. Oscar Brunler and promised to give more information about them in the bulletins.
Since then I have visited him, together with his charming and able associate, Dr. Calver. We talked steadily until half-after midnight, and it became more and more apparent that the discoveries in the modern field of which Dr. Brunler is a leader all agree in an amazing way with the ancient Huna and each item from the old and new, as it was brought up for discussion, showed how one adds to or helps explain the other.
I took along the pendulum and plastic stand generously given to me by HRA Ernest Bateman which was described and illustrated with a rough sketch in Bulletin No. 18 on page 4. (And, by the way, the pendulum is not supposed to be left hanging from the top arm, but is to be removed from it and the thread held in the fingers in the usual way. I sawed a slot in mine so that the top button on the pendulum could be slipped over the slot with the thread in the slot, and thus be made handy to put away when not in use.) The pendulum was thought too light in weight by Dr. Brunler, but he was interested in the plastic frame and kept it for some experiments he wishes to make. He uses quite heavy pendulums, mainly of glass. He had me try out one which evidently was a glass from an old chandelier – the kind with cut glass ornaments dangling to catch the light. This worked well for me and I was presented with it on the spot. It is about twice the size of my sealing wax pendulum that I made myself and weighs considerably more – about three-fourths of an ounce on my postage scales. As a means of suspending it, a small brass ring was inserted originally in a drilled hole at the top and to this is now fastened a strong black thread, apparently of silk. I will trace an outline of it here.
The thread has knots tied in it, the one about 5 inches from the lower end of the pendulum being used to indicate the place to be grasped by the fingers. The thread itself is long enough so that its end can be held in the curled-up third and fourth fingers against the palm thus getting it out of the way.
The theory has been evolved that the tips of the fingers are connected with various organs of the body and give off radiations that can be measured with the pendulum when the latter is held over the up-pointing tips. Dr. Brunler discovered that the tip of the thumb was the indicator of the brain and its actions.
I experimented by counting the number of swings over the tip of each finger (doubling up the others to keep them out of the way) and found that each finger tip as well as the tip of the thumb gave a different kind of motion to the pendulum and a different count. Being right-handed, I held the pendulum in my right hand and tested left fingers. I tried to reverse a procedure and got no swing at all.
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Max’s Drawing of ideal pendulum (1949) |
Picture of ideal Huna Pendulum (2008) |
[Editor: This Crystal Pendulum on right (clear, taking up color from the very air) was made from Austrian hand cut glass, the same size and weight as Oscar Burnler’s and MFL’s pendulums. It has a Mother of Pearl fob of various designs and sterling silver chain and findings.]
Dr. Brunler gave a series of lectures covering his work and his discoveries here in Hollywood recently and, in December ,will begin a series of instructional lectures for those interested in his subjects. The fee will be about $40 and this will include a personal test with the Bovis-Brunler biometer to determine the length of the dielectric brain wave of each student. HRAs living in the Los Angeles district may telephone Dr. Brunler for details.
NEWS OF THE SPECIAL CASE in which “Gregg” was treated for insanity by about twenty volunteer HRAs in the week before Thanksgiving is not yet in. After a few days of the intensive telepathic treatment, Gregg answered a question clearly and sanely and made a response sanely to a remark addressed to him.
Several of the volunteers reported very marked reactions on themselves at times when sending the treatment. A few used up so much mana that they were tired in degrees from exhaustion to sleepiness. Much tingling was felt. Here at the center, I felt the tingles and also found it necessary to recharge at times after making the treating effort. Several deep breaths help recharge and I feel that it is probable that the extra oxygen speeds up the work of converting blood sugar into fresh mana.
The suggestion was made (and acted upon) that, as this case seems definitely one of obsession, the Aumakuas should be asked to remove obsessing entities and in treating, they should be blessed and pictured as being removed and guided into better understanding by Higher Forces. This idea matches well the Huna idea that we must not hurt others if we can avoid doing so. It might be that the Aumakuas may feel that to cast out the obsessing entities without, at the same time, helping them to some better form of expression is a “hurt.” Because we are so limited in ability to understand the things of the next level of consciousness above our own (as Auhanes) we can only guess at the real state of matters and try our best to act correctly in making our efforts to call down healing. We have seen how much harder it is to get prayer-action answers when the answer involves other people than when it involves ourselves alone.
ANY CHRISTMAS ORDERS for autographed copies of SSBM for your friends will have the book in the next mail (with the gift book, $3 plus sales tax in California. A number of books with tax paid are on hand here at the Study.)
YOUR LETTERS are always very much enjoyed and I am constantly taking up my red pencil to mark special things in them that I would like to put into the bulletins so that all HRAs could share them. These are comments of many kinds and reports on personal experiments and experiences. As our numbers include most of the really advanced students in the psycho-religious field, there is a constant flow of helpful information and counsel. On the other hand, there are the letters asking questions that would be of general interest. Then when I get ready to begin work on a new bulletin, I find to my dismay that I have marked letters and parts of letters in such quantity that it would take several bulletins to fill the need. Please bear with me if material you have sent in for the bulletin does not appear. And, do not stop reporting and giving the results of your thinking and studies for this reason. I am digesting and ordering a great amount of such material, day by day and from it comes much of value to the shining effort we are making to win back a workable method of instant healing.
MONEY HELP AND MANA MEASURING is reported by an HRA who is a chiropractor and who has a diagnostic machine that measures his mana charge. He writes,”I no longer have to go through the exercises to build up a surcharge of vital force. I just call my ‘George’ and tell him to get ready. I then go to my radionic instrument and start testing… if not already at a peak load, it comes up very fast.
Then, after prayer, (TMHG) I test to see that the reserve was ‘spent,’ then call for a second charge. I needed money last month and none was due in until later, so I wrote checks for what was needed and called them to the attention of George, telling him that they had to be met. They were – from very unexpected sources. Business is now so good I have about all the practice I can handle.”
“MY LANDLORD PROBLEM has been completely smoothed out,” writes HRA G.B. “To tell the truth, I have been almost afraid to report this because the situation had been so bitter and unreasonable. I thought I would have to move to get out of it, but could not find a place…. I credit this entirely to the Huna work.”
“I AM SURPRISED” writes HRA M.J.C. “that the cream of this so-called civilized society of ours has not developed a single kahuna, while on the other hand, the simple Polynesians apparently did not find it hard to do so. Perhaps our objective now should be to try to be simple instead of civilized.”
Comment of MFL: Yes, the utter simplicity of ritual and prayer, as Charles W. Kenn shows it to be in his study of fire-walking (FIRE-WALKING FROM THE INSIDE), startles us into thinking that no particular understanding is needed – into thinking that all that is necessary is to pray and then get that for which we ask. I would be everlastingly happy if I could say that this is all it took to make a kahuna then or to make one now, but it is painfully evident that there is still a missing ingredient. It is the old story of everything “being simple if you know how.” It is the learning HOW that is so slow and difficult. Just now we are investigating the most complicated ideas to try to find what we have overlooked. Once we have found it, the return to simplicity will be easy. One must find a log before one can fall off of it with simple ease. Also consider the strange fact that the kahunasevolved what was, in part, a special language to use in describing the simple things they did in prayer. We are told that a language takes a very long time to develop and we may guess that the knowledge of Huna was equally long coming to full flower – and before Egypt was more than well started.
“IMMEDIATELY AFTER AWAKENING FROM A DREAM” reports a Knoxville HRA, “I ask, ‘What is the meaning of this dream?’ Twice an answer has come at once.” (Comment: This is important as well as interesting, as many dreams are symbolic. For some unknown reason, the Aunihipili loves to mask things in symbols and leave it to us to figure out the meaning. This holds in dreams and in the “free association” of ideas used to get behind the symbolic scenes in psychoanalysis. Let’s all try this method of asking for the meaning of our dreams – and report the results.)
QUESTIONS ABOUT DONATIONS, HRA A.F., after reading in the back bulletins that there was a lack of time here at the Study to see all visitors and to answer all letters and phone calls – also a need for contributions to Cigbo’s box to buy stamps, paper. stencils. envelopes etc. wrote:
“I did not call on you much as I would have liked to do so. Apropos – why not TREAT yourself for plenty of time? I am not too well posted, but believe that it is taught that each time any of us says ‘I am too busy; I have no spare time!’ we give the lack more power. Why not try saying and thinking, ‘I have all the time there is in Eternity!?’
About your financial needs and those of … who… is appealing for funds… They claim that (here are mentioned two well known modern institutions, both of which are supported entirely by contributions from members or by the sale of lessons and other material or lectured teachings) DEMONSTRATED enough money for their needs and enough to expand with as you must know.”
Comment: This sixty-four [thousand] dollar question has been put to me by letter a number of times. I am reminded of the words of the town atheist of my youth. This gentleman loved to attend various churches so that he could later criticize the sermons. His favorite remark was to the effect that if the churches and ministers were doing God’s work, it seemed very odd that God made them pray so hard for the things they needed and forced the continual passing of the plate to get others to pay for His work. Looking back, I can recall no instance of money being furnished for church needs except from the purses of members. The sad fact stands out that when one “treats” for anything that cannot come (without a very amazing miracle of permanent materialization) except from the purse or by the services of others, one is forced inevitably to treat those others in the hope that they will be moved to help in what ways they can. One can, of course, treat to try for the finding of a gold mine right on the surface and rich enough to furnish a supply of nuggets without the need of time and much mining to clean up. I must confess that I have not treated for such a mine or a similar windfall. I have let my friends know our combined needs to carry on our mutual work and they have matched my time and dollars with theirs. It has hardly seemed necessary to make prayer-actions when, among us, we could handle matters for ourselves and even carry a good number who have been without present means. The matter of demonstrating time for all purposes boils down to much the same thing. To get more time I would have to have others help me answer letters at the Study and write, stencil, run, fold and otherwise get out the bulletins… again. I would have to treat my friends to get them to offer this help. On the other hand, I get letters from HRAs who are convinced that in order to get, we must give. They have tried tithing and have found that it works well enough for them to cause them to continue it in aiding the Huna work. They tell me that what one gets without returning in like degree is never of any permanent value to them. Perhaps I shall, eventually get around to treating for the time and money needed here at the Study. If I do, I think it will be only fair to begin by treating those who write in to make the suggestion. Seriously, it seems to stand to reason that it is best to do for ourselves the things we have been enabled to do. At least that is how most of us get on. When it comes to something which we cannot, by the very nature of things, do for ourselves, then it is reasonable to ask for the help of the Aumakuas. However, for those HRAs who may not agree with me, I extend an invitation to treat for TIME for me and for a gold mine or its equivalent for Cigbo. I may be overlooking a good bet.
STORIES SUDDENLY SELLING – one long one being syndicated, finances being rescued, “pay checks good enough to choke a starved horse,” and an instant and miraculous answer to a wild prayer for help when a blowout caused a 17-ton cement mixer truck to get out of control, are all reported by HRA F.P. Also some excellent healing results over a period of several months. “… The nAumakuas bring the harvest.”
The above title was given to the first of a series of four lectures delivered not long ago in England by Dr. Oscar Brunler. The other three lectures dealt with the radiations of (1) the earth, (2) the mind, and (3) the atom. The four were privately printed and are no longer available.
Dr. Brunler has very generously given permission to make use of the lectures and of his many findings. His help in advancing the understanding of the Huna lore promises to be of greatest value.
As our study is centered around Huna, his lectures, [which] will be given here in condensed form, will be accompanied by a running comment in ( ) to point up the significance of various statements in terms of our own studies and experimental efforts to recover Huna in workable form.
The lecture begins with the statement that many unorthodox ideas set forth by the lecturer over twenty years earlier, have now been generally accepted. In another hundred years he is certain that all of these ideas will be accepted.
“Psychology has thrown a great deal of light upon the mind of man and on human nature. Psychology, however, can give us only glimpses into a person’s mind. The radiation of the human brain enables us to penetrate deeper into the mystery of mysteries – the mind of man.”
(At this point it may be well to explain that Dr. Brunler is not speaking of the tiny electrical discharges from the active brain. These are well known now to orthodox scientists and are measured with the encephalograph. Accompanying all electromagnetic activity – as Dr. Brunler explains – is a corresponding dielectric activity, the latter being conducted over bridging materials which are non-conductors of electricity. Mana, Dr. Brunler says, is dielectric. Later we will see that it acts as do units of dielectric energy rather than as electricity.)
“We can analyze the seed of a plant and discover all the chemicals contained in it, but we cannot discover the latent potentiality in the seed. The radiation of the brain, however, reveals a man’s potentialities which can be brought to full power. How vast a difference is in the dormant power of an acorn seed compared with that of a carrot seed.
“Before I speak of the discoveries made in the course of many years, let me first deal with some of the aspects of radiation phenomena. We know that subterranean water currents send out rays which can be detected with the divining rod. We know that we are surrounded by fields of radiations emanating from our bodies and made visible to the naked eye by the help of the Kilner Screen. Where do these radiations come from? What is the cause of these radiations?
“… every organ of our body sends out rays and the frequency of vibration of these rays can be measured.” Dr. Brunler goes on to tell of his discoveries which explain how and why in regard to things under discussion. Burning sodium from salt sodium chloride, which is necessary to all life, produces in the blood electromagnetic waves or yellow light. The electromagnetic waves are accompanied by dielectric waves. Together they cause one form of radiation of our bodies. He explains, “A copper wire is a conductor of electromagnetic waves, whilst mica or cotton or silk act as non-conductors or insulators. Mica, cotton or silk, however, are conductors of dielectric waves, and water diviners use mostly materials for divining purposes which are non-conductors of electromagnetic waves. It is the dielectric radiation from the subterranean water current which is carried along the divining rod.” The ulnar nerve in the arms of the one holding the rod registers the dielectric current and causes the movement of the rod.
In the same way, a pendulum is caused to swing when held in the fingers. (The ulnar and other nerves, as well as the brain tissues, seem very sensitive to dielectric radiations but not to the electromagnetic. The reaction to dielectric radiations seems to be under the control of consciousness because one may dictate mentally whether the pendulum shall react for water, oil or other substances, or to the waves and their length, as in measuring radiations from organs of the body or from the brain.)
“The radiation of a person’s brain is retained on paper and canvas (in the signatures of letters and on paintings, even when very old) and is easily absorbed in salt…” (The salt seems to strengthen the radiations and give[s] a swing of more power when a sprinkling of it is placed over a signature to be tested.)
In the Huna system, as far back as the time when the language of the kahunas – later known in Polynesian dialects, and leaving traces in Egypt – was being developed to fit their findings in this field, it is apparent that there was a very definite knowledge of radiations of the dielectric kind. The root word ka as used in ka`a and aka, means “to radiate out,” as rays from the sun, and “to touch.” The root word a means “to burn,” as fire. Fire or a flame has been the symbol of light in many lands and ages. Light seems to have been recognized as a most important form of radiation. Water was the symbol of mana or vital force of at least three wave lengths. Water – wai – flows, and so does mana, as an electric current. But the mystery of man’s radiating power when working through the aka substance seems only to be explained in terms of the dielectric which accompanies all electromagnetic currents or discharges. Oddly enough, the root word ma, in mana, means “to accompany,” while the second root word na means “to quiet.”) Dr. Brunler writes, “Every electromagnetic wave, such as a ray of red or blue or yellow light, has a second wave coupled to it, and this second wave is of a dielectric nature.”
It is supposed that the two forms of waves always go together, one accompanying the other, one being ma and the other na.
(Very sensitive machines pick up faint electromagnetic radiations) as in measuring the electric discharge waves in the brain when it is active. The pendulum, however, seems to be vastly more sensitive when the dielectric is registered. The shadowy body or aka, in Huna, has the peculiarity of sticking to things touched by any part of it, as when a signature is put down, an object is touched, or a telepathic contact along an aka thread is established. Thoughts seem to be impressed on the aka substance and to be stored in the aka body as memories, also to be sent in clusters as telepathic messages – or to have the radiations from such clusters follow the aka thread and set up corresponding radiations in the person receiving the message. From the fact that distances make very little difference in sending telepathic messages, we may guess that the aka thread is almost a perfect conductor of both the dielectric and electromagnetic radiations. Or there may be a mechanism still to be identified.)
(The Huna theory of the aka body, which indicates that it is the substance from which thought-forms are created by an action of consciousness which uses mana in the work) is given excellent confirmation by Dr. Brunler’s findings, as is the peculiar theory that part of the aka, once it touches a thing, sticks to it. This part retains something in its mass which may be thought-forms or something else which will continue to radiate dielectrically for a long time. In this way, Huna offers its own explanation of the fact that a signature on an old letter or painting may be tested with the pendulum to get the brain radiation which once came from the writer or painter. Psychometry in all forms is also thus explained. Nothing is found that does not send out constantly a characteristic wave pattern in radiations. It is thus concluded that artificial things, such as a signature, are given their character by their makers. Huna seems to show that all memory is stored in the aka body, not in the brain. The dead remember. They live in an aka body which they had in life on this side, and in which all memories were stored so that they could be taken along. They continue to think without the physical brain. One concludes that thinking is a thing done in the aka body which duplicates in invisible form the brain. This makes the following from the lecture even more significant to our Huna studies.)
“We do not think with the grey matter in our head, but it is the Pia Mater (outer layer of the brain) which receives or sends our thought waves, and the grey matter reacts to the vibrations which are transmitted to it from the Pia Mater.” (Note that he says “receives” and not that we think with the outer layer.)
“The grey matter may be compared with the Solar Plexus, which receives and transmits the messages from our conscious mind to the different parts of our body. In a similar way, the grey matter is receiver and transmitter of thought waves from the Pia Mater, and translates these waves into our conscious mind, giving them a meaning within the range of our understanding.
“Our understanding is translated into symbols, and to these symbols we give words. We do not think in words, but we think in symbols, and with the speed of light we give a certain symbol (in Huna the symbol is thought to be a cluster of impressions on aka substance), a word and a meaning which can be understood by others who speak the same language.
“Now let me deal further with the radiation of the brain. Apart from being able to measure the wave-length of the rays radiating from our brain, we get certain reactions on the Biometer. (The Biometer is an instrument used to measure radiations with the pendulum as the central part of the mechanism.)
“In the case of all creative, i.e., constructively thinking, persons, we find that the reaction of the pendulum over the instrument is clockwise. In other words, the pendulum rotates clockwise. In the case of criminals or destructively thinking people we get an anti-clockwise reaction or rotation over the Biometer plate. (The pendulum is held suspended over a square metal plate which is connected to the signature or part of the body or head being tested. The connection is made by a silk cord.)
“In case of individuals who are entirely governed by will we find that the pendulum moves in a straight line up and down (to and from the body of the operator who stands before the plate to swing the pendulum). The majority of the world, I venture to say in 90% [of the] human beings, the reaction which we obtain is of an oscillating type. The pendulum moves at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the left (of a vertical line on the plate) and then swings over to 45 degrees on the right, forming a V shape. Those who give such a reaction lack Will.” They are the masses which can be influenced by a stronger will than their own, and any form of propaganda will sway them one way or another.
“After having measured well over ten thousand brain radiations, one discovers that mankind can be compared with a pyramid. The broad base of the pyramid represents the average man with a brain radiation of about 225 to 230 degrees Biometric. As we ascend towards the apex of the pyramid, the cross-sectional area becomes smaller and smaller and, in a similar way, fewer and fewer individuals with high and higher radiations can be found until, in the end, only one personality surpasses the understanding of all the others below him.
“I should like to point out that the measurement of the radiation of the brain gives us a man’s mental potentialities, whether [or not] he makes full use of them. Whether he neglects to develop, use and exploit his full mental powers, is a matter which depends on his will, his perseverance and his determination and faculty to observe and to co-ordinate observations and knowledge.
We can classify mankind into groups according to the reactions which we register – the clockwise type of mind with constructive and creative ideas, the anti-clockwise type, and so forth. (In addition to this form of classification) …the actual wave-length of the radiation of the brain gives us a very clear classification of a man’s mind. (In Huna, the mind of the Aunihipili or subconscious is considered to be individual and not a part of the mind of the Auhane or conscious mind self) although the two work so smoothly together that they give the impression of being a single unit. Perhaps the two reactions of the pendulum point to two entities and their separate characteristics. Dr. Brunler’s opinion has still to be learned as to this.) By a study of the mentality of many people whose brain readings have been taken, Dr. Brunler has been able to learn that there are common potentialities in men with similar readings. The wave-length of light is the standard of measurement and the readings on the biometric scale run from 1 to 1000. (The rough reproduction below of the chart drawn up by Dr. Brunler will indicate some of the levels of mind, also the fact that the higher the reading, the fewer there are to be found.)
[Editor: This drawing provides much knowledge of the Created World and how it exists and works in its function of producing the Aumakuas. Think of all the levels of Graduation beings go through. Think of humans as being in a high school. Every class is approximately the same size and for the most part, everyone grows at approximately the same speed of evolution. So how can there be a variance in all the levels of Biometric Degrees? There can’t be … unless. Unless some people are graduating sooner than others of the same level of intelligence (Biometric Degree Levels). What could it mean? Graduation is not only dependent on Biometric Degree level, but on the development of “character” or heart. And so the Hemolele practices came about, and were tested. The swiftest advancement is made by “Warriors,” people who have had “interesting” lives and never given up. People who go forward into their challenges, not running away from them, from the pain, confusion, and fear, [who] make the most mistakes, pay for them, regret them, then go on to even greater mistakes.]
[The Hemolele is the practice of the development of the Six Sacred Virtues needed to Graduate. It all starts with Koa (Courage), then the four pillars of Malama (Nurturance), Lokahi (Harmony, Unity), Pono (Righteousness) and Aloha (Compassion), and the final virtue to cap them all off, Ho`okipa (Hospitality). The daily practice of the Hemolele earned Ki`i Kukui — made into a lei. The Hemolele is done once each day until death, then if all goes right, the person “Graduates” into a new Aumakua, once in Lokahi with his/her Beloved.)]
Dr. Brunler explains that while the persons having the highest readings have the greatest mental power and scope of understanding, all who have a clockwise swing are useful and good on their own level of mental ability. He tested many signatures on paintings and found that Leonardo da Vinci had the highest reading yet come across, 725 degrees. Dr. Brunler’s own reading is over 700, so we may expect him to show genius in inventions, discoveries and philosophical conclusions. Other readings given were: Titian 660, Rembrandt 638. Chopin 550 Liszt 538, Hayden 535, Emerson 500, Charles Dickens 540, Kipling 527, Napoleon 598, Edison 470, and Mme. Curie 492.
“It seems that in the great creative plan, mankind ascends from the plane of life by slow winding, upward paths to greater knowledge, greater understanding. And so we can compare the world of men with the great pyramid whose wide and immense base represents the ordinary man, the millions of unknown. As we ascend toward the apex of the pyramid, fewer and fewer men can be found there. Only those whose brain radiation is far above the average are able to guide mankind wisely.” (In the next bulletin more will be given concerning Dr. Brunler’s findings.) MFL
Much of Huna has been preserved! We have continued the TMHG continuously since Kahuna Max’s death, and the Lores and their practitioners and legacies can still be found.
Check out our Website. We offer some online courses, for example, in the Kalo (Tarot) Cards and our Kahunas are available to those in need.
Kahuna Keonaona
Pieces of Huna are lost, but if you look, or actually don’t look – you’ll realize that they are not there, and you have to be completely alright with that… Tetrahedron is the clue to the glue that puts it all together.