Huna Vistas Bulletin #79

September-October, 1967 The Essene Heritage and Kahunas of Today   GOOD NEWS has come from Dr. Martin A. Larson, HRA, whose new book, THE ESSENE HERITAGE, was announced in brief in the last issue of the H.V. He writes “Thank you for the fine write up which you gave the…


Huna Vistas Bulletin #78

July-August, 1967 Is Science Catching Up With Huna?   IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE that I am able to announce that at very long suffering last, the HRAs are to have a proper heading for their bulletin! Thanks to the great kindness of the artist husband of new HRA N.…


Huna Vistas Bulletin #77

May-June, 1967 Man: Prehistoric and Current   ONE OF THE MOST FASCINATING THINGS in our research work with Huna has been the discovery of the ancient lore of the union of the male and female Auhanes to “graduate” and join to become a new Aumakua. You will recall, if you…


Teaching Huna to the Children

Preface to “How Everything Was Made” Dr. E. Otha Wingo In his seventy-sixth year, Max Freedom Long wrote a series of stories for children based on Huna. He called them How Everything Was Made. His unique gift of wit and imagination were brought into full play, as he described stories…


Huna Vistas Bulletin #76

February-March, 1967 Teaching Huna to the Children   UNFINISHED BUSINESS The proposed study project aimed at uncovering the Huna elements hidden in the Kaballa, and perhaps the Tarot Cards as from a similar source, has proven less than a paying deal. The literature of the Kaballa is so great and…


Huna Vistas Bulletin #75

December-January, 1966-67 Psychic Healing ~ Working With the TMHG   THE WAR ON THE PSYCHIC SURGEONS was officially opened with all guns blazing in November. Joe Pyne, a television interview man, put on the big “TAIN”T SO!!” show. He told how he had recruited an Australian medical doctor and surgeon…


Huna Vistas Bulletin #74

October-November, 1966 The Ha Rite, Tarot, Psychic Healing & Seances   IMPORTANT WORK WITH THE HA RITE is being done by various HRAs and the reports are such that I urge all of you who can to run some tests. You will recall that the HA Rite is one upon…


Huna Vistas Bulletin #73

August-September, 1966 Future Predictions & Letters: Huna Works!   REMEMBERING: Louise, loved and greatly missed wife of Max Freedom Long. October 15, 1886 – July 14th, 1966. After an illness of several months: anemia and cancer of the lungs. Added to the burden was partial blindness from cataracts, all sight…


Huna Vistas Bulletin #72

June-July, 1966 Huna Research   A NEW HRA MAY HAVE MADE A GREAT DISCOVERY. Dr. Bild, HRA, who lives in Austria, ran into Huna recently through the published German translation of my first book, SSBM. He got in touch with me and soon had the new book, THE HUNA CODE…


Huna Vistas Bulletin #71

April-May, 1966 Our Goal is UNION   I BELIEVE THAT WE HAVE PASSED A MILESTONE of inestimable importance and are now in a position to lay before the world as an exoteric FACT, what has for endless centuries been known in inner circles as a secret so sacred and wonderful…
